1 1 Supporting Information for: 2 Habitat preference facilitates successful early breeding in an open-cup nesting songbird 3 Ryan R. Germain, Richard Schuster, Kira E. Delmore, and Peter Arcese 4 5 6 Appendix S1: Long-term patterns of early season grid cell preference To evaluate whether female song sparrows selected grid cells non-randomly during the 7 early breeding season, we used Pearson’s chi-square to compare the distribution of observed cell 8 occupancy versus expected values of random cell occupancy from a Poisson distribution 9 following Germain & Arcese (2014). For the 632 cells included in the analysis (see Methods), 10 the mean frequency of overlap was 6.80 ± 5.04 (SD) nesting attempts per grid cell. We pooled 11 the frequency of overlap (cell overlapped by at least one 100m2 buffer) between early season 12 nesting attempts and a given grid cell into 13 categories (<2, 3, 4,..., 12, 13, >14) with expected 13 frequencies greater than 5 to meet the assumptions of the χ2 statistic. We determined that grid 14 cells were selected non-randomly during the early season (χ212 = 1921.72, p < 0.0001), with 15 certain cells occupied more frequently than expected and many cells occupied only 1-3 times 16 over the long-term study (Fig. S1). 2 17 18 19 Fig. S1. Observed versus expected (given Poisson distribution) pattern of occupation by nesting 20 song sparrows in 632 grid cells over 38 years. 21 22 23 Appendix S2: Measuring incubation behaviour Selection of monitored nests was based on the availability of un-deployed temperature 24 loggers and the stage of incubation when the nest was discovered, with higher priority given to 25 nests found earlier in the incubation period. In each instance, we inserted the temperature probe 26 into the lining of the nesting cup when the female left the nest to forage, and allowed 30 minutes 27 to pass before beginning to record temperature to account for any disturbance effects on female 28 behaviour. Once loggers were removed from the nest, we used Rhythm 1.0 (Cooper & Mills 29 2005) to identify transitions between incubation on/off bouts based on changes in nest 3 30 temperature (off bouts determined by decrease in temp by 1.0˚C in 5 min). We then visually 31 inspected transition selections using Raven Pro 1.4 (Bioacoustics Research Program 2011) to 32 ensure consistent selection criteria in delineating transitions between incubation on/off bouts. 33 For each measure of incubation behaviour (constancy and average off-bout duration) we 34 limited our observation period to between 2-11 days before hatching (average Mandarte song 35 sparrow incubation period = 13 days). Because of this nine day span in measured incubation 36 behaviour, we extracted studentized residuals from a linear regression between the behaviour 37 (cubed-root transformation) and number of days before hatch to remove variation in incubation 38 behaviour due to stage of embryo development (Deeming 2006): constancy- (R2 = 0.07, F1, 67 = 39 5.10, p = 0.03); average off duration- (R2 = 0.08, F1, 67 = 5.94, p = 0.02). We found no significant 40 relationships between incubation behaviour and either Julian date or clutch size (80% of nests 41 monitored contained 4 eggs), and thus excluded both from further analyses. 42 43 44 Appendix S3: Assignment of time periods to account for sun location throughout the day To determine appropriate cut-off points in our separation of cell-specific micro-climate 45 by time of day, we plotted all measures of air temperature (°C) during the early breeding season 46 (March 9-April 21, 2011-2013) versus ‘decimal time’ (time of day expressed as a value between 47 0 [00:01] and 1 [23:59]). Next, we fit a cubic spline with Gaussian error structure through the 48 data with a smoothing parameter (λ) that minimized the generalized cross-validation (GVC) 49 score, indicating optimal separation of a smooth function from white noise (Fig. S2). We then 50 visually inspected the output and classified four distinct time periods which represented the 4 51 general state of temperature throughout the day (i.e., increasing, peak, decreasing, stable) 52 independent of wind-speed. These time periods (represented by decimal time with Pacific 53 Daylight Time in square brackets) consisted of: Morning (0.31 – 0.46 [7:30 – 11:00]), Mid-Day 54 (0.48 – 0.63 [11:30 – 15:00]), Evening (0.65 – 0.83 [15:30 – 20:00]), and Overnight (0.85 – 0.0 55 [20:30 – 24:00] + 0.0-0.29 [0:00 – 7:00]). 