
Figure S1. Seed germination after ageing at room temperature conditions.
Figure S2. Reduced TTC levels in elm seeds stained during CDT.
Figure S3. Variation analysis of morphology and mobility in different categories of
mitochondria. A and B: mitochondria one-dimensional length. A: Red fluorescence,
mitochondria labeled with MitoTracker. B: Box plots statistics displaying variation in
samples of a statistical population. The spacings between the different parts of the box
indicate the degree of dispersion (spread) and skewness in the data, and show outliers.
Measurements were made on 100 individual mitochondria. C and D: mitochondrial motion
distance. Red fluorescence, mitochondria labeled with MitoTracker at the 0s; Green
fluorescence, pseudo-color indicating MitoTracker labeled mitochondria moved for 30s.
Figure S4. The purity of mitochondria isolated from elm seeds using Percoll density
gradient. For the gradients, 1 mL of each fraction was collected and analyzed for marker
enzyme activities of mitochondria (cytochrome c oxidase), peroxisomes (catalase),
cytosol (alcohol dehydrogenase), and plastids (alkaline pyrophosphatase). Enzyme
activity was expressed in units per milligram protein.
Figure S5. Changes in Rh123 fluorescence energised by succinate and NADH from elm
seed mitochondria isolated during CDT.
Figure S6. Quantitative analysis of western blotting.
Table S1. The effect of mitoTEMPO on elm seed germination. MitoTEMPO pretreatment
was performed for 12h at 4 ℃ before CDT without the radical outstretched and then
redried to the original MC under air and then aged until the untreated seeds had lost 50%
viability (3 d). Data are expressed as means ± SE from three experiments. Non-pretreated,
seeds without mitoTEMPO pretreatment; Water, seeds pretreated with H2O.
Table S2. Changes in mitochondrial antioxidant enzyme activity of elm seeds during CDT.
The data are expressed as means ± SE from three experiments. CAT, catalase; GR,
glutathione reductase; MnSOD, manganese superoxide dismutase.
Table S3. The effect of AsA on elm seed germination. AsA pretreatment was performed
for 12 h at 4 ℃ before CDT without the radical outstretched and then redried to the
original MC under air and then aged until the untreated seeds had lost 50% viability (3 d).
Data are expressed as means ± SE from three experiments. Non-pretreated, seeds
without AsA pretreatment; Water, seeds pretreated with H2O.
Table S4. The effect of CsA on elm seed germination. CsA pretreatment was performed
for 12 h at 4 ℃ before CDT without the radical outstretched and then redried to the
original MC under air and then aged until the untreated seeds had lost 50% viability (3 d).
Data are expressed as means ± SE from three experiments. Non-pretreated, seeds
without CsA pretreatment; Water, seeds pretreated with H2O.
Table S5. Primers used in semi-quantitative RT-PCR.
Table S6. Antbodies and dilutions used.
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