
NASSS Board Meeting
New Orleans, Wednesday, November 7, 2012
5:00 PM in the Louis Armstrong Room
All members of the current (2012) and next (2013) NASSS Boards
Present: Faye Wachs (president); Toni Bruce (pres-elect); Theresa Walton (MAL;book);
Robert Pitter (Web Chair, Member Liaison); Brenda Riemer (Treas); Fritz Polite (incoming
pres-elect); Emily Houghton (Grad Rep); Jason Laurendeau (MAL; StuPaper); Kathy
Jamieson (Secty); Demetrius Pearson (chair DCCC); Nancy Spencer (Archivist); Cheryl
Cooky (MAL; SSJ award); Michelle Helstein (Conf Locator); Michael Atkinson (Editor SSJ);
Mark Norman (Grad Rep); Maureen Smith (Conf Site Director); Vicky Paraschak (Elexns
1. Call to order - 5:11pm
2. Welcome and introductions current board, next board
a. Each board member introduced themselves
3. Approval of the agenda
a. first by Laurendeau; second by Bruce; motion approved
4. Approval of the minutes of the 2011 NASSS Board meetings
a. first by Riemer; second by ? motion approved
5. Business arising from the minutes of these two meeting
a. no business discussed from the two previous meetings
New Business
6. Faye Wachs introduced a conversation regarding the workload of conference planning
and the current 3-year term/work assignment of the president position on the Board.
The Board was asked to consider moving the responsibility for conference planning from
the President elect to the past President.
Riemer supported this idea citing the demand of the conference planning assignment
and the potential benefit of the assignment being carried out by someone with more
Board experience. Spencer offered insight as to how the program planning may be
properly mentored; Bruce spoke of the mentoring possibility if the assignment were
switched to the past pres; Polite shared that he had experience with this sort of plan in
another organization; Bruce suggested that NASSS needs a conference planning
template. Spencer suggest that NASSS had a manual, created by Mary McDonald, but it
is missing at this point. Jamieson added that this would be a change to the bylaws and
thus needs to follow proper procedure. Spencer and Jamieson suggested there may be
minority opinions that need to be considered. Spencer pointed out lack of continuity in
passing docs down; web changes; and unique situation where one person had to serve
in this role twice.
Action: Bruce will facilitate a special committee agenda focused on streamlining
conference program planning – exploring the possibility of past president serving on
program planning committee; Bruce, Wachs, and Rail have agreed to serve on program
planning committee for 2013.
7. Conference organization
a. Do we need an assistant?
b. Use of committee?
c. Possible change in model?
i. See notes on item 6
8. Recruitment of individuals for positions (Membership Liaison)
a. Wachs clarified that Robert Pitter now occupies this position and it is now partnered
with the Web committee duties
New Business/Reports from Standing Committees/Entities
9. Conference Program Committee (T. Bruce)
a. Report
b. Spotlight session dcccc
i. toni gave brief report; committee was very helpful; printing as late as possible
is helpful;
ii. decided not to do a spotlight session with dccc due to timing of announcement
of award - perhaps with previous award winners of dccc award . . .
10. Conference Site Committee (M. Smith/Helstein)
a. Reports
i. Helstein - conference locator - - embassy suites hotel in portland, oregon;
8 meeting rooms; free bfast and happy hour each day; free wifi in rooms;
new sites - suggestions austin, tx; new mex; halifax; narrowed it to
austin; santa fe; colorado springs; 2 items for discussion - - a. how does
NASSS define NA? Will NASSS consider meeting in Mexico? - the board
supports the site locator committee in their exploration of possible
conference site in Mexico – 2016, especially related to forthcoming special
issue in SSJ; b. should the committee pursue more tier one cities? what is
the board recommendation? Brenda suggests that this is fiscally difficult
for nasss and her report will shed some light on this. the board will
consider michelle's question in light of our treasurer's report.
ii. M. Smith reported on the work of the conference site planning committee;
she is still figuring out how best to use her committee members, incl her
on-site coord; grad student coordinator of on-site student volunteers
received compensation of room rate, and all volunteers received free
b. Sponsorships and ads
i. no report on this
11. Finance Committee (B. Riemer)
NASSS Board and Business Meeting Minutes. Nov., 2012, New Orleans.
a. Report
b. Do we need a Treasurer-elect or Past-Treasurer?
i. Discussion held over until Saturday Nov 10, 2012 Board meeting
c. Fee increases
1. reimbursement form reminder; 2. new 5 year membership rate $400./5yrs
- - committee will review its process/success; 3. membership trends - profl is
decreasing, students is increasing, over 4 years (2009-2012); conference
numbers - increase in student registration; decrease in profl registration
(2008-2012); the board has supported the proposal of the finance committee
to raise registration fees.
