Class #1 – Introduction / Background

Seeking Redemption: A Study of Ruth
Class #1 – Introduction / Background
Introductory Matters
A. Author
1. Anonymous, like most OT books
2. Talmud cited Samuel as the author (not likely)
3. Some suggest feminine authorship
4. Canonicity is generally not in dispute (unlike Esther, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs)
B. Date
1. Date of events differ from date of writing
Beginning and end give evidence – “In the days when the judges ruled…” & concluding
2. Factors in determining date of writing
Internal evidence – language/style, historical allusions, themes
3. Critical scholars tend toward a later date, conservatives suggest an earlier one. Best guess on
date of writing – pre-exilic period, perhaps during Solomon’s reign (10th century BC).
C. Setting
 Bethlehem, Moab
 Famine. Discuss: An Israelite left Judah for Moab because of a famine – does this resemble
other biblical stories?
D. Genre
 Short story, historical prose. There are many reasons to consider Ruth as historically accurate.
 Discuss: What is the primary purpose of Ruth?
E. Key Themes
 Discuss: What are the themes of Ruth?
Some possibilities: kindness (of Ruth and Boaz), redemption (Boaz – kinsman redeemer), divine
providence (improbable continuation of family line for Naomi – leading to the lineage of David
through Jesus), divine wisdom (even though suffering and hardship), biblical manhood &
F. Purpose
 Discuss: What is the primary purpose of Ruth?
Outline of the Class
Lesson 1 – Introduction / Background (1:1-5) .................................................................................. July 10
Lesson 2 – Ruth’s Loyalty (1:6-22) ..................................................................................................... July 17
Lesson 3 – Ruth Meets Boaz (2:1-23) ................................................................................................ July 24
Lesson 4 – Ruth Proposes to Boaz (3:1-18) ....................................................................................... July 31
Lesson 5 – Boaz the Redeemer (4:1-12) ......................................................................................... August 7
Lesson 6 – Naomi Receives a Son (4:13-17) ................................................................................. August 14
Lesson 7 – Genealogy of David (4:18-22) ..................................................................................... August 21
Lesson 8 – Theology of Ruth ........................................................................................................ August 28