321 Katherine Rural Review - September 2014

Katherine Research Station
PO Box 1346, Katherine NT 0851
Phone (08) 8973 9739
Fax (08) 8973 9777
ISSN 0394-9823
EDITION 321- September 2014
Questions and opportunities at the
Kidman Springs Field Day .............. 1
Potassium nitrate for mango
flowering manipulation .................. 5
What impact has grazing had on
soil carbon? .................................. 6
Remote sensing in water
management ................................. 7
Important cattle diseases affecting
productivity in the NT: Vibriosis..... 9
Notifiable diseases of livestock ... 10
Chasing outstanding waybills...... 11
Second round of Farm Finance
Concessional Loans Scheme ..... 11
Bushfires NT Update .................. 12
Awards and scholarships available
.................................................... 12
Round the region ........................ 13
Pastoral market update ............... 14
Events calendar .......................... 16
Katherine Rural Review
Questions and opportunities at the
Kidman Springs Field Day
Trisha Cowley, Beef Extension Officer, Katherine
Are you asking the right questions about your business? Are you
collecting the right data to ask the right questions? These were
some of the questions asked at Kidman Springs Field day on the
13th of August. Despite the issues that challenge the NT pastoral
industry, there was an overwhelming message that considerable
gains can be made in productivity through fine tuning of key
management strategies. The day was attended by 73 people,
which included 27 producers representing 23 properties with a
combined total of around 285,000 head.
One of the key messages was the significant opportunity to lift
herd productivity and profitability in the northern beef industry.
Steve Petty, director of Northern Development Company, said that
the recently published Northern Beef Situation Analysis
highlighted some big opportunities. Generally it is accepted that
producers are running pretty
tight businesses in terms of
expenditure, so there isn’t
much room to cut costs, but
Dr Petty pointed out there
was significant opportunity to
improve cost of production
through improving herd
productivity. He used the
example of Heytesbury Beef
during the 1990s, who
moved weaning rates from
around 50% to 80% over ten
years. This was largely due
to fine tuning of herd
management strategies and
strategic development of
under-utilised, higher
productivity land. Getting the Dr Steve Petty, director of Northern
Development Company, discussed the
stocking rate right, weaning
opportunities revealed in the Northern Beef
twice a year down to 100–
Situation Analysis
150 kg, strategic
supplementation, culling for fertility and age, focussed heifer
management, and low stress mustering were some of the
strategies leading to improved productivity. Dr Petty also advised
considering increasing carrying capacity through water point
development of under-utilised pastures, but counselled producers
to look at a range of options and compare the returns for each.
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Like Dr Petty, DPIF’s Kieren McCosker also
believed that producers could achieve gains
through fine tuning multiple strategies, each
offering small improvements, rather than
looking for silver bullets. The quote he used
from Canadian shipping magnate, Hugh Allen,
summed it up well, “Jumping at several small
opportunities may get us there more quickly
than waiting for one big one to come along”.
Kieren spoke about the major factors affecting
reproductive performance highlighted in the
Cash Cow project. Nutritional management was
a message repeated throughout the day. Body
condition score, protein and energy status were
determined to be major factors impacting foetal
and calf loss and pregnancy within four months Geoffry Fordyce encouraged attendees to critically analyse their
of calving in the Cash Cow project. Strategies
beef businesses
such as phosphorus supplementation of heifers
and aged cows in deficient country, wet season spelling and lactational management (i.e. attention on
calving periods and weaning opportunities) were examples of how nutritional and environmental
stressors could be managed. Another example of fine tuning was avoiding mustering within a month of
peak calving as this led to increased foetal and calf losses, particularly in heifers.
Geoffry Fordyce challenged the crowd with his presentation entitled “Do you have a problem?” He
wanted to know, “Are you asking the right questions about your beef business? Because if you don’t
ask the right question, you won’t get the right answer. Are you collecting the key information that you
need to really assess the productivity of your beef breeding enterprise? Do you know what is
achievable? How do you stack up against that?” One of the strengths of Cash Cow was that it
established achievable (top 25% of producers) production and performance for broad country types,
allowing producers to gauge how their breeding herds are performing. Geoffry used weaner production
as a simple way of looking at how your herd is tracking. Generally, weaner production (kg weaned per
cow retained in the previous year) should be roughly equal to annual yearling growth. For example, if
your country can put 100 kg on steers annually, then you should be weaning at least 100 kilograms per
cow retained. An example of this would be an average weaning weight of 160 kg, and an average
lactation rate of 60%: (160 kg x 60% = 99 kg/cow retained). Geoffry pointed out that good management
can lift weaner production over and above your annual yearling production, however. The DPIF
Selected Brahman herd is an example of this.
Over the previous four years the Selected
Brahman herd has achieved an average
weaner production of 165 kg at Kidman
Springs, where the annual yearling growth was
only 110 kg. The Cash Cow project found that
the typical weaner production for the Northern
Forest was 93 kg, and that the achievable level
was 112 kg, suggesting that Selected Brahman
herd is performing very highly. What makes
them different? The Selected Brahmans bull
breeding herd has been selected heavily for
fertility for the past 20 years. Cows must raise
a weaner each year to stay in the herd, and
bulls are selected based on fertility traits such
as high semen morphology, large scrotal size,
excellent dam calving history and early age of
The Selected Brahman herd at Kidman Springs
puberty. These policies, combined with short
seasonal mating, have had a strong effect on the ability of Selected Brahman cows to produce live
weight from the available feed. For more information on the Selected Brahman herd, contact Whitney
Dollemore (Whitney.Dollemore@nt.gov.au).
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Katherine Rural Review
In his typically entertaining style Geoff Niethe talked about another of the key profit drivers outlined in
the Northern Beef Situation Analysis—breeder mortality. Geoff encouraged the audience to ask some
of the same questions that Geoffry Fordyce did; “Is there a problem? How do I measure it?” While
acknowledging that breeder mortality can be difficult to get a handle on in northern Australia, due to
cattle movement and lack of clean musters, Geoff pointed out that there was considerable evidence
that breeder mortality was higher than typically reported by producers.
One percentage change in breeder mortality has far greater economic consequences for a business
than corresponding changes in other key profit drivers; reproductive performance or turnoff weights,
hence it is financially smart to closely monitor breeder mortality. As rules of thumb Geoff stated that at
5%, breeder mortality was negatively impacting your bottom line, over 7% and it needs to be addressed
as a matter of urgent priority. For those challenged to get an accurate handle on breeder mortality due
to difficulties getting firm cattle numbers in any one year, Geoff suggested using the bang tail
calculation method commonly used in wildlife studies to determine the true number of cattle in a
paddock over a period of time.
N = A1 x B2
Where N = total population
A1 = number of cattle bangtailed at first round
B2 = number of cattle mustered at second round muster
Y = number of A1 animals mustered in second round muster that were bangtailed at first round muster
In 2008 the Senepol Cross breeding project was initiated with the intention of finding a way of
producing animals which are more acceptable to southern domestic markets but do not compromise
herd productivity or acceptance in our key live export markets. The F1 Senepol animal has definitely
achieved this, as outlined by Tim Schatz. F1 Senepol steer progeny were heavier at weaning and
outperformed Brahmans in growth on pasture. They also had better meat quality when placed in a
Queensland feedlot and appear to be having better heifer performance in the early stages of
evaluation. They also had better meat quality when placed in a Queensland feedlot and appear to be
having better heifer performance in the early stages of evaluation. In addition, F1 Senepol steers
outperformed Brahmans in a feedlot in Indonesia and were highly regarded by the feedlotter and
buyers. Tim has put together a
comprehensive handout on the trial
results. Please contact him if you
would like a copy:
Dr Dionne Walsh, Rangeland Program Coordinator for DPIF, presented
results discovered from 21 years of the fire project
Katherine Rural Review
Lastly and definitely not least, Dionne
Walsh caught our attention with her
talk titled, “Burn your bush before it
bites back”, and did not disappoint.
Twenty-one years of research for the
Shruburn trial has left researchers very
confident about their recommendations
of late dry season fires every four
years to manage woody thickening.
The Shruburn project has compared
different burning frequencies (never,
every 2, 4, or 6 years) and season of
burning (“early dry” – June or “late dry”
– October) on pastorally significant
black soil and red soil sites.
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Across both land types and all burning regimes, woody cover increased between 1993 and 2013. The
increase was lessened significantly by late fires every two or four years. Pasture condition deteriorated
with fires every two years, however. Hence, late dry season fires every four years are recommended as
providing the best balance between managing thickening and looking after pastures. Dionne also
spoke about practical considerations when planning a late dry season fire, in terms of spelling
paddocks to ensure a high, continuous fuel load required for a successful burn and the critical
importance of post-fire grazing management to prevent overgrazing of burnt areas which are favoured
by stock. Analysis of fire data from the VRD shows that the most productive land types are probably not
being burnt often enough to keep woody vegetation in
check. However, on less productive land types and
rugged country there are opportunities to reduce the
extent and severity of fires to generate carbon credits.
Dionne has put together a comprehensive handout on
the Shruburn trial results. Please contact her if you
would like a copy: Dionne.Walsh@nt.gov.au
A highlight of the day was an impromptu talk from
Russell Cornall of Heytesbury Beef at the Shruburn
site, outlining the company plans to implement a
broad scale fire program targeted at managing woody
thickening. It is a huge undertaking by the company
as it effectively means setting aside a quarter of their
most productive country each year either through
spelling prior to or after burning. Heytesbury believe
that managing woody thickening is essential in order
to protect the value of their land asset and have been
guided by results from the Shruburn project in
designing their fire management program.
Overall it was a great day, with lively discussion and
good company. A huge thanks to the sponsors; DPIF,
MLA, Katherine Hotel, and Magnat Agri Services. For
Russ Cornall of Heytesbury Cattle Company provided an
handouts from the day, contact Trisha Cowley
insight into the company’s planned rangeland burning
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Katherine Rural Review
Potassium nitrate for mango flowering manipulation
Marije ten Napel, Development Horticulturist, Katherine
In July, Constancio (Tony) Asis from DPIF Berrimah spent one week at KRS carrying out a potassium
nitrate trial on mango leaves for the mango flowering manipulation project. Application of potassium
nitrate is one of the techniques used to promote early flowering and advance fruit maturity in order to
spread the harvest period. The aim of this is to improve harvest and packaging efficiencies and
The use of potassium nitrate prepares the plant for floral induction. Northern Territory growers believe
that higher concentrations of potassium nitrate (3%) will be effective at promoting early fruit production,
which was exactly what Tony set out to trial. An adjuvant was added in to the potassium nitrate spray in
different doses to monitor its effectiveness in the bud maturation process.
With the help of the local Plant Industries team, Tony sprayed 560 mango leaves with potassium
nitrate. Days and nights were then spent collecting leaf samples at 4, 8, 12, 24, 48, 96, and 144 hour
intervals. After washing and drying the leaves, the nutrient contents of the leaves were measured.
Tony is currently assessing the results and hopes it gives a clear indication of the effect of time of
spraying on optimal leaf uptake of nutrients, as well as the optimal dose of adjuvant needed. Stay
tuned to future editions of the KRR for an update on the progress of this work.
Savitha Devi cuts out leaf disks, and Tony Asis measures chlorophyll and nitrogen content of the leaves
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What impact has grazing had on soil carbon?
Dionne Walsh, Rangeland Program Manager, Berrimah Farm
Findings from the East Ranken Stocking Rate & Spelling Demonstration Site (Alexandria), 2013
DPIF has been monitoring the pastures at three bores in
East Ranken paddock every year since 2010.
The three bores differ in age—number 10 was established
in 1910, number 124 was first used in 2005, and number
153 was first used in 2010.
We monitor the pastures at 13 distances from each bore,
starting at 100 m and going out to 5 km from water.
The paddock is 700 km², well watered, and all Mitchell
grass pastures (Barkly land system).
In July 2013 Dionne Walsh and Peter Shotton
Soil sampling on Alexandria Station
Soil Carbon (tonnes/ha)
did some soil carbon sampling at the demo site. We sampled at three distances from water
(100–500 m, 1400–1500 m and 3000–3500 m) and also sampled turkey nest enclosures at two
of the bores to answer:
What soil carbon levels are typical on black
soil plains in the Barkly region?
Do soil carbon levels change with long-term
grazing duration (age of bore)?
Do soil carbon levels change with grazing
intensity (distance from water)?
Bore 10
Are soil carbon levels significantly
correlated with land condition?
Bore 124
Bore 153
Soil carbon was found to be relatively low in the
productive black soils in East Ranken (typically
<0.5%). These figures are very similar to
unpublished data for Barkly black soils from the
Distance from Bore
NT Dept. of Land Resource Management.
