Alliance College-Ready Public Schools Minutes of a Special Quarterly In-Person Conference Meeting of the Board of Directors of Alliance Renee and Meyer Luskin Academy High School Friday, May 16, 2014 The quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors of Alliance Renee and Meyer Luskin Academy High School (the “corporation”), a California nonprofit corporation, was held at Alliance Environmental Science & Technology High School on Friday, May 16, 2014. Attendance for school board directors and guests present and absent was as follows: – Alliance members of each individual school board: Dale Okuno, Darline Robles, and Board President Judy Burton – Alliance Renee and Meyer Luskin Academy High School: – Present: R. Medrano-principal, Guadalupe De La O-teacher, Celida Payan-parent, and Roger Huff-Community Liaison – Absent: Alfredo Fieros-teacher and Shamara Charles-parent – The following Alliance Staff members were present: Robert Pambello-Vice President of Schools, Ena LaVan-Vice President of Schools, Steve Krutz-Director of Finance, Dr. David Medina-Director of Research and Analysis, and Mary Louise Silva-Director of Parent and Community Engagement Board President, Judy Burton, called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. The role was called and all present were welcomed. The minutes from the March 20, 2014 meeting were approved as read. Dr. David Medina, Director of Research and Analysis provided an overview regarding how students are performing on literacy based on the latest Achieve3000 assessment. He stressed student lexile levels (reading ability) will most likely increase since the school year is not over. According to the Achieve3000 interim assessment, 9th, 10th and 11th grade English Language Learners are doing as well as general education English Language Learners students are receiving more target interventions as a result of being placed in a separate Advisory class. 12th graders have been assigned an ELL student in which to mentor. Across Alliance schools, most students are on the cusp of meeting their individual lexile target goal. It is expected that 80% of Alliance students will meet their individual lexile goal. Special Education and English Language Learner student scores across most Alliance schools have increased due the use of Achieve3000, a digital literacy program coupled with other targeted intervention and support services. The board had time to reflect and comment on the data. According to the Achieve3000 interim assessment, 100% of the school’s 10th grade Special Education students met their individual lexile target goal. At this time the school does not have any non-compliance issues. The board is responsible for ensuring the school is in compliance and this item will always be on future meeting agendas. Mr. Steve Krutz, Director of Finance provided the board an overview of the school’s budget for 2014-15. Thanks to the Local Control Funding Formula (LCCF), all California public schools will receive up to a 14% increase in per pupil funding. Highlights include: The additional funding will be used to hire additional staff (teachers, counselors, parent liaisons, and/or instructional aids)and instructional materials and equipment that will benefit the entire school community. Most of the school’s revenue is coming from the state and a large percentage of the budget has been allocated to cover salaries and benefits followed by technology and site improvements. As a contingency measure, LAUSD requires each school set aside 5% of their annual expenses. Mr. Krutz and Ms. Burton encouraged schools to avoid carry-forwards and to spend their school’s allotted funding on their instructional program. A roll call vote was taken. The following school board members approved the school budget for 2014-15: Dale Okuno Darline Robles Judy Burton Guadalupe De La O Celida Payan Mr. Krutz reviewed the school’s executive summary of the school’s Local Control Funding Plan (LCFP). The school’s detailed LCFP was also reviewed. Board members provided feedback to the plan. These reports are due to LAUSD on June 30. A roll call vote was taken. The following school board members approved the school’s LCAP pending edits and feedback from LAUSD: Dale Okuno Darline Robles Judy Burton Guadalupe De La O Celida Payan In response to the governance issues brought forth by LAUSD’s recent oversight visits and the advice of our legal counsel, additional changes will be made to the structure of the Alliance School Board of Directors. Most Alliance school boards received a 2 in governance (from a scale of 1-4). To be in compliance, the school board will change from nine voting members to five (4 from the Alliance board and 1external member). School board members will now include: Judy Burton Gayle Miller Dale Okuno Darline Robles Chris Weber (External member) Two parent and two teacher representatives will be non-voting members and will serve as advisors to the board. Parent and teacher representatives are expected to participate in all scheduled board meetings will also serve on the school’s Coordinating Council where they will recommend issues to be presented the board. The school board will not vote on an issue affecting an Alliance school without having parent and teacher representatives from that particular school present. A roll call vote was taken. The following school board members approved the revised bylaws: Dale Okuno Darline Robles Judy Burton Jessica Rendon Guadalupe De La O Celida Payan At the close of the meeting, parent volunteers received an Alliance Parent Superstar medal for exceeding the 40-hour annual parent volunteer service commitment The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 a.m. Reviewed by Judy Burton, School Board President: _____________________ Date: _____________ Prepared by: Mary Louise Silva, Recorder: ______________________ Date: _____________