1 Supporting information for online publication 2 3 Insect collection, rearing and sampling 4 For Experiment 1, a plaster nest containing the colony (brood, workers and the queen) was 5 put into a plastic box. The box was separated from a second plastic box (the foraging area) 6 containing a frozen cricket, sugar water and water tubes. Food and water were supplied twice a 7 week at regular days in the foraging area only. Ants needed to cross from the nest area to the 8 foraging area through a plastic tube 100 cm long to get access to the food. The top of the rearing 9 boxes and the external face of the tubes were covered with Teflon to prevent ants from escaping. 10 We assigned workers to two treatment groups according to the observed behavior at the moment of 11 collection and independently of the age or size. We labeled as “foraging workers” (out) all the 12 individuals that were collected in the foraging area in the process of handling food, water or sugar 13 water, while we labeled as “non-foraging workers” (in) all the ants that were sampled within the 14 nesting chamber in close proximity to the brood pile. Based on previous observations, foraging 15 behavior in fire ants is consistent across time: Mirenda and Vinson (1981) reported that once a 16 worker appeared in the foraging area for the first time then it was seen there regularly until death 17 and Sorensen et al. (1984) observed in a series of experiments that foragers never went back to 18 nursing tasks. These observations are supported by more recent findings in another ant species 19 where different behavioral phenotypes of workers showed strong differences in the spatial location 20 and spatial fidelity (Mersch et al. 2013). 21 For Experiment 2, we prepared two colony fragments from each of 10 colonies. We placed 22 the mother queen in one colony fragment (queenright or QR); the other fragment was queenless 23 (QL). Each fragment was housed in a plastic pencil box containing a small nesting chamber on one 24 side, and a small foraging area on the other side with a frozen cricket, water and sugar water (Figure 25 S1). In all colony fragments we transferred equal amounts of brood (a full 0.5ml plastic tube), 26 workers (5ml) and winged females (virgin queens, ca. 10) from the original colony. After 5 days, we 1 27 collected foraging and non-foraging workers as above from each fragment. We opted for this time 28 window since 5 days seemed a suitable amount of time for behavioral changes to occur: in previous 29 studies it has been observed that 48 hours are required to observe a reduction in the rate of sexual 30 larvae execution by queenless workers (Klobuchar and Deslippe 2002) and it has been shown that 31 the level of workers’ aggression towards conspecifics significantly decreases during the first 5 days 32 post-orphaning (Vander Meer and Alonso 2002). 33 Samples were collected between 1:30pm and 5:00pm for Experiment 1 and between 9:00am 34 and 1:00pm for Experiment 2. Specimens were flash frozen in dry ice and stored at -80 °C until 35 processed for molecular work. 36 37 Sample preparation for molecular analyses 38 Concentration and purity of RNA samples were assessed using NanoDrop (Thermo Scientific, 39 Wilmington, DE) and Qubit 2.0 Fluorometer (Life Technologies, Grand Island, NY) and RNA quality 40 was assessed using RNA Nano Chips on the Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer (Agilent Technologies, Palo 41 Alto, CA). One µg of each sample was amplified using the Amino Allyl MessageAmp II aRNA 42 Amplification Kit (AM1753, Ambion, Austin, TX). Fifteen µg of aRNA was labeled with Cy3 or Cy5 (GE 43 Health Care, Pittsburgh, PA) and subsequently purified according to the Ambion Kit instructions. 1.5 44 µg of a Cy3 labeled sample were combined with 1.5 µg of a Cy5 labeled sample and fragmented 45 using RNA Fragmentation Reagents (Ambion AM8740, Austin, TX) according to the manufacturer’s 46 instructions. Samples were hybridized with mixing in a MAUI hybridization instrument overnight at 47 42 °C. Arrays were scanned using Axon GenePix 4000B. 48 49 Protocols for microarray analysis 50 Array data were analyzed using two statistical software packages for both experiments. We 51 first analyzed array data using SAS (Cary, NC). Any spots with an intensity of less than 300 (equal to 52 the mean background level on the arrays) were removed from the analyses, as were spots present 2 53 on less than 20 out of 24 arrays: this reduced the number of probes included into the analyses to 54 37,252 for Experiment 1 and 38,511 for Experiment 2. Expression data were log-transformed and 55 normalized using a mixed-model normalization (proc MIXED, SAS, Cary, NC) with the following 56 model: 57 Y = μ + dye + block + array + array*dye + array*block + є 58 where Y is expression, dye and block are fixed effects, and array, array*dye and array*block are 59 random effects. Transcripts with significant expression differences between groups were detected 60 by using a mixed-model ANOVA with the model: 61 Y = μ + treatment + spot + dye + array + є 62 where Y represents the residual from the previous model. Treatment, spot and dye are fixed effects 63 and array is a random effect. In Experiment 1, “treatment” corresponded to the behavioral state of 64 the worker ants (i.e. foraging vs. non-foraging workers) while in Experiment 2 “treatment” included 65 worker behavioral state (foraging vs. non-foraging), queen effect (presence vs. absence) and their 66 interaction. P-values were corrected for multiple testing using a false discovery rate or FDR 67 (Benjamini & Hochberg 1995) of < 0.05 (proc MULTTEST, SAS). 