Oral Presentation Rubric : dramatic monologue CATEGORY 4 Posture and Eye Student uses appropriate and Contact effective posture at all times. Feet are deliberately moved and planted. 3 2 1 Student may shift feet slightly once or twice, but it is not a distraction. Shoulders are not hunched. Student hunches shoulders and may appear nervous. Feet shift once or twice, but not a distraction. Student hunches shoulders and shifts feet back and forth in a nervous way that distracts from the performance. Speaks Clearly Student’s words are pronounced well, and the words are not strung together in a confusing way. The monologue is not too fast or slow. Student may mispronounce one word. Due to nerves, the monologue may be a little fast, but still understandable. Student may mispronounce two or more words. The monologue may be a little fast and one part is hard to hear. Student may mispronounce too many words due to lack of preparedness. Student is too fast or too slow. Volume Student’s voice projects sufficiently so that the entire class can easily hear him/her. Volume is modified according to meaning and dramatic effect. Student’s voice projects sufficiently. Volume is somewhat used to dramatic effect. Student’s voice is difficult to hear. Attempts are made to modify volume for dramatic effect. Student’s voice is far too soft. Either no attempt is made to modify volume, or the attempts fail at their purpose. Student listens to presentations, but zones out once or twice. Student is distracted, trying to sleep, or zoning during presentations. Listens to Other Student listens carefully to other Presentations presentation and gives them full attention. Preparedness Student has memorized the monologue completely with no errors and has made deliberate decisions concerning tone, volume, focal point, etc. Student has memorized the monologue but has missed a word or two. The student has made decisions concerning tone, volume, etc. Student forgets place in monologue and needs 1 “cue” from teacher to continue. Some choices appear preplanned. Student does not have monologue memorized and ready to perform. Student’s performance appears spontaneous. Tone Student communicates the appropriate tone of the monologue well. Student has made deliberate decisions concerning the tone, and somewhat hits the mark. Student has made an attempt to communicate appropriate tone, but with mixed success. Student has made no real attempt to communicate appropriate tone. Monotone voice. Acting Student conveys the emotion of the monologue and of the character that he/she is depicting. Student mostly conveys the emotion of the monologue and of the character that he/she is depicting. Student makes an attempt to convey the emotion of the monologue and is somewhat successful. Student makes limited or no attempt to convey appropriate emotion and does not fully carry off the performance.