1 Paffenbarger Award Finalists P1. Fracture of fibre-reinforced composite crowns versus CAD/CAM alternatives. A.Al-Haddad*, N.Silikas, J.Satterthwaite (University of Manchester,UK). P2. Dual-cured resin cement improved by a thio-urethane oligomer. A. Bacchi* 1,2, A. Dobson 3, J.L. Ferracane 3, R.L. Consani 2, C.S. Pfeifer 3, (1 Piracicaba Dental School - Campinas State University, Piracicaba, Brazil. 2 Meridional Faculty - IMED, Department of Prosthodontics and Dental Materials, Passo Fundo, Brazil. 3 Oregon Health and Science University, Department of Restorative Dentistry, Portland, USA. P3. Mechanical reliability of ceramic FPDs prepared using the CAD-on technology. GR Basso* 1, Moraes RR 1, Griggs J 2, Borba M 3, Della Bona A3. (1 Federal University of Pelotas, BR, 2 University of Mississippi Medical Center, USA, 3 University of Passo Fundo, BR). P4. Interactions of strontium with the dentine-pulp complex. M.Huang*, S.C.F.Rawlinson, R.G.Hill (Institute of Dentistry, Queen Mary, University of London, London, UK). P5. Zirconia based vs metal-ceramic single posterior crowns: a 5-year RCT. A. Llukacej*, C. Monaco, N. Ragazzini, E. Evangelisti, R. Scotti (University of Bologna, Department of Biomedical and Motor Neuroscience. Bologna, Italy). P6. Influence of matrix composition in ultra-fast light curing dental composites. L.D. Randolph* 1, J.Y. Beauquis 1, G. Leloup 1, J.G. Leprince 1 (1 Université Catholique De Louvain, Belgium). P7. Production of Y-TZP nanostructured sintered samples as core materials. M. Sebastiani* 1, I.G. Tredici 2, F. Massimi 1, T. Lucco Castello 2, P. Menghini 2, G. Merlati 2, U. Anselmi Tamburini 2 (1 University of Roma Tre, 2 University of Pavia, Italy). P8. Effect of Curcuminoid Pre-treatment on Dentin Endogenous Enzymes. R. Seseogullari-Dirihan*1, M.T. Atay 2, D.H. Pashley 3, A. Tezvergil-Mutluay 1 (1 University of Turku, Finland, 2 Trakya University, Turkey, 3 Georgia Regents University, USA). P9. Designing a biofunctionalized extracellular matrix for bone regeneration. E.L. Silva-Benítez*1, J.E. Soto-Sainz 1, A. Gordillo-Moscoso 2, H.I. Medellín-Castillo 2, J.G. Romero-Quintana 3, A.J. Pozos-Guillen 2, R. Ramos-Payán 3, H. Flores 2. (1 2 Institutional Doctorate In Materials Science and Engineering, UASLP, México, 2 Laboratory of Basic Science, Faculty of Stomatology, UASLP, Mexico, 3 Immunogenetics and Molecular Microbiology Laboratory of Chemistry and Biology Science Faculty UAS, Mexico). P10. Characterization of thermal residual stresses in zirconia veneered bilayers. M. Wendler* 1,2, R. Belli 1, A. Petschelt 1, U. Lohbauer 1 (1 University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, Erlangen, Germany; 2 University of Concepción, Concepción, Chile). P11. Bonding ability of experimental light-curing resin-cements to water/ethanol wet root-dentin. A. Zavattini* 1, V. P. Feitosa 2, F. Mannocci 3, F. Foschi 3, A. Babbar 3, Ottria L 1, F. Mangani 4, S. Sauro 5 (1 Department of Clinical Sciences and Translational Medicine, University of Roma Torvergata, Rome, Italy, 2 Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil, 3 King’S College London Dental Institute at Guy’S Hospital, London, UK, 4 Department of Restorative Dentistry, University of Roma Torvergata, Rome, Italy, 5 Universidad CEU-Cardenal Herrera, Valencia, Spain). 3 Session 1- Indirect Restorative Materials (Thursday 9th, October, 11 am). 1. Effect of ferrule location on fracture resistance of crowned premolars. A. Samran 1,2*, M. AL-Afandi 2,3, J. Kadour3,4 and M. Kern1 (1ChristianAlbrechts University, Kiel, Germany; 2Ibb University, Yemen; 3Alfarabi Dental College, Saudi Arabia; 4Aleppo University, Syria). 