Algebra II Syllabus Course Design Algebra II requires students to use properties and attributes of functions and apply them in problem situations. A review of algebraic skills required to simplify algebraic expressions and solve equations and inequalities will be incorporated. Topics include formation of systems of equations and inequalities; algebraic and geometric representations of functions; conic sections; quadratic functions, square root functions, exponential functions, logarithmic functions, rational functions; parameter changes and the effects of translations. Extensive use of TI 84 graphing technology will be used to build understandings. Technology All students have a TI 84 graphing calculator for use in class. The instructor uses a graphing calculator with the TI Smart View or overhead calculator for calculator demonstrations. Activities Whenever possible, activities are used to demonstrate concepts and help students apply the learning to real-world scenarios. Assessments Major tests will be given approximately 3 times each 9 weeks. Late Work It is essential that you turn your homework in on time. The maximum grade awarded for a late paper is 70. No late papers will be accepted after the date of the unit test. Dropping grades One homework grade and one quiz grade will be dropped each nine week grading period. Extra Credit No extra credit opportunities will be given. It is essential that you do your work and the moment you need assistance, ask. Retesting Students may retest a test that has a score of below 70. Students must attend a tutorial session prior to the retest. The original grade will be replaced by a maximum of 70. Students have the opportunity to retest a maximum of two different tests throughout a nine week grading period. The retest must occur within one week of the test being returned. Grading Policies: 50% Tests 30% Quizzes 20% Homework Course Materials Primary Text Holliday, Luchin, Marks, Day, Cuevas, Carter, Casey, and Hayek. Texas Algebra 2. McGraw Hill Glencoe, Columbus, OH. 2007. General Class information: Materials: Pencil Lined Paper Colored grading pen Loose leaf 3-ring binder for algebra only Dividers (at least 3 for warm-ups, notes, quizzes/tests) Graphing paper Optional: TI-83 Plus or TI-84 Plus graphing calculator for home use. Homework : Will be assigned and collected every class period. Tutoring: If you need help, ask! I am available before school mornings beginning at 8:00 am. I am available after school, by appointment. Class Rules: 1. Respect yourself, others, and the teacher at all times. 2. Bring all required supplies and homework assignments to class each day. 3. Be responsible for yourself. 4. Stay in your assigned seat until given permission. Class Procedures: 1. ALL work must be written in pencil. 2. ALWAYS show your work. Not showing your work and steps will result in less or no credit for the assignment. 3. When arriving to class, sharpen your pencil, get your calculator and start on the warm up of the day. 4. Paper headings: Include name legibly, class period, date, and name of assignment. Calculator Information: The Mathematics Department at Boerne High School will be using the TI 84 graphing calculator to teach mathematical concepts in all classes. The school board, local service clubs and others have contributed so that the students will have this opportunity to use technology and be able to do non-routine extended problems in class. The replacement cost of each calculator is $100. We are asking you to sign this letter and have your student return it class as soon as possible. Please encourage your student to take good care of these calculators and of the other manipulatives they will be using in class. CONTACT INFORMATION Mrs. Kathleen Vasquez Room E111 Phone: (830)357-2268 Email: Conference Period: 3rd period & 6th period Return to Mrs. Vasquez I have read the attached sheets and agree to try and meet the expectations and goals discussed. I understand how my grade will be determined. I also understand that if the graphing calculator is mistreated, rendered useless, or lost while assigned to me, the replacement cost is $100 per calculator. Student name (Print) ________________________________ Student Signature __________________________________ Date___________ Parent name (Print) ________________________________ Parent Signature __________________________________ Date___________ Home phone________________ Cell phone _________________ Parent email address _____________________________________________ Return to Mrs. Vasquez Electronic Communication Permission Slip Please complete the following information if you would like me to add you to my classroom e-mail and/or texting distribution list. This is optional and email addresses and/or cell phone numbers will not be used for purposes outside of my classroom. Student name: _________________________ Student e-mail address___________________________ (1)Parent name: ________________________ Parent e-mail address____________________________ (2)Parent name: ________________________ Parent e-mail address____________________________ If you would like me to send you text messages (carrier text rates apply) to your cell phone reminding you of important dates (i.e., test dates, reminders), please provide your information below: Student cell number (______)________________ Carrier: ________________________________ Parent cell number Carrier: ________________________________ (______)________________ **By signing below you acknowledge that you approve of being included in a student/parent/teacher communication distribution list through e-mail and/or text messaging. You are also aware that carrier text rates apply. Printed Student Name___________________________ Printed Parent Name______________________ Student Signature ___________________________ Parent Signature _________________________ Date: ___________________________