Topic/Objective: Full Name: Class: Period: _____ Date: Tutor Use

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Full Name: _______________________________
Class: ___________________
Date: _________________
Period: _____
Essential Question:
The Water Planet (Chapter 22)
 _________________the study of the Earth’s oceans using chemistry,
biology, geology, and physics.
 Oceans cover _________ of the Earth’s surface
Ocean Research (22.1)
 _________ first large-scale ocean research project
 Measured:
o _________________
o _________________
o _________________
o _________________
 Better ocean maps and charts
 New instruments:
o _________________
o _________________
Modern Research
 Deep ________________ take sediment samples
 _______________ measures ocean depth
 Deep sea cameras and lights, robotics, and advanced technology help
explore the sea floor & take samples
 buoys & satellites radio data back to research centers
Human Effects
 __________________
 Deep sea ____________
 ___________________
 ___________________
o Disturbs ocean floor
 ___________________
o Melts ice caps, changes salinity & sea level
Essential Question:
Special Properties of water (22.2)
 _____________ = mass ÷ volume (g/cm³) - it’s a ratio!
 Density of fresh water= 1.0 g/cm³
 Density of ice= 0.92 g/cm³
 Water expands as it freezes because of ______________
 __________________!!!
 the ___________ distribution of charge between a molecules two ends
 Water molecules are ______________ charged near oxygen end,
_________________ charged towards hydrogen end
 water freezes in lattice shape - molecules _____________ apart making
ice _____________ dense
Aqueous Solutions
 when any salt ______________ in water
 density _____________ as concentration of salt _______________
 combo of salts can _____________ changes in pH acting as a buffer
 aqueous solutions change water’s:
 ____________________
 ____________________
 ____________________
Ocean Water (22.3)
Composition of Sea Water
 Contains salts as dissolved
 __________ sodium chloride ions
 contains more than _______elements
o some elements, such as
calcium, are needed for
marine life shells
 mining = ______________ &
Essential Question:
measure of _____________ salts in water
units = parts per _____________ or ‰
Ex: 1000 grams of seawater contains 35 grams of salt = 35 ‰
can measure w/ ______________
oceanographers calculate salinity by ___________ conductivity of
the ____________ the salinity, the ___________ the electrical current
units = practical salinity units or psu
average seawater = _____________
_____________ values used to help identify these
Variations in Salinity
Low Salinity Areas
High Salinity Areas
Salinity is usually an average of (35o/oo) near the bottom
Salt Enters and Leaves the Oceans
Scientists believe the salinity of the ocean hasn’t changed in over 200 million
Essential Question:
 all heat from ___________
 temperature _________ with depth
 Ocean divided into _____ temperature
1. Surface zone or “_________ Layer”
2. Middle zone or ______________
3. ____________ zone
Surface zone or “Mixed Layer”
 winds and currents ______ heat evenly
 most life lives here; only zone for ________
to grow in
 makes up _____ of ocean’s volume
 can be 50-100m deep; in some spots 300m
 temperature depends on ____________ and _____________; poles and
equator mixed layer temperature is constant
 most _______________ layer because of photosynthetic organisms and
atmosphere above
o oxygen decreases with depth
Middle Zone or Thermocline
 Temperature _______________ rapidly throughout this zone
 Little to no light
 Temperature does not decrease as rapidly from bottom of thermocline to
ocean floor
Deep Zone
 ________ sunlight reaches seafloor
 Very little ___________ & ___________
 Polar water masses are found at __________ because they are denser than
other water and move around globe
 Seafloor temperature @ bottom = ~ 2° C
Essential Question:
Water Mass
 Characterized based on where they _____________
 Body of water characterized by:
o ______________
o ______________
Ocean Life (22.4)
Photosynthesis in the Ocean
 takes place within _____________ layer
 Phytoplankton: microscopic single celled protists that float freely within
ocean waters
o take ________ out of water and replace with __________
o basis of _________ __________ in ocean
o ___________ are examples with silica shells; deposited on seafloor
when they die
 Blooms - abundant phytoplankton populations; change color of seawater
to green, yellow, or brown
o Visible from space; scientists use to locate groups of life forms
Essential Question:
Marine Life
 Zooplankton: __________ animals that eat phytoplankton or smaller
o other animals eat zooplankton
o can be larvae of larger animals s.a. squid, crab, jellyfish
o moderate salinity by absorbing ions to make shells; back into water
when they die
o promote nutrient circulation as waste falls to bottom
 Coral: ___________ ________ creatures that form reefs
o lime (calcium carbonate) from ocean creates shells; when they die
new ones grow on old ones
o prevent beach erosion along coasts
o provide nutrients and shelter for larger organisms
 Nektons: ______________ organisms
o include fish, whales, jellyfish
o survival depends on temperature, salinity, and nutrient circulation
o important food supply for other nektons and humans
o overfishing, pollution, and trawling destroy populations &
Deep Ocean
 no ______________ means no oxygen so CO2 accumulates
 ____________ ____________ is primary source of energy
o spewed out of deep sea vents and smokers
o bacteria use ____________ to produce food here
o chemosynthetic bacteria are food for larger organisms
o larger organisms thrive because of food & heat