Adjunct Faculty Performance Enhancement Program (PEP) Name: Department: Employee ID: Original Hire Date: Academic Year: Courses Taught: Date Adjunct Orientation Completed: By: Name of Mentor Assigned: Second Semester Review Completed: By: Third Year Review Completed: By: Sixth Year Review Completed: By: Tenth Year Review Completed: By: Adjunct Faculty Assessment In compliance with section 9.2 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the University of Alaska and the United Academic – Adjuncts AAUP–AFT/AFL CIO, the Performance Enhancement Program (PEP) for adjunct faculty in the Community & Technical College at the University of Alaska Anchorage was developed to standardize procedures for review and appointment of adjunct faculty, bringing the college into compliance with institutional and regional standards. In addition, PEP addresses specific data needs for evaluation of adjunct faculty in UAA Core Theme #1: Teaching and Learning, Outcome 3: Faculty use effective teaching methods, Indicator 2: Faculty performance evaluations of teaching effectiveness for retention, tenure, promotion, and periodic review. PEP takes a more holistic approach to this evaluation requirement, providing upfront services for new adjunct faculty to succeed earlier in the classroom along with professional enhancement activities periodically during continued teaching service. The program was developed with the understanding that academic units in the college vary greatly in size (number of faculty and majors, credits hours, etc.) and use of adjunct faculty. The design of the program allows units of any size to benefit from the enhancements provided without the process becoming too labor intensive. PEP applies to faculty represented by the current Collective Bargaining Agreement between the University of Alaska and the United Academic – Adjuncts AAUP–AFT/AFL CIO or otherwise contracted as part-time faculty (e.g., staff teaching classes). First Semester of Teaching Mandatory college orientation program including, but not limited to: o UAA Adjunct Faculty Handbook overview and professional duties review o UAA Student Handbook overview o Current course content guide (CCG) for the course being taught o Syllabus development o Blackboard Academic Suite training o Student evaluation system training Page 1 of 6 Adjunct Faculty Performance Enhancement Program (PEP) o PEP procedure Mentorship Second Semester of Teaching* Mentorship Initial meeting early in the semester to discuss results of the previous semester’s student evaluations to support instructional improvement Classroom visit and completion of assessment form Final meeting to discuss initial two semesters of teaching and completion of initial teaching performance assessment form * Associate dean, director, chair, or department/division faculty will complete these actions on behalf of the college Third-Year and Sixth-Year Assessment* Completed in the teaching semesters closest to the 3-year and 6-year points from initial adjunct faculty employment Initial meeting early in the semester to discuss results of the most recent student evaluations to support instructional improvement Classroom visit and completion of assessment form Final meeting to discuss initial two semesters of teaching and completion of initial teaching performance assessment form * Associate dean, director, chair, or department/division faculty will complete these actions on behalf of the college Tenth-Year and Follow-on 5-year Assessments* Completed in the teaching semester closest to the 10-year point from initial adjunct faculty employment and every five years thereafter Initial meeting early in the semester to discuss results of the most recent student evaluations to support instructional improvement Classroom visit and completion of assessment form Final meeting to discuss initial two semesters of teaching and completion of initial teaching performance assessment form * Associate dean, director, chair, or department/division faculty will complete these actions on behalf of the college Page 2 of 6 Adjunct Faculty Performance Enhancement Program (PEP) Initial Meeting Name: Second Semester Date: Third Year Sixth Year Tenth Year >Tenth Year A. Initial Meeting Discussion Guidelines: 1. General discussion about experiences in the first semester of teaching. Classroom experience and control. 2. Orientation: Was it beneficial? Did you feel prepared to teach? Discuss syllabus. What else could have been included in the orientation? 3. Mentorship: How could it be improved? Were administration and departmental policies and procedures clearly communicated? Do you feel a part of the university faculty? 4. Teaching. 5. Administrative: Leader and administrative support. 6. Student evaluations: Did you complete the IDEA Faculty Information Form (FIF)? What was the response rate? How was teaching effectiveness rated? What steps were taken to encourage students to complete the evaluation? B. Comments and Action Plan: Mentor Comments (*required): Adjunct Faculty Comments: Mentor_____________________________________________ Date____________________ Adjunct Faculty_________________________________________ Date____________________ Division Chairperson____________________________________ Date____________________ Page 3 of 6 Adjunct Faculty Performance Enhancement Program (PEP) Classroom Visit Name: Date: Location: Course: Second Semester Third Year Sixth Year Time: Tenth Year >Tenth Year A. Classroom Visit Observation Items: 1. Communication (e.g., voice quality, use of language, eye contact, clarity of written and verbal material) 2. Classroom Management/Organization (e.g., use of class time, pace of presentation, introduction and conclusion, management of grading issues, student feedback, evidence of preparation) 3. Teaching Effectiveness (e.g., appropriateness of lesson to students, appropriate method of delivery, logical sequence of information, creativity in presentation, ability to maintain interest) 4. Content of Lesson (e.g., accuracy of information/activity, clarity and organization of handouts) 5. Student Involvement/Interaction (e.g., use of interactive learning activities such as large group discussion, small group discussion, pairs, individuals; classroom atmosphere and interactive tone such as using students’ names; generally respectful) B. Comments and Action Plan: Mentor Comments (*Required): Adjunct Faculty Comments: Mentor_____________________________________________ Date____________________ Adjunct Faculty_________________________________________ Date____________________ Division Chairperson____________________________________ Date____________________ Page 4 of 6 Adjunct Faculty Performance Enhancement Program (PEP) Final Meeting Name: Date: Second Semester Third Year Sixth Year Tenth Year >Tenth Year A. Final Meeting Guidelines: 1. Follow-up discussion on action steps from initial meeting 2. Follow-up discussion about the classroom visit and completion of the visit form 3. Discussion of adjunct faculty performance over the previous two semesters of teaching Effective *Needs Improvement *Unacceptable B. Comments and Action Plan: Mentor Comments (*Required): Adjunct Faculty Comments: Mentor_____________________________________________ Date____________________ Adjunct Faculty_________________________________________ Date____________________ Division Chairperson____________________________________ Date____________________ Page 5 of 6 Adjunct Faculty Performance Enhancement Program (PEP) In compliance with section 9.1 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the University of Alaska and the United Academic – Adjuncts AAUP–AFT/AFL CIO, adjunct faculty are appointed as defined below. 9.1 Faculty Appointment: Appointment of bargaining unit members shall be at the sole discretion of the University and shall not be subject to the grievance resolution process provided in this Agreement. Appointments shall be “atwill” and shall not carry any right or expectation of additional appointments, including adjunct and regular faculty appointments, or of any other term or condition of employment not expressly provided in this Agreement. In compliance with section 9.2 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the University of Alaska and the United Academic – Adjuncts AAUP–AFT/AFL CIO, adjunct faculty have the right to rebut this evaluation. 9.2 Evaluation: Unit members’ performance may be evaluated at the sole discretion of the University. Any written evaluation of a unit member’s performance shall be made available to the affected unit member in a timely manner. The Unit member shall have the right to file a rebuttal to the evaluation, which rebuttal shall be appended to the evaluation. Page 6 of 6