APES Chapter 10: Conventional & Sustainable Practices Chapter 17: Irrigation 10-1 Resources for Agriculture Soil Soil texture Soil profile Micorrhizal fungi/ Symbiosis Surface soil Sub-soil Soil Horizons: O Horizon A Horizon E Horizon B Horizon C Horizon Bedrock Mollisols Alfisols aridisols Rock cycle (See#2 in Questions) 10-2 Ways We Use & Abuse Soils Arable land Erosion Gully erosion Rill erosion Sheet erosion Desertification Name:_________________________ Date_______ 10-3 Water & Nutrients Salinization Water Logging 10-4 Pests & Pesticides 17-3, p. 380 Water Availability Irrigation Flood Irrigation Spray Irrigation Drip Irrigation Lab Vocabulary: The Dust Bowl Pesticide Biocide Herbicide Insecticide Fungicide Organophosphates Chlorinated hydrocarbons Fumigants Inorganic pesticides Natural organic pesticides Microbial agents / biological controls Sustainable Agriculture (See #9 in Questions) US Dept of Agriculture (see #10 in Questions) 10-6 Organic & Sust Agriculture Organic farming Integrated Pest Management 10-7 Soil Conservation Contour plowing Strip farming Terracing Perennial species Ground cover Cover crops Mulch Reduced tillage Systems No-Till planting Locavore Community Supported Agriculture Laws: Taylor Grazing Act Food Quality Protection Act Soil Conservation Act Soil & Water Permeable Impermeable Porosity Permeability Leaching Conservation Act Chapter Questions: 1. Please read the case study titled Farming the Cerrado. a. Notes b. what has driven the farm expansion, the environment and economy of central Brazil? 2. Familiarize yourself with the Rock Cycle using this animation: http://www.learner.org/interactives/rockcycle/index.html a. Go to the Types of Rock and use the animation to see the different types of rock are found. b. When finished, go to the The Rock Cycle Diagram and complete the diagram for sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous. Make a drawing of these cycles. 3. Is soil a renewable or non-renewable resource? Explain. 4. What makes up soil? Name the 6 parts which make up soil. 5. Variations in these components produce an infinite variety in the world’s soils. Write a brief description of these conditions: a. abundant clays b. abundant organic material & sand c. sand d. silt e. organic alone having abundant soil fauna (dead leaves and roots) f. compacted soils: 6. Soil Profiles – go to this site APES in A Box: Soil Profiles and take notes on the soil horizons: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Kr3Wj7SeSc 7. Soil Triangle and Characteristics—go to this site APES in a Box: Soil Triangle and take notes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEgHmgnrWzk 8. How to read a Soil Triangle: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAYzoVliNFQ 9. What is sustainable agriculture? Go to: http://education-portal.com/academy/lesson/what-is-sustainableagriculture-definition-benefits-and-issues.html#lesson And take notes on what makes up sustainable agriculture (this is not in your book). 10. What does USDA stand for? What is the role of the USDA? Go to: http://usgovinfo.about.com/cs/agencies/a/usdapage.htm and take notes on their role. 11. The health of the soil ecosystem depends on which events? 12. Which of the soils dominate most of the farming regions of the US? Chapter 10.2 13. The best agricultural lands occur where the _______________ is moderate—not too cold or too hot. 14. Describe reasons why there are soil losses: 15. Some of the highest erosion rates in the world occur in the US and Canada. The U.S.Department of Agriculture reports that 69 million hectacres of US farmland and range are eroding at rates that reduce long-term productivity. What are the causes of this environmental concern? 16. What is the cause of soil loss? 10-3 Water and nutrients. 17. What are the consequences of over-watering? 18. Plants need water, sunshine and carbon dioxide, but they also need small amounts of inorganic nutrients for growth…name the major elements required by most plants: 19. Some farmers tend to over-fertilize. What are the consequences of over-fertilizing? 20. Why is farming energy-intensive? Chapter 10.6 Organic & Sustainable Agriculture 21. How does water move through the soil? Please watch this brief overview on soil porosity and permeability. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmo0FRAVgkM&feature=youtu.be 22. According to the USDA rules products labeled 100% must be produced without: 23. Identify 4 ways to control pests (according to IPM-US-EPA) recommends: 24. Name 3 useful organisms to help farmers control the pests: