COOURSE SYLLABUS Course Title Coordinator Course Code Credit Semester Prerequisite Course Course Description Learning Outcome Sessio n 1 2 Learning Outcome (Basic Competency) Students can explain the definition of development economics and its analysis framework Students : : : : : : : Development economics I Dr. Wiwiek Rindayati EKO 300 3 (3-0) 3 (Odd) General Economy (EKO 100) This course is designed to provide the knowledge on the definition and importance of development economics, the scope, the concept of measurement and the analysis framework of economic development process; the theories of development economics; the elements in development process as well as its issues and obstacles and the principles of its policies. : After completing this course, students are expected to be able to understand and explain: 1. the concept of measurement and analysis framework of economic development process, 2. the theories of development economics, 3. the elements in development process as well as its issues and obstacles, 4. the principles of policies in economic development process. Teaching Material Assessment Indicator The definition of Explain the definition of development development economics economics, analysis Analysis framework of framework, and development development indicators economics Development indicators of Explain the Classifications of Learning Method Lecture and discussion and group paper Lecture and Assessment Criteria Written test in the form of true or false, multiple choices and essay, essay, and group paper Written test Time Lecturer Reference Lecture: 3 x 50 minutes Lecturer Team of Development Economics I MPT, IRW,SDH, HBK,JHN Lecture: Lecturer Team of MPT, IRW,SDH, Sessio n Learning Outcome (Basic Competency) understand the characteristics of developing countries Teaching Material developing countries The economic structure of third world countries The general characteristics of developing countries 3 Students understand the theories of economic development Groups of linearstages of growth model Theory and Pattern of structural change International dependency revolution Neo-classical free market counterrevolution New economic growth/endogenou s theory 4 Students understand Neo-colonial Interdependency Assessment Indicator Learning Method Assessment Criteria Time Lecturer Reference classification of developing countries, understand the economic structure of third world countries, explain the general characteristics of developing countries Explain the difference between several groups of linear-stages of growth model, theory and pattern of structural change, revolution and counter-revolution, endogenous growth theory discussion and group paper in the form of true or false, multiple choices and essay, essay, and group paper 3 x 50 minutes Development Economics I HBK,JHN Lecture and discussion and group paper Written test in the form of true or false, multiple choices and essay, essay, and group paper Lecture: 3 x 50 minutes Lecturer Team of Development Economics I MPT, IRW,SDH, HBK,JHN Explain the similarity and Lecture and discussion and Written test in the form Lecture: 3 x 50 Lecturer Team of Development MPT, IRW,SDH, HBK,JHN Sessio n Learning Outcome (Basic Competency) International Dependency Model Teaching Material Assessment Indicator Learning Method Model False Paradigm Model Dualistic Development Thesis difference between neo-colonial dependency model and false paradigm model, and dualistic development thesis group paper 5 Students understand the concept of economic growth and contemporary development The substance of economic growth Economic growth and its components Characteristics of modern economic growth Growth process initial difference Explain the substance and components of economic growth, the characteristics of modern economic growth Lecture and discussion and group paper 6 Students understand the concept of growth, poverty and income distribution Growth controversy The concept of income distribution The concept of growth with equity Policy alternative Explain the concept of income distribution and the current policy alternative in Indonesia Lecture and discussion and group paper 7 Students understand the role of capital and its problems in the economic The definition of capital The criteria of capital use Equal and unequal Explain the criteria of capital use and the role of capital in equal and unequal development Lecture and discussion and group paper Assessment Criteria Time Lecturer Reference of true or false, multiple choices and essay, essay, and group paper Written test in the form of true or false, multiple choices and essay, essay, and group paper minutes Economics I Lecture: 3 x 50 minutes Lecturer Team of Development Economics I MPT, IRW,SDH, HBK,JHN Written test in the form of true or false, multiple choices and essay, essay, and group paper Written test in the form of true or false, multiple Lecture: 3 x 50 minutes Lecturer Team of Development Economics I MPT, IRW,SDH, HBK,JHN Lecture: 3 x 50 minutes Lecturer Team of Development Economics I MPT, IRW,SDH, HBK,JHN Sessio n Learning Outcome (Basic Competency) development 8 Students understand the concept of population growth and economic development 9 Students understand the concept of unemployment, migration and urbanization Teaching Material Assessment Indicator Learning Method Development MID-TEST/UTS (40%) Lecture and Population growth Explain several policy approaches discussion and and life quality group paper Population growth that can be done in regard