12. NASSS Secretary (K. Jamieson)
a. No Report
13. Outstanding SSJ Article Award Committee (Cooky)
a. Report will be posted on web site
14. Outstanding Book Award Committee (Walton)
a. Report will be posted on web site
15. Barbara Brown Outstanding Student Paper Award Committee (J. Laurendeau)
a. Report will be posted on web site
16. Distinguished Service Award Committee (Rail – not present – report submitted in
a. Report will be posted on web site
17. Web Committee (Robert Pitter)
a. Report will be posted on web site
i. robert shared his committee members and had been mostly in touch with
one member . . .regonline issues; membership reports; maintenance robert needs to know more about our iconcept agreement; also used the
web for our election; need a date for renewing our domain; may need a
nasss splash page; need to identify and create sections to website; mark
norman suggests a committee to look at current web site.
18. Meeting adjourned at 8:05pm
Respectfully Submitted by Katherine Jamieson on November 15, 2012
NASSS Board and Business Meeting Minutes. Nov., 2012, New Orleans.
NASSS Business Meeting
New Orleans, Friday November 9, 2012
Call to Order - 6:23pm
ISSA announcement made by Elizabeth Pike, president of International Sociology of Sport
Association (ISSA)
a. Reminds membership about the non-journal membership collaboration between issa
and nasss; issa congress 2013, june, in vancouver. cfp is available online - due jan 7 2013.
issa reg fee is in Canadian dollars; ISSA also has a grad paper award - $ prize with it;
honorary member award as well (like nasss service award). Offers best wishes for a
fantastic conference and expresses thanks for the collaboration.
Approval of the Agenda
a. Brenda Riemer moves to approve. Michael Messner seconds; motion carries based on
no objection.
Approval of Minutes from 2011 Minneapolis Business Meeting
a. Cheryl Cooky moves to approve; Jason Laurendeau seconds; motion carries due to no
Need for Conference Registration Rate increase (Faye Wachs/Brenda Riemer)
a. faye - announces conference registration fees; brenda provides a history and data re:
fiscal needs - last increase was 5 years ago; membership requested tier 1 cities for the
annual meeting - these are more costly; M. Smith clarified that based on her numbers as
conference site organizer, NASSS was not in the "red" but rather was breaking even for
the 2012 conference. B. Riemer cautioned tht all conference bills had not yet been paid.
Samantha King suggests increase is in part due to cost of technology use, but also due to
a balance shifting toward more students, and fewer faculty attending the conference –
encouraged the Board to consider how we sustain nasss and support student
involvement; Jeffrey montez de oca asked if NASSS has looked at comparable
conferences; B. Riemer responded suggesting NASSS costs are much lower than other
conference fees. NASSS member offered the example of nasssm $395 for faculty
attendance at conference.
Do we need/use the NASSS newsletter?
a. Wachs posed the question, “do we need and/or use the newsletter?” Cheryl Cooky put
forth a motion to retire the newsletter and use the web site or other social networking
NASSS Board and Business Meeting Minutes. Nov., 2012, New Orleans.
capacities; Mark Norman asked for a description of the newsletter, having never seen an
issue of it; Nancy Spencer described what the newsletter has been; Mark Norman
suggests a quarterly newsletter that may be posted on the web site; use nasss listserv
with more tags to clarify content; Christiane Dellaire suggested the listserv is what it is,
and we ought not to take responsibility for members NOT reading it, but rather continue
to make it available to those who will access it. Nicole Lavoi added that NASSS ought to
consider when to push info versus when to invite folks to opt in for informational access;
Robert Pitter suggested NASSS could add an rss feed to the website; Cheryl Cooky once
again moves that NASSS retire the newsletter and switch to more efficient technological
options. Motion is seconded by Toni Bruce. Motion carries with a majority in favor.
