ARISTOS PROGRAM Background For ten years, the Aristos Scholars and Grants Program has been funded by the Rennebohm Foundation in the amount of $750,000. Currently, the program is supported through a $200,000 grant from the Kelly Family Foundation through the Foundation for Madison’s Public Schools. Through the use of these funds, the district created a prestigious group of Aristos Scholars who form a Think Tank of creative thinkers as well as award funding for innovative grants. Aristos Scholars Academy Aristos Scholars are identified through a nomination or self-nomination process. Teachers or administrators should have a demonstrated record of innovation, project implementation, successful project evaluation, creative thinking and problem-solving skills, and exhibit a district perspective and vision. Up to ten Aristos Scholars are selected each spring to form the Aristos Scholars Academy. The Aristos Scholars Academy is a prestigious MMSD Think Tank in which members explore district issues. Aristos Scholars are recognized at an annual Celebration Banquet, serve a three-year term, select future grant recipients, and participate in a two-day retreat to study educational issues. Go to to download the nomination materials. Aristos Grants See the timeline, checklist, instructions, and application materials for further information. 1 2012 Grant Application Timeline Aristos grant applications are accepted from January 17, 2012 until 4:00 PM, Thursday, March 1, 2012. The signed original and 12 copies of your application must be received by Rita Applebaum, 132D Doyle Administration Building, by 4:00 PM on Thursday, March 1, 2012. Applications available on the Grants and Fund Development Office website and the Foundation for Madison’s Public Schools website 11-1-11 Online Grant Writers Information and Support Session Date TBD, watch your email for more information Grant Writers Support Sessions 1-18-12, 3 PM – 5 PM and 2-15-12, 3 PM – 5 PM During these dates and times, the Aristos mini-grant manager, Rita Applebaum, will be available via email ( or phone 6631655) to answer your questions. You are welcome to contact her at other times as well, but at these specific times, she will be available. Budgets and draft narratives submitted to relevant personnel (see Instructions, # 3) for review. 2-23-12 NOTE: Budgets and draft narratives submitted for review after 2-23-12 will not be reviewed. Respond to questions or concerns regarding budget review 2-23-12 through 2-29-12 Application Deadline 1-17-12 through 3-1-12 2 2012 Grant Application Checklist _____ Read and follow the Application Instructions on pages 4 - 8 _____ Complete project narrative (not exceeding 3 pages) _____ Contact the necessary personnel during proposal development to get sign off on the proposed budget Note: Budgets and draft narratives must be submitted by 5:00 PM on February 23, 2012 for review and sign-off. _____ Complete project budget, including required signatures _____ Complete cover page, including required signatures by your supervisor (e.g. Principal or District department head), any significant partners _____ Deliver the signed original and 12 copies of your completed application to Rita Applebaum, Room 132D Doyle Administration Building, by 4:00 PM on Thursday, March 1, 2011. To get feedback on the appropriateness of your project idea for Aristos funding, please contact Rita Applebaum, 663-1655 (ph) or at 3 INSTRUCTIONS ARISTOS MINI-GRANTS 1. Purpose The grant funds are used to: Support grants for innovative projects designed by MMSD teachers or administrators. Create a prestigious group of Aristos Scholars. Individuals selected to be Aristos Scholars will participate in the Aristos Scholars Academy, a Think Tank exploring district issues. The Aristos program discourages applications for projects that have been implemented in the past in the district or school operating budget. In this regard, in order to provide an accurate answer to question #1.B in your project narrative, applicants are expected to make a good faith effort to research this question. A list of previously funded Aristos grants may be found on the Aristos section of the Grants and Fund Development Office website. The Aristos program places a premium on creative proposals that offer new, innovative approaches to a particular educational issue, problem, or opportunity. Thus, while projects such as Read 180, Peaceful Playgrounds, family literacy nights, and elementary bookrooms have indeed had significant benefits for our students, the Aristos program will no longer consider them for funding. 