Hybrid Cryptography for Secure Intrusion

Hybrid Cryptography for Secure Intrusion Detection System
for MANETs
Shreyas S. Jathe
PG Student, Department of
Computer Engineering
Pune, India
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) consist of a set of
mobile nodes, which can move freely. MANET does not
require a fixed network infrastructure. Mobile ad hoc network
(MANET) is one of the most important and unique
application in which every single node works as both a
transmitter and a receiver and they trust their neighbors to
relay messages. Many IDS (Intrusion Detection System) have
been proposed for detecting malicious nodes. On such IDS,
Enhanced Adaptive Acknowledgement (EAACK) has over
come the drawbacks of watchdog, ACK and TWOACK. In
this Paper, identification of inadequate nature of EAACK in
scenarios of link breakage, source maliciousness and partial
packet dropping and an improved algorithm called improved
EAACK to tackle the security issues. Thus proposed system
explicitly stated that the Hybrid Cryptography technique is
used to reduce network overhead. We then provide some
directions for future research.
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET), Intrusion Detection
System (IDS), Enhanced Adaptive ACK, Rivest Shamir
Adleman, Data Encryption Standard and Digital Signature.
MANET (Mobile Ad hoc network) is a collection of mobile
nodes consists of both a wireless transmitter and receiver
communicating via each other using bidirectional wireless
links. Acting as a peer to peer system infers that each node or
user in the network behaving as a data endpoint or
intermediate repeater. MANETs are usually a self-forming,
self- maintained and self-repairs itself process allowing for
extreme network flexibility, which is generally used in critical
mission applications like military purposes or emergency
recovery. Having the minimum configuration and quick
distribution of nodes in preparation for work make MANET
ready to be used in emergency circumstances. Now a day,
MANET is becoming more and more widely implemented in
the industry. Taking into the consideration MANET is popular
among critical mission applications; importance of a network
security plays in a vital role. Unfortunately, the open medium
and remote distribution of MANET make it physical to
various types of attacks. Communication between distinct
nodes are maintaining effectively by Routing protocols.
Routing protocol not only discovering the topology of a
network but also creates a route for forwarding data packets
and dynamically maintaining the routes between any pair of
Mrs.Vidya Dhamdhere
Faculty, Department of Computer
Pune, India
communicating nodes. Due to mobility of nodes, the routing
protocol are such designed that to adapt frequent changes in
the network system.
EAACK is the pleasantly new approach decides the preceding
approaches problems by the combination of Digital signature
and the RSA concepts. EAACK is an acknowledgement based
on the Intrusion Detection System. Acknowledgement based
detection scheme consist of three parts of EAACK are ACK,
Secure Acknowledgement (S-ACK) and misbehavior report
authentication (MRA). In EAACK, it is significant to ensure
all acknowledgement packets are reliable and undamaged. In
another way, if the attackers are easily to produce
acknowledgement packets, all of the three schemes will be
susceptible. For that we can use a concept of digital signature
in the EAACK scheme. The concept of the digital signature
scheme is that all the acknowledgement packets are digitally
signed before they are sent out in the scheme and authenticate
until they are obtained. Additional resources required in the
digital signature, which are used in the MANETs. To
implement these things, we can apply both DSA and RSA
digital signature scheme.
To build up this security in the mobile ad hoc networks, we
could be use as a deviceful approach called Hybrid
Cryptography Technique, because it is aspired to correspond
data with high security. The Hybrid Cryptography Technique
can be a combination of both symmetric and asymmetric
cryptography techniques. By including the symmetric key it
can be used to accomplish both the Confidentiality and
Integrity. By making a combination of both the cryptography
techniques i.e. symmetric and asymmetric, the hybrid
cryptography technique could be considered for better
Elhandi M. Shakshuki, Nan Kang, Tarek R. Sheltami, the
author has explains various intrusion detection in MANETs
and its disadvantages. EAACK supported for solving false
misbehavior report problem and described some new
techniques, which are related to the enhanced adaptive
acknowledgement. The techniques which are used, solves the
problem of ACK, TWO ACK & Watchdog scheme. On
acknowledged packets the techniques depend on that, so the
attacker prevent by Digital Signature from attacking the
packets. ACK, S-ACK, MRA & Digital Signature are the
parts which namely consist by EAACK. A novel intrusion
detection system called as EAACK protocol that is uniquely
designed for MANETs and taking the comparison across other
popular way scheme through simulations [1].
