1 TCSD Lakota Language K-12 Wounspe Opahte Tokeyechi First Teaching Outcomes (i) Identify and pronounce the letters of the Lakota Alphabet Grades K-2 Grades 3-5 Grades 6-8 Resources Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, pp 1-13 -winter counts -pictographs -garage band -tape recorder -community people SGU DVD Length of Unit 30 min. 5 times Cultural Aspect History of the Written Lakota Language pp. 3-6 Activities -Practice saying the alphabet Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, pp1-13 -alphabet poster -garage band -tipi pattern and winter count SGU DVD Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, pp1-13 -alphabet poster 35 min. 4 times History of written language Pages 3-6 Pronunciation drills -syllables -pattern of tipi and/or winter count using symbols of history of written language Identify and pronounce the letters of the Lakota Alphabet 25 min. 5 times History of written language. -Pronunciation drill -syllables -review orthographies Identify and pronounce the letters of the Lakota Alphabet -Listening for correct pronunciation Evaluation Identify and pronounce the letters of the Lakota Alphabet 2 TCSD Lakota Language K-12 Grades 9-12 Outcomes (ii) Identify and pronounce the vowels and nasalized vowels of the Lakota alphabet Grades K-2 -garage band -Smithsonian website -winter count book -community people SGU DVD Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, pp1-13 -alphabet poster -Smithsonian Book -winter counts -pictographs -community people SGU DVD Resources Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, pp1-14 -alphabet poster -winter counts -pictographs -garage band or tape recorder SGU DVD Appendix A -read pages 3-6 -winter count activity 90 min. 2 times History of written language. -Review pages 111 -cultural explanations on posters -cultural explanations on posters -pronunciation drills -Syllables -review pages 3-6 -winter count activity Identify and pronounce the letters of the Lakota Alphabet Length of Unit 30 min. 5 times Cultural Aspect History of the Written Lakota Language -pages 1-11 Activities -practice saying the vowels and nasalized vowels -listening to correct pronunciation of vowels Evaluation Identify and pronounce the vowels and nasalized vowels of the Lakota alphabet 3 TCSD Lakota Language K-12 Grade 3-5 Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, pp1-14 -alphabet poster SGU dvd Garage band 35 min. 4 times History of the written Lakota Language Page 6 -Pronunciation Drill -words divided by syllables - definitions/terms (Appendix C) Identify and pronounce the vowels and nasalized vowels of the Lakota alphabet Grades 6-8 Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, pp1-14 -alphabet poster -winter counts -Garage Band SGU dvd 25 min. 5 times -History of the written language Pronunciation -Drill words divided by syllables -definitions/terms- Identify and pronounce the vowels and nasalized vowels of the Lakota alphabet Grades 9-12 Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, pp1-14 -winter count -pictographs -alphabet poster SGU dvd 90 min. 2 times -History of the written language (winter counts, pictographs) -Review pages 111 -cultural explanations on posters Pronunciation -Drill words divided by syllables -definitions/terms Identify and pronounce the vowels and nasalized vowels of the Lakota alphabet Outcomes (iii) Resources Length of Unit Cultural Aspect Activities Evaluation 4 TCSD Lakota Language K-12 Identify and practice protocol for Lakota Greetings and dialogue. Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, pp14-20 CD -relationship terms poster SGU dvd 30 min. 5 times Lakota Greetings and relative terms Pages 14-19, 21 Practice orally using correct protocol and appropriate Lakota greetings -oral drills -one to one dialoging -role playing Identify and practice protocol for Lakota greetings and dialogue. Grades 3-5 Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, pp14-19 CD -garage band -relationship terms poster SGU dvd 35 min. 4 times Lakota Greetings pages 14-19, 21 Practice Lakota greetings and dialogue protocol Pages 16-19 -oral drills -one to one dialoging -role playing Identify and practice protocol for Lakota greetings and dialogue. Grades 6-8 Reading and Writing the Lakota Language. pp14-19 CD -Relationship poster -Garage band SGU dvd Reading and Writing the Lakota 25 min. 2 times Lakota Greetings pages 14 & 19, 21 dialogue -students will greet each other using relative terms. -Role playing Identify and practice protocol for Lakota greetings and dialogue 90 min. 2 times Lakota Greetings pp 14-19, 21 -Role playing -oral drill Identify and practice protocol Grades K-2 Grades 9-12 5 TCSD Lakota Language K-12 Language, pp14-19 CD -relationship terms poster -garage band SGU dvd -dialoging for Lakota greetings and dialogue Outcomes (iv) Identify and use appropriate gender endings. Grades K-2 Resources Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, pp18-20 -visual organizer -paper dolls or other props Length of Unit 30 min. 5 times Cultural Aspect Appropriate usage of proper gender endings pages 18-20 Activities Role play using props, practicing using proper gender endings Evaluation Identify and use appropriate gender endings Grades 3-5 Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, pp18-20, 27-29 -paper doll -graphic organizer 35 min. 4 times -Creation Story -Cekiyapi, Tiospaye Pages 20, 27- 29 Pronunciation drill pages 22-25 Identify and use appropriate gender endings 6 TCSD Lakota Language K-12 Grades 6-8 Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, pp18-20 Sacred Spirit (song 10) CD -graphic organizer SGU Creation story 25 min. 2 times -Introduction to gender endings page 20 -stories of protocol of men and women in society -Matching worksheets on gender endings -reading comprehension game identifying the speaker by gender endings Identify and use appropriate gender endings Grades 9-12 Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, pp18-20 -graphic organizer 90 min. 2 times Gender endings -sentence development -oral drills Identify and use appropriate gender endings 7 TCSD Lakota Language K-12 Wounspe Opahte Tokeyehci Second Teaching Outcome (i) Identify correct conjugation forms Grades K-2 Grades 3-5 Grades 6-8 Grades 9-12 Resources Reading and Writing the Lakota Language p32-34 -graphic organizer Length of time 30 min. 5 times Cultural Aspect Introduction to conjugation Pages 32-34 Activities Practice correct conjugation (change the pronoun the subject changes) Evaluation Identify correct conjugation forms Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, p32-34 -graphic organizer SGU dvd Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, p32-34 -graphic organizer SGU dvd 35 min. 4 times Introduction to conjugation pages 32-34 -conjugation worksheet page 34 Identify correct conjugation forms 25 min. 2 times Proper and correct conjugation pages 32-34 Conjugation worksheet page 34 Identify correct conjugation forms Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, p32-34 -graphic organizer 90 min. 2 times Proper and correct conjugation pages 32-34 -oral drills -graphic organizer page 34 Identify correct conjugation forms 8 TCSD Lakota Language K-12 Outcome (ii) Identify proper use of the basic Lakota sentence structure and Lakota thought pattern Grades K-2 Resources Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, p35-39 -Lakota word order poster p.36 Length of Unit 30 min. 5 times Cultural Aspect Speaking English in Lakota p 35 Activities -Introduction to simple sentences 35-40 -modeling Lakota thought by having students listen to stories. Evaluation Identify proper use of the basic Lakota sentence structure and Lakota thought pattern. Grades 3-5 Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, p35-39 -Lakota word order poster p36 35 min. 4 times Speaking English in Lakota p 35 -model Lakota thought by reading Lakota stories. -Writing and oral drill pages 36 & 37 Identify proper use of the basic Lakota sentence structure and Lakota thought pattern. Grades 6-8 Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, p35-39 -Lakota word order poster p36 25 min. 15 times Speaking English in Lakota p 35 -Worksheet to conjugation forms, page 34. Translation activity 37-38 Identify proper use of the basic Lakota sentence structure and Lakota thought pattern. Grades 9-12 Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, p35-39 -Lakota word order poster p36 90 min. 2 times Speaking English in Lakota p 35 -Worksheets -Read Lakota material Identify proper use of the basic Lakota sentence structure and Lakota thought pattern. 9 TCSD Lakota Language K-12 Outcome (iii) Demonstrate the correct pronunciation of Lakota vowels. Grades K-2 Resources Reading and Writing the Lakota Language 26-40, 52 -alphabet poster SGU DVD Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, p26-40, 52 -alphabet poster SGU dvd Length of Unit 30 min. 5 times Cultural Aspect Appropriately using nasal vowels. Page 28 Activities Practice saying the Lakota vowels and nasal vowels. Focus on correct pronunciation Evaluation Demonstrate the correct pronunciation of Lakota vowels. 35 min. 4 times Appropriately using nasal vowels, Page 26, 31-39 Vowels always make the same sound even if they are clustered, p3139 Pronounce the Lakota vowel sounds and pronunciation drill on page 13 Demonstrate the correct pronunciation of Lakota vowels. Grades 6-8 Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, p26-40, 52 -alphabet poster SGU dvd 25 minutes 5 times Vowels always make the same sound even if they are clustered, p3139 Pronounce the Lakota vowel sounds and pronunciation drill on page 13 Demonstrate the correct pronunciation of Lakota vowels. Grades 9-12 Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, p26-40, 52 90 min. 2 times Vowels always make the same sound even if they are clustered, Pronounce the Lakota vowel sounds and pronunciation drill Demonstrate the correct pronunciation of Lakota vowels. Grades 3-5 10 TCSD Lakota Language K-12 -alphabet poster SGU dvd pp31-39 on page 13 Activities Practice using appropriate Lakota greeting terms (Lakota protocol) Outcome (iv) Identify and greet relatives appropriately Grades K-2 Resources Reading and Writing the Lakota Language p28-30 -relationship poster Length of time 30 min. 5 times Cultural Aspect -Importance of relatives p 29 Appropriately using correct greeting terms for relatives. Page 28 Grades 3-5 Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, p28-30 -relationship poster -Garage band SGU dvd 35 min. 4 times Introduction drill -You and I forms page 30 -He and Hena Dialogue exercise -Importance of relatives p 29 Appropriately using correct greeting terms for relatives Pages 27, 28-29, 3233 Grades 6-8 Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, p28-30 -relationship poster Garage band SGU dvd 25 min 8 times -Importance of relatives p 29 Appropriately using correct greeting terms for relatives Introduction drill, p30 Introduce relatives from the family tree Evaluation Identify and greet relatives appropriately Identify and greet relatives appropriately Identify and greet relatives appropriately 11 TCSD Lakota Language K-12 Grades 9-12 Reading and Writing the Lakota Language,p28-30 -relationship poster SGU dvd 90 min. 2 times -Importance of relatives p 29 Appropriately using correct greeting terms for relatives. Introduction drill, p30 Identify and greet relatives appropriately Outcome (v) Identify and correctly count Lakota numbers 110 Grades K-2 Resources Reading and Writing the Lakota Language,p38 Paul Goble’s Her Seven Brothers manipulative -number poster Length of time 30 min. x 5 times Cultural Aspect Appropriately use methods to identify numbers 1-10. Identify a number of objects with the proper Lakota term Story 7 brothers. Activities Practice oral counting using manipulatives and integrating with other lessons Evaluation Identify and correctly count Lakota numbers 110 Grades 3-5 Reading and Writing the Lakota Language Paul Goble’s Her Seven Brothers -medicine wheel power point -number poster 35 min. 4 times Reading story of 7 Brothers -Number 4 important in culture Four Winds(tate topa) -Read pages 1 “Division within the Sioux Na pages 155 -“4 winds” also 104 Homework activity page 30 -use with kinship lesson Color Sheet on four directions. Identify and correctly count Lakota numbers 110. 12 TCSD Lakota Language K-12 Grades 6-8 Reading and Writing the Lakota Language Paul Goble’s Seven Brothers Flash Cards -number poster 25 min x 3 times Reading stories of 7 brothers Number 4; p104 Division within the Sioux Nation p155 Grades 9-12 Reading and Writing the Lakota Language Manipulative -number poster 90 min. Numbers 1-10 page 30 Make flash cards, pronounce numbers with teacher, identify numbers, read aloud by holding up matching flash card Incorporate Lakota numbers into sentence structure -oral drills -work sheets -drill activity using manipulative -develop sentences Identify and correctly count Lakota numbers 110. Identify and correctly count Lakota numbers 110. 13 TCSD Lakota Language K-12 Wounspe Opahte Tokeyehci Third Teaching Outcome (i) Identify and pronounce consonants and consonant clusters Grades K-2 Resources Reading and Writing the Lakota Language,p41-43 -alphabet poster SGU dvd Length of time 30 min. 5 times Cultural Aspect Cultural explanation p41-43 "Living Beings"p44 Activities -oral drills practice correct pronunciation of Lakota words using consonants and consonant clusters Evaluation Identify and pronounce consonants and consonant clusters Grades 3-5 Reading and Writing the Lakota Language,p41-43 -alphabet poster SGU dvd 35 min. 4 times -oral drills Cultural Vocabulary p.42 explanation, p42. "Living Beings"p44 Role play with clusters Identify and pronounce consonants and consonant clusters Grades 6-8 Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, p41-43 -Garage Band -alphabet poster SGU dvd 25 min. 4 times Cultural explanation, p42 "Living Beings" p44 Vocabulary p42 -oral drills -accented syllable -dividing consonant verbs by syllables Identify and pronounce consonants and consonant clusters Grades 9-12 Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, p41-43 90 min. 2 times Cultural explanation, p42 “Living Beings” Vocabulary p42 -oral drills -worksheets Identify and pronounce consonants and 14 TCSD Lakota Language K-12 page 44 -alphabet poster SGU dvd Outcome (ii) Identify and correctly count Lakota numbers 11-20 Grades K-2 Resources Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, p44 Manipulative -number poster SGU dvd Length of time 30 min. 5 times Grades 3-5 Reading and Writing 35 min. 4 times the Lakota Language, p44 -number poster SGU dvd Handout (LWhirlwindSoldier) consonant clusters Cultural Aspect Ake p 73 Activities -Practice oral counting using manipulative -Identify a number of objects with the proper Lakota numbers Evaluation Identify and correctly count of Lakota numbers 11-20. Ake p73 Homework activity on page 45 counting objects -base ten pattern Identify and correctly count Lakota numbers 11-20 15 TCSD Lakota Language K-12 Grades 6-8 Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, p44 -number poster SGU dvd 25 min. 2 times The use of “ake” again, p73 Grades 9-12 Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, p44 -number poster 90 min. Ake, p73 Outcome (iii) Explain and give examples of Mitakuye Oyasin and Wacekiyapi Grades K-2 Resources Length of time Reading and Writing 30 min. 5 times the Lakota Language, p46-49 -Creation story -Seventh Generation Graphic Organizer Grades 3-5 Reading and Writing the Lakota Language,p46-49 -Medicine Wheel 35 min. 4 times Make flash cards, pronounce numbers with teacher, identify numbers read aloud by holding up matching flash card -base ten pattern Incorporate numbers into sentence structure Oral drills -review base ten number system Identify and correctly count Lakota numbers 11-20. Cultural aspect Appropriately using Mitakuye Oyasin and Wacekiyapi. Pages 46 & 47 -Wicoicage (generation) Activities -Practice the Lakota Way of Life and discuss Lakota philosophy -tell creation stories Evaluation Explain and give examples of Mitakuye Oyasin and wacekiyapi Read & Practice on pages 46-47 -Wicoicage (generation) -Medicine Wheel Power point -Relative terms pages 54 & 55 Explain and give examples of Mitakuye Oyasin and Wacekiyapi Identify and correctly count Lakota numbers 11-20. 16 TCSD Lakota Language K-12 power point -Seventh Generation Graphic Organizer Relationship Poster Grades 6-8 Reading and Writing the Lakota Language,p46-49 -4 directions songs -Francis White Bird's Hocokan -Seventh Generation Graphic Organizer 25 min. 4 times Pages 46 & 47 Mitakuye Oyasin Wacekiyape -Oral drill on page 47 - Worksheet acknowledging spouses, parents, and children Sing 4 directions song. Explain and give examples of mitakuye oyasin and wacekiyapi. -“Mitakuye Oyasin” page 46 -“Wacekiyapi” page 47 -Wicoicage (generation) -Read Alouds book -class discussions Explain and give examples of mitakuye oyasin and wacekiyapi. Cultural Aspect Individual responsibility p.32 Activities Practice saying the “wa” in different words Evaluation Conjugate "wa" verbs -Wicoicage (generation) Grades 9-12 Reading and Writing 90 min. 2 times the Lakota Language,p46-49 Walker's Lakota Myth Outcome (iv) Conjugate “wa” verbs Grades K-2 Resources Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, p50 SGU dvd Length of time 30 min. 5 times a week 17 TCSD Lakota Language K-12 Grades 3-5 Reading and Writing the Lakota Language,p50 SGU dvd Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, p50 SGU dvd Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, p50 Albert White Hat, Sr. SGU dvd 35 min. 4 times a week Review drill -Oral drill page 51 Conjugate “wa” verbs 25 min. 5 times a week Individual responsibility pages 32, 33, 50 & 173 Individual responsibility p.32 -conjugate all -review drill “wa” verb terms Conjugated form of “wa” verbs 90 min. 2 times a week Individual responsibility p.32 -oral drills Conjugate form of "wa" verbs Outcome (v) Resources Length of Unit Activities Evaluation Establish proper relationships for Spouses, Parents, and Children Grades K-2 Grades 3-5 Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, p47-49 30 min. 5 times a week Practice saying relationships terms Establish proper relationships for spouses, parents, and children Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, p47-49 35 min. 4 times a week -Oral drill dialogue 142-144 Grades 6-8 Reading and Writing the Lakota 25 min. 3 times a week Cultural Aspect to emphasize -Appropriately using and acknowledging relationship term, 46, 48 Appropriately using and acknowledging relationship terms, 46, 48 Appropriately using and Establish proper relationship terms for Spouses, Parents, and Children Establish proper relationship terms Grades 6-8 Grades 9-12 -Read pages 48 & 49 18 TCSD Lakota Language K-12 Language, p47-49 acknowledging relationship terms, 46, 48 -Discussion after each paragraph dialogue for spouses, parents, and children Grades 9-12 Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, p47-49. 90 min 2 times a week Appropriately using and acknowledging relationship terms, 46, 48 -create charts depicting proper relationships Establish proper relationship terms for spouses, parents and children. Outcomes (vi) Interpret the root word of “Hca” in meaningful situations Resources Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, p49-50 Social System dvd Length of time 30 min. 5 times a week Activities Practice saying the hca in different words Evaluation Interpret the root word of “Hca” in meaningful situations Grades 3-5 Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, p49-50. Social System dvd 35 min 4 times a week Cultural aspect Appropriately using hca in meaningful situations. Correct pronunciation of words using hca Root word of hca pages 49 & 50 Stages of Life Introduce drill on page 48 Interpret the root word of “Hca” in meaningful situations Grades 6-8 Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, p49-50. Social System dvd 25 min. 3 times Page 50 root word of hca Stages of Life Read and have class discussion how “hca” applies to students stages of life. -Oral drill Interpret the root word of “Hca” in meaningful situations 19 TCSD Lakota Language K-12 Grades 9-12 Reading and Writing the Lakota Language, p49-50. 90 min. 2 times a week Root word of "hca" Pages 49-50 -Read Aloud -Class discussion Interpret the root word of “Hca” in meaningful situations