Chapter X (Arial Narrow 16 pt. Font style: Bold) Title of the chapter (Arial Narrow 18 pt. Font style: Bold) Name, Surname1 (Arial Narrow 12 pt.) Name, Surname 2 (Arial Narrow 12 pt.) Summary (Times New Roman 10 pt. Bold) The content of the chapter summary in Polish, keeping indentation at the beginning of each paragraph. The summary length of 10 - 14 rows (Times New Roman, 10 pt. Mutual alignment). Abstract (Times New Roman 10 pt. Bold) The content of the chapter summary in English, keeping indentation at the beginning of each paragraph. The summary length of 10 - 14 rows (Times New Roman, 10 pt. Mutual alignment). X3.1. Introduction (Arial Narrow 13 pt. Bold) The content of the introduction, keeping indentation at the beginning of each paragraph (Times New Roman, 10 pt. Mutual alignment). The introduction should cover the aim of the chapter kept in a compact form in the final part of the introduction. The length of the introduction should not exceed two full pages. X.2. Subchapter title (Arial Narrow 13 pt. Bold) The content of the subchapter, keeping indentation at the beginning of each paragraph (Times New Roman, 10 pt. Mutual alignment). 1 Degree/ Title of the first author (e.g. MA, MSc, PhD, prof.), Name, Surname, Department/ Cathedral/ Institute/University (or position held/ company name), e-mail address (Times New Roman 9pt. Mutual alignment) 2 Degree/ Title of the second author (e.g. MA, MSc, PhD, prof.), Name, Surname, Department/ Cathedral/ Institute/University (or position held/ company name), e-mail address (Times New Roman 9pt. Mutual alignment) 3 Numeration of the introduction and the forthcoming subchapters should be preceded by X, which will constitute the following number of the next chapter in the publication given during editorial work. The X signage should be inserted in red font. 2 The chapter structure may contain sections of up to level 2 in accordance with the formatting presented below. X.3. Subchapter title (Arial Narrow 13 pt. Bold) X.3.1. Subchapter title – second level (Arial Narrow 12 pt. Bold) The content the second level subchapter should be in the same format as in the case of basic text with indented paragraph beginnings (Times New Roman, 10 pt. Mutual alignment). X.3.2. Formatting of bullet points (Arial Narrow 12 pt. Bold) In case of content that requires insertion of bullets points, hyphen should be used as default bullet: — the content of listed items, — the content of listed items, — the content of listed items. Individual elements listed begin with lowercase letters, each line ends with a comma, and the last sentence ends with a period. X.3.3. Formatting of footnotes (Arial Narrow 12 pt. Bold) In case of quoting literal content quotation marks are required to indicate the beginning and the end of quoted text in accordance with the formatting of basic text. If there is no literal quotation but only a reference to the content of selected item literature, quotation is applied without inverted commas. Reported names should be a maximum of three authors. In case of more than three authors it is required to give the name of the first author and the term "and others". All references should be in the form of footnotes. Footnotes for books Surname N.: Title, Place: Publisher, Year, p. (The author’s surname, first letter of the name, title, place, publisher, year, page). 4) In case of collective works which are subject to editorial work it is required to indicate the author and the editor of the study in the following form – Surname N.: Chapter title [in:] Surname N. (edit.), Title of collective work, Place: Publisher, Year, p. (Surname of the chapter’s author, first letter of the name, chapter title [in:] 4 Surname N.: Title, Place: Publisher, Year, p. (Times New Roman 9pt. Mutual alignment) 3 Editor’s name, first letter of the name (edit.), title of the whole book, place, publisher, year, page). 5) For the books translated from other language than publication language there is a need to write in the footnote surname of translator. Footnotes for magazines Surname N.: Title of the article, Title of the magazine, Year, Number, p. (The author’s surname, first letter of the name, title of the article, title of the magazine, year, number, page). 