Appendix 1 UAL Teaching Scholarship Application Form About you Name of applicant: College/Service: Position: (if part-time please indicate fraction): UAL Email address for correspondence: Telephone number that you can be contacted at: Please confirm your eligibility I have worked at the UAL for longer than 18 months I have you a Pg. Cert. in Learning and Teaching, Academic Practice or an equivalent. (Please ensure this information is apparent on your CV.) I am a fellow of the Higher Education Academy 1 Case Study of Practice(1500 words max.) Please provide a case study of a teaching or support activity that demonstrates your sustained commitment to excellence and impact upon the student experience. You may find the following prompts helpful and which relate to the scheme’s criteria: How do you define excellent teaching, learning and/or support? How have you embodied excellence in your practice, please be specific? What evidence do you draw upon and how do you draw upon this to reflect upon your practice and change it? Indicative Scholarship Proposal (750 words max.) Please describe how you intend to use your tenure as a UAL Teaching Scholar and the available project funding to further enhance the student experience. This proposal is indicative and will be developed further and in partnership with CLTAD during the initial stages of the UAL Teaching Scholarship. You may want to indicate aims, areas of investigation, CPD, academic development and/or dissemination activities that would help you enhance the student experience. To demonstrate the scheme’s criteria you will need to explain how you are building upon your excellent practice and what the impact will likely be. 2 Referees Please provide names and contact details of 1 peer and 1 student (current or previous) who can provide a reference Referee 1 (Peer) Referee 2 (Student) Name: Name: Email: Email: Applicant Signature: Date: Line Manager: The UAL Teaching Scholarship is a University priority which aims to enhance the student experience, reward excellent teaching and provide opportunities for excellent colleagues to share their good practice. By signing this application you are confirming and endorsing the applicant’s excellence and intended project as well as indicating your commitment to support their work as a UAL Teaching Scholar. In practice this means supporting the terms of the scholarship project and providing space for their developmental activities related to the scholarship e.g. where appropriate termly meetings with other UAL Teaching Scholars and attendance at Learning, Teaching and Enhancement Committees. We very much appreciate you reviewing this application, endorsing the individual and committing to support them. Name: College/Dept.: Signature: Date: Please return completed applications and references to by the deadline. 3 Appendix 2 UAL Teaching Scholarship Reference Form Thank you for agreeing to be a referee for a UAL Teaching Scholar application. The UAL Teaching Scholarship is granted only to individuals who can demonstrate sustained excellence in teaching and supporting learners. The Reference Form asks you for your personal view on whether you think the candidate has demonstrated excellence. Name of referee: Position: Email address for correspondence: Name of applicant: Reference (500 words max) You may find the following prompts helpful and which relate to the scheme’s criteria: In your experience how has the applicant demonstrated excellence as a teacher or supporter of learning? In what ways is the applicant an example of good practice who can inform others? What qualities does the applicant embody that you feel are important for improving the student experience? Referee Signature: 4 Date: Appendix 3 Criteria and Grading Documentation Criteria All documentation provided correctly (i.e. to specified length) and signed off by line manage Yes/No Case Study Criteria Applicant is able to define, demonstrate and evidence excellence in teaching and/or supporting learning. Whilst excellence will depend upon the context in which the applicant works it will incorporate an awareness of student learning and an understanding of how their activity can be evaluated and reflected upon. 1: Applicant demonstrates a critical awareness and understanding of what constitutes excellence in teaching and learning based upon good practice in pedagogy and the discipline. Applicant is able to draw critically upon student evaluation data in order to reflect upon their activities as teacher and/or supporter of student learning 1: Applicant draws upon a range of student evaluation data, such as unit evaluation (formal or informal), NSS scores and/or student testimonials, to support their claim for excellence. Use of data demonstrates criticality and there is a clear rationale for its appropriateness 2: Applicant demonstrates an awareness and understanding of what constitutes excellence in teaching and learning based upon good practice in pedagogy and the discipline. 3: Applicant demonstrates an awareness and understanding of what constitutes excellence in teaching and learning based upon an intuitive understanding of the terms. 4: Applicant does not demonstrate an awareness and/or understanding of what constitutes excellence in teaching and learning 2: Applicant draws upon student evaluation data. Use of data supports the applicant’s claim for excellence. 3: Applicant draws upon student evaluation data. Use of data and the applicant’s claim for excellence lacks articulation. 4: Applicant either does not draw upon quantitative or qualitative student evaluation data or it is not appropriate. 5 Project Proposal Criteria Applicant places proposed scholarship within the context of their existing teaching and/or support activities 1: Proposal suggests a clear development of current practice and clearly has the potential to extend their sphere of influence beyond their immediate context. 2: Proposal suggests a clear development of their current practice and will have value beyond their immediate context; although this may not be fully explicit. 3: Proposal develops out of their current practice; however it is not clear how this will be of use to others. 4: Proposal does not/or it is not clear how it develops from existing practice. Proposal demonstrates how impact will be enhanced and shared beyond applicant’s immediate context 1: The proposal is explicit about the benefits (students and peers) to the University and the sector and provides a strategy to engage with both. 2: The proposal considers the benefits (students and peers) to the University and the sector, but this may be in a limited way and may lack a clear strategy of how to engage others internally and externally/or it may be well developed, but partial i.e. focuses only internally. 3. The proposal reference benefits of the proposal to the University’ although provides little rationale and context for this. 4. The proposal suggests limited or no impact beyond immediate context and lacks awareness of how it will impact the University and sector. Reference Criteria and Grading References support the applicant’s claim of excellence in teaching and/or supporting learning 6 Yes/No