Math Boxes 6 • 11

Teacher: Gilliam/Bowlin
Grade Level: 4
Week of: 3/10/14
Lesson Title
6.8 Rectangular Coordinate Grids for Maps
Math Common Core Standards
• SMP1
Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
• SMP2
Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
• SMP4
Model with mathematics.
• SMP5
Use appropriate tools strategically.
• SMP6
Attend to precision.
• SMP8
Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
• 4.OA.3
Use the four operations with whole numbers to solve problems.
Solve multistep word problems posed with whole numbers and having whole-number answers using the four operations, including problems in which remainders must be interpreted. Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the
unknown quantity. Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies including rounding.
• 4.MD.5.a
Recognize angles as geometric shapes that are formed wherever two rays share a common endpoint, and understand concepts of angle measurement:
An angle is measured with reference to a circle with its center at the common endpoint of the rays, by considering the fraction of the circular arc between the points where the two rays intersect the circle. An angle that turns through 1/360 of a circle is called a
“one-degree angle,” and can be used to measure angles.
• 4.MD.5.b
Recognize angles as geometric shapes that are formed wherever two rays share a common endpoint, and understand concepts of angle measurement:
An angle that turns through n one-degree angles is said to have an angle measure of n degrees.
To guide students in the use of letter-number pairs and ordered pairs of numbers to locate points on a grid; and to provide practice using a map scale.
Key Vocabulary:
 index of locations
 letter-number pair
 ordered number pair
 map scale
Math Masters pp 388-389
Student Math Journal 1 pp 161-163
Study Link 6-7
compass (optional) ♦ slate ♦ road atlas (optional)
Anticipatory Set / APK = 20%:
Math Message, reflex, mental math, teacher manual page 444.
Direct Instruction / TIP =20%:
Math Message Follow-Up, p. 444. (Math Journal 1, p. 161)
Using Ordered Pairs to Locate Points on a Map, p. 444 (Math Journal 1, p. 162)
Guided Practice:
Estimating Distances on a Map, p. 445. (Math Journal 1, p. 162-163)
Moving on a Coordinate Grid
 masking tape and index cards, or rope and colored tape
Students describe the location of points and plot points on a life-size coordinate grid.
Playing Grid Search
 Math Masters p 486
 Student Reference Book pp 250-251
 Students practice naming and locating grid squares and develop search strategies.
Plotting and Naming Points on a Coordinate Grid
 Math Masters p 440
 Students plot and name points on a coordinate grid.
Independent Practice / SAP=45%:
Games: Playing Angle Tangle
 Math Masters p 457
 Student Reference Book p 230
 protractor ♦ straightedge
Students practice estimating the measure of angles and measuring angles.
Finding Real-Life Angle Measures
Student Math Journal 1 pp 163A-163B
Students practice finding unknown angle measures.
Study Link 6 • 8
 Math Masters p 194
 Students practice and maintain skills through Study Link activities.
Closure Summarize =15%::
Math Boxes 6 • 8
 Student Math Journal 1 p 160
 Students practice and maintain skills through Math Box problems.
Ongoing Assessment: Recognizing Student Achievement
Use a Math Log or Exit Slip (Math Masters, page 388 or 389).
[Measurement and Reference Frames Goal 4]
Monitor or Adjust:
Lesson Title
6.9 Global Coordinate Grid System
Math Common Core Standards:
• SMP1
Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
• SMP2
Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
• SMP4
Model with mathematics.
• SMP6
Attend to precision.
To introduce latitude and longitude; to provide practice finding the latitude and longitude of places on a globe and a map; and to identify places given the latitude and longitude.
Key Vocabulary:
North Pole
South Pole
prime meridian
latitude (lines)
longitude (lines)
meridian bar
Student Math Journal 1 p 164
Student Reference Book pp 272-273 and 282-293
 Study Link 6-8
globe ♦ world map
Anticipatory Set / APK = 20%:
Math Message, reflex, mental math, teacher manual page 450.
Direct Instruction / TIP =20%:
Math Message Follow-Up, p. 450
 Studying a World Globe (Student Reference Book, p. 272 & 273)
 Introducing the System for Locating Places on the Globe, p. 451.
Locating Places on a World Map, p. 452.
