Meeting_19.1.15 - Shadwell Primary School

Food Ambassador
Date: Monday 19th January
Attendees all welcomed each other to the group:
Toby, Hannah, Imogen, Vanessa, Lucy, Tatiana, Luke, Grace, Ellie, Becky, Charlie.
We went in pairs to each class to survey different opinions;
We wanted to find out what improvements could be made to Lunch time in the
hall, this included the food that is eaten, the service and the surroundings.
These were the suggestions:
Year 1
Tatiana +
Year 2
Vanessa +
Year 3
Lucy +
To have more baked beans
To have butter on jacket potatoes
To be asked if we would like more gravy.
To serve different food s separately
To brighten up the walls with work
To have healthier desserts
To include banana cake, more ice-cream, upside down pineapple cake,
yoghurt with fruit, fruit bars for desert.
A cooked breakfast
A selection of different types of curry.
Plain pasta.
To have more fruit on the plate that is passed around.
To have fruit bowls as a choice alongside yoghurt and desert.
To have seasonal decorations
Table of the week to choose from a selection of music
Add fruit to the salad bar.
Have more fruit and vegetables
To have different types of fruit
To have spoons for the peas
To have napkins
Year 4
Hannah +
Year 5
Toby +
Year 6
Imogen +
To have quiet music in the background
To have more options for vegetarians.
To have international days.
To have different types of drink
To sit in house teams on special days
To have cream instead of custard.
To have more meaty pizzas such as pepperoni
Fruit for desert
To have soup, omelettes,
To have fruit smoothies as a choice alongside desert and yoghurt
To have a bigger variety of fruit to pass around the table.
To have cultural food such as Mexican and Spanish.
To have seconds on first sitting.
To have music in the hall.
Different coloured plates for table of the week.
Give the hall a different name at lunch time eg. ‘Shadwell Diner’
To have more art work on the walls.
To have music at lunch times
For teachers to sit on packed lunch tables when they have lunch in the
To mix packed lunches and school dinner places.
Packed lunch tables to have a cloth on international days.
Packed lunches to have advance notice of international days so they
can have an international lunch box.
Selection process
1. We discussed each of the suggestions and in pairs chose three from
the classes that we had surveyed to put forward to the group as a
good idea that we could work on first.
2. We had to think about if and how we could make the improvements
3. The whole group considered each of the suggestions and then voted
to find the three ideas that we felt we could tackle first and would
make good changes that everyone in school would agree with.
4. These ideas are:
 To brighten up the walls with work
 To have quiet music in the background
 Give the hall a different name at lunch time eg. ‘Shadwell Diner’
Task One - To brighten up the walls with work
Imogen and Lucy to discuss with Ms Pyatt
Task Two - To have quiet music in the background
This can be organised by the Food Ambassadors
First sitting
Monday – Charlie
Tuesday – Luke
Wednesday – Grace
Thursday – Becky
Friday – Ellie
These children will each have their own day to select the music and put it
on quietly. They do not need to stay in the hall.
Second sitting
Lucy and Toby will take it in turns to select and put the music on.
Task Three - Give the hall a different name at lunch time eg. ‘Shadwell
We would like to give our dining hall a name. We would like your suggestions
for what you think it could be called.