2. Evaluation of surface topography of zirconia after Er:YAG laser etching. V. Turp, D. Sen*, G. Akgungor, B. Tuncelli (Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Prosthodontics. Istanbul, Turkey). 3. Synthesis and characterization of Y-TZP/TiO2 composites with different TiO2 contents. R. Miranda 1, V. Ussui 2, D. Lazar 2, J. Marchi 3, W. Miranda 1, P. Cesar* 1 (1 University of São Paulo, Brazil, 2 Institute for Nuclear and Energetic Research, Brazil, 3 Federal University of the ABC, Brazil). 4. Fracture resistance of fiber reinforced composite implant abutments. M. Etxeberria*1, T. Escuin1, L. Lassila2, A.A. Abdulmajeed2, M. Vinyas1, T.O. Närhi2 (1 University of Barcelona, Department of Prosthetic Dentistry and Department of Pathology and Experimental Therapeutics, Barcelona, Spain, 2 University of Turku, Department of Prosthetic Dentistry and Biomaterials Science, Turku, Finland). 5. Energy Requirements for Curing Light Activated Cements Through CAD/CAM Materials. N.E. Goetz, C. Shen, J.-F. Roulet* (University of Florida, Department of Restorative Dental Sciences, Gainesville Florida, USA). 6. Bond strength of Y-TZP zirconia ceramic to different core materials. C.R.G. Torres* 1, F.C. Frattes 1, J.B.S. Oliveira 1, C.R. Pucci 1, A.B. Borges 1 (1 Sao Paulo State University – UNESP, Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Restorative Dentistry, Sao Jose Dos Campos, Brazil). 7. Thermal mismatch influence on residual stress in veneer on zirconia. AK. Mainjot 1,2*, Achref Najjar 2, Boris D. Jakubowicz-Kohen2, Michaël J. Sadoun 2 (1 Department of Fixed Prosthodontics, Institute of Dentistry, University of Liège Hospital, Belgium. 2 Unité De Recherches Biomatériaux Innovants Et Interfaces (URB2I-EA4462), Université Paris Descartes, Paris, France). 8. Property of experimental temporary resin-cements made from different resin monomers. Y. Nagasawa*, Y. Hibino, H. Shigeta, H. Nakajima (Meikai University, Japan) 9. Dentin Bond Strength of Two Recent CAD/CAM-Materials after Storage. S. Flury*, S. Z. Schmidt, A. Peutzfeldt, A. Lussi (Department of Preventive, Restorative and Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dental Medicine, University of Bern, Switzerland). 4 10. BFS of zirconia-based ceramic with veneering porcelain from various manufacturers. N. Chantranikul, P. Salimee * (Chulalongkorn University, Department of Prosthodontics, Bangkok, Thailand) 11. Fracture resistance of teeth restored with built up composite ferrule. U. Puengpaiboon * (Srinakharinwirot University, Department of General Dentistry, Bangkok, Thailand). 12. Vertical misfit of CAD/CAM zirconia and titanium frameworks for prosthesis. E.A. Gomes* 1, R.F. Ribeiro 2, R. Tiossi 3, R.C.S. Rodrigues 2, Y.T. Silva-Sousa 1 (1 University of Ribeirão Preto, School of Dentistry, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, 2 University of São Paulo, Department of Dental Materials and Prosthodontics, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, 3 Fluminense Federal University, Department of Prosthodontics, Niterói, Brazil). 13. Effect of Water Immersion on Monomer and Strength of FRC. W. Siswomihardjo * 1,S. Sunarintyas 1, A.F. Omar Khatab Khan 1, N.S.I. Sahidu 1, J.P. Matinlinna 2 (1 Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia, 2 University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong) 14. Subcritical crack growth in porcelain-zirconia bilayer: an unbonded model. R. Belli 1*, M. Wendler 1, 2, J. I. Zorzin 1, A. Petschelt 1, U. Lohbauer 1 (1 Laboratory for Biomaterials Research, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany. 2 Department of Restorative Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Concepcion, Concepcion, Chile). 