6.7 Mutations and New Traits

7th Grade Life Science
Lesson #6.7 Mutations
SWBAT explain how species get new adaptive traits
1. Random mutations are the original source of genetic variation
Key Point
2. Variations can either be good or bad for survival
3. Organisms with the best variations for the environment are more likely to survive & reproduce.
4. You don’t get mutations just because you need them.
5 min
Do Now
10 min
Bugs in different environments (Promethean Simulation)
10 min
Salamander Species Splitting Video
5 min
15 min
5 min
Rationale/ Description/ Explanation
Students will consider survival of webbed-footed squirrels in different environments.
Introduce Project
Work on Adaptation Project
We Do animation link (bugs in orange & green environments)
Salamander Video
Do Now:
1) A mutation is NOT
a. A change in the DNA sequence of an organism
b. Different genetic instructions
c. Something that happens when a species needs it to avoid going extinct.
d. Something that could help an organism survive.
e. Something that could kill an organism.
2) A squirrel in Rocky Mountain National Park was born with a
genetic mutation for webbed feet. Will
this mutation make this squirrel MORE or
LESS likely to survive?
A squirrel with webbed feet in the Rocky Mountains would be
more/less likely to survive because_______________________________________________________
3) A squirrel in the swamps of Florida was born with a genetic mutation for
webbed feet. Will this mutation make this squirrel MORE or LESS likely to
A squirrel with webbed feet in the swamp would be _____________ likely to
survive because_______________________________________________________________________
4) Which of these webbed-foot squirrels (Mountains or Swamp) would be more likely to have offspring?
The webbed-foot squirrels in the_______________ would be more likely to reproduce
We Do: Watch the animation on the board.
Round 1:
Environment is___________________ and __________________
1. What is the normal phenotype of the bugs?_______________________________
2. What “mutation” or genetic variation do you see?___________________________
3. What happens to the new bugs that are born the different color mutation? WHY?
The bugs with the new color mutation ____________________ because________________________
Round 2:
Environment is___________________ and __________________
1. Were the same bugs successful in round 2? Why or why not?
1. Did the bugs get to choose their color? Yes or No
2. Then what factors did “choose” the color of the population? _________________________________
3. How did this show evolution of the bug population?
Salamander Evolution in California Video:
1. What were the 2 salamander migratory routes for in California? __________________________ or
_____________________________ (but not the central valley)
2. Why did the salamanders in the South look different from the costal salamanders?
Exit Ticket 6.7
Give 3-4 examples of adaptations and WHY the adaptations are important for survival:
Bottlenose Kick up mud with their
tails while swimming
around prey.
How the adaptation helps it survive & reproduce:
Behavioral or
Species Adaptations
Mini Project
You are a wildlife biologist who has just discovered a brand-new species that seems to be extremely welladapted to its environment! To receive more grant money to continue studying this species, you must supply
a full, detailed description of the species for review.
Your project must include:
 1) The habitat in which your organism lives.
 2) At least 6 adaptations and a description of how each adaptations helps your species survive & reproduce.
 3) Color drawing with labeled adaptations (with explanations of HOW each adaptation helps your species
survive and reproduce)
 4) An example of a habitat that your organism would be successful in. LABEL at least 3 parts of your habitat
that would make it ideal for your species.
 5) Second drawing of a different species that is RELATED to your species that lives in a slightly different
environment. (label & explain 1-2 DIFFERENT adaptations)
 6) An example of a DIFFERENT environment that your related species would be successful in. LABEL at least
3 parts of your habitat that would make it ideal for your species.
 7) A name for your two species (feel free to be creative). Creating scientific names using the 2-word
Latin/scientific naming system will earn ++
For example, Homo Sapien (human), Acer Rubrum (red maple tree), Quercus Rubra (red oak tree),
Canis Lupus (Grey Wolf) Rosa berberifoila (rose plant), Bufo Californicus (Arroyo Toad)
Homework 6.7:
Complete your species project at home. Grade yourself in PENCIL on the rubric below.
Species 1:_______________________________ Species 2:____________________________
Environment 1:____________________________ Environment 2:_________________________
Adaptation Mini Project Rubric
Excellent (2 points)
Could be better. (1 point)
Needs Review (0 Points)
Explains details about what the 2 species
Explains how we know they are related.
Explains what the 2 species are,
Does not explain the species.
Does not name the species.
(Poster &
Does not explain how we know the
species are related.
Explains details about the specific
environments where each species lives
Names the environments but does
not give details about the
differences between the
Does not explain the
environment where the
species lives.
( poster)
Labels at least 10 total adaptations on 2
species (5+5 or 6+4 or 7+3 or OK)
Has 8-9 total adaptations
Missing 3 or more
Some structural adaptations
EXPLAINED on poster. Some
adaptations might not be very
useful in the environment. May be
missing 1-3 explanations.
Missing 4 or more
explanations on poster.
ALL structural adaptations EXPLAINED on
poster. Adaptation will help species
survive in the environment. Species is
Includes 1 behavioral adaptation explained
on poster and during presentation.
Behavioral adaptation explained on
poster but not in speech OR
No behavioral adaptation .
(Poster &
(missing 1 or 2)
(Poster &
Behavioral adaptation explained in
speech but not on poster.
Clearly explains a few adaptations and
HOW the trait helps the species
Adaptations presented may not
fully explain HOW the trait helps
species survive/reproduce.
Some explanations do not make
Does not explain adaptations
Change in
Describes one environmental change and
what will happen to species (extinct or
Gives clear reasons WHY.
Explains if species will live or go
extinct if environment changes, but
explanation may lack details or be
Does not explain what will
happen to species if
environment changes.
Fun, colorful project that shows creativity
in species and adaptations.
A few creative ideas, but mostly
describes existing species.
Project a little boring, messy,
or not very creative.
On Task
100% On task. Used time efficiently.
Asked questions only after checking rubric.
95% On task. Used time very well.
Needed multiple redirects.
Asked questions clearly
covered in rubric.
Excellent, audible presentation. Excellent
audience member.
May be too quiet or hold poster in a
way that is difficult to see clearly.
Unprepared for