Wilber Rolando Rivas Subject: Geometry Pre-AP Del Rio High School/SFDR CISD Grade Level: 10th th th Timeframe: 5 and 6 Six weeks April-May Total # of Instructional Days: 5 Student Pre- and Post-Test 1. When using the internet, do you know someone may be watching you? Yes. 2. Do you know what language(s) computers understand? Sample answers: machine language, C, C++, Java… 3. What are binary numbers? Combinations of “0” and “1” 4. Are computers smarter than you? 5. Answer: B No. Wilber Rolando Rivas Subject: Geometry Pre-AP Del Rio High School/SFDR CISD Grade Level: 10th th th Timeframe: 5 and 6 Six weeks April-May Total # of Instructional Days: 5 6. Is mathematics involved in programming? Yes, cryptology and functions are examples. 7. In programming, what is a function? A function is a subprogram that takes an input and gives an output depending on the algorithm. Wilber Rolando Rivas Subject: Geometry Pre-AP Del Rio High School/SFDR CISD Grade Level: 10th th th Timeframe: 5 and 6 Six weeks April-May Total # of Instructional Days: 5