15. Fracture analysis of veneered zirconia abutments of screw-retained single crowns. J. Gavric*, O. Moraguez, I. Sailer, H.W.A. Wiskott, S.S. Scherrer (Department of Fixed Posthodontics - Biomaterials, School of Dental Medicine, University of Geneva, Switzerland) 16. Y-TZP Reinforced with Carbon Nanotubes: Synthesis, Microstructure and Flexural Strength. L.H. Silva* 1, R. Belli 2, D.R.R. Lazar 3, R.N. Tango 4, U. Lohbauer 2, P.F. Cesar 1. (1 University of São Paulo - USP, Brazil; 2 University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany; 3 Institute of Energy and Nuclear Research - IPEN, Brazil; 4 São Paulo State University - UNESP, Brazil). 17. Tensile bond strength of cement systems to lithium disilicate ceramic. B. Spaggiari* 1, G. Chiodo2, D. Bernaroli1, P. Bertani3, P. Generali4, M. Mattarozzi5, A. Pirondi6, C. Galli1, M.Bonanini1 (1 Dep. Biomedical, Biotechnological and Translational Sciences, University of Parma, Parma, Italy; 2 Centrositeia.Parma, University of Parma; 3Private Practice, Parma, Italy; 4 Private Practice, Piacenza, Italy; 5Dep. of Chemistry, University of Parma, Parma, Italy; 3Dep. Industrial Engineering, University of Parma, Parma, Italy). 18. Influence of preparation design on fracture strength of ceramic veneers. C. Gutiérrez , C.M. Velho*, L.A. Linhares, L.F. Pottmaier, D.P. Lise, V.C. 5 Ruschel, C.G. Savi, L.N. Baratieri, L.C. Vieira (Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil). 19. Z-Prime Plus Improves Bond Strength of RM-GIC on Zirconia. L. Chen, J. Zuffa, H. Shen*, B.I. Suh* (Bisco Inc, USA). 20. Critical role of firing temperature on stress deflection of ceramics. MJ Tholey* 1, BA Just 1, V Mercurio 2, M Swain 3, J Fischer 1 4 (1 VITA Zahnfabrik, Bad Säckingen, Germany 2 Expert Systems Solutions, Modena, Italy 3 University of Sydney, Australia 4 Institute for Material Sciences and Engineering, University Hospital of Dental Medicine, University of Basel, Switzerland). 21. Comparison of conventional veneering and CAD/CAM veneering solution method. MJ Tholey 1, BA Just* 1, M Swain 2, J Fischer 1 3 (1 VITA Zahnfabrik, Bad Säckingen, Germany 2 University of Sydney, Australia 3 Institute for Material Sciences and Engineering, University Hospital of Dental Medicine, University of Basel, Switzerland). 22. Effect of endodontic irrigants on long-term intraradicular adhesion of resin-cements. F.Lacerda, F.B. Amaral, R.T.Basting, C.P. Turssi, F.M.G. França*, (São Leopoldo Mandic Institute and Dental Research Center). 23. Analysis of Failure During Shear Testing by Scaling and Fractography. Sultan H, Kazemi R, Kelly JR* (University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, CT, USA). 24. Roughness and Microstructural Changes in Y-TZP Laser Treated Before Sintering. A. Verna* 1, P. F. Cesar 1, L. F. Valandro 2, C. Monaco 3, P. Baldissara 3, R. Scotti 3, M. Oda 1. (1 University of São Paulo, BRA, 2 University of Santa Maria, BRA, 3 University of Bologna, IT). 25. Alternative Surface Treatments for Improved Bonding to Ceramic. Lanza MDS1, Lanza FJSR1, Manso AP1, Matinlinna JP2, Carvalho RM1*. (1Department of Oral Biological and Medical Sciences, Faculty of Dentistry, the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada; 2Department of Dental Materials Science, Faculty of Dentistry, the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China). 26. Fracture origins in alumina crowns fractured during clinical function. M. Øilo*1, G.D. Quinn 2 (1 University of Bergen, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Department of Clinical Dentistry, Bergen, Norway, 2 National Institute of Standards and Technology,NIST, USA). 