When converted to carbon stock (tonnes per
Figure 1. Soil carbon stocks to 30 cm depth
hectare), the figures in East Ranken were
typically in the order of 4–6 tonnes per hectare
in the top 10 cm and 10–15 tonnes per hectare in the top 30 cm.
Soil carbon was highest in the top 10 cm of soil and declined with depth at all locations.
There was no apparent relationship between soil carbon levels and age of bore.
There was no consistent trend in soil carbon with distance from water. The highest levels were
actually found at 100 m from the oldest bore, possibly due to the disturbance, accumulation of
dung and/or high turnover of annual plants close to that old water. Soils from the fenced off
turkey nests did not have significantly more carbon than the grazed areas, suggesting that up to
100 years of grazing has had no discernable negative impact on soil carbon levels in this
paddock. If typical, these results suggest that the potential for earning soil carbon credits in the
Barkly will be low.
The Climate Clever Beef project is supported until May 2015 by funding from NT DPIF and the Australian Government.
Contact Dionne Walsh, Berrimah Farm, 8999 2178, or Dionne.Walsh@nt.gov.au
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Katherine Rural Review
Remote sensing in water management
Marije ten Napel, Development Horticulturist, Katherine
The Northern Territory’s water resources are generally not considered to be under pressure due to the
relatively small population base and low intensity of land use. Despite ample rainfall in the wet season,
however, water is not in endless supply. The Top End relies heavily on groundwater reserves during
the dry season. To support economic development and environmental sustainability for future
generations we must protect the health of our rivers and groundwater reserves. Unfortunately, there is
a general lack of information on water use in the NT, including on irrigation practices of NT growers.
Water allocation and verification of water use are key issues for sustainable utilization of water. To get
a better insight in water use and irrigation practices of local farmers, Development Horticulturist Marije
ten Napel has started an irrigation assessment. She is currently carrying out surveys among Katherine
and Mataranka growers to capture their irrigation practices. Marije has a background in remote sensing
and this irrigation assessment is a starting point for a new project she is developing that aims to
monitor water use and productivity of irrigated agriculture using satellite imagery. Remote sensing is an
ideal tool for quantifying irrigation use levels and identifying where more efficient use of water can be
Remote sensing data are widely used by farmers in the Netherlands, the United States and South
Africa to assess crop water use and crop water requirements. Remote sensing allows for the
monitoring of earth surface characteristics in a transparent and objective way. The monitoring of water
management indicators contributes to better water allocation, verification of water use and sustainable
utilization of scarce water resources as management practices can be adjusted accordingly by growers.
Information on crop water consumption can be difficult to obtain in the field. Ground measurements are
often expensive and are highly specific to location and management practices. Moreover, they do not
show spatial distribution. Remote sensing techniques can save time and effort as information on large
areas can be gathered quickly. Remote sensing makes it possible to gather information about
inaccessible areas where it is not possible to gather information through ground surveys. Remote
sensing also allows for easy repeatability over time.
To support economic development in the NT it is necessary to provide innovative agricultural
entrepreneurs with clear cut information to improve the yields of their crops and to reduce their input
costs. Remote sensing technology helps farmers keep a very close eye on their daily work. Information
obtained by satellites is the perfect basis for improving crop production and yield, and reducing input
costs such as fertilizers, diesel and electricity. Examples of remote sensing data outputs include
evapotranspiration and biomass production. Other more process oriented products also can be
generated, such as soil moisture or nitrogen indicators. The prospects for an AgNorth CRC are looking
promising and this type of research is expected to be a strong contender for support as it introduces
new technologies to the NT and has the potential for numerous applications across touted northern
development regions and their respective cropping systems.
Virus confirmed in Katherine Watermelons
The department confirms Cucumber Green Mottle Mosaic Virus (CGMMV) on commercial watermelon
farms in the Katherine region. CGMMV has been declared a notifiable pest under the Plant Health Act
and quarantine restrictions will be implemented. This is the first known occurrence of CGMMV in
Australia. It can infect watermelon, cucumber, zucchini, melon, pumpkin, squash, and others. It poses
no risk to human health. CGMMV
could have a highly negative effect on
the $60 million Territory melon
industry. Information about financial
and emotional counselling available is
at www.dpif.nt.gov.au/cucumbervirus
Images: B. Conde, ©NT DPIF
Senior Plant Pathologist Barry Condie Flesh yellowing observed in Katherine
inspects Katherine watermelons
Katherine Rural Review
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Evapotranspiration maps tell us about:
Actual evapotranspiration for each unit of land
Reference (potential) evapotranspiration which would
be achieved under pristine conditions with no water
Which areas have adequate water supplies and areas
that are water stressed
This information can be used to…
Show differences between the intensity of water uses
Estimate water requirements for a range of agroFigure 1. Evapotranspiration in mm/week for the
Inkomati Catchment in Southern Africa.
