Announcement of the auction of the real-estate objects together with the land plot, whereon such real-estate objects are located The Russian Housing Development Foundation (hereinafter – the RHD Foundation), pursuant to the resolution of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees (Minutes No. 82 dated April 5, 20123) and the Foundation’s Board (Minutes No. 39 dated April 15, 2013), announces the holding of the auction of the real-estate objects together with the land plot, whereon such real-estate objects are located (hereinafter accordingly – the auction, the property), opened according to the composition of participants and form of submission of bids of price of the property. The auction is going to be held on June 17, 2013, at 1.00 p.m. at the following address: Office 321, Central Entrance, Building 1, House 4, Slavyanskaya Square, Moscow. The auction organizer is the RHD Foundation. The initial price of the property is One hundred and one million (101,000,000) rubles excluding VAT 18%. The amount of increase of initial price of the property (bid increment) is Five million (5,000,000) rubles. 1. Property characteristics Information about the property Real-estate object No.1 Location (address): 4a 2nd Sovetskaya Street, лит. Б, Saint-Petersburg. Cadastral (or conditional) number: 78:31:1478:8:13. Object of the right: non-residential premises. Purpose: non-residential, 1-2-storied. Total area is 588.8 square meters. Existing restrictions (encumbrances) of the right: not registered. Information about the state registration of the right of ownership of the RHD Foundation: certificate of state registration of right No. 78-АЖ 067012 dated 28.12.2010, issued by the Directorate of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography for city of Saint-Petersburg. Real-estate object No.2 Location (address): 4a 2nd Sovetskaya Street, лит. В, Saint-Petersburg. Cadastral (or conditional) number: 78:31:1478:8:14. Object of the right: non-residential premises. Purpose: non-residential, 1-storied. Total area is 50.7 square meters. Existing restrictions (encumbrances) of the right: not registered. Information about the state registration of the right of ownership of the RHD Foundation: certificate of state registration of right No. 78-АЕ 055143 dated 29.10.2010, issued by the Directorate of the Federal Registration Service city of SaintPetersburg and the Leningrad Region. 2 Real-estate object No.3 Location (address): 4a 2nd Sovetskaya Street, лит. И, Saint-Petersburg. Cadastral (or conditional) number: 78:31:1478:8:15. Object of the right: entrance control post. Purpose: non-residential, 1-storied. Total area is 8.3 square meters. Existing restrictions (encumbrances) of the right: not registered. Information about the state registration of the right of ownership of the RHD Foundation: certificate of state registration of right No. 78-АЕ 055142 dated 29.10.2010, issued by the Directorate of the Federal Registration Service city of SaintPetersburg and the Leningrad Region. Land plot Location (address): 4a 2nd Sovetskaya Street, лит. Б, Saint-Petersburg. Cadastral (or conditional) number: 78:31:1478:8. Land category: lands of settlements. Type of approved use: for placement of the objects of science. Total area: 3,802 square meters. Existing restrictions (encumbrances) of the right: - joint protective zone of the central districts of city of Saint-Petersburg – the whole land plot; - protective zone of the heat supply networks with area of 323 square meters; - right of passing and transit with area of 6 square meters; - protective zone of the sewerage systems with area of 46 square meters; - right of passing and transit with area of 47 square meters; - protective zone of the substations and other electrotechnical facilities with area of 184 square meters. Information about the state registration of the right of ownership of the RHD Foundation: certificate of state registration of right No. 78-АЕ 055141 dated 29.10.2010, issued by the Directorate of the Federal Registration Service city of SaintPetersburg and the Leningrad Region. The following special treatment zones of the Plot have not been registered in the cadastral registry: housing regulation zone and economic activity zone. The other information about the land plot are provided in the cadastral passport of the land plot No. 18243 dated 03.11.2010 issued by the Directorate of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography for city of Saint-Petersburg. There are two metal structures not owned by the RHD Foundation on the land plot. 2. Procedure for execution of participation in the auction 2.1. In order to participate in the auction, the applicant (or his representative) shall submit to the auction organizer the following documents, in accordance with the list: an application in the approved form; a payment document (original) with the mark of the payer’s bank, confirming the applicant’s transfer of the stipulated deposit as 3 security for the payment of the property purchased at the auction; copies of the identification documents of the applicant (or his representative). If the application for participation in the auction is submitted by the proxy of the applicant, the power of attorney (original) for execution of authorities on behalf of the applicant executed in accordance with the laws of the state in which such power of attorney was issued, or the notarized copy of such power of attorney, shall be attached to the application. The documents submitted by foreign individuals and legal entities, issued in the state of applicant’s registration, shall bear an original mark of consular legalization or a notarized apostille, unless exemption of these procedures is provided by the international treaties of the Russian Federation, and shall be accompanied by a certified (notarized or consular legalized) translation into Russian. The application and list of documents provided are to be executed in two counterparts. 