Use of the Listserv
a. Wachs announces that Michael Malec asks that folks email him directly if they are not
yet receiving the listserv notices
Reports (full reports to be posted on web page)
Conference Site Director (Maureen Smith)
a. Expresses thank to Samantha King for her work in selecting this hotel; lists her
committee members; Reports that the 2012 conference has the most conferees in
NASSS history, with 360 attending, and roughly a 50/50 split of stu/prof attednace. The
site planning committee will send out a member survey in the next two weeks. Smith
reminds members that there will be "books and beer" available immediately following
the meeting.
Conference Program Committee (Toni Bruce)
a. thanks her committee with specific thanks to those who took on leadership roles; offers
some reminders of NASSS conference program policy – see the PPM, available on the
web page.
Treasurer (Brenda Riemer)
a. announces new 5 year professional dues rate - a savings of $75.; Finance committee will
assess this new membership rate and may propose amendments in 2013. reminds
membership that dues account for a jan 1- dec 31 annual term of membership.
Elections Chair (Vicki Paraschak)
a. announces the elections committee members and reports that NASSS held a successful
online election in spring 2012 with at least 2 names in each category; reiterated the
importance of putting your name forward; electronic voting went well with new NASSS
web system – expressed thanks to Robert Pitter and Iconcepts; Announced election
outcome: fritz polite - pres elect; kathy jamieson, secretary; Mary Louise Adams,
member at large (canadian); The forthcoming election will include president-elect,
treasurer; and 2 members at large. NASSS members are encouraged to run for those
Chair of the Web Committee (Robert Pitter)
a. Selected by the Board in November 2011 - was happy to take it on. NASSS now has a
stable web provider - we can get help when needed but also update ourselves; names
committee members, especially barbara shaustic-almeida, who is responsible for the
NASSS blog; Pitter also has role as member liaison; suggests that NASSS conference
registration had a few problems last year – those issues have been addressed. Shares
that the Web committee is thinking about new ways to develop the web page to serve
NASSS Board and Business Meeting Minutes. Nov., 2012, New Orleans.
members better - maybe an rss feed, and look at the web as a way to get folks to signup for committee membership, etc.
Archivist (Nancy Spencer)
a. reports that the NASSS archives have been at Bowling Green State University (Ohio, USA)
since 1978, with Eldon Snyder as first archivist; Spencer showed the web site at BGSU
with nasss archives - go to bgsu - go to archives, and ask for NASSS, our archives will
come up. An introduction and organizational sketch are available at the archive site;
Spencer requests ideas from members for additional items to go into the archives
SSJ Editor (Michael Atkinson)
a. thanks pirkko markula for her editorial work previous to michael's editorship; also
thanks richard pringle as previous assoc editor; welcomes kim schimmel as associate
editor; four members retiring knoppers; kennedy; billings; king; welcomes dworkin,
darnell, jette, and c. adams to the editorial board.
b. Reports that SSJ rec'd 274 submissions this year; ssj is at a 5yr high for its impact score;
SSJ had 55k unique web site visitors; provided specific data re: the rate of acceptance,
etc; announced special issues; emplored the membership to keep sending papers to the
journal in order to keep it vibrant and strong.
Newsletter Editor (Volunteers?) – item removed
Membership Liaison (now under Web committee) – item removed
DCCC Committee (Demetrius Pearson)
a. acknoweldges committee members - departing, jess chin; othello harris; incoming,
kyoung yim kim; funding support for the dcccc grad scholar award -gary sailes will once
again fund that award - has put the funding in his will - acknowledges gary's
committment; the possibility of a master's level award as an added award - may be
funders among the membership; graduate diversity award winner spotlight session to
highlight previous scholar awardees, possible for quebec conference in 2013.
b. announces the 2012 Graduate Diversity Scholar Award - 11 outstanding award
applicants and could only make one award. Recipient is Chelsea Johnson (University of
Southern California, USA).
