LTAI Scholar Evaluation of Program

Let’s Talk About It
Scholar Program Evaluation
The North Carolina Humanities Council recognizes that scholars are critical to successful public
humanities programing, and thanks you for your participation in this series and for your comments!
Scholar comments are often used as narrative pieces to qualitatively demonstrate the impact and value
of this program to our state and federal partners. We appreciate receiving feedback on the Let’s Talk
About It program from the scholar’s perspective as the facilitator
The reading and discussion programs developed through Let’s Talk About It are designed to help
participants engage with the humanities through thoughtful dialogue to gain broader understanding of
the human experience. As you think about your discussion session and assess the program, please keep
in mind that the goal of this program is to allow the humanities to become a lens through which we can
address life’s enduring and fundamental questions.
Scholar Information and In-Kind Contribution
Name of Scholar:
Series Name:
Name of Book:
Services Donated
Program Date:
Time Donated
Preparation Time (hours)
@ $ 65.00
Travel Time (to and from
program location)
@ $ 65.00
Scholar Signature (please sign, do not type):
Part 1: Program Goals
a. In what ways did participants in this program use dialogue to engage with the humanities or gain a
broader understanding of the human experience?
North Carolina Humanities Council • 320 E. 9th Street, Suite 414 • Charlotte, NC 28202 • (704) 687-1521 • Fax: (704) 687-1550
© The North Carolina Humanities Council is a statewide nonprofit and affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Let’s Talk About It
Scholar Program Evaluation
b. Was the program successful? What worked best? What didn’t work?
Part 2: Program Logistics
c. Were you given sufficient information from the project director/librarian and the North Carolina
Humanities Council prior to your presentation? What additional information would have been helpful?
d. Did the project director discuss his/her expectations and your expectations for the program with you?
e. Was the project director available to you on arrival?
Was the room set up for your needs?
North Carolina Humanities Council • 320 E. 9th Street, Suite 414 • Charlotte, NC 28202 • (704) 687-1521 • Fax: (704) 687-1550
© The North Carolina Humanities Council is a statewide nonprofit and affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Let’s Talk About It
Scholar Program Evaluation
g. Did the project director acknowledge the North Carolina Humanities Council as the sponsor of the
h. Were you introduced?
Are there issues or concerns of which the Council needs to be made aware? Should follow-up be done?
If so, who needs be contacted and what should be done?
North Carolina Humanities Council • 320 E. 9th Street, Suite 414 • Charlotte, NC 28202 • (704) 687-1521 • Fax: (704) 687-1550
© The North Carolina Humanities Council is a statewide nonprofit and affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities.