36. (StIV-OHIR) ORAL SURGERY STUDY PROGRAMME DEPARTMENT NAME OF SUBJECT STATUS OF THE SUBJECT Integrated studies of dentistry Department for dentistry ORAL SURGERY Compulsory Condition Special Pharmacology (exam), Radiology (for exams), dental anesthesiology (exam), Surgery (exam) Year of studies fourth Winter term (No.of the lessons per week Summer term (No.of the lessons per week) Lectures Exercises Lectures Exercises 2 3 2 3 Methods of teaching No.of tests No.of seminars seminara No.of seminars POINTS 2 1 9,0 Lectures, Exercises opening, working Exercises, demonstration Exercises GOA L Managing knowledge in the field dentogenih infections, dental traumatology and alveolar extensions, preprotetical surgery, surgical orthodontic cooperation, painful condition n. trigeminal and the basic skills of giving local anesthesia and tooth extraction PURPOS E Knowledg Diagnosis of pathological conditions and determining the surgical indications for oral work. Prevention of tooth e extraction and giving local anesthesia, and their treatment. CONTENT OF THE SUBJECT: Training for self-giving of local anesthesia and the ordinary tooth extraction. Executing intaoral incision in the vestibulum. Theoretical teaching – methodical units 1. Introduction. The concept and objectives of oral surgery. Town of oral surgery in dental health care and education of students. 2. Applied surgical anatomy. Osteology of the upper and lower jaw. Morphology of roots of teeth. Chewing and mimical musculatur. 3. Tooth extraction. Indications and contraindications for tooth extraction. Principles of extraction of teeth. Phase of uncomplicated extraction of teeth. 4. Tooth extraction. Instruments extraction of teeth (pliers, levers). Extraction of certain teeth. 5. Complications of tooth extraction. Fractures of teeth - roots. Separation roots. Root extraction levers. Soft tissue injuries. Foreign bodies. 6. Wound healing after tooth extraction. Phases of normal wound healing. Slow healing of wounds. Postekstrational pain, swelling. Alveolitis. 7. Injuries teeth, alveolar ridge and jaw during extraction of teeth. Injuries teeth. Wrap alveolar ridge and TUBER. Wrap the jaws. Luksacija mandible. 8. Bleeding after tooth extraction. Protocol work, procedures and means for stopping bleeding. 9. Hemostasis at hemostaznih disorders. Patients on antikoagulantnoj therapy. Haemophilia. Thrombocytopenia. Diseases of the liver. 10. Oroantralne communication. Procedures and measures for the diagnosis and care oroantralnih communication. 11. Dentogene infection. Concept and types dentogenih infections. Microflora. Asepsa and antiseptic. 12. Dentogene infection. Clinical features and diagnosis .. Roads spread and anatomic spaces. 13. Dentogene infection. Basic principles of treatment (hormonal and surgical). 14. X-ray diagnosis. X-ray recording techniques in dentistry. Indications for recording. X-ray anatomy and pathology. Recording errors. 15. Emergency situation in oral surgery. Loss of consciousness. Allergy. Emergency cardiovascular condition. Hypovolemic shock. Resuscitation procedures. Skills 1. Basic oral surgical principles. Specific oral surgical work in the oral cavity. Forensic aspects of oral surgery. 2. Design dentoalveolar incision in surgery. Indications and contraindications for the selection of cut. 3. The concept and definition. Etiological factors. Clinical features and diagnosis 4. Classification. Indications and kontraidikacije extracting. 5. Roots and foreign bodies. Operational flow of surgical removal. Care and early postoperative course. 6. Surgical orthodontic cooperation. The scope of cooperation in oral surgery. Chronological order and types of interventions. Orthodontic preparation and indication for operation. Failures of cooperation. 7. Chronic periapikal lesions. The concept and definition. Microflora. Clinical features and diagnosis. Differential diagnosis. 8. Tooth root resection. Indications for operation. Preoperative preparation of the tooth. Techniques. Types of channel closure teeth. 9. Jaw cysts. The concept and definition. Classification. Clinical picture, diagnosis and operative treatment. Postoperative observations. 10. Prosthetic surgical cooperation. The scope of cooperation in oral surgery. Partitions deformities. Irregularities of bone structure. Irregularities of soft structures. Combined irregularities. 11. Prosthetic surgical cooperation. Types of oral surgical interventions. Specific postoparativnog surgeries and treatments. 12. Fundamentals of oral implantology. Indications for operation. Types of implantation. Complications notion periimplantitisa. 13. Benign tumors of bone and soft tissue. Term. Classification. Frequency. Clinical picture. Specific surgical treatment. 14. Oral-surgical aspects of facial pain. Acute and chronic pain. Painful syndromes. Idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia. Temporomandibular joint and the importance of the loss of supporting zones. 15. Oral surgical aspects of patient risk. Specific individual disease for oralnohirurškr intervention. Patients suffering from bacterial endocarditis, cardiac rhythm disorders, endocrine disorders and liver. Practical teaching – methodical units 1. Introductory Exercises (15 hours). The demonstration display. Job. Reception and triage patients. Medical History. Clinical review. Sterilization and sterility protection. Protective equipment. Instruments for extracting teeth. Technique extraction of teeth and anesthetic. 2. Test (3 hours) - Inervacione zone. Techniques giving plexus anesthesia and mandibular anesthesia indirect method. 3. Test (3 hours) - history, examination instruments, dental extraction, tooth extraction. 4. Practical work with patients (60 hours) - Preview. Diagnostics. X-ray analysis. Anesthetic. Extraction of teeth. Disposal of complications. Dentogenih treatment of acute infections. 5. Demoonstracione Exercises (9 hours) - View and assistance when performing oral surgical procedures in the operating room. 1. Compulsor 2. y RECOMMANDED 3. READING Additional Ljubomir Todorović (ur.): Oralna hirurgija. Univerzitet u Beogradu, 2000. Aleksa Marković (ur.): Praktikum oralne hirurgije. Univerzitet u Beogradu, 2004. Vlasta Petrović (ur.): Atlas stomatološke rendgenologije. Beograd, 1995 1. Jovan Perović (ur.): Hemostaza u stomatologiji. Beograd, 1978. 2. Vlasta Petrović (ur.): Periapikalne lezije. Beograd, 2001. Evaluation of students' work – No.of points per individual activity Pre-exam obligations Total Final exam Lectures Exercises Test Seminar paper 15 25 2h3 4 The rest Pismeni Oral 10 40 100 List of teachers and assistents Associate 1. 2. Assistent Lecturer 2 Prof dr Srećko Selaković Doc. dr Siniša Mirković Professor PhD 1 3. 4. Associate prof. Professor Scientist 1 Asst. mr Ivan Šarčev Asst. Branislav Bajkin Chief of department Prof. dr Dubravka Marković ensuring