27. Transmission of light through individually formed fiber-reinforced composite post. J.L. Jaatinen*, L.V.J. Lassila, T. Närhi, P.K. Vallittu, A-M. Le Bell-Rönnlöf. (University of Turku, Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Department of Biomaterials Science and Turku Clinical Biomaterials Centre - TCBC, Turku, Finland). 28. Cervical margin-relocation of CAD/CAM lithium disilicate ceramic crown using resin-composite. G. Marchesi*1,R. Spreafico 2 , A. Frassetto 1, G. Turco 1, R. Di Lenarda 1, M. Cadenaro 1, L. Breschi 3. (1 University of 6 Trieste, Department of Medical Sciences Italy, 2Private Practice, Busto Arsizio Varese, Italy, 3 University of Bologna, Italy.) 29. Adhesion promotion of resin to zirconia by silicon nitride hydrolysis. CYK Lung, DL, JKH Tsoi, JP Matinlinna* (Dental Materials Science, Faculty of Dentistry, the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, PR China). 30. The effect of clinical finish on the zirconia roughness surface. J.R.C Queiroz* 1, M.B. Bandeira 1, I.M.S Queiroz 1, B. Henriques 2, A.E. Martinelli 2, S.A. Souza 1, A.F. Neto 1, B.M.F. Pereira 1, A.H.M. Dias 1, A.C. Freitas Junior 1 ( UNP - Laureate University, Brazil, 2 Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Norte, Brazil). 31. Development and evaluation of new extra high translucent Zirconia. M. Yoshinaga*, D. Ohta, T. Sato, F. Fusejima, T. Kumagai (GC Corporation, Tokyo, Japan). 32. Self-Adhesive Resin Cements: In-Vitro Free Expansion Stress, pHNeutralization and Hydrophilicity. J. Zorzin*, L. Rödel, V. Bednarzig, R. Belli, A. Petchelt, U. Lohbauer (Dental Clinic 1 - Operative Dentistry and Periodontology, University of Erlangen, Germany). 33. Effect of high-power-laser and graphite surface treatements on ceramics bond-strength. C.R. Pucci*1, F.A. Feitosa 1, A.L.F. Loriggio 1, S.A. Feitosa 1, R.M. Araújo 1, F.R. Tay2 (1 Institute of Science and Technology, São Paulo State University, São José Dos Campos, SP, Brazil, 2 College of Dental Medicine, Georgia Health Sciences University, Augusta, GA, USA). 34. Fracture Strength of Artificially Aged Zirconia-Based Crowns. DP Lameira 1, WAB Silva 1, GD De Souza* 2 (1 Faculty of Dentistry, UNICAMP, Brazil; 2 Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto, Canada). 35. Different framework materials for implant-supported prostheses: 3D finite element analysis. M. Menini, M. Bevilacqua, F. Pera, S. Bini*, T. Tealdo, P. Pera (Department of Prosthodontics, University of Genoa, Italy). 36. Push-out bond strength of customized fiberglass posts to dentin. T.Y.U. Suzuki* 1, A.G.L. Godas 1, A.P.A. Guedes 2, D.P. Lise 3, J.E. Gomes-Filho 1, A.L.F. Briso 1, W.G. Assunção 1, P.H. Dos Santos 1. (1 Sao Paulo State University, Brazil, 3 Federal University of Espirito Santo, Brazil, 2 Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil). 37. Fatigue resistance of Y-TZP/porcelain crowns. S. Pereira*, L.C. Anami* 1, J.M.C. Lima 1, L.F. Valandro 2, C.J. Kleverlaan 3, A.J. Feilzer 3, M.A. Bottino 1 (1 Univ Estatual Paulista - UNESP, Brazil; 2 Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil; 3 Academisch Centrum Tandheelkunde Amsterdam, Netherlads). 38. Bond durability between ceramic-resin cement: silane heat treatment effect. F.P.P Leite* 1, M.G.A.M Chaves 1, A.P.P Leite 1, M.R. Duarte 1, R.F. Carvalho 1, R.L.A. Carvalho 2, E.T. Kimpara 2 (1 University Federal of Juiz 7 De Fora, Brazil, 2 Institute of Science and Technology of São José Dos Campos, UNESP, Brazil). 39. Optimization of Silane Application for CAD/CAM Ceramic Resin Bonding. P. Magne 1, G. Bruzi* 2, A.O. Carvalho 3, R. Enciso 1, M. Giannini 4, H.P. Maia 2 (1 University of Southern California, Restorative Sciences, Los Angeles, USA; 2 Federal University of Santa Catarina, Operative Dentistry, Florianópolis, Brazil; 3 Feira De Santana State University, Integrated Clinical, Feira De Santana, Brazil; 4 Piracicaba Dental School, State University of Campinas, Restorative Dentistry, Piracicaba, Brazil). 