Graduate Students Representatives (Emily Houghton; Mark Norman)
a. mark norman announces new grad rep letisha brown; thanks departing grad rep, emily
houghton; grads have added to web presence; asks folks to look at web site and alert
the grad reps for any edits; reports a great grad student turn out at the conference bkfast mtg = 45; social = 60; publishing session = 40; take a student to lunch = 60;
expresses thanks to panelists; reminds membership about the book raffle.
Awards Ceremony
NASSS Diversity Scholarship (Demetrius Pearson)
a. see item 17-b.
Barbara A. Brown Outstanding Student Paper Award (Jason Laurendeau)
a. Reports 3 ma submissions and 17 phd submissions; announces winners. Doctoral
Winner: Jennifer Hardes, University of Alberta, for the paper entitled, Toward a sporting
common:Spectacle, biopolitical production and multitudinal becomings. Doctoral
Honorable Mention: Munene Mwaniki, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, for
the paper entitled, Biological Fandom. Master’s Winner: Shawn Forde, University of
British Columbia, for the paper entitled, Look After Yourself! A Critical Discourse
Analysis of Right to Play’s HIV/AIDS Prevention Manual. Master’s Honorable Mention:
NASSS Board and Business Meeting Minutes. Nov., 2012, New Orleans.
None selected in 2012
NASSS Outstanding Book Award (Theresa Walton)
a. Reports that there were 14 nominated books. Announces awards. Recipient: Joshua I.
Newman & Michael Giardina for the book, Sport, spectacle, and NASCAR nation:
Consumption and the cultural politics of neoliberalism. NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
Honorable mention: Mary Louise Adams, for the book, Artistic Impressions: Figure
skating, masculinity, and the limits of sport. Toronto, CA: University of Toronto Press.
Outstanding SSJ Article Award (Cheryl Cooky)
a. Expresses thanks to committee members; describes the winning article and presents
award. Recipient: Michael A. Messner (2011). Gender ideologies, youth sports and the
production of soft essentialism. Sociology of Sport Journal, 28, 151-170.
NASSS Distinguished Service Award (Algerian Hart for Gen Rail)
a. service award - Algerian Hart describes the award, thanks committee members, repors
that this year there are two awards recognizing extraordinary contributions to NASSS
and to the field of sport studies, marking distinguished and long term contributions.
Hart introduces George Sage who presents the award to Merril Melnick; Algerian Hart
then introduces Kyoung-yim Kim and Janell Joseph to present the award to Peter
Other Business
Wachs thanks departing Board Members - Jason Laurendeau, Genevieve Rail
Wachs welcomes new NASSS Board members - President Elect: Fritz Polite;
Secretary: Kathy
Member at Large: Mary Louise Adams
Wachs passes symbolic gavel to 2012-13 NASSS President, Toni Bruce
a. Bruce announces NASSS conference Nov 6-10 in Quebec City
b. Bruce reminds membership of reception and book raffle
Adjournment at 7:50pm
Respectfully Submitted by Katherine Jamieson on November 15, 2012
NASSS Board and Business Meeting Minutes. Nov., 2012, New Orleans.
NASSS Board Meeting
New Orleans, Saturday, November 10, 2012
11:45 AM in the Louis Armstrong Room
Invited: All members of the current (2012) NASSS Boards
Present: Faye Wachs (past president); Toni Bruce (president); Theresa Walton (MAL);
Robert Pitter (Web Chair, Member Liaison); Letisha Brown (Grad Rep); Kathy Jamieson
(Secty); Demetrius Pearson (chair DCCC); Nancy Spencer (Archivist); Cheryl Cooky (MAL);
Mark Norman (Grad Rep); Maureen Smith (Conf Site Director); Mary Louise Adams (MAL)
1. Call to order – 11:55 AM
2. Welcome and introductions current board
3. Continuation of Board Meeting Agenda from Wed Nov 7
Presidential Initiative
toni bruce introduces a project in conversations with our founding members; walton
suggests a youtube for nasss for these interviews; adams reminds us to not reproduce the
exclusions that were present in the remembrance; bruce suggests interviews get done
beyond board member ideas, also by membership; need awareness of the politics of
privilege; spencer suggested we look at alma clayton peterson report; organizational
assessment sort of project;
special committee - facilitated by bruce, incl adams, jamieson, spencer, rep from dccc,
wachs - legacy project
Motion to reappoint Nancy Spencer in position of archivist - bruce first; norman 2nd
- motion carries
Board Initiative – NASSS Public Interface
Cheryl cooky raised issue of creating more of a public interface with nasss, and social
issues . . . engaging with the media, experts engaged on particular issues; spencer says
members are talking about this and some are already doing some of this background work,
eg. a list of experts, insights re: how to do this; walton says these are 2 issues - access to
media of our members, and position papers; critical engagement with mass media - special
committee; we need a process in place - special committee with cooky as chair critical,public engagement committee; adams shared that Queens U has a fantastic media
engagement training - will check out as a resource for the special committee; ideas about a
NASSS Board and Business Meeting Minutes. Nov., 2012, New Orleans.
