Application to attend a Montgomery County Junior Councils (MCJC

Westland Middle School
Student Government Association (SGA) Officer Application
Student Government Association (SGA) Officer Candidates
Nine Officers in Total
 President, Secretary and Treasurer (from any grade)
 Two 8th Grade Vice Presidents
 Two 7th Grade Vice Presidents
 Two 6th Grade Vice Presidents
Officers and STAR representatives will participate in general assembly meetings once a month during the
school day. Officers will meet during STAR and after school twice a month to plan agendas for meetings,
plan events, publicize projects and discuss issues.
Email or hand-deliver your application to Ms. Diederich, Spanish Teacher, in room 150 or at Applications must be submitted by Friday, September 20th.
Please type or write on this form or attach a separate document with this info.
1. Student Name:
2. Grade:
4. Email address (if available):
3. Phone #:
5. STAR Teacher name:
6. Put an X next to (or circle) the position for which you are running. (You can only run for one position).
8th Grade VP
7th Grade VP
6th Grade VP
7. Speech- Write a speech (300 words or less) about why you should be elected to this office. (You will be cut off
after 300 words.) This is the speech that you will perform on camera to be broadcast to students.
8. Issue Statement- Write a statement (200 words or less) about an issue you would like to address and how you
would address it. (This statement may be included in a voter’s guide as written. You can write sentences or use
bulleted points to state your viewpoints. It will be cut off at 200 words.)
9. Optional- Anything else? Write an (optional) statement (150 words or less) about anything else you would like to
add that would help students understand you as a candidate and what you can contribute. (This statement may be
included in a voter’s guide as written. It will be cut off at 150 words.)
10. Candidate’s Acknowledgment
I understand that, if elected to SGA office, I am expected to represent myself, my classmates and my school appropriately.
I will attend scheduled meetings during STAR, attend scheduled meetings during the school day which will be coded as
“present” because I am involved in a school-related activity. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to meet with my
teachers to get make-up assignments from them and to complete missed assignments and turn them in. I understand that
there are after-school (and occasional evening) commitments and that I will make arrangements to attend whenever
possible. In general, I acknowledge that my school work is the first priority, but that the time commitment to SGA is
Write student signature or type initials here:
12. Parent Acknowledgment
I have discussed the above expectations with my child. In addition, I understand that any money spent by my child to
campaign cannot exceed $75.00 and will not be reimbursed by the school. If supplies (like label sheets) or services are
donated (like color copying) the “in kind” donation will count toward the $75.00. Each candidate will have to submit copies
of receipts to ensure that s/he did not exceed the spending limit.
Write parent signature or type initials here as acknowledgment of the above statements:
Due to Ms. Diederich in Room 150 by September 20
CAMPAIGN OVERVIEW (Keep this page for your info)
Wed, September 11
Optional officer interest meetings during STAR in Room 150
Now through Sept 19
Announcements about Officer Election process
Friday, Sept 20
Mandatory- Officer Application due to Ms. Diederich, Spanish Teacher, at or in room 150.
If you would like to arrange for computer access to work on your application,
please see Ms. Diederich (in 150) or Ms. Serino (principal) to schedule time.
Tuesday, Sept 24 and
Wednesday, Sept 25
Monday, Sept 30 thru
Friday, October 4
Mandatory session to film campaign speeches in room 150 during STAR
Candidates receive 8 foot section of banner paper from the school
 Candidates may hang campaign posters, banners and fliers around the school. (A
maximum of 10 posters/banners can be hung.) Each candidate will be given an 8
foot section of banner (from the school) on the day they record their speech.
 Any poster, banner or flier must be initialed by Ms. Diederich (in room 150) or Ms.
Serino (in the principal’s office) BEFORE being hung.
 No posters, banners or fliers may be hung on glass.
 Candidates may distribute fliers, buttons, stickers, etc. before school, after school,
during lunches and during the change of classes.
 Edible handouts (candy, lollipops, etc.) should only be distributed before school,
after school and during lunches. Change of classes is not an appropriate time for
this. NO PEANUT/TREENUT products may be used as giveaways.
 The total cost of the campaign should be between $0.00 and $75.00. This money
will NOT be refunded by the school.
 Candidates must submit copies of receipts for any personal purchases they make
(including paper, paint, stickers, candy, etc.) This includes in-kind donations. So, if
someone donates Xerox copies to your campaign, you must declare those costs
as part of your budget. The total cost of the campaign should be between $0.00
and $75.00. This money will NOT be refunded by the school.
Friday, October 4
Pre-recorded campaign speeches shown in STAR. Voters’ guides distributed.
Monday, October 7
Budgets and copies of receipts are due to Ms. Diederich in room 150.
Elections will take place during STAR.
Tuesday, October 8
Election results about officers will be announced during 7th period.
Wednesday, October 9
Candidates should remove all campaign materials during STAR (with a pass),
during lunch (with a pass) or after school.
Westland MS Student Government Association (SGA)
Duties of Officers
(Keep this page for your info)
 Presides over all meetings of the monthly General Assembly and the monthly Executive Board.
 Expresses student views to the Westland administration.
 Acts as the official spokesperson of the SGA, and performs all other duties and functions that will revolve
around the office of the President.
 Participates regularly in activities and meetings of the Montgomery County Junior Council (MCJC) and the
Maryland Association of Student Councils (MASC.)
 Consults regularly with SGA advisor(s).
 Always considers how actions and decisions reflect on the group s/he was selected to represent.
Vice-Presidents (Two 8th grade VPs, Two 7th grade VPs, Two 6th grade VPs)
 Assumes the duties of the President when/if the President is unable or unavailable.
 Assists the President in the execution of the duties of the office.
 One of the 8th grade VPs will succeed the President in the unlikely event that the office is vacated- the
General Assembly and Executive Board will select the new president through a secret ballot.
 Serves as the grade level contact with administrator, team leaders, staff and students.
 Makes sure the STAR representatives are fulfilling their responsibilities.
 Always considers how actions and decisions reflect on the group s/he was selected to represent.
 Types and distributes all SGA-related material including morning announcements, notices to students,
minutes of the meetings, etc.
 Maintains and publishes complete and accurate records of all SGA business (including attendance records
and minutes) and prepares the agenda for the General Assembly meetings.
 Announces all meetings held by the SGA and keeps a calendar of the activities and meetings planned
throughout the year.
 Maintains public relations between the SGA, the school, and the community.
 Always considers how actions and decisions reflect on the group s/he was selected to represent.
 Supervises the withdrawal and deposit of funds in the SGA account.
 Requests approval through the General Assembly for all SGA-related expenses.
 Supervises all fundraising activities and is responsible for all sales and receipts of the SGA sponsored
 Keeps accurate records of the treasury and submits a report to the executive committee no less than once
a month.
 Always considers how actions and decisions reflect on the group s/he was selected to represent.