Identify areas for possible water savings and the
potential volume of such savings
Measure the incremental evapotranspiration as a result
of irrigation
Biomass maps tell us about:
Productivity of land
Incremental production from irrigation
This information can be used to…
Show differences in crop productivity between certain
Measure a change in biomass as a result of irrigation
Combining Evapotranspiration, Biomass and Land Use tells
us about:
Figure 2. Biomass in kg/ha/week for the Inkomati
Catchment in Southern Africa.
Value of water in agriculture
Crop water productivity
Potential to save water with the same production levels
Remote sensing technologies allow farmers to receive
patterns of outputs and look at their own farm from the sky.
It is up to the grower to interpret this data. Figure 3, for
example, shows a cereal field in the Netherlands. Remote
sensing output alerted this farmer that part of this field’s
biomass production was lagging behind with 30%. He
inspected his field and found that his cereals were affected
by mildew which affected his biomass (and yield)
production. If farmers can easily and quickly detect these
impacts on crops then remedial actions can be actioned to
mitigate losses.While this is a European example, similar
applications may be possible in NT crops such as
watermelons, mangoes and sandalwood, and will be the
subject of a research project that Marije plans to start in
2015. For more information contact Marije ten Napel, 8973 Figure 3. Biomass production (kg/ha/week) in a cereal
9710, or Marije.tenNapel@nt.gov.au
field in the Netherlands.
Images are courtesy of WaterWatch Remote Sensing
Services, the Netherlands (www.waterwatch.nl).
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Katherine Rural Review
Important cattle diseases affecting productivity in the NT –
John Eccles, Regional Veterinary Officer, Katherine
Many cattle producers probably do not realise the extent of economic loss that can occur through
reproductive failure in their cattle. In well-managed herds, an accepted level of reproductive wastage
from early pregnancy to weaning is about 10%. Heifers and first calf cows are the groups most likely
affected by reproductive diseases, as older cows have generally developed some degree of immunity
through previous exposure.
Besides the three major causes of productivity loss that will be discussed, there are also many other
non-infectious factors that contribute to infertility and productivity loss. In fact up to 60% of bovine
abortion cases may be attributed to non-infectious causes.
This is the first in a series of three articles featuring the three most common infectious diseases found
in the NT that have the ability to severely affect the productivity of the breeder herd in terms of fertility.
The diseases profiled over the coming editions of the Katherine Rural Review include vibriosis,
pestivirus and ephemeral fever (three-day sickness). Other diseases such as leptospirosis,
trichomoniasis, neosporosis, akabane and a host of other viruses, whilst existing in the NT, generally
have much less of an impact.
Campylobacter (Vibriosis)
This venereal disease is found in every region of the NT including the Barkly. It is transmitted at mating
and can also be transferred during artificial insemination. The organism that causes the disease is very
persistent and inhabits the reproductive tract of cows and becomes established in the prepuce, penis
and semen of bulls.
Vibriosis infection causes repeated return to service associated with embryonic mortality and abortions
in mid gestation as well as pyometra.
Branding rates in infected heifer groups can be 20% less units than non-infected groups. In all-year
round mated herds, however, the disease is hard to detect and is often not recognised.
Signs and symptoms
There are no obvious signs in the bull.
A cow/heifer that gets infected at mating will abort due to the early death of the embryo; however, the
infected uterus prevents fertilisation from recurring. About 11% of infected females can become
permanently infertile and can be seen as big fat barren cows.
In herds where vibriosis is commonly found, low conception rates are most evident in the maiden
heifers as they are all susceptible, having not been exposed to develop immunity.
The most common signs of vibriosis are delayed conception and occasionally aborted foetuses
between three and seven months of age.
Prevention and Control
Pregnancy testing the breeding herd and incorporating a vaccination program is the most effective way
to control vibriosis.
With the breeding herd a common practice is to pregnancy test only dry cows at first-round muster and
cull non-pregnant animals from the herd. This procedure identifies cows that have a calving interval of
more than 18–24 months, suggesting that these cows may have been infected and harbouring the
vibriosis causing bacteria. Culling breeders for infertility will reduce the level of infection within the herd.