Tiranuch Anantualee and Jie Wu, the author has study and
provides survey on mobile ad hoc network of various
intrusion detection implementation like stand alone intrusion
detection systems, distributed and cooperative intrusion
detection system, hierarchical intrusion detection system and
mobile agent for intrusion detection system and having the
survey on sample intrusion detection system for MANETs and
intrusion detection techniques like node cooperation in
MANETs. Node in the network performs some quality work,
which is similar to social behavior of human in a community.
A node tries to expand its interest by choosing whether to
cooperate in network. [2].
Nan Kang Elhadi M.Shakshuki and Tarek R. Sheltami, the
author has explain the security which is based on the
acknowledgements packets, that how to secure those packets
from attacks and explain intrusion detection system scheme
for MANETs and there improvement which increases a slight
in network overhead, using EAACK2 which is called as
improved version of EAACK, EAACK2 which performs
better in the existence of false misbehavior and partial
dropping not only brings out a better performance in the
presence of forged acknowledgement packets, but also
encourage the packets integrity when potential attack occur.
The author also had a plan to investigate other authentication
scheme and evaluate the performance in the algorithm. Due to
this, memory space of mobile nodes preserves better battery
Vehbi C. Gunger and Gerhard P. Hancke, author tells about
various applications of wireless networks, which are used in
the industries and aim to provide a new look at the current
state of the art in industrial wireless sensor network and
examine the issues in the field which is still open research and
explain various challenges like resource constraints, dynamic
topologies & harsh environment condition, quality of service
and many more. The author studied about the designing of
goals in different applications requirements and classified the
design principles and technical approaches into three
categories hardware development, software development and
system architecture and protocol design. Descriptions of
standardization activities are briefly described in Industrial
wireless sensor networks. [4].
Kejun Liu, Jing Deng, Pramod K. Varshney and Kashyap
Balkrishnan, in this paper, the author has explains that it is
necessary to work for TWO-ACK on routing protocols such
as Dynamic Source Routing (DSR). The advantage of the
two-acknowledgement scheme described has the flexibility to
control the network overhead and checked the performance
degeneration caused by such misbehaving nodes in MANETs
also explains a technique, term TWO-Acknowledgement to
distinguish and reduce the effort of such routing misbehavior.
The TWO-Acknowledgement technique is situated on a
simple TWO-Acknowledgement packet, which is sent back by
the receiver of the next hop link, having the comparison with
other approaches to conflict the problem, such as the
overhearing technique, the TWO-Acknowledgement scheme
reduces several problems including uncertain collision,
receiver collision and limited transmission power. The TWOAcknowledgement scheme can be used as an add-on facility
to routing the protocol such as Dynamic Source Routing
(DSR) in MANETs. It is examine that how to add the TWOAcknowledgement scheme to the other types of routing
scheme and the open networks [5].
Ramya K, Beaulah David and Shaheen H, this paper tells
about the novel intrusion detection system, which provides
security in the mobile ad hoc networks called as EAACK. In
this paper, it also includes the concept of digital signature in
EAACK, which prevents the attackers from initiating forged
acknowledgement attacks and explains the strength of the
security which is in the mobile ad hoc networks and
introduced new way called as Hybrid Security Protocol. It
provides integrity, confidentiality and authentication. Hybrid
Security Protocol, which consists of cryptography, based on
elliptic curve, Dual RSA algorithm for authentication and
MD-5 for integrity and the concept of using a combination of
both symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic techniques
using this techniques it carry out better security with integrity
R. L. Rivest, A. Shamir and L. Adleman, in this paper the
authors has explain about the significant ways of enveloping
packets with public key cryptosystems and digital signature
and also the concept of public key cryptosystems, privacy,
signature, the encryption and decryption method and proposed
a mechanism for achieving a public key cryptosystem whose
security break in part on the complication of factoring in large
number. Method proves to be capable in our security then it
gives permission to secure communication to be settled
without using the couriers to carry keys and it also gives
permission one to sign digitized document [7].
Rutvij H. Jhaveri, Sankita J. Patel, and Devesh C. Jinwala, in
this paper, author has explains brief view about routing as
well as security concerns for MANET and take a survey about
the security concerns in which routing attacks and attack on
different layers of protocols stack can be classified. This paper
described some operations of Denial of service like warmhole
attack, blackhole attack, grayhole attack [8].
D. Sandhiya, K. Sangeetha and R. S. Latha, in this paper
author has explain about the Diffie-Hellman key exchange
mechanism, which results in lower routing overhead than
existing intrusion detection system and explains the concept
of key exchange mechanism for MANET and uses One Hop
ACK which is used to make better misbehavior detection
rates. To exclude the condition of predistributed keys
proposed a system consider Diffie-Hellman key exchange
algorithm and also explains briefly the encryption and
decryption algorithms [9].
B.Suruthi and N. V. Rajeesh Kumar, in this paper author done
the comparison of both DSA and RSA algorithms. It states
that DSA produces lesser network overhead than RSA and
hybrid cryptography technique, which reduces the network
overhead. When the number mischievous node is increases
then the network overhead increases because the
acknowledged packet count increases. Author proposed a
scheme called as EAACK provides better achievement
comparing to all other existing approaches. The EAACK
scheme appliances digital signature which causes network
overhead which can be more reduced by Hybrid
Cryptography. This techniques uses RSA, AES for maintain
security and Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP), which is used for
finding the route between source and destination [10].
Lakshmi S. M, Bhavana S. and Sujata Terdal, in this paper,
author has study of secure Intrusion Detection System for
determining malicious nodes and attacks on MANETs is
conferred and also an overview of Intrusion Detection System
architecture for build up the security level of MANETs which
is based on the security attributes and various types of
algorithm like RSA and DSA are described and a hybrid
cryptography intrusion detection system which is used to
reduce the network overhead caused by Digital Signature
which is determined. Regarding to the security issue it is vey
important in MANETs, hybrid cryptography making a
planning for tackle the issue in an efficient manner [11].
In above figure: S=Source, D=Destination and A, B,
C…X=Nodes which shown the example of receiver collision
in which after node A packet 1 sends to the node B, it tries to
overhear if node B forwarded this packet to node C,
meanwhile node X is forwarding packet 2 to node C. In such
case, node A overhears that node B has successfully delivered
packet 1 to node C but unable to detect that node C did not
accept the packet due to a collision between packet 1 and
packet 2 at node C.
Fig. 2. Limited transmission power problem too weak to
receive packet 1, which point to C from B but it, can be
overhear by A.
Above figure shown the example of limited power
transmission in order to preserve its self battery resources,
node B intentionally check its transmission power so that it is
strong suitable to be overhead by node A but not strong
suitable to be received by node C.
Anusha. K and Rajyalakshmi G.V., in this paper, an author
has proposed and implement an intrusion detection system
named as Improved Intrusion Detection System (IIDS) for
MANETs and taking the comparison against other systems in
another scenario through the simulations. Then the results are
determining assured performances against AACK in the
receiver collision case, false misbehavior report and the
limited transmission power. To incorporate security an effort
is taken to avoid the attackers from begin forged data attacks
Intrusion Detection system in MANETs are established in
each and every node. Following are the basic intrusion
detection systems, which are available, are
Adaptive Acknowledgement
TWO ACK Scheme
Watchdog Scheme
The above scheme having various types of disadvantages like
receiver collision, limited transmission power and false
misbehavior report.
Fig. 3. False misbehavior report delivered by node A, to the
node S, still B forwarded packet 1 to node C.
Above figure shown the example of false misbehavior, still
node A successfully overhead that node B forwarded packet 1
to node C, node A still reported node B as misbehaving.