56 57 Fig. S2. Cubic regression spline based on ‘best smoother’ (λ = 0.000026, R2 = 0.49, n = 22857) 58 of relative temperature versus time of day expressed as a value between 0-1 (00:00-23:59). 59 Vertical black lines represent cut-off points delineating the four time periods of overnight (a), 60 morning (b), mid-day (c), and evening (d). 61 62 Appendix S4: Modelling relative micro-climate of grid cells 5 63 Detailed measures of the slope and aspect of the entire surface of Mandarte Island were 64 retrieved via remote sensing, using aerial flyovers of Mandarte and surrounding islands and 65 Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) sensor technology following (Jones, Coops & Sharma 66 2010; Jones et al. 2013). LiDAR sensors produce pulses of near-infrared light which can 67 penetrate vegetation canopies and retrieve information on ground surface elevation and 68 orientation (Wehr & Lohr 1999). For each grid cell, detailed measures of vegetation 69 characteristics previously found to be significant positive predictors of site preference (total 70 shrub cover [m2], linear distance of shrub/grass interface [‘edge’, m], and soil depth [mm], 71 Germain & Arcese 2014) were calculated by averaging two island-wide vegetation surveys 72 conducted in 1986 and 2006. Although shrub species composition of individual grid cells has 73 changed over time, the percent change in total island-wide shrub cover is estimated to be only 74 7% between these two vegetation surveys (Crombie, Germain, Arcese, unpublished data). Daily 75 summaries of local weather (average temperature [°C] and total precipitation [mm]) were 76 obtained from the National Climate Archive of Environment Canada 77 (http://climate.weather.gc.ca) for the Victoria International Airport station (48°38'50.010" N, 78 123°25'33.000" W). Daily average temperature and total precipitation were highly positively 79 correlated (r > 0.7), thus only precipitation was included in our predictive models of cell-specific 80 micro-climate. 81 We incorporated year, location of the weather meter (Lat, Long) and relative vegetation 82 cover (0-5, see Methods) surrounding the weather meter as random effects in our analysis. We 83 further accounted for temporal autocorrelation by using a first order autocovariate, which 84 estimated the dependence between observations at time t and t-1. We generated separate models 85 for measured wind-chill temperature (°C) for each of our four time periods (see Appendix S3), 6 86 using all possible combinations of fixed effects (decimal time, Julian date, total daily 87 precipitation, slope, aspect, total shrub cover, edge, and soil depth) following an information 88 theoretic approach and averaging all models within ΔAICc of 7 from the top model (Table S1). 89 We chose ΔAICc ≤ 7 here (as opposed to ΔAICc ≤ 2 as used for models of reproduction and 90 incubation behaviour) to ensure that estimates of the relative influences on wind-chill 91 temperature were as conservative and inclusive as possible. We then used the averaged models to 92 generate a surface of relative differences in cell-specific micro-climate (‘relative micro-climate’) 93 across the island to be used in further analyses, and found no spatial autocorrelation in this 94 metric beyond 20m (i.e., roughly the diameter of two adjacent cells; Moran’s I < 0.2 for 95 increments over 20m) for any of the four time periods. 7 96 Table S1. Final averaged models for cell-specific wind-chill temperature (°C) across four time periods on Mandarte Island. 97 Significant predictors (where SEs do not overlap zero) are depicted in bold. Total models ran for each time period = 256, s = number 98 of top models in ΔAICc ≤ 7 subset, n = number of observations in each time period. Blank cells occur where a predictor was not 99 present in ΔAICc ≤ 7 subset. 