Culling both aged and infected bulls and seasonal mating can also reduce the impact of this disease. It
is suggested that bulls older than eight years should be culled.
Katherine Rural Review
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All bulls should be given primary and secondary vaccinations prior to first mating and then vaccinated
annually at the final round of mustering. For the vaccination program to be successful, total bull control
must be achieved.
Maiden heifers may also be vaccinated prior to mating. In the latest industry survey it was found that for
the Barkly region 62 properties carried out a vaccination program—31 properties vaccinated only the
bulls and 31 vaccinated the bulls and maiden heifers. This equated to 38% of maiden heifers in the
Barkly region and 67% of bulls being vaccinated for vibriosis.
A bivalent vaccine is recommended and all animals should be vaccinated at least four weeks prior to
joining to ensure that the vaccine has time to take effect. The vaccine costs approximately $7/shot and
is available over the counter.
NOTE that vaccination programs must be done annually as animals lose their immunity.
In the next edition of the KRR, the effect of pestivirus on the productivity of the breeder herd will be
If you have any questions regarding any of these diseases or others, please contact John Eccles,
Regional Veterinary Officer on 08 8973 9716 or John.Eccles@nt.gov.au.
Notifiable diseases of livestock
A notifiable disease is an animal disease that must be immediately reported to the Chief Veterinary
Officer or a Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries (DPIF) Veterinary Officer. There is a legal
obligation under Northern Territory legislation for livestock owners, managers, agents and
veterinarians to notify the department if they suspect or have positive laboratory confirmation that
an animal has one of these diseases. The purpose of immediate reporting is to ensure a rapid
disease control response to minimise the spread of the disease and thereby prevent or control any
adverse effects on public health, the community, industry and the economy.
There is a penalty of 500 penalty units (currently $72,000) for failing to report. While the major
emphasis is reporting emergency and exotic diseases, notifiable endemic disease reporting is also
important. The list of notifiable diseases is available at:
www.dpif.nt.gov.au/animalhealth and click on ‘Notifiable Diseases of Livestock in the NT’.
Immediately contact your local Senior Field Veterinary Officer (SFVO)
Regional Livestock Biosecurity Officer (RLBO)
if you suspect or confirm a listed emergency or exotic animal disease
1800 675 888
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Katherine Rural Review
Chasing outstanding waybills
Pink copies must be sent within 28 days after completion
It is a mandatory requirement for cattle, buffalo, sheep, goats, camelids (including camels, alpacas and
llamas), deer and pig owners to complete a waybill whenever stock are moved outside the boundaries
of a property.
NT PICS – USE THE NT PIC SEARCH DATABASE http://pic.primaryindustry.nt.gov.au/
National PIC Registers using your NLIS account https://www.nlis.mla.com.au/ Search the PIC register
Please post your PINK copies asap to your Regional Livestock Biosecurity Officer.
Darwin Region
Ian Doddrell (RLBO)
Animal Biosecurity, DPIF
GPO Box 3000
Darwin NT 0801
Katherine Region
Josh Haigh (ARLBO)
Animal Biosecurity, DPIF
PO Box 1346
Katherine NT 0851
Tennant Creek Region
Tom Haines (RLBO)
Animal Biosecurity, DPIF
PO Box 159
Tennant Creek NT 0861
Alice Springs Region
Greg Crawford (RLBO)
Animal Biosecurity, DPIF
PO Box 8760
Alice Springs NT 0871
Second round of Farm Finance Concessional Loans Scheme
Producers in the Northern Territory are now able to access the second round of the Australian
Government’s Farm Finance: Concessional Loans Scheme.
Eligible producers in the agricultural, pastoral, livestock, horticultural, aquacultural or apicultural
(beekeeping) industries can submit their applications between 1 July 2014 and 30 April 2015 for the
2014–15 program.
Loans are for less than 50 percent of eligible commercial debt and this year the minimum loan amount
has been reduced from $250 000 to $100 000 to enable smaller enterprises to access the scheme. The
maximum loan amount remains at $1 million.
The Farm Finance Scheme in the Northern Territory will continue to be delivered by QRAA in Brisbane.
QRAA is a specialist administrator of government financial assistance programs to the rural sector. All
application forms are available from the NT Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries.