2. Deadline Only complete grant applications submitted prior to the March 1, 2012, 4:00 PM deadline will be considered for funding. A complete application consists of the Cover Sheet (with appropriate signatures), the project narrative (not to exceed 3 pages), and budget (pages 9, 10, 11, and 12 ONLY). Do not submit the timeline, checklist, instructions, or sample budget. Typed, word processed applications are required. Please consult with your principal/supervisor early in the proposal development process to ensure that your grant proposal is consistent with district and School Board policy and that he/she will be comfortable signing the application cover page when your proposal is ready for submission. 3. Required Review and Signoff Procedure If your project includes payment to any staff, purchase of computer hardware or software, purchase of materials or supplies, and/or alterations to a school building or grounds, it must be reviewed and approved. Food for staff may not be budgeted. If the proposal includes…. payment to staff* contact…. June Glennon, Employment Manager, Human Resources. If you are unable to reach June Glennon, you may contact Heidi Tepp. at…. 663-1867, computer hardware or software William Smojver, Director of Technical Services 663-5430, alterations to buildings or grounds John Finnemore, Director of Building Services 204-7909, supplies, equipment, or purchased services Mary Teppo, Director of Administrative Services 663-5931, 4 663-1742, The budget and a draft of the narrative must be submitted to the required personnel by February 23, 2012 to allow sufficient time for them to review the budgets and for you to address any issues before the March 1, 2012 deadline. Approval is indicated by the appropriate staff member signing off on the signature spaces provided on the application budget form OR submission of a hard copy of an email showing communication between you and the required person with his/her approval of the intended use of grant funds. * Use $19/hr for extended employment. This includes salary (range of $11/hr to $18.17/hr depending on years of service) and fringe benefits (Wisconsin Retirement System contribution and federal Social Security/Medicare taxes, about 20% of the hourly rate). You will receive $11/hr to $18.17/hr depending on your years of service and whether or not the work includes student contact. These rates are set by the Collective Bargaining Agreement between MMSD and Madison Teachers, Incorporated (MTI). 4. Eligible Applicants Previously-selected Aristos Scholars and previous Aristos grant recipients are not eligible to apply for new grants. All other MMSD teachers and administrators are eligible to apply for either a grant or selection to the Aristos Scholars Academy. Other staff members are welcome to be part of your project team but may not be the team leader. 5. Grant Types and Amounts The Aristos Scholars Program will provide funding to support new, creative initiatives to increase student success. Up to $10,000 will be awarded to support project implementation. Grant Criteria: The project must have a single author and: Be a new, unique initiative Detail an effective implementation strategy Clearly define the purpose, rationale and target population Exhibit project sustainability and replication Grant Application Components: Innovative, unique, or creative features Purpose, rationale, and target population Implementation plan/anticipated outcomes Evaluation plan Sustainability/replicability 6. Project Period Funding is provided for projects to be conducted and completed during the 2012-13 school year. Funding for approved projects will be available beginning July 1, 2012. If multiple funding sources are required for successful completion of your project, release of your Aristos grant will be contingent on (a) your securing the necessary additional funds, or (b) negotiating a scaled-down project budget and design with Aristos Director, Rita Applebaum. 7. Award Announcements Grant awards are expected to be announced in May. 8. Review Process a) Grant proposals are judged by the Aristos Scholars, MMSD retirees, and others. 5 b) The rubric below is used to score your proposal with the following scoring system: 9-8-7 More than Acceptable 6-5-4 Acceptable 3-2-1 Less than Acceptable Be sure to address these criteria directly in your project narrative and budget. 1. Innovative, unique, and creative (25%) In what ways does this project address a need in a new, creative/innovative fashion? Ratings Benchmarks 9 8 7 The project has never been done before in MMSD; a new project; the idea is new; the project is unique; implementation and activities are unique; a new twist or approach. 6 5 4 3 2 1 The project is similar to district initiatives; project supplements a current district initiative. The project is a replication an existing project in the district. 2. Purpose, rationale and target population (25%) What needs will this project address? Who is the project intended to benefit? What is the estimated number of students, staff and/or families who will benefit from the project? Ratings Benchmarks 9 8 7 The purpose, rationale, and target population are clearly defined and compelling; the need is clearly identified; the project promotes one or more of the aspects of the Framework: engagement, learning, and relationships. 6 5 4 3 2 1 The project is not a high leverage project for a large number of students OR there are a small number of students reaping great rewards. The project is more of a luxury than a necessity; a need has not been established 3. Implementation Plan (20%) How will the project meet the needs identified with goals, objectives and activities? Ratings Benchmarks 9 8 7 The goals and objectives are clearly defined and measurable and focus on the project’s outcomes; activities include timeframe, target dates, person responsible for conducting the activity, start and end dates. 6 5 4 The goals and objectives are established but the activities wouldn’t lead to the anticipated outcome; there is a lack of correlation (relationship) between the activities, goals, and outcomes. 6 3 2 1 The goals and objectives are imprecise with little or no detail; activities lack implementation clarity 4. Evaluation Plan (20%) Describe how progress toward each of the project objectives will be assessed. Ratings Benchmarks 9 8 7 The evaluation plan is clearly linked to the goals and measurable objectives; it includes valid and reliable quantitative and qualitative measurements; and ongoing systematic monitoring of progress towards goals and objectives. 6 5 4 The evaluation is incomplete; some goals and objectives are evaluated and measured or choice of evaluation tools is poor for what they’re trying to measure. 3 2 1 The evaluation is either missing or does not connect with the goals and objectives established in the grant 5. Sustainability and Replicability (10%) What is your strategy for sustaining this project after the grant period has ended? If not sustainable, what is the project’s potential impact beyond the grant period? What is the potential for replicating this project in the Madison Metropolitan School District? Ratings 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Benchmarks The strategy for sustaining the project after the grant has ended is clearly stated. The potential for replicating the project is evident. It’s either sustainable or replicable It is neither sustainable nor replicable Percent of Score Innovative, unique, and creative……………………………………………………………… 25% Purpose, rationale, and target population are clearly defined and compelling…………. 25% How will the project meet the needs identified with goals, objectives and activities? …. 20% The project evaluation plan is linked to the goals and measurable objectives………….. 20% The plan to sustain the project is clearly presented and the potential for replicating the project is evident. ……………………………………………………………………………… 10% 100% c) Applicants will be notified of final funding decisions in May 2012. 9. Project Evaluation All grant recipients must submit a project evaluation following grant implementation. Forms and due dates will be provided to you well in advance of the deadline. 7 10. Applying to Multiple Funders Applicants are encouraged to apply to multiple mini-grant funding sources, and to document these other applications in Part II of the budget page, since grantseeking is a highly speculative process with no guarantee of success. Do know that our mini-grant managers consult each other and, from time to time, make collaborative decisions in order to fund a project they like but which no single funder can fully support. Our MMSD mini-grant program managers, and indeed funders everywhere, will also see this as an indication of an applicant’s commitment to their project. 8 ARISTOS GRANT PROGRAM APPLICATION COVER PAGE 2012-13 Project Title: Project Leader: (single author only; must be a teacher or administrator) Project Leader’s b#: b_______________ Project Leader’s Title: School/Department: Amount Requested: Project Abstract (Please limit to 50 words) Signature of Project Leader, Supervisor and Partners In addition to signing below, the Project Leader must secure their supervisor’s signature (e.g. Principal or district department head) below. Also, if a non-MMSD partner (e.g. consultants, colleges, community-based agencies) will play a significant role in your project, an authorized administrator from each one should sign below. (Use additional sheets if necessary.) Please note that by signing below, you authorize the district to share your proposal as a model – if it is funded by Aristos – with other staff in future years. Note to Principal/Supervisor: By signing below, you are indicating your comfort with the project described in this application, including its consistency with Board of Education and district policies. ________________________________________ Project Leader Signature ________________________________________ Supervisor Signature ________________________________________ Outside Partner Signature __________ Date __________ Date __________ Date Return 12 copies of the completed Grant Application to Rita Applebaum, 132D Doyle Administration Building, by 4:00 PM on Thursday, March 1, 2012. 