40. Curing-mode effects on flexural strength and modulus of resin cements. B. Fronza*, R.R. Pacheco 1, D. Mettenburg 2, F.A. Rueggeberg 2, M. Giannini 1 (1 Department of Restorative Dentistry, Piracicaba Dental School, State University of Campinas, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil 2 Department of Oral Rehabilitation, College of Dental Medicine, Georgia Regents University, Augusta, GA, USA). 41. Mechanical evaluation and Fem/Sem analysis of stress in FPDs. C.Arcuri , P. Pierluigi , V.Vertucci* , F.Balestra . (University of Rome Tor Vergata, IT,). 42. The Influence of Bleaching Agent on Dental Ceramics Surface. L. Vavrickova* 1, A. Krejcova 2(1 Charles University, Faculty of Medicine In Hradec Kralove, Department of Dentistry, Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic, 2 University of Pardubice, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Institut of Environmental and Chemical Engeneering, Pardubice, Czech Republic). 43. Bond Strength of Co-Cr/Ceramic Produced With Three Different Technologies. C. Monaco*, C. Langenohl#, M. Pasquinelli, A. Llukacej, N. Ragazzini, E. Evangelisti, R. Scotti. (University of Bologna, Division of Prosthodontics and Maxillo-Facial Rehabilitation, Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, Bologna, Italy. #. Research and Development, Nobil Metal, Villafranca D’Asti , Italy). 44. Bonding to Zirconia and Lithium-Disilicate: Analysis of Different Chemical Treatments. C. Giuliano*, D. Selaj, E. Manzon, D. Pasqualini, E. Berutti, N. Scotti (Dental School Lingotto, Department of Surgical Sciences, Torino, Italy). 45. Residual stress of veneered porcelain by ion beam ring-core method. F. Massimi* 1, M. Sebastiani 1, I. Tredici 2, T. Lucco Castello 2, P. Menghini 2, G. Merlati 2 (1 University of Roma Tre, 2 University of Pavia, Italy). 46. Effect of onium salt and amines on experimental resin cements. A.F. Lima* 1; Andrade K.M. 2; Pallialol A.R. 3; Lancelloti A.C. 3; Goncalves L.S. 4; Consani S. 3; Marchi G.M. 3 (1 Nove De Julho University, Sao Paulo, Brazil; 2 State University of Amazonas, Manaus, Brazil; 3 Piracicaba Dental School, State University of Campinas, Piracicaba, Brazil; 4 School of Dentistry, University of Uberaba, Brazil). 8 47. Design and heat on flexural strength in 3Y-TZP FDPs. Falk A*1, Vult Von Steyern P 1, Fransson H 1, Molin Thorén M 2 (1 Malmö University, Department of Dental Material Science, Malmö, Sweden and 2 Umeå University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Umeå, Sweden). 48. Effects of hydrofluoric acid etching on lithium disilicate. G.M. Iorizzo*, F. Prete, B. Mazzanti, G. Timellini, R. Scotti, P. Baldissara (Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy). 49. Effect of atmospheric plasma on the bond strength to zirconia. W.M. Negreiros*, V.T.F.S. De Souza, B.B. Lopes, M. Giannini (State University of Campinas, Department of Restorative Dentistry, Piracicaba, Brazil). 50. Micrometric precision of prosthetic dental crowns obtained by CAD/CAM system. K. Zancope *,F.D. Neves 1, T.A.P.N. Carneiro 1, C.J. Prado 1, M.S. Prudente 1, L.R. Davi 1, G. Mendonça 2, C.J. Soares 1 (1 Federal University of Uberlândia, Brazil, 2 University of North Caroline at Chapel Hill, USA) 51. Dimensional Changes Approach of Alginate Impressions. C Sinescu1, M-L Negrutiu1, C Timofte*1, A-T Stan*2, A-C Cojocariu2, C Eremia2, M Milos 3 (1-Propaedeutics and Dental Materials Department, Faculty of Dental Medicine, UMF “Victor Babes” Timisoara 2- Dr. Med. Dent., Country Manager – Heraeus Kulzer Romania 3- Dental Technician ). 