Advice and support regarding scheme guidelines is provided through the department’s Farm Finance
Promotions Officer, David Collinson, at David.Collinson@nt.gov.au or phone 8936 4089.
Further information, including scheme guidelines and application forms, is available from the DPIF
website http://www.nt.gov.au/d/Primary_Industry or email industry.programs@nt.gov.au
Katherine Rural Review
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Bushfires NT Update
Bushfires NT encourages land owners to mitigate the effects of wildfires through fuel hazard reduction,
effective fire planning, and being ready for action when fires do occur. A subsidy is offered annually by
the Northern Territory Government for the purchase of certain pieces of fire management and
firefighting equipment, including bushfire radios. The subsidy may be applied for through the Regional
Bushfire Committees or the regional Bushfires NT Office.
A subsidy of up to 50% of the purchase price of the equipment, up to a maximum of $1200, may be
applied for in the financial year the equipment was purchased. A tax invoice and tax declaration details
must accompany the application which is endorsed by the Regional Bushfires Committees and if
successful, approved by the Director of Bushfires NT.
The subsidy is very limited, so please contact your regional Bushfires NT office for a list of the
approved equipment and a copy of the application and guidelines.
Bushfires NT Regional Offices
Katherine 8973 8870 | Batchelor 8976 0402 | Tennant Creek 8962 4522 | Alice Springs 8952 3066
Awards and scholarships available
The Australian RIRDC Rural Women’s Award
The Award identifies and supports the capabilities of emerging women leaders who have the desire,
commitment and leadership potential to make a greater contribution to primary industries and rural
The Award acknowledges women’s leadership capacity in effecting change and influence through
connecting and collaborating, and creates opportunities for women to drive innovation and resilience.
The Award also encourages primary industries and their communities to embrace diversity in
leadership to successfully navigate future challenges.
The Award supports women both financially and professionally. Each state and territory winner will
receive a $10,000 financial bursary to implement their Award vision. Each winner also has the
opportunity to participate in the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) Company Directors
Course and will be supported to develop an individual integrated leadership plan.
For more information: www.rirdc.gov.au/rural-women's-award
The Horizon Scholarship
In partnership with industry sponsors, RIRDC supports undergraduates studying agriculture at
university by providing:
A bursary of $5,000 per year for the duration of their degree
Professional development workshops and mentoring
Annual industry work placements that give students first-hand exposre to modern agricultural
Scholarship recipients will be selected on the basis of their commitment to a career in agrciulture, as
well as their leadership potention and high school academic record.
For more information: www.rirdc.gov.au/horizon
Both of these Awards are initiatives of the Rural Industries Research Development Corporation
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Katherine Rural Review
Round the Region
Left: Attendees of the Kidman
Springs Field Day taking part in
the station tour. Here Whitney
Dollemore, Pastoral Production
Officer, shared the developments
of the Selected Brahman Herd
Right: Grant Cutler,
Senior Technical Officer,
presenting information
about the peanut variety
trial currently underway at
Katherine Research
Station during a bus tour
at the NT Field Days.
Attendees of the Beetaloo
Adaptive Grazing Field
Daystop to admire the cattle in
the rotational grazing program
Attendees of the Beetaloo Adaptive Grazing
Pilot Field Day stop to admire the cattle in the
rotational grazing program
Katherine Rural Review
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Katherine Rural Review
Katherine Rural Review
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Katherine region events calendar
Victoria River District Field Day
Delamere Station
28 October
North Australia Food Futures
Action on the Ground Field Day
Research Station
7 November
2015 NTCA AGM and Conference
26-27 March
Please email us with updates of events happening in your area: Jodie.Ward@nt.gov.au
If undelivered
please return to:
PO Box 1346
Katherine NT 0851
While all care has been taken to ensure that information contained in this publication is true and correct at the time of publication, the Northern Territory
of Australia gives no warranty or assurance, and makes no representation as to the accuracy of any information or advice contained in this publication,
or that it is suitable for your intended use. No serious business or investment decisions should be made in reliance on this information without
obtaining independent and professional advice or both in relation to your particular situation.
Reproduction of Rural Review articles
The Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries (DPIF) welcomes the reproduction of articles appearing in this newsletter, but requests that the
technical information be confirmed with the editor or author, prior to publication. The department also requests that acknowledgement be made for any
original work sourced from the Katherine Rural Review.
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Katherine Rural Review