6) Footnotes for websites Full web address, not only the subpage, date of last update or access date if the name of the author is given, title Surname N., Title, full web address, [date of access:] 7) Footnotes for earlier quoting and references For all types of footnotes please use the style like below: - if there is a footnote for earlier quoting literal – Surname N,: op. cit. p. - if there are earlier quoting more than one literal of this same author – Surname N.: Title, op. cit. p. - if there is a footnote for directly one before earlier footnote – Ibidem p. X.3.4. Formatting of tables (Arial Narrow 12 pt. Bold) In case of placing figures in the text each figure should have the following formatting: The number of the table given on the right side and the next rising number (the table number from 1 to n preceded by X mark which will refer to the next chapter of the book given during editorial work) (Times New Roman 9 pkt. Bold) Title of the table. Mutual alignment. (Times New Roman 9 pt. Bold) Headings of the table. Mutual alignment. (Arial 8 pt.) Contents of the table. Mutual alignment. (Arial 8 pt.) The source given right underneath the table. Mutual alignment (Arial 8 pt.) 5 Surname N.: Chapter title, [in:] Surname N. (edit.) Title of the book, Place: Publisher, Year, p. (Times New Roman 9pt. Mutual alignment) 6 Surname N.: Article title, Magazine title, Year, Number, p. (Times New Roman 9pt. Mutual alignment) 7 Surname N.: Title, full web address [date of access: dd-mm-yyyy] (Times New Roman 9pt. Mutual alignment) 4 Forms of the sources: Own interpretation Table X.1 Title of the table Heading Heading Heading Table content Table content Table content Table content Table content Table content Source: Own interpretation Own interpretation based on….. sources given (one or more) divided by a semi-colon based on the schemata presented in subchapter X.3.3. (while table footnote not placed in the page footnote at the bottom but right underneath the table) e.g. Table X.2 Title of the table Heading Heading Heading Table content Table content Table content Table content Table content Table content Source: own interpretation based on Surname N.: Title, Place: Publisher, Year, p.; Surname N.: Title of the article, Title of the magazine, Year, Number, p. Quoted table Source given based on the schemata presented in subchapter X.3.3. (while table footnote not placed in the page footnote at the bottom but right underneath the table) e.g. Tabela X.3 Title of the table Heading Heading Heading Table content Table content Table content Table content Table content Table content Soruce: Surname N.: Title, Place Publisher, Year, p.; Each table should have its reference in the chapter content including the author’s name and its order number. Reference in the text should also include the X mark for the number of the chapter given during editorial work at a later stage e.g. – analysing the contents of table X.1 it is to be assumed that…. 5 X.3.5. Formatting of figures (Arial Narrow 12 pt. Bold) In case of placing figures in the text each figure should have the following formatting: Figure content The source should be given right underneath the figure. Mutual alignment (Arial 8 pt.) Formatting identical as in the case of tables – subchapter X.3.4. The number of the figure should be kept in Fig. X.1. format (figure number from 1 to n preceded by X mark which will refer to the next chapter of the book given during editorial work) (Times New Roman 9 pt. Bold) Right after the number, the title of the figure is given. Mutual alignment (Times New Roman 9 pt.) e.g. Source: own interpretation based on Surname N.: Chapter title [in:] Surname N. (edit.) Title of the collective work, Place: Publisher, Year, p. Fig. X.1. Title of the figure Each figure should have its reference in the chapter content including its order number. Reference in the text should also include the X mark for the number of the chapter given during editorial work at a later stage e.g. – analysing the contents of figure X.1 it is to be assumed that…. 6 The chapters only include numbered tables and figures. Numbered charts of graphs, diagrams, etc. are not used. All these elements should be numbered as figures given the next rising number. There is not allowed to have figures in different language than text (English text – English figures) – if there is in other language it should be translated. Attention for copyrights – if there is figure quoted from other source there is a need to have not only the source information but also a permission from author or publisher for reprint. X.4. General conclusions (Arial Narrow 13 pt. Bold) The content of general conclusions keeping indentation at the beginning of each paragraph. Should not exceed two pages. Bibliography (Arial Narrow 11 pt. Bold – no chapter number) Al sources quoted in the whole chapter should be put in alphabetical order (Times New Roman 9 pt. Mutual alignment) [1] Surname N.: Title, Place: Publisher, Year, p. [2] Surname N.: Title, Place: Publisher, Year, p. [3] Surname N.: Title, Place: Publisher, Year, p. For the books translated from other language than publication language there is a need to write in the footnote surname of translator. The formatting guide is a properly formatted document which is editable so the editor’s text can be added directly to the chapter content. Included formatting must take into account the margins adopted in this document and spacing between the lines. Throughout the whole text the basic spacing is single, and the intervals associated with the headings inserted into this format are requested to be left in this form.