MASTER OF ARTS IN TEACHING (MAT) SPECIAL EDUCATION ADVISING GUIDE The MAT Special Education licensure program provides candidates with a case-based curriculum designed to prepare candidates to meet the needs of children and adolescents with mild to severe disabilities. The professional education sequence for a special education generalist provides content that emphasizes developing effective decision-making in diverse contexts. Candidates who are interested in the program are required to have completed a baccalaureate degree and must show proof of passing either the PLACE or Praxis II Elementary Education Content Knowledge Exam prior to being formally admitted to the program. Candidates will meet with a MAT Special Education advisor to determine a program plan of study. MAT Special Education students will be required to take the Special Education PLACE exam later in their program during one of their final semesters of coursework or during their final semester of student teaching. Required Content Prerequisite (Undergraduate Level) Recommend taking the first semester. SED3600 Exceptional Learners in the Classroom (undergraduate level course) Total Prerequisite Credits 3 3 MAT Special Education Licensure Concentration Recommend taking in order of sequence listed. Courses may be taken in conjunction with each other, except SEDM6490 Student Teaching and Seminar Course, which must be taken during the final semester of the program. SEDM5650 SEDM5750 Individualized Education and Curriculum Assessment, Methods & Assistive Technology for Severe Disabilities (includes 45 hours field experience) SEDM5820 Elements of Literacy Instruction for Students with Disabilities (includes 30 hours field experience) SEDM5900 Mathematics Instruction for Students with Disabilities (includes 15 hours field experience) (prereq.: SEDM5650) SEDM6050 Assessment and Instructional Planning (includes 15 hours field experience) (prereq.: SEDM5650) SEDM6200 Reading Disabilities and Content Instruction (includes 15 hours field experience) (prereq.: SEDM5650 and SEDM5820) SEDM6250 Effective Behavioral Support Systems (prereq.: SEDM5650) SEDM6300 Assessment & Methods for Emotional and Behavioral Disorders (includes 30 hours field experience) (prereq.: SEDM5820 and SEDM6250) SEDM6490 Special Education Student Teaching and Seminar (coreq.: TEDM6800) Total Licensure Credits 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 36 MAT Core Classes Core classes may be taken at anytime. TEDM6100 TEDM6200 TEDM6300 OR TEDM6400 TEDM6800 Total Core Credits Educational Research Classroom Assessment Learning in Context Differentiated Instruction and Collaboration Capstone: Lesson Study for the MAT Degree (coreq.: SEDM6490) Total Credits for MAT in Special Education 3 3 3 3 1 10 46 METROPOLITAN STATE COLLEGE OF DENVER MASTER OF ARTS IN TEACHING SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAM PLAN Name: ______________________________________________ 900# ______________________________________ Advisor: _____________________________________________ Date: ______________________________________ Required Prerequisite Courses Substitute Course Title & Number Semester Credit Hours Semester/Year Grade Advisor SED3600 – 3 (Undergraduate Level) Exceptional Learners in the Classroom MAT Licensure Courses SEDM5650 – 3 Individualized Education and Curriculum SEDM5750 – 3 Assessment, Methods & Assistive Technology for Severe Disabilities (includes 45 hours field experience) SEDM5820 – 3 Elements of Literacy Instruction for Students with Disabilities (includes 30 hours field experience) SEDM5900 – 3 Mathematics Instruction for Students with Disabilities (includes 15 hours field experience) SEDM6050 – 3 Assessment and Instructional Planning (includes 15 hours field experience) SEDM6200 – 3 Reading Disabilities and Content Instruction (includes 15 hours field experience) SEDM6250 – 3 Effective Behavioral Support Systems SEDM6300 – 3 Assessment & Methods for Emotional and Behavioral Disorders (includes 30 hours field experience) SEDM6490 – 12 Special Education Student Teaching & Seminar (full semester of student teaching – 640 hours) MAT Core Required Courses TEDM6100 – 3 - Educational Research TEDM6200 – 3 - Classroom Assessment TEDM6300 – 3 - Learning in Context OR TEDM6400 – 3 - Differentiated Instruction and Collaboration TEDM6800 – 1 Capstone: Lesson Study for the MAT Degree GPA (3.0 or higher is required): _________________ Semester of Acceptance into MAT program: _____________________________ Based on my review, this student is eligible to apply for Student Teaching. Signature of Education Advisor: ______________________________________________ Date: ________________________