pre-conference workshop; Norman suggests a panel of folks who are regularly media
Treasurer-Elect/Mentoring of Subsequent Treasurer
jamieson raised Riemer's issue of treasurer mentoring . . . treasurer elect is a bit
problematic due to need to elect; jamieson raises possibility of a co-chari on the finance
committee who is a likely cand for treasurer; encourage anyone running for treas to have
served on nasss finance committee. motion - encourage brenda to talk with folks on the
ocmmittee re: shadow by Bruce; 2nd by Pearson . . . motion carries
dccc report – demetrius pearson
discussion item. . . add a master's level award? members of dccc expressed interest in
recruitment of funds; sponsorships; Bruce suggest that conf site coord get with dccc re:
bruce motions to have finance commitee draft an option for members to donate toward
student scholarship/award funds, on the membership form; walton seconds . . .
discussion=encourage committee to consider the aspects of such a policy that makes it
open enough and yet directed for transparency; how would the donations be handled? what
are the fiscal aspects? motion carries.
Bruce moves that we make a master's level diversity grad award available when warranted,
with same funding level of BBSPA, through nasss funds; jamieson 2nds - motion carries
DCCC suggests that a session of all the Taiwanese scholars is problematic. Bruce shares
how the process worked this year for session development; the three Taiwanese scholars
had asked to have a coherent session - the committee had conversation about this and
supported their wishes.
Feedback/Discussion of 2012 Conference
jamieson raised an issue about an paper being accepted w/o an abstract submission - was
an error in process and Bruce acknowledges that the action fell outside of NASSS policies.
jamieson asked for a moderator switch on sat 4:15 session moderating – Bruce agreed to
switch with Jamieson
adams suggests a need to keep the order of individual papers as scheduled in the program
– it causes confusion when papers order gets switched within a session
board suggests that each paper within a session be followed by discussion, rather than
waiting til end of session for collective discussion
walton asks to consider separating the awards from biz meeting – board consensus was to
try this out during 2013 conference
Pearson asks for podia for next year – Smith agrees to add that to her planning list.
Graduate Student Representatives Report
Mark norman thanks emily and welcomes letisha brown; at grad mtg, reps facilitated a
conversation re: fee increase - students understand but would prefer no increase; a range
of $10-40. students agree it is a fantastic deal and also prefer no increase. norman reports
NASSS Board and Business Meeting Minutes. Nov., 2012, New Orleans.
that students have suggested a positive experience. apologized for lack of presence of
bbspa winners; TASTL participation - board encourages grad reps to reach out to faculty
who have been requested; board approves reimbursement to student who was unable to
attend due to car accident; having thursday as a sort of grad student day worked really well.
award committee chair assignments
wachs – distinguished service
adams - ssj
walton - bbspa
cooky - book
bylaws updates
Pitter suggested that secretary needs to update bylaws to indicate removal of newsletter
and conflation of web committee chair and member liaison positions; Jamieson agreed and
suggested that these changes must be presented to the Board at least 90 days prior to next
business meeting, and then to the membership at least 30 days prior to next business
meeting. These bylaws revisions will be voted on by membership at the 2013 nasss
business meeting.
adjournment 2:27pm
Respectfully Submitted by Katherine Jamieson on November 15, 2012
NASSS Board and Business Meeting Minutes. Nov., 2012, New Orleans.