to the in number demographic Demographic condition of transition Malthus population Indonesia trap model Household fertility microeconomic theory The consequences of high fertility Toward a consensus and several policy approaches Explain the basic Lecture and Workforce issues issues of workforce discussion and Unemployment particularly group paper dimension in NSB unemployment in Economic models NSB and the on workforce theories that Migration and become its basis urbanization dilemma Assessment Criteria Time Lecturer Reference choices and essay, essay, and group paper Written test in the form of true or false, multiple choices and essay, essay, and group paper Lecture: 3 x 50 minutes Lecturer Team of Development Economics I MPT, IRW,SDH, HBK,JHN Written test in the form of true or false, multiple choices and essay, essay, and group paper Lecture: 3 x 50 minutes Lecturer Team of Development Economics I MPT, IRW,SDH, HBK,JHN Sessio n Learning Outcome (Basic Competency) 10 Students understand education and development 11 Students understand agricultural transformation and development of rural areas Teaching Material Migration and Development The economic theory of rural migrations Education and human resources Education in NSB Education and gender inequality Education economics & workforce Education, people and development The importance of agricultural sector development and development in rural areas Growth and agricultural stagnation Agrarian structure of the third worlds The role of women in agricultural production The development Assessment Indicator Learning Method Assessment Criteria Time Lecturer Reference Explain the role of education and human resources in the development in the middle of inequalities Lecture and discussion and group paper Written test in the form of true or false, multiple choices and essay, essay, and group paper Lecture: 3 x 50 minutes Lecturer Team of Development Economics I MPT, IRW,SDH, HBK,JHN Explain the role of agricultural sector in the economy, issues, and several agricultural development strategy Lecture and discussion and group paper Written test in the form of true or false, multiple choices and essay, essay, and group paper Lecture: 3 x 50 minutes Lecturer Team of Development Economics I MPT, IRW,SDH, HBK,JHN Sessio n Learning Outcome (Basic Competency) 12 Students understand the environment and development 13 Students understand the Theory of Trade and Industrialization Strategy Teaching Material economics of agricultural sector Agricultural development strategy Economics and environment Environment and development Environmental degradation Environmental models of the traditional economics Urban and environmental development Global environment The importance meaning of trade and international finance The role of trade in development The principles of exchanges The traditional theory of international trade Critic on the Assessment Indicator Learning Method Assessment Criteria Time Lecturer Reference Explain the importance of environmental awareness in a development process and the problems often occurring in regard to the environment Lecture and discussion and group paper Written test in the form of true or false, multiple choices and essay, essay, and group paper Lecture: 3 x 50 minutes Lecturer Team of Development Economics I MPT, IRW,SDH, HBK,JHN Explain the role of trade in development, theory of trade, and development strategy related to trade. Lecture and discussion and group paper Written test in the form of true or false, multiple choices and essay, essay, and group paper Lecture: 3 x 50 minutes Lecturer Team of Development Economics I MPT, IRW,SDH, HBK,JHN Sessio n Learning Outcome (Basic Competency) Teaching Material Assessment Indicator Learning Method Assessment Criteria Time Lecturer Reference Lecturer Team of Development Economics I MPT, IRW,SDH, HBK,JHN traditional free trade theory: empirical condition of NSB Export promotion strategy Import substitution strategy Economic integration 14 Students understand Balance of payment, External Debt, Foreign Investment and International Finance Balance of payment Payment and Deficit Reduction Debt crisis in NSB International finance flow and sources Foreign capital investment and multinational companies Foreign aids Explain debt crisis issues in NSB and the strategy to overcome deficit Lecture and discussion and group paper Written test in the form of true or false, multiple choices and essay, essay, and group paper Lecture: 3 x 50 minutes FINAL TEST/UAS (40%) ASSIGNMENT (20%) LITERARY REFERENCE: 1. Todaro , M. P., Pembangunan Ekonomi di Dunia Ketiga, Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga, 2000. 2. Irawan and Suparmoko, M., Ekonomika Pembangunan, Jogjakarta: BPFE, 1990. 3. Djojohadikusumo, S., Perkembangan Pemikiran Ekonomi: Dasar Teori EkonomiPertumbuhan dan Ekonomi Pembangunan, Jakarta: LP3ES, 1994. 4. Herrick, B and Kindleberger, C.P.. Ekonomi Pembangunan, Jakarta: Bina Aksara, 1992 5. Jhingan, M. L.. Ekonomi Pembangunan dan Perencanaan, Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada, 2000. LECTURER TEAM : Dr. Wiwiek Rindayati, Dr. Nunung Nuryartono, Dr. M. Findi Alexandi LEARNING METHOD : Lecture, Discussion, and Group Paper ASSIGNMENT DESIGN : Paper assignment is given one time in groups, each group consists of 5-6 students. (1) Paper writing with topic related to the macro materials and issues given for one semester. ASSESSMENT FORMAT : Exam and Assignment Mid-test (UTS) : 40 % Final exam (UAS) : 40 % Assignment (Paper) : 20 %