68 The same array data also were analyzed using R 2.11.1 (Team 2009). Background correction 69 (with parameter “normexp+offset=50”) and normalization (“NormalizedWithinArrays” with 70 parameter “loess” followed by “NormalizedBetweenArrays” method = “Aquantile”) were done in the 71 “limma” package for R (Smyth 2004). For both experiments, we used a direct two-colors design to 72 compare gene expression in the different treatment groups. We fit a linear model using the limma 73 function “lmFit” and we created a contrast matrix to test all the pairwise comparisons of interest. 74 For Experiment 1 we set only one pairwise comparison (foraging vs. non-foraging) since there were 75 only two treatment groups. For Experiment 2, the tested pairwise comparisons were the following: 76 QRin vs. QLin, QRout vs. QLout, QRin vs. QRout, QLin vs. QLout. We used the limma function 77 “eBayes” to estimate a “Bayesian moderate t-statistic” (Smyth 2004), setting the FDR at 0.05. To 3 78 correct for multiple testing across contrasts, we used the limma function “decideTests” with 79 method=“separate” and setting the p-value at 0.05. 80 For both experiments, analyses with R detected a higher number of significantly 81 differentially expressed transcripts compared with SAS: 1387 vs. 771 in Experiment 1 (a significant 82 proportion of the differentially expressed transcripts were common to both analyses; see Figure S4) 83 and 395 vs. 4 in Experiment 2. Therefore, we relied on the analyses with R to characterize genes that 84 were differentially expressed and to perform gene ontology analyses. We used analyses with SAS 85 instead to visualize global patterns of gene expression (hierarchical clustering and principal 86 component analyses) and to perform studies of directional overlap in queenless workers, since SAS 87 outputs were more suitable for these specific analyses. The array data were deposited on the 88 ArrayExpress website according to MIAME standards (ArrayExpress ID number will be provided prior 89 to publication). 90 91 Validation of differential expression of candidate genes using quantitative real-time PCR 92 We used total RNA extracted with RNeasy Plus kit (Qiagen, Valencia CA) from pools of 10 93 workers from the same colonies that were used for Experiment 2 and compared gene expression 94 between QRin, QRout and QLin using an ABI Prism 7900 instrument (Foster City, CA). cDNA was 95 synthesized using SuperScript III First-Strand Synthesis System for RT-PCR (Invitrogen-Life 96 Technologies, Carlsbad, CA, USA) and Random Hexamers according to the manufacturer's protocol. 97 The cDNA was then diluted 7 times with ultra-pure water. Amplifications were performed in a 10 μl 98 reaction mixture containing 5 μl of 2X SYBR Green Master Mix (Applied Biosystems-Life 99 Technologies, Carlsbad, CA, USA), 1 μl of each primer (10 μM) and 2 μl of cDNA at the following 100 conditions: 50 °C for 2 min, 95 °C for 10 min, 40 cycles of 95 °C for 15 sec and 60 °C for 1 min, a 101 dissociation step of 95 °C for 15 sec and 60 °C for 15 sec. We used 9 pools of workers for QLin, 8 for 102 QRin and 5 for QRout. Triplicate reactions were performed for each sample and averaged for use in 103 statistical analysis. Expression levels of candidate genes were normalized to the geometric mean of 4 104 two housekeeping genes, Rp-9 and Rp-37 (Wurm et al. 2011). Negative control (cDNA reaction 105 without RT enzyme) was also used to control for potential contamination by genomic DNA. Primer 106 sequences (Table S10) were developed in Primer3Plus (Untergasser et al. 2012) and primer 107 efficiency was first validated using standard curves. Statistical analysis was performed with 108 nonparametric Wilcoxon comparisons for each pair of treatments in JMP 10 (SAS, Cary, NC). The 109 data are shown normalized to the group QRin. 110 Expression patterns of all seven candidate genes were consistent with results from arrays, 111 although expression differences were significant for two genes only (Figure S6). We examined 112 expression of for, which is a major regulator of worker DOL in other social insects: for was slightly 113 upregulated in QRin but expression levels were not significantly different across groups. For immune 114 response, we examined Hym and spirit: both of these genes were downregulated in QRin and 115 expression levels of Hym were significantly different between QRin and QRout (P<0.05) while no 116 significant differences were detected for spirit. Finally, mf (chaeta development), mhc (locomotion), 117 oat (neurogenesis) and syt1 (neurotransmitter secretion) were all upregulated in QRin: of these 118 genes, only oat was significantly differentially expressed between QRin and QRout (P<0.01) and QLin 119 and QRout (P<0.05). 