52. Dentin interaction of multi-mode adhesives to chemical/dual-cured resin cements. M.F. De Goes*1, I.R.Guimarães 1, M.S. Shinohara 2 (1 Piracicaba Dental School, UNICAMP, SP, Brazil, 2 Araçatuba Dental School, UNESP, SP Brazil). 53. Experimental tribo-chemical and silica-rich air-abrasion to enhance bonding to zirconia. A. Darvizeh* 1, A. Abedi-Amin 1, A. Oliveira-Ogliari 2, F. Ogliari 2, R. Moraes 2, V. Feitosa 3. A. Luzi 1, S. Sauro 1 (1 Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera, Valencia, Spain; 2 Federal University of Pelotas, Pelotas, Brazil; 3 Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil). 54. Cooling rate effect of layered and pressed porcelains for zirconia. G.L. Adabo*, D. Longhini, R.G. Fonseca (Dental School of Araraquara, Sao Paulo State University, Brazil). 55. Filler particles analysis and degree of conversion of resin cements. A.C. Lancellotti* 1, R.R. Pacheco 1, L.S. Gonçalves 2, M. Giannini 1 (1 Piracicaba Dental School, State University of Campinas, Piracicaba, Brazil; 2 School of Dentistry, University of Uberaba, Uberaba, Brazil). 56. A new jig for i-shaped specimens: FEA and microtensile test. L.T. Yamamoto*, C. Cotes, A.L.S. Borges, R.N. Tango (Department of Dental Materials and Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry, Institute of Science and Technology, Unesp, São José Dos Campos, Brazil). 57. Inlays Made of a Hybrid Material: Adaptation and Bond Strengths. MA Bottino* 1, F Campos 1, NC Ramos 1, MP Rippe 2, LF Valandro 2, RM Melo 9 1 (1 Univ Estadual Paulista, Brazil, 2 Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil). 58. Microscopical Evaluation of An Experimental Luting Material After Thermocycling. N. Barabanti*, F.Bassi, P.A. Acquaviva, A. Preti, A. Cerutti (University of Brescia, Italy). 59. Effect of Fluorination Treatment on Hydrolytic Degradation Resistance of Y-TZP. G.V. Joshi 1, J. Piascik 2, J.A. Griggs* 1 (1 University of Mississippi Medical Center, Department of Biomedical Materials Science, Jackson, MS, USA; 2 RTI International, Center for Materials and Electronic Technologies, RTP, NC, USA). 60. Fracture toughness of minimum invasive ceramic veneers. L.A. Linhares*, E. Araujo, G.C. Lopes (Universidade Federal De Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil). 61. Effects of Grinding procedures on Post-Sintered Zirconia’s fatigue resistance. F Fontana*1, R Garcia Fonseca2,G Gambi1, MRA Gatto1, P Baldissara1 (1University of Bologna Alma Mater Studiorum, Bologna, Italy 2Araraquara Dental School, São Paulo State University – UNESP, Brazil). 62. Effect of pre-treatments on color and translucency of Translucent Zirconia. M. Carrabba*, A. Vichi, M. Ferrari (Department of Medical Biotechnologies, University of Siena, Italy). 63. Roughness of lithium-silicate and lithium-disilicate ceramics after HF etching. R. Fabian Fonzar*, M. Tricarico, M. Sedda, M. Carrabba, A. Vichi, M. Ferrari (University of Siena, Department of Medical Biotechnologies, Siena, Italy). 64. Effects of gas plasma treatment on zirconia- veneering ceramics bonding. Y.C. Liu* 12 C.S. Hwang 1 and S.F. Chuang 2,3 (1 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan 2 Institute of Oral Medicine, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan 3 Department of Stomatology, National Cheng Kung University Hospital, Taiwan). 65. Intra-oral aging and storage influence on ceramic/cement bond strength. C. Cotes* 1, V.C. Macedo 1, R.F. Carvalho 1, R.N. Tango 1, F.P.P. Leite 2, E.T. Kimpara 1. (1 UNESP - Univ Estadual Paulista, BRA, 2 UFJF, BRA). 66. Translucency of ceramics used as infrastructure for fixed partial dentures. Q.N. Sonza*1, A. Girotto 1, M. Borba 1 (1 University of Passo Fundo, PosGraduation Program In Dentistry, Passo Fundo, Brazil). 