Then in Enhanced Adaptive Acknowledgement some new
techniques are popularized. That technique solves all the three
above existing problems. On acknowledged packets the
technique depends on that, so the attackers prevent by Digital
Signature from attacking the packets. Following are the three
parts, which namely consist by EAACK.
Fig. 1. Receiver Collisions occurs at receiver C because both
nodes B and X are trying to send packets at same time.
Acknowledgement (ACK)
Secure Acknowledgement (SACK)
Misbehavior Report Authentication (MRA)
Digital Signature
In ACK scheme, source node need to be get the
acknowledgement packet within the predefined time period,
receiving the packet at the destination node and when
receiving it assumes that any kind of malicious node not
present in the route, or else the ACK scheme send secure
ACK packet.
In this paper, we can propose Hybrid Cryptography
Technique that helps to reduce the network overhead. The
count of acknowledged packet increases when the number of
malicious node in network increases due to this reason,
network overhead increases. Therefore, to reduce the network
overhead we can use Hybrid Cryptography Technique.
Fig. 4. Acknowledgement Scheme
SACK node is generally used to find mischievous node,
which are forming by every three nodes into a single group. In
SACK, first node sends packet to the next node, then the third
node is recommended to send back SACK packet to the first
node else ways second and third node are mischievous.
Fig. 4. System Architecture
Fig. 5. Secure ACK
In MRA scheme is used for checking in case misbehavior
report is original by looking that reported receiver via some
other route receives missing packet. In this, packet is already
receives in the destination node then node which generates
this report is consider as mischievous otherwise false
misbehavior report is dependable and the destination node
consider as mischievous.
Digitally sign packets are used by the Digital Signature both
at the sender and the receiver side for avoiding the forging of
packets. For implementing digital signature the required
resources need to be integrated and both the algorithms DSA
and RSA are used.
The Proposed system uses the technique of RSA and DES
(Data Encryption Standard) due to which Hybrid
Cryptography scheme provides three cryptography primitives
called as Integrity, Confidentiality and Authentication. A key
exchange mechanism eliminating the requirement of predistributed key, which examine the possibilities of adopting.
For providing security novel encryption mechanism and RSA
key exchange mechanism is to be considered. To perform
encryption and decryption technique each node must have
approach to other nodes neighborhood key. At origin,
neighborhood key is encrypted with the public key of the
receiver and transmitted to the terminal node. At terminal
neighborhood key is decrypted with the node’s own private
Encryption Algorithm:
Each node having its own symmetric key are said to be as
neighborhood key, which is in encrypted form. The MAC
(machine) address is generated when using the message
specific key encrypts message. Then, the sender attaches the
terminal nodes intrusion detection and transmitted the
message to the authenticated neighbors.
Decryption Algorithm:
Fig. 7. Digital Signature
At the receiving end, the matching of the node of intrusion
detection is recipient and decryption is done with
neighborhood key of sending node and the plain text message
is gained. The original message is obtained by further
decryption is done with the specific key message. If the node
is not the proposed recipient, it again performs re-encryption
on message with the neighborhood key and transmitted to
neighbor node, which is authenticated. This procedure is
performing again and again until destination node is found
and the original message is decrypted at the terminal node.
Implementing two different encryption procedures, one is
encrypt the message and another is the neighborhood key with
the message specific key is having the advantage of making it
to improve the security of the message being forwarded in the
wireless ad hoc network, which is responsive for more
accessible attacks.
This paper provides brief view about providing the security in
the mobile ad hoc networks as well as using a novel intrusion
detection system called as EAACK. Adding digital signature
in EEACK is used for to prevent the attackers from beginning
forged acknowledgement attacks. All acknowledgement
packets are digitally signed in EAACK before they sent out
and verified until they are accepted. Improvement of the
packet delivery ratio is done but the consumption of resources
is more. So to overcome this problem the DES and RSA
schemes are used in the mobile ad hoc networks. For
improving the security we must use Hybrid Cryptography
Technique. In that combination of symmetric and asymmetric
cryptography techniques are used. For future work, we have a
key management, in that we do not require any kind of trusted
third party (TTP) for key management. A new node and group
leader in the key management system authenticates each other
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