Proton Therapy Offers Hope for Patients with Locally Advanced

October 1, 2015
Proton Therapy Offers Hope for Patients with Locally Advanced Stage III
Breast Cancer
SCCA Proton Therapy Center to Participate in PCORI Trial
SEATTLE, WA – In 2015, more than 1,650,000 new cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed in
women in the United States, according to the American Cancer Society. Although many types of
breast cancer are curable, traditional treatment methods can expose the heart, lungs, and other
organs to radiation, resulting in an increased risk of long-term side effects. Proton beam therapy
offers hope to women diagnosed with locally advanced stage III breast cancer, by targeting the
tumor while reducing damage to healthy tissue. To provide evidence supporting this, experts
from Seattle Cancer Care Alliance (SCCA) Proton Therapy Center are currently participating in
a Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) trial to compare the effectiveness of
proton beam radiation to conventional photon radiation in treating certain breast cancers.
While conventional breast radiotherapy (X-rays or photons) has helped save the lives of many
women, the treatment can expose the heart, lungs, and other vital organs to damaging radiation.
This exposure can potentially lead to an increased risk of side effects such as coronary artery
disease, lung scarring, and secondary malignancies. Until recently, patients and the medical
community accepted these side effects as a consequence of treating the cancer. However, with
proton therapy now available, experts are beginning to reconsider the side effects associated with
An advanced form of radiation treatment, proton therapy allows doctors to focus radiation
directly into the tumor, dramatically reducing the excess radiation to healthy tissues and organs,
therefore reducing the potential for side effects. Unlike conventional radiation which delivers a
dose to all tissue on its path to the tumor and out the body, proton therapy deposits the greatest
amount of radiation right into the tumor and then stops. This allows patients to receive
potentially higher doses with less risk of damage to nearby healthy tissue. This is especially
important in left-sided breast cancer, as the cancer is close to critical organs such as the heart and
the lungs. Patients with left-sided breast cancer are more likely than patients with right-sided
breast cancer to develop cardiovascular diseases after receiving traditional radiation treatment.
“Based on the outcomes of our patients, we have seen first-hand the benefits of proton therapy in
sparing the surrounding healthy tissues and reducing side-effects,” said Ramesh Rengan, MD,
PhD, the medical director of SCCA Proton Therapy and an associate professor of radiation
oncology at University of Washington School of Medicine. “We are happy to be part of this
important PCORI trial and hope it results in enabling others access to this advanced treatment.”
The PCORI Board of Governors recently approved more than $58.5 million to fund five clinical
studies, including this study that focused on radiation therapy for breast cancer. PCORI allocated
$11.8M of this funding towards a study that will address critical questions relating to breast
cancer control and survival. This will be the first clinical trial designed to provide level one
evidence comparing the effectiveness of proton beam therapy versus conventional photon
radiation therapy for breast cancer.
For more information on how SCCA Proton Therapy can potentially help you with your cancer
diagnosis, visit
About Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Proton Therapy
Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Proton Therapy is a cancer treatment center that uses precisely
targeted radiation to treat cancer while preserving surrounding healthy tissue. Proton
therapy is an advanced form of treatment that allows doctors to focus radiation directly into
the tumor, reducing the potential for side effects. Protons are beneficial in treating a broad
range of tumors, including those of the brain, central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract,
head and neck, breast, lung, and prostate, as well as sarcomas and certain pediatric cancers.
SCCA Proton Therapy unites top physician experts in cancer from UW Medicine and Seattle
Children’s Hospital. SCCA Proton Therapy is located on UW Medicine's Northwest
Hospital & Medical Center campus and is the only proton therapy center in a seven -state
region. For more information about proton therapy, visit or
follow SCCA Proton Therapy on Twitter @SCCAProtons and Facebook.
Media Contact:
Stephany Rochon
Nyhus Communications for SCCA Proton Therapy