9 Aristos Project Narrative 2012-13 1. Innovative, unique, and creative – 25% A. In what ways does this project address a need in a new, creative/innovative fashion? B. Has this project previously received support from the district or school operating budget? If so, in what year(s) and approximately how much per year? 2. Purpose, rationale and target population – 25% A. What needs will this project address? Who is the project intended to benefit? What is the estimated number of students, staff and/or families who will benefit from the project? 3. Implementation Plan – 20%: Explain how the project will meet the needs identified above by providing the following. A. Goals and Objectives: List the specific goals and objectives of the project. The objectives should be clearly stated, measurable, and focus on the project’s desired outcomes. B. Activities: Explain how the project will achieve these aims by describing the activities that will be implemented for each of the goals/objectives listed. For each activity, please include (i) its start and end dates, and (ii) the lead person(s) responsible for conducting the activity. C. Funding Level Impact: If the funder supports your project at a lower level than you request, what impact would that have on the feasibility/integrity of your project plan? Please note that a thoughtful, forthright answer to this question may help you gain at least partial funding for your project when you might otherwise receive none.) 4. Evaluation Plan – 20%: A. Describe how progress toward each of the project objectives will be assessed. Evaluation methods should be clearly related to these objectives. 5. Sustainability and Replicability – 10% A. What is your strategy for sustaining this project after the grant period has ended? If not sustainable, what lasting impact will the project have (beyond the grant period) on the quality of education that MMSD delivers? What is the potential for replicating this project elsewhere in the District? Reminders Carefully read and follow the instructions. Prepare your project narrative by answering questions 1 – 5 above. State each question and write your response beneath it. Limit: 3 pages. All applications must be word-processed. No hand-written applications accepted. 10 Project Budget Part I: Line Item Budget A. Budget Item and Cost Formula B. Purpose/Activity Estimated Cost C. Aristos Funds Requested 1. Extended Employment (includes fringes) Use $19/hr for extended employment. This includes salary (range of $11/hr to $18.17/hr depending on years of service) and fringe benefits (Wisconsin Retirement System contribution and federal Social Security/Medicare taxes, about 20% of the hourly rate). SIGNATURE, HR EMPLOYMENT MANAGER: ______________________________________________ 2. Substitute Teachers Salary and Fringes Use $216/day x # of sub days needed 3. Other Salaries/Fringes (Position, # of staff & duration) SIGNATURE, HR EMPLOYMENT MANAGER: ______________________________________________ 4. Capital Items: Equipment over $5000 (List individually with cost) . SIGNATURE, TECHNICAL SERVICES DIRECTOR: _______________________________________________ SIGNATURE, BUILDING SERVICES DIRECTOR: _______________________________________________ SIGNATURE, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR: _______________________________________________ 5. Non-Capital Items (materials, supplies, books, manipulatives, food, etc.) (List individually with estimated cost) SIGNATURE, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR: _______________________________________________ 6. Purchased Services (transportation, hiring a person or group to do a performance/workshop with students or to conduct professional development with staff, etc.) SIGNATURE, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR: _______________________________________________ 7. Conferences (registration, food per diem @ $35/day in state, $40/day out of state, lodging, mileage for staff) 8. Total Project Budget 11 D. Other Funds Requested or Secured (Complete Part II below) E. Total Funds Part II: Detail on Other Funds Requested or Secured Instructions: Please complete the following chart to identify the sources from which you have secured, or are seeking, the “other” funds you need to complete your project (shown in Column D in Part I above). To indicate the status of each alternate funding source request, place an “X” in the appropriate box in column C, D, or E. For each source from which funding has not yet been secured, please indicate the expected decision date in column F. Be sure that your bottom-line total in column B below is equal to or greater than the total on line 8, column D, in Part I above. A. Alternate Funding Source B. Amount Requested C. Approved Status of Funding Request D. Application E. Application F. Expected Application to be Submitted Submitted Decision Date TOTAL Reminders Use the format provided above for all budget information. Budget items must be clearly described and linked to project activities. Double check your numbers for accuracy. Complete the budget page, including all required signatures. The budget and a draft of the narrative must be submitted to the appropriate staff by February 23, 2012 to allow sufficient time for budget review and approval. All budgets must be word-processed. No hand-written budgets accepted. Food for staff may NOT be budgeted. A sample (completed) budget appears on pages 13 and 14 for your reference. Please use the blank template rather than the sample to complete your budget. 12 SAMPLE Budget Part I: Line Item Budget A. Budget Item and Cost Formula B. Purpose/Activity Estimated Cost C. Aristos Funds Requested D. Other Funds Requested or Secured (Complete Part II below) E. Total Funds 1. Extended Employment and Fringe Benefits 3 teachers @ 6 hours each: 3 X 6 = 18 hours X 15/hr = $270 1 teacher @ 3 hrs/week x 13 wks x $11/hr = $430 SIGNATURE, HR EMPLOYMENT MANAGER: June Glennon –sample, actual signatures or hard copy of email required as described in the instructions Curriculum development $700 $430 $270 MSCR after-school club leader 2. Substitute Teachers Salary and Fringes Use $216/day x # of sub days needed 2 teachers released 1 day each: 2 X 1 = 2 days X $216/day = $432) Teacher staff development related to project work $432 $432 3. Other Salaries/Fringes (Position, # of staff & duration) Salary: 0.1 FTE @ $50,000 = $5,000; Fringes (@30% = $1,500) Project Coordinator $6,500 $6,500 SIGNATURE, HR EMPLOYMENT MANAGER: June Glennon –sample, actual signatures or hard copy of email required as described in the instructions 4. Capital Items: Equipment over $5000 (List individually with cost) SIGNATURE, TECHNICAL SERVICES DIRECTOR: _______________________________________________ SIGNATURE, BUILDING SERVICES DIRECTOR: _______________________________________________ SIGNATURE, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR: _______________________________________________ 5. Non-Capital Items (materials, supplies, books, manipulatives, food, etc.) (List individually with estimated cost) Supplies: paper, games, books, videotapes Food: 6 sessions @ $50/session SIGNATURE, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR: _______________________________________________ Parent involvement materials 6 parent meetings at school $550 $300 $850 13 6. Purchased Services (transportation, hiring a person or group to do a performance/workshop with students or to conduct professional development with staff, etc.) Contracted Service: Artist in residence @ $100 per session X 6 sessions Artist in Residence 6 sessions at school $600 $600 $2,152 $9,082 SIGNATURE, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR: _______________________________________________ 7. Conferences (registration, food per diem @ $35/day in state, $40/day out of state, lodging, mileage for staff) 8. Total Project Budget $6,930 Part II: Detail on Other Funds Requested or Secured Instructions: Please complete the following chart to identify the sources from which you have secured, or are seeking, the “other” funds you need to complete your project (shown in Column D in Part I above). To indicate the status of each alternate funding source request, place an “X” in the appropriate box in column C, D, or E. For each source from which funding has not yet been secured, please indicate the expected decision date in column F. Be sure that your bottom-line total in column B below is equal to or greater than the total on line 8, column D, in Part I above. A. Alternate Funding Source 1. Capital Times Kids Fund 2. Dane County Youth Commission 3. PTO 4. Optimist Club – Madison Northeast TOTAL B. Amount Requested C. Approved $1,500 Status of Funding Request D. Application E. Application F. Expected to be Submitted Application Decision Submitted Date X 3/1/12 $2,020 $500 $500 X 3/1/12 X X 1/15/12 $4,520 14