125.00 for one day a week per session

Stephen Poorman—Director of Tennis
(817) 421-5605
Email: info@southlaketennis.com
STC offers an Elite Level for players who are interested in a more competitive program. Entrance to
the Elite level is by coach invitation only. The program includes instruction, group lessons, match
practice and either Junior Team Tennis or Travel Team. Players come once or twice a week to
class, come on Friday afternoons for extended match practice and play on a Junior Team Tennis team
or compete in local tournaments with the STA Travel Team.
Elite Class Schedule
M W 4:30 – 6:00 p.m
$200.00 for 2 days a week per session
$125.00 for one day a week per session
Orange/Green Elite (9-11 yrs. old)
T TH 4:30 – 6:00 p.m.
$200.00 for 2 days a week per session
$135.00 for one day a week per session
Green/Yellow Elite (12+ yrs. old)
T TH 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
$200.00 for 2 days a week per session
$135.00 for one day a week per session
Red Elite
(7-8 yrs. old)
Match Day Practice
Practices are every Friday afternoon and are included at no extra charge. Red Elite practice is from
4:30 to 5:30 pm, Orange/Green practice is from 4:30-6:00 pm and Green-Yellow practice is from 5:307:00 pm.
Team Tennis and Travel Team
JTT matches will be played on Sunday afternoons. The times will vary based on the level and will take
place 2-3 times per month through November. Travel Team participants will be able to choose from
either Mid-Cities tournaments or local ZATs each month for Travel Team. Travel Team will provide a
coach led warm-up, match observation and post-match written analysis. Coaches will travel to specific
tournaments as designated on the current Travel Team Schedule. Players who are on a JTT team can
also do Travel Team for an additional $35.00 per tournament.
We strongly encourage players who are in the Elite program to take private lessons with one of our
coaches to receive more intense technical instruction. Players can sign up for a series of 9 lessons and
receive the 10th lesson for free by pre-paying for the series.
Automatic Enrollment
Players are enrolled in the Junior Development Program for the entire semester. Instead of paying up
front, players set up an account with STC and are billed monthly. Players may withdraw from the
program at any time, but must inform STC in writing prior to the 25 th of the previous month.
Information and Sign Up Instructions
1. Select your classes and complete the registration form. Please register early, as there are a maximum
number of students who can be accommodated in each class. Classes must be paid in full at the time
of registration. STC accepts cash/checks, VISA/MC. Siblings who sign up in the same session are
entitled to a 10% discount for every child after the first one. Oldest child pays full price.
2. Because the classes are staffed to the number of students we cannot accommodate requests for
make-ups. There are no makeup days for missed classes. Classes cancelled due to inclement weather
can be made up in the current or next session only and require instructor approval. There are no refunds
for weather. There are no adjustments for arriving late or leaving early from classes. Refunds for
classes are made for medical reasons only and must be approved by the Director of Tennis.
Name of Student: ________________________________________________________________________________
Parent(s) Name:_________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________ City:__________________________ Zip: _____________
Home Phone: ______________________________ Emergency Phone: ____________________________________
Birthdate: ____/____/____ Age: ______ Grade: _______ Email: ________________________________________
(Tennis Center use only)
USTA Membership is required to participate in Junior Team Tennis and tournaments. If you are not currently a
member, please contact www.usta.com for more information. First time 10U players are free for the first year.
USTA Number:___________________________________ Exp Date: ______/______/______
Please Circle Days Attending:
Please Circle Amount Owed:
M W 4:30 – 6:00 p.m
$200.00 for 2 days a week per session
$125.00 for one day a week per session
Orange/Green Elite (9-11 yrs. old)
T TH 4:30 – 6:00 p.m.
$200.00 for 2 days a week per session
$135.00 for one day a week per session
Green/Yellow Elite (12+ yrs. old)
T TH 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
$200.00 for 2 days a week per session
$135.00 for one day a week per session
Red Elite
(7-8 yrs. old)
Fall Semester Sessions:
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
Sept 2-Sept 28
Sept 30-Oct. 26
Oct. 28-Nov. 22 (No classes from 11/25 to 11/30)
Dec 2-Dec 14 and Jan 13-Jan 25 (No classes from 12/15-1/13)
I have signed the participation waiver and auto pay forms for the 2013-2014 school year.
Parent Signature: _______________________________________________________ Date: ______________