Potential inhalation exposure and containment efficiency when using hoods for handling nanoparticles Candace Su-Jung Tsai NSF Center for High-rate Nanomanufacturing (CHN), University of Massachusetts Lowell, One University Avenue, Lowell, Massachusetts 01854. Author for correspondence (E-mail: candace.umass@gmail.com ) Supporting Information Statistical analysis using Pearson correlation The number (N) of data points used for analysis is 32, which are 32 concentration data, 1 per diameter channel, plotting one concentration distribution profile. The correlation coefficient is a number between +1 and -1, and is interpreted as the magnitude and direction of the association between two variables. The “magnitude” is the strength of the correlation. The closer the correlation is to either +1 or -1, the stronger the correlation. If the correlation is 0 or very close to zero, there is no association between the two variables. The “direction” of the correlation interprets how the two variables are related. A positive value means that the two variables have a positive relationship (as one increases, the other also increases), while a negative value means that the two variables have a negative relationship (as one increases, the other decreases). The p-value measured the significance of the correlation; a p-value less than 0.05 means the correlation is significant. (a) Baseline Concentration- Regular Condition 9,000 3 dN/dlog Dp [ particle/cm ] Particle number concentration1 Bio cabinet 1 8,000 Bio cabinet 2 7,000 Powder enclosure 1 Powder enclosure 2 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 1 10 100 1000 Diameter, Dp[nm] (b) Baseline Concentration- Alternative Condition Bio cabinet 1 dN/dlog Dp [ particle/cm ] 8,000 3 Particle number concentration1 9,000 Powder enclosure 1 7,000 Powder enclosure 2 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 1 10 100 1000 Diameter, Dp[nm] Figure S1: Baseline concentration at breathing zone of four hoods for (a) regular condition experiments and (b) alternative condition for both transferring and pouring experiments. Table S1. Results of Pearson correlation coefficient of breathing zone corrected concentration distribution: (a) Associations among four hoods during transferring at regular and alternative condition; (b) Associations between transferring and pouring tasks at regular and alternative conditions for four hoods. (a) Correlation of Four Hoods during Transferring Bio Cabinet 1 Bio Cabinet 2 Powder Enclosure 1 Powder Enclosure 2 Condition R A R A R A R A Bio Cabinet 1 1 1 -0.87 0.38 0.49 0.59 0.76 -0.48 Bio Cabinet 2 -0.87 0.38 1 1 -0.17 -0.14 -0.56 -0.89 Powder Enclosure 1 0.49 0.59 -0.17 -0.14 1 1 0.15 -0.02 Powder Enclosure 2 0.76 -0.48 -0.56 -0.89 0.15 -0.02 1 1 (b) Correlation of Transferring and Pouring R A Bio Cabinet 1 0.97 0.77 Bio Cabinet 2 0.74 0.74 Powder Enclosure 1 0.97 0.97 Powder Enclosure 2 0.97 0.97 R: Regular condition; A: Alternative condition. All correlations are significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Table S2. Calculation of mass concentration of airborne alumina Number Conc. Particle Diameter Particle Volume Conc. Mass Conc. Mass Conc. particles/cm3 nm m3/cm3 kg/cm3 µg/m3 49 49 261 780 970 836 810 890 800 550 350 202 87 4 0 29 72 114 133 130 132 138 164 211 240 250 231 180 138 100 75 58 Sum of 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 17 19 22 25 29 34 39 45 52 60 70 80 93 107 124 143 166 191 220 255 295 340 390 453 523 6 - 523 5.54E-24 8.80E-24 7.00E-23 2.98E-22 5.08E-22 7.56E-22 1.16E-21 2.29E-21 2.87E-21 3.07E-21 2.86E-21 2.58E-21 1.79E-21 1.24E-22 0.00E+00 2.14E-21 8.14E-21 2.05E-20 3.57E-20 5.48E-20 8.47E-20 1.38E-19 2.51E-19 5.05E-19 8.76E-19 1.39E-18 2.01E-18 2.42E-18 2.84E-18 3.11E-18 3.65E-18 4.34E-18 2.E-20 3.E-20 3.E-19 1.E-18 2.E-18 3.E-18 4.E-18 8.E-18 1.E-17 1.E-17 1.E-17 9.E-18 6.E-18 4.E-19 0.E+00 8.E-18 3.E-17 7.E-17 1.E-16 2.E-16 3.E-16 5.E-16 9.E-16 2.E-15 3.E-15 5.E-15 7.E-15 9.E-15 1.E-14 1.E-14 1.E-14 2.E-14 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.9 1.8 3.2 5.0 7.2 8.7 10.2 11.2 13.1 15.6 78.3 Case 2 12,000 200 5.03E-17 2.E-13 181.0 Case 3 10 626 1.28E-18 5.E-15 4.6 Case 1 Note: Density of alumina oxide particles is 3,600 kg/m 3