Sir Syed and his Services After the Holocaust of 1857, Muslims of India came under dark night. British rulers considered them as their rebellion . Hindu became loyal to British rulers and left Muslims alone. At that time, British rulers treated very unequally with the Muslims. They banned on Muslims languages Arabic and Persian and made English as official language. They also banned on Muslims religious activities . Due to these efforts by British Rulers , Muslims thought British Rulers as their opponent. So, Muslims took every thing of British rulers as against Islam and Muslims. So, they opposed to learn English. As source of progress was English, So Muslims became more depressed. At that time Muslims needed a leader who could teach them and brought reforms among Muslims Society. So, that they could prosperous and fight with their opponents Hindu. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan Who was regarded as ‘Reformer of Muslims ‘ at that time of disappointment . Sir Syed was born on 1817 in Deli. His mother ‘Aziz-u-Nisa’ taught him basic early education and then he went to learn further education from ‘Maulvi Hamid-u-Din’. In 1839 He became ‘Naib Munshi ’ and in 1841 he passed a test and became Judge in Small courts. He died in 1898 and buried in Ali Garh. Sir Syed served many Services for Muslims of Sub-Continent in their political life, Education and religious life. After war of Independence 1857, British considered Muslims as their rebellion and they exiled Muslims Emperor ‘Bahadar Shah Zafar ’ to Rangone . Lt. Hadson fired three Muslims prince and tried 24 prince and hanged them. So, Muslims regarded them their opponent. So, this created a wall of mistrust among Muslims and British Rulers. Sir Syed tried to finish this wall of mistrust between Muslims and British Rulers. Sir Syed wrote book named ‘Tabyin-ul-Kalam’ to finish differences among Muslims and British govt. and bring close Islam and Christians. Sir Syed also wrote magazine ‘Asbabe Baghawate Hind’ and made clear befoe British rulers that Muslims not only opposed British rule in Sub-Continent but other nations also supported them in their efforts. Sir Syed at first wanted that Muslims and Hindu live together in Sub-Continent . But in 1867, Urdu Hindi Controversy opposed his stance and after it supported for rights of Muslims. In 1885 , formation of Indian National Sir Syed regarded it Organization to protect rights of Hindus not Muslims. So , to oppose it Sir Syed established ‘Untied Indian Patriotic Association’ in which Muslims and Hindus both participated. Sir Syed also supported Muslims in their religious front. Sir Syed wrote his book ‘Tahzib-ul-Ikhlaq’ to enforce Muslims to change their attitude in daily life . He also wrote a book ‘Daily life of Holy Prophet (PBUH)’ to enforce Muslims to change their daily affairs according to teaching of Islam and life of Holy Prophet (PBUH). In 1893 , he founded ‘Muhammadan Defence Association’ to protect Muslims in their religious and political affairs. Sir Syed also helped Muslims to learn modern education in order to fight with their rivals Hindu. In 1859 , he founded ’ Gulshan School’ in ‘Muradabad’ . In 1863 , he founded another school named ‘Victoria ’ in ‘Ghazia Abad’. Later in 1864 , he founded ‘Translation Agency ’ in ‘ Ghazia Abad ‘ later it changed into ‘Ali Garh Scientific Society’. Main purpose of this ‘Translation Agency’ was to translate English book into Urdu . So, that Muslims could learn modern Scientific knowledge. In 1866, he introduced ‘Ali Garh Institute Gazette ‘, In which he too himself wrote his articles to teach Muslims . He also wrote ‘Tahzib-ul-Akhlaq ’ monthly Magazine to ask Muslims to change their daily affairs positively.He founded Ali Garh School in 1875 , which changed into Ali Garh University in 1920.In 1886 he founded ‘Muhammadan Educational Conference’ a forum through he organized many meetings regarding Ali Garh Movement. So, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan organized Muslims in politics, religion and in education . He was true reformer for Muslims of Sub-Continent. He awakened Muslims of Sub-Continent , when they were in darkness of disappointment . He also paved a way for freedom of rights for Muslims of SubContinent and then lastly their independent State.