100 Time period Intercept Overnight s =4, n = 15976 Aspect Decimal Time Date Edge (m) -3.17 (1.01) 0.44 (0.03) 0.08 (0.008) -0.001 (0.001) Morning s = 4, n = 5554 -12.00 (1.97) 39.37 (4.18) 0.06 (0.02) -0.0007 (0.001) -0.01 (0.01) -0.02 (0.005) Mid-Day s = 6, n = 5776 13.28 (1.48) 3.27 (0.75) 0.001 (0.002) -0.0008 (0.002) -0.29 (0.02) -0.03 (0.008) Evening s = 6, n = 7459 30.96 (2.41) -36.18 (2.09) 0.06 (0.01) -0.0004 (0.001) -0.18 (0.02) -0.003 (0.003) 0.0004 (0.0003) Daily Precip. (mm) Shrub Cover (m2) Slope Soil Depth (mm) 0.001 (0.001) -0.0004 (0.001) -0.001 (0.002) -0.0001 (0.001) -0.001 (0.001) 8 101 The predicted micro-climate of each grid cell was highly correlated with the vegetation 102 characteristics of the cell, indicating that areas of the island with greater vegetation structure 103 (total shrub cover, deeper soil) were relatively cooler overall (Figs. S3, S4). Linear distance of 104 edge exhibited a quadratic relationship with micro-climate, as cells with minimal/no edge could 105 represent either tall grass meadow or areas completely immersed in vegetative cover. 106 107 Fig. S3. Predicted relative micro-climate (shown as °C) for 632 cells versus total shrub cover 108 (shown as percentage of cell under shrub cover), linear distance of edge (m) and soil depth (mm) 109 of the cell, averaged across two vegetation surveys conducted in 1986 and 2006. 9 110 111 112 Fig. S4. Predicted relative micro-climate (shown as °C) for 632 cells across Mandarte Island. Areas of increased shrub cover (central 113 line of the island) are relatively cooler overall throughout the Morning, Mid-Day, and Evening periods. Grid cells are nearly uniformly 114 cool during the Overnight period (note small scale bar). 10 115 116 Appendix S5: Shrub selection criteria for assessments of food availability We sampled bud phenology and food availability on the two most abundant deciduous 117 shrub species present on Mandarte Island (Snowberry [Symphoricarpos albus] and Nootka rose 118 [Rosa nutkana]). The selection of individual shrubs from which food/phenology measures were 119 taken was independent of the system of grid cells, and based solely on the distribution of 120 snowberry and rose in the local area following a 2006 vegetation survey of the island using 121 400m2 plots (Germain & Arcese 2014). Individual shrubs were selected using a stratified random 122 sampling design, where four pairs of locations where chosen for each species from a map of the 123 local area depicting the extent of total shrub cover (but not shrub species/height, etc), and the 124 four sampling locations were determined via coin flip from the original eight selected. Once at 125 one of the four sampling locations, two shrubs from each species were selected and the sample 126 shrub was again determined via coin flip, and the locations of the sampled shrubs were mapped. 127 Over 95% of surveys were conducted by RRG, with supplemental sampling conducted under the 128 supervision of RRG. 129 To estimate differences in plant phenology and insect abundance across grid cells, we 130 quantified cell-level deviation from the island-wide mean for each measure (studentized 131 residuals), following a series of mixed effects models with shrub species as a random effect and 132 Julian date as a fixed effect, weighted by the number of shrubs sampled in each cell. 133 References 134 135 Bioacoustics Research Program. (2011) Raven Pro: Interactive Sound Analysis Software (Version 1.4). The Cornell Lab of Ornithology. URL: http://www.birds.cornell.edu/raven. 136 137 Cooper, C.B. & Mills, H. (2005) New software for quantifying incubation behavior from timeseries recordings. Journal of Field Ornithology, 76, 352–356. 11 138 139 140 Deeming, D.C. (2006) Behviour patterns during incubation. Avian Incubation: Behaviour, Environment, and Evolution (ed D.C. Deeming), pp. 63–87. Oxford University Press, Oxford. 141 142 Germain, R.R. & Arcese, P. (2014) Distinguishing individual quality from habitat preference and quality in a territorial passerine. Ecology, 95, 436–445. 143 144 145 Jones, T.G., Arcese, P., Sharma, T. & Coops, N.C. (2013) Describing avifaunal richness with functional and structural bioindicators derived from advanced airborne remotely sensed data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34, 2689–2713. 146 147 148 Jones, T.G., Coops, N.C. & Sharma, T. (2010) Assessing the utility of airborne hyperspectral and LiDAR data for species distribution mapping in the coastal Pacific Northwest, Canada. Remote Sensing of Environment, 114, 2841–2852. 149 150 Wehr, A. & Lohr, U. (1999) Airborne laser scanning—an introduction and overview. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 54, 68–82.