Chapter 10 Questions:

Hamilton, Communicating for Results, 10th Edition, Chapter 10
1. Working with teammates who have different personality types is a
requirement of productive team discussion. Which of the following
personality factors is NOT considered important enough to be included in the
“Big Five”?
a. Agreeableness
b. Emotional stability
c. Conciseness (CORRECT)
d. Extroversion
e. Conscientiousness
2. Situational contingency theory says that the best leadership style is
dependent upon which three factors?
a. The number of team members, the difficulty of the task, and the skills
of the leader.
b. The nature of the task, the skills of the leader, and the size of the team.
c. The power of the leader, the nature of the task, and the relationship
between the leader and team. (CORRECT)
d. The length of time the team has been established, the relationship
between the leader and team, and the goals of the group.
3. Current research supports the trait leadership theory, which states that
leaders are born with certain leadership characteristics.
a. True
b. False (CORRECT)
4. Authoritarian leadership is best related to which organizational model?
a. Traditional (CORRECT)
b. Human Relations
c. Human Resources
d. Situational Contingency
5. If you react fairly positively to the coworkers you like the least, then Fred
Fiedler would say that you are a high LPC (democratic) leader.
a. True (CORRECT)
b. False
6. What type of leadership has been shown to create the greatest amount of
member satisfaction?
a. Authoritarian
b. Democratic (CORRECT)
c. Laissez-faire
d. Transformational
7. What theory says that certain roles and jobs must be performed during the
for the group to be successful and the person performing those tasks is the
leader during that time?
a. Function theory (CORRECT)
b. Trait theory
c. Situational leadership theory
d. Laissez-faire theory
8. The three-dimension theory says that leader behavior is thought of in terms
of three basic styles: autocratic, democratic, or laissez-faire.
a. True (CORRECT)
b. False
9. Which characteristic is most commonly associated with transformational
a. Charisma (CORRECT)
b. Physical attractiveness
c. Trustworthiness
d. A high education level
e. Strong speaking skills
10. What theory suggests that some people are born with strong leadership
attributes and potential and others are not?
a. Situational contingency theory
b. Trait theory
c. Three-dimension theory
d. Path-goal theory
11. What is a good way to manage people with dysfunctional behavior?
a. Place the person(s) in the back of the room
b. Ask them to do something like taking notes (CORRECT)
c. Maintain good eye contact with them to let them know you are aware
of their actions
d. Encourage others to participate in a random order
12. The two dimensional leadership theory states that
a. Leaders are trained in strategy and tactics
b. Leaders are more concerned with production as opposed to quality
c. Leaders have either a task orientation or a people orientation
d. Leaders are primarily concerned with people and training
12. Laissez-faire leadership
a. Is found only in medieval governments
b. Features a leader who makes all of the important decisions for the
c. Features a leader who is not involved with the team’s decision making
d. Is most effective when the group consists mostly of new employees or
untrained group members
13. Most groups need more guidance than a laissez-faire leader gives.
a. True (CORRECT)
b. False
14. Which type of leadership would likely result in the fastest decision-making.
a. Authoritarian
b. Democratic (CORRECT)
c. Laissez-faire
d. Transformational
15. Transformational leaders are
a. Found only in developing countries
b. In congress when one party succeeds another party
c. Only in new High Tech companies
d. Are leaders who are charismatic in nature, inspire followers to
exceptional performance, are enthusiastic and loyal (CORRECT)