2.2. The applications (approved form) with enclosed documents as specified in clause 2.1 of this Announcement are accepted by the auction organizer in business days from 11.00 a.m. till 6.00 p.m. (lunch break 1.00-2.00 p.m.) starting from April 19, 2013 at the address: Office 105, Entrance No.4, Building 1, House 4, Slavyanskaya Square, Moscow. The applications are to be submitted till May 24, 2013, 6.00 p.m. 2.3. From the date of publication of this Announcement and till the date of termination of acceptance of applications, a person who desires to participate in the auction has a right to: – examine the auction documentation, copies of cadastral passports and copies of certificates of state registration of right of the property, in business days from 11.00 a.m. till 6.00 p.m. (lunch break 1.00-2.00 p.m.), at the address as specified in clause 2.2 of this Announcement. This Announcement, the auction documentation, copies of cadastral passports and copies of certificates of state registration of right of the Plot are published on the official website of the RHD Foundation on the Internet (hereinafter – the Foundation’s website); – by written request received by the auction organizer no later than a date preceding the date of termination of acceptance of applications, obtain the explanations concerning the auction documentation; – by written request received by the auction organizer no later than ten (10) days before the date of termination of acceptance of applications, make an inspection of the Plot in the presence of representative of the auction organizer. The auction organizer informs the applicant about the date and time of inspection during three (3) business days from the date of receipt of request in a way as specified in the request. Contact telephone number of the auction organizer: (495) 685-94-40, int. 326 or 327. 2.4. In order to participate in the auction, the applicant shall contribute a deposit in the amount of Twenty million two hundred thousand (20,200,000) rubles. The deposit is to be contributed by wire transfer, under the deposit agreement which is to 4 be concluded at the place of acceptance of applications as per the procedure prescribed by Article 428 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, or to be credited by wire transfer on the settlement account of the auction organizer as specified in this Announcement, without conclusion of the deposit agreement, on or before May 24, 2013. The deposit is VAT exempt, to be transferred in the currency of the Russian Federation in a lump sum according to the following banking details: settlement account No. 40503810400020008040 at Open Joint-Stock Company “Sberbank of Russia” (OJSC “Sberbank of Russia”), correspondent account No. 30101810400000000225 at the Operations Department of the Main Territorial Department of Bank of Russia, BIC 044525225, Taxpayer Identification Number (INN)/Taxpayer Registration Reason Code (KPP) 7709441907/770901001. To be indicated in the section “Payment details”: “Deposit as the security of payment of the property purchased at the auction (registration number of the auction)”. A deposit is considered as contributed as of the moment of crediting of cash assets on the settlement account of the auction organizer. The performance of obligation for contribution of a deposit by third parties shall not be allowed. 2.5. The auction organizer is entitled to annul the auction no later than three (3) days before the date of its holding, as well as to take a decision on the introduction of amendments into the announcement and (or) auction documentation no later than five (5) days before the date of termination of acceptance of applications. 3. Procedure for holding of the auction, determination of its winner and conclusion of the lease agreement 3.1. Determination of the auction participants is going to take place on May 30, 2013 at the address: Office 321, Central Entrance, Building 1, House 4, Slavyanskaya Square, Moscow. 3.2. The auction is going to be held on June 17, 2013, at 1.00 p.m. at the address specified in clause 3.1 of this Announcement. The auction participants are registered on the day of holding of the auction during one (1) hour before the beginning of the auction. The auction is held as per the procedure prescribed by the auction documentation. An auction participant who has offered the highest price is recognized as the auction winner. 3.3. The applicants who are not admitted to the participation in the auction are refunded with a deposit during five (5) days from the date of signing of the protocol of recognition of applicants by the auction participants, the auction participants, other than a winner – during five (5) days from the date of signing of the auction protocol. A deposit contributed by the auction winner is set off towards the payment of price of the purchased property. 3.4. The auction organizer shall ensure the signing with the auction winner of the purchase and sale agreement not earlier than ten (10) business days after the date of 5 publication of the auction results on the RHD Foundation’s website, and not later than fifteen (15) business days from the date of signing of the auction protocol. 3.5. The payment of purchased property is made under the purchase and sale agreement. The auction winner is granted with a possibility of payment by installments under the purchase and sale agreement concluded according to the auction results. 3.6. The transfer of the property to the auction winner shall be performed during five (5) days from the date of signing of the purchase and sale agreement. 3.7. If the auction winner has refused or deviated from the signing of the auction protocol or the purchase and sale agreement within the prescribed period, the auction winner forfeits the right of conclusion of the purchase and sale agreement, and the deposit contributed by him/her is kept back, or the auction organizer brings before the court a claim for enforcement of the auction winner to the conclusion of the purchase and sale agreement, damage recovery, or with the other requirements as provided by the civil legislation.