June 12 – 13, 2014 Winston

Perspectives 2014: Science to Spirituality
June 12 – 13, 2014
Winston-Salem, NC
June 12: 1:00 – 5:15
Dr. Merrill Norton Pharm.D., D.Ph., ICCDP-D
With the legalization of marijuana for medical and recreational purposes in some states and a majority of US citizens advocating
for the legal right to use marijuana, the use of marijuana will increase and impact the human brain in many ways. The young
adult brain can experience multiple complications with regular use of cannabis and the long term effects of these complications
are unknown. Our understanding of marijuana's long-term brain effects is limited. Research findings on how chronic cannabis
use affects brain structure, for example, have been inconsistent. It may be that the effects are too subtle for reliable detection
by current techniques. A similar challenge arises in studies of the effects of chronic marijuana use on brain function. Although
imaging studies (functional MRI; fMRI) in chronic users do show some consistent alterations, the relation of these changes to
cognitive functioning is less clear. This uncertainty may stem from confounding factors such as other drug use, residual drug
effects (which can occur for at least 24 hours in chronic users), or withdrawal symptoms in long-term chronic users. This
presentation is designed to help clear up some of the inconsistencies by taking a look at the latest neurobiology and
pharmacology of marijuana and its impact on the young adult brain.
June 13: 9:00 – 4:30
Cardwell C. Nuckols, PhD
This personal and professional development skills training utilizes integrated multiple pathways leading one toward true
happiness. This powerful approach incorporates current understandings of developmental psychology, neurobiology and
contemplative approaches to permanently dissolve aspects of the false-self (Ego). This dissolution or emptying of self opens
one up to spiritual and selfless services – sources of true happiness.
Dr. Cardwell C. Nuckols is described as “one of the
most influential clinical and spiritual trainers in North
America.” He has served the behavioral medicine field
for over 35 years and for the last 20 years is considered
one of the leading experts in the world on addiction and
Dr. Nuckols is widely published, having authored
more than 60 journal articles, 30 books and workbooks,
50 DVDs, CDs and videos, and 25 audiotape series. In
the spring of 2014, he will release a new book entitled
Realizing Christ Consciousness: Finding Freedom
Through Illumination. His latest publication is a best
seller entitled The Ego-Less SELF: Achieving Peace
and Tranquility Beyond All Understanding. Dr.
Nuckols’ first book Cocaine: Dependency to Recovery
is also a trade best seller.
Dr. Nuckols’ background includes advanced work in
such areas as medical research, pharmacology,
neurobiology, education and psychology. His personal
spiritual path has involved studies into various spiritual
traditions predominately early Contemplative
Dr. Merrill Norton has been speaking to national
healthcare organizations since 1985 and has trained
approximately 25,000 healthcare professionals to the
Neurobiology and Pharmacology of Addiction and
Mental Illnesses.
Dr. Norton is a Clinical Associate Professor at the
University Of Georgia College Of Pharmacy with his
specialty areas to include psychopharmacology and
addiction pharmacy. Dr. Norton has worked with
impaired pharmacists and other health care
professionals for over 25 years. Dr. Norton is the
President and CEO of Chemical Health Associates,
Inc. of Athens, Georgia, a national consulting
organization for mental health, alcohol and drug
Dr. Norton has written The Pharmacology of
Psychoactive Chemical Use, Abuse, and Dependence;
From Disgrace to Grace: Issues of Shame and
Recovery Workbook; and Contempt Prior to
Investigation: The Neurobiology of Anger, Trauma,
and Dependence Workbook. He has produced the
“From Disgrace to Grace” DVD series.
For more information call: Mary Jane – 336-554-5867