Guided Practice:
Locating Places on Regional Maps, p. 452 (Math Journal 1, p. 164; Student Reference Book, p. 282-293.)
Games: Playing Over and Up Squares
Math Masters p 494
Student Reference Book p 257
per partnership: colored pencils, 2 six-sided dice
Students practice coordinate grid skills.
Independent Practice / SAP=45%:
Using Time to Determine Longitude
 Math Masters pp 388-389
 Students read Sea Clocks: The Story of Longitude.
Locating Places with Latitude and Longitude
 Math Masters p 196
 per group: flat world political map, 1 penny, scissors
Students use latitude and longitude to locate places on a map.
Study Link 6 • 9
 Math Masters p 195
 Students practice and maintain skills through Study Link activities.
Closure Summarize =15%:
Math Boxes 6 • 9
 Student Math Journal 1 p 165
 Students practice and maintain skills through Math Box problems.
Ongoing Assessment: Informing Instruction
See page 453.
Monitor or Adjust:
Lesson Title
Lesson 6.10 The Partial-Quotients Division Algorithm, Part 2
Math Common Core Standards:
• SMP1
Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
• SMP2
Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
• SMP4
Model with mathematics.
• SMP5
Use appropriate tools strategically.
• SMP6
Attend to precision.
• SMP7
Look for and make use of structure.
• SMP8
Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
• 4.OA.3
Use the four operations with whole numbers to solve problems.
Solve multistep word problems posed with whole numbers and having whole-number answers using the four operations, including problems in which remainders must be interpreted. Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the
unknown quantity. Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies including rounding.
Lesson Objectives
To provide practice with a "low-stress" division algorithm for 2-digit divisors.
Key Vocabulary:
Math Masters pp 436 and 438
Student Math Journal 1 pp 166-167
Study Link 6-9
base-10 blocks (optional) ♦ slate
Anticipatory Set / APK = 20%:
Math Message, reflex, mental math, teacher manual page 456.
Direct Instruction / TIP =20
Math Message Follow-Up, p. 456
 Introducing the Partial-Quotients Algorithm with 2-Digit Divisors, p. 457. (Math Masters, p. 438)
Guided Practice:
Using the Partial-Quotients Algorithm with 2-Digit Divisors, p. 458. (Math Journal 1, p. 166-167; Math Masters, p. 438.)
Independent Practice / SAP=45%:
Playing Division Dash
 Math Masters p 471
 Student Reference Book p 241
per partnership: 4 each of number cards 1-9 (from Everything Math Deck, if available)
Students practice dividing 2- or 3-digit dividends by 1-digit divisors.
Performing a "Magic Trick"
 Math Masters p 198
 Students perform and explain a division "magic trick."
Taking a 50-Facts Test
 Math Masters pp 413-414 and 416
pen or colored pencil
Students take a 50-facts test. They use a line graph to record individual and optional class scores.
Study Link 6 • 10
 Math Masters p 197
 Students practice and maintain skills through Study Link activities.
Closure / Summarize =15%:
Math Boxes 6 • 10
 Student Math Journal 1 p 168
 Students practice and maintain skills through Math Box problems.
Ongoing Assessment: Recognizing Student Achievement
 Use journal page 166.
[Operations and Computation Goal 4]
Monitor or Adjust:
Lesson Title
6.11 Progress Check 6
Math Common Core Standards
Lesson Objectives:
 To assess students' progress on mathematical content through the end of Unit 6.
Key Vocabulary:
Assessment Handbook pp 92-101, 179-183, 221, 228-233, 242-243 and 266-269
Student Reference Book pp 284-285
Study Link 6-10
slate; straightedge; half-circle protractor; full-circle protractor
Anticipatory Set / APK = 20%:
Math Message, reflex, mental math, teacher manual page 461.
Direct Instruction / TIP =20%:
Oral Slate Assessments, p. 461
Guided Practice:
Independent Practice / SAP=45%:
Study Link 6 • 11
 Math Masters pp 199-202
Closure Summarize =15%::
Math Boxes 6 • 11
 Student Math Journal 1 p 169
Ongoing Assessment: Recognizing Student Achievement
 Input student data from Progress Check 6 and the Mid-Year Assessment into the Assessment Management Spreadsheets.
Monitor or Adjust:
Lesson Title:
Differentiation Day