Introductions were made and the role of each ARC member was established. See section VII of the Conference
Summary Report for each ARC member’s name, signature, and role.
OR (Delete paragraph not used)
Introductions were made and the role of each ARC member was established. See section VII of the Conference
Summary Report for each ARC member’s name, signature, and role.
Click here to enter text.
was invited to today’s meeting, but was not able to attend. Parent/Guardian gave permission for the meeting to be held in his/her absence. Click here to enter text.
provided the ARC with written input. The information was shared with the
The Determination of Student Representative form was completed.
OR (Delete paragraph not used)
The Determination of Student Representative form was completed during ***’s previous ARC meeting this school year.
OR (Delete paragraph not used)
Parent/Guardian was not in attendance. The Determination of Student Representative Form was completed. A written copy of procedural safeguards will be provided to parent along with due process information.
Written notice was sent on Click here to enter a date.
for the meeting scheduled on Click here to enter a date.
. The purpose of today’s meeting is to Click here to enter text.
. Helpful Hint—Delete after reviewed: Options - discuss a referral for an individual evaluation, discuss results of an individual evaluation and develop an IEP if eligible, develop/review/revise ***’s IEP and make placement decisions, discuss post-secondary transition needs/services, and/or determine re-evaluation needs.
Parents were provided with a written explanation of their procedural safeguards with a verbal explanation of those rights given by Click here to enter text.
. Parents had no questions regarding their rights at this time.
Click here to enter text.
, ECE Teacher, indicated
Click here to enter text.
, General Education Teacher, stated
Click here to enter text.
, Parent/Guardian, reported
***, Student, indicated
Add any other ARC members, including Communicare, related service providers, etc.
RTI/REFERRAL: (Delete if not relevant; Contact school psych to assist with the completion of this section)
Click here to enter text.
was referred for a possible evaluation due to concerns in the area(s) of………
Helpful Hint—Delete after reviewed: Be sure to check each box under Section I. of the Conference Summary form/editor making sure it is aligned to the areas of concern as outlined on the Referral; may include screenings, interventions, behavioral data, etc.
The ARC discussed the Referral for Evaluation form. The demographic information on the referral was reviewed for accuracy, and it is noted that Click here to enter text.
’s native language is English. School records indicate……. ( benchmark testing , grades and attendance patterns )
Helpful Hint—Delete after reviewed: Discuss RtI; the appropriate, research-based intervention and instruction related to the area of identified concern(s); intervention used at each tier; length of time of intervention at each tier level; data collected assessing progress in the specific identified concern.
The ARC members concluded that the results from the documented tiered interventions substantiate that sufficient progress has not been made. Based on the review and analysis of the referral information, the ARC agreed the to a comprehensive evaluation for the suspected disability Click here to enter text.
The KY Consent to
Evaluate/Re-evaluate form was completed and consent for testing to take place was granted. Helpful Hint—
Delete after reviewed: (Since the parents were not present at this ARC, all documents including the consent for evaluation will be sent to them asking for them to sign and return the consent to school. The evaluation will not be initiated until the consent is obtained.)
ECE STUDENT TRANSFER INFORMATION: Helpful Hint—Delete after reviewed: (Delete if not relevant; Contact school psych to assist with determination of eligibility for out of state transfer students)
*** enrolled in the Marion County School District on Click here to enter a date.
. Click here to enter text.
has been receiving services in the area Click here to enter text.
The current eligibility form was received and dated
Click here to enter text.
The evaluation was reviewed. The ARC determined that …..(current information is sufficient to continue providing services until the triennial re-evaluation due by Click here to enter a date.
(Delete paragraph not used) current information is not sufficient and an evaluation will need to be conducted to determine if Click here to enter text.
is eligible for ECE services under Kentucky guidelines)
RE-EVALUATION NEEDS: (Delete if not relevant; Contact school psych to complete this section)
***’s triennial re-evaluation is due by Click here to enter a date.
. The KY Consent to Evaluate/Re-evaluate form was reviewed and consent for testing to take place was granted by the parent/guardian. Helpful Hint—Delete after reviewed: (Since the parents were not present at this ARC, all documents including the consent for evaluation will be sent to them asking for them to sign and return the consent to school.)
EVALUATION RESULTS: (Delete if not relevant; Contact school psych/OT/PT/SLP to complete this section)
Mr./Ms. ***, Evaluator/School Psychologist, discussed evaluation results with the ARC.
Ms. ****, Speech/Language Pathologist, discussed evaluation results with the ARC.
Ms. ****, Occupational Therapist, discussed evaluation results with the ARC.
Ms. ****, Physical Therapist, discussed evaluation results with the ARC.
DETERMINATION OF ELIGIBILITY: (Delete if not relevant; Contact school psych/SLP to complete this section)
Members of the committee considered all available data in determining whether or not *** would require
Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) to progress appropriately. The ARC determined/was unable to determine that ****’s progress was impeded to the extent that his/her educational performance is significantly and consistently below his/her similarly aged peers. The ARC then reviewed the Kentucky Administrative
Regulations (KARs) for eligibility in determining if he/she qualifies for Exceptional Child Education (ECE) services. The ARC agreed that *** meets eligibility in the area of Choose an item.
. The Eligibility
Determination form was completed. OR (Delete paragraph not used) The ARC agreed that *** does not meet eligibility in the area of Choose an item.
. The Eligibility Determination form was completed.
A draft IEP was presented for discussion by the ARC. ***’s Present Levels of Performance were established.
***’s IEP was developed/reviewed/revised with annual goals/benchmarks in
Click here to enter text.
Basic Reading, Reading Fluency, Reading Comprehension, Math Calculation, Math Reasoning, Written
Expression, Adaptive Behavior, Social/Emotional, Communication, Motor, or Vocational. ***’s progress for each goal of this IEP will be reported at least as often as the school reports the performance of all students. The
Accommodation Determination form was completed to determine which state and classroom testing accommodations are needed for *** to be successful. This form is attached to the student’s IEP.
Alternate Assessment: (delete if not necessary) Consideration and eligibility for an Alternative Diploma was discussed. The ARC agreed that *** is eligible for Alternate Assessment, as current data indicates his/her cognitive, academic, and adaptive behavior functioning inhibits his/her ability to complete the requirements of the general curriculum with typical accommodations allowed for the general state assessment. The ARC completed the Alternative Assessment Determination form and the parent was given a copy of the Parent Guide.
Least Restrictive Environment (LRE): The ARC determined that *** can best be served in the Click here to enter text.
. Furthermore, *** will receive Click here to enter text.
as a related service. Helpful Hint—Delete after reviewed: OPTIONS: Speech/Language Therapy, Transportation, Counseling, Occupational Therapy, or
Physical Therapy.
Extended School Year (ESY) services were discussed and *** Choose an item.
Potential Harmful Effects
The KY Consent for Services form was signed (delete if not necessary)
MEDICAID FORM: *** does/does not have a Medical Card. The Medicaid form was completed. OR (Delete paragraph not used) The Medicaid form was completed during ***’s previous ARC meeting this school year.
Conference summary notes were reviewed and read aloud. The ARC meeting was adjourned. Original documents will be housed in the student’s due process binder and a copy of all paperwork was provided to parent/guardian.