120 121 Comparative studies across species 122 Alaux et al. (2009) found 937 genes differentially expressed between young nurse and old 123 forager worker honey bees from brain tissue. Only 81 genes were in common with our study 124 (Representation factor = 0.7, p < 4.81e-06, significantly less than expected by chance) and 1 GO term: 125 generation of precursor metabolites and energy. 126 Ament et al. (2011) found 1719 genes differentially expressed between nurse and forager 127 worker honey bees from fat body tissue. 185 genes were in common with our study (Representation 128 factor = 0.8, p < 8.73e-06, significantly less than expected by chance) together with 14 GO terms: 129 generation of precursor metabolites and energy, oxidative phosphorylation, mitochondrial electron 5 130 transport, NADH to ubiquinone, energy derivation by oxidation of organic compounds, electron 131 transport chain, respiratory electron transport chain, monocarboxylic acid metabolic process, 132 response to chemical stimulus, ATP synthesis coupled electron transport, mitochondrial ATP 133 synthesis coupled, electron transport, cellular respiration, multi-organism process, response to other 134 organism, oxidation-reduction process. 135 Toth et al. (2010) found 219 genes associated with foraging and provisioning in the 136 primitively eusocial paper wasp Polistes metricus from brain tissue. In this case no GO terms were 137 shared with our study and only 26 genes were in common (Representation factor = 0.4, p < 2.02e -14, 138 significantly less than expected by chance). 139 140 Discussion of genes of interest 141 Genes associated with carbohydrate metabolism included: forkhead box, sub-group O (foxo), 142 a major player in the insulin-signaling pathway which is associated with caste determination in 143 honey bees and to the workers’ transition from nursing to foraging behavior (Wheeler et al. 2006); 144 phosphoglycerate kinase (Pgk) and Triose phosphate isomerase (Tpi), both players in the glycolytic 145 pathway (Celotto et al. 2006; Wang et al. 2004); Hexosaminidase 2 (Hexo2), which plays a role in 146 glycoprotein maturation within the insect secretory pathway (Léonard et al. 2006); and aconitase 147 (Acon), which catalyzes the conversion of citrate to isocitrate in the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle 148 (Cheng et al. 2013). With the exception of Tpi, all these genes were upregulated in foraging workers. 149 Genes associated with lipid storage and metabolism were upregulated in both groups of 150 workers. The following genes were upregulated in non-foraging workers: Indy, which is involved in 151 the transport and storage of Krebs cycle intermediates in tissues and an important player in the 152 regulation of life span via an effect on metabolism (Wang et al. 2009); Lsp2, a storage protein 153 expressed in the fat body tissue of Drosophila (Beneš et al. 1990); Lipid storage droplet-1 and 2 (Lsd- 154 1 and Lsd-2), which respectively regulate lipolysis and a promote lipid storage (Beller et al. 2010); 155 and beta-coatomer protein (betaCop), an essential component of the trafficking machinery cycling 6 156 between the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi (Beller et al. 2008). Interestingly, expression of Indy 157 was associated with aging and metabolic processes in another study comparing how different social 158 environments affect global gene expression of fire ant queens during colony founding (Manfredini et 159 al. 2013). In both studies, Indy was downregulated in the group where we expected a longer lifespan 160 (non-foraging workers and haplometrotic queens), which is in agreement with the pattern observed 161 in Drosophila. This result suggests that Indy might be an important regulator of aging in S. invicta as 162 well. By contrast, several other noteworthy genes associated with lipid metabolism were 163 upregulated in foraging workers. These included: juvenile hormone epoxide hydrolase 2 (Jheh2), 164 which is involved in juvenile hormone catabolic process; helix loop helix protein 106 (HLH106), a 165 major player in the metabolism of fatty acids (Kunte et al. 2006); and CTP:phosphocholine 166 cytidylyltransferase 1 (CctI), a member of the phospholipid signaling pathways that might affect life 167 span when overexpressed (Landis et al. 2003). 168 We found that S. invicta workers with foraging/non-foraging tasks significantly differed in 169 expression of genes associated with larval central nervous system remodeling and signal 170 transduction. Some of these genes were upregulated in non-foraging workers, including: for, which 171 encodes a cyclic guanosine monophosphate-dependent protein kinase and was previously 172 characterized as a fundamental regulator of foraging behavior across multiple insect species (Ingram 173 et al. 2011; Lucas et al. 2010; Lucas & Sokolowski 2009); syt1, a regulator of neurotransmitter 174 release (Lee et al. 2013); AkhR, a member of the G-protein coupled receptor 1 family (Hewes & 175 Taghert 2001); and finally oat, which is involved in the urea cycle and arginine biosynthesis 176 (Neumüller et al. 2011). 177 Only a handful of genes were differentially expressed between queenright and queenless 178 workers at FDR<0.1. 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