67. Why thick zirconia-veneers are more prone to chipping? A.N. Jikihara 1, C.B. Tanaka 1, J.B.C. Meira *1 (University of Sao Paulo, Department of Biomaterials and Oral Biology, Sao Paulo, Brazil). 68. Translucent properties of monolithic zirconia as a function of thickness. T. Sulaiman 1,2,3, A.A. Abdulmajeed* 1,3, T.E. Donovan 2, P.K. Vallittu 1,3, T.O. Närhi 1,3, L.V. Lassila 1,3 (1 University of Turku, Department of 10 Prosthetic Dentistry and Biomaterials Science, Turku, Finland 2 University of North Carolina, Department of Operative Dentistry, Chapel Hill, USA 3 University of Turku, Turku Clinical Biomaterials Centre – TCBC, Turku, Finland). 69. Elastic modulus of resin-based cements and strengthening of feldspathic ceramic. A.O. Spazzin 1, R. Alexandretti 2, A. Bacchi 1, M.B. Dos Santos 3, R.R. Moraes* 3 (1 School of Dentistry, Meridional Faculty-IMED, Brazil; 2 School of Dentistry, University of Passo Fundo, Brazil; 3 School of Dentistry, Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil). 70. Effect of silica-coating with different particle sizes on Y-TZP strength. SM Salazar Marocho*, DS Manarão, Y Correia, WG Miranda Jr, PF Cesar (Department of Biomaterials and Oral Biology, School of Dentistry. University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil). 71. Zirconia/ceramic veneer interface: a X-ray spectrometer analysis. C. Monaco, A. Arena*, D. Lodi Giuliani, R. Scotti (University of Bologna, Division of Prosthodontics and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation, Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, Bologna, Italy). 72. Low-Temperature Degradation Effect on the Mechanical Behavior of Ground Y-TZP. M.P. Rippe* 1, G.K.R. Pereira 1, M. Amaral 2, M.C. Bottino 3, P.F. Cesar 4, L.F. Valandro 1 (1 Federal University of Santa Maria, BR, 2 São Paulo State University 2, BR, 3 Indiana University School of Dentistry,USA, 4 University of São Paulo, BR). 73. Slow crack growth behavior of two porcelain-zirconia systems. M. Amaral* 1, G.F. Ramos 1, J.N. Luz 1, M.A. Bottino 1, R.M. Melo, L.F. Valandro 2. (1 Sao Paulo State University, Sao Jose Dos Campos, BR, 2 Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria, BR). 74. Hydrofluoric Acid Concentration Effect on Resin Adhesion to Feldspathic Ceramic. A.B. Venturini 1, C. Prochnow 1, D. Rambo 1, A. Gundel 2, L.F. Valandro* 1 (1 Federal University of Santa Maria, BR, 2 Federal University of the Pampa, BR). 75. Fatigue resistance of minimal invasive ceramic cantilever restorations. M. M. Mutluay 1, S. Türkaslan 2, B. Bagis 3 and A. Tezvergil-Mutluay* 1 (University of Turku, Finland). 76. Influence of etching procedure on pressable and CAD-CAM lithiumdisilicate surface. M. Sedda*, R. Fabian Fonzar, M. Carrabba, M. Tricarico, A. Vichi, M. Ferrari. (University of Siena, Department of Medial Biotechnologies, Siena, Italy). 77. Shear bond strength between acrylic resin teeth and composite resin. M.A. Basílio* 1, K.V. Cardoso 1, G.M.R.M. De Souza 1, E.M. Mariscal 1, J.N. Arioli-Filho (UNESP - Univ Estadual Paulista, Department of Dental Materials and Prosthodontics, Araraquara, Brazil). 78. Microtensile Bond Strength to Ceramic of Experimental Resin Cements. A.R.M. Palialol* 2, A.F. Lima 1, A.C.R.A. Lancellotti 2, F.H.B. Aguiar 2, L.S. 11 Gonçalves 3, S. Consani 2, G.M. Marchi 2 (1 Nove De Julho University, Sao Paulo, Brazil; 2 Piracicaba Dental School, State University of Campinas, Piracicaba, Brazil; 3 School of Dentistry, University of Uberaba, Brazil). 79. Fatigue resistance of monolithic and layered zirconia and LiSi2 crowns. P. Baldissara* 1, E. Gobbetti 1, L.F. Valandro 2, R.G. Fonseca 3, C. Monaco 1. (1 University of Bologna, Italy, 2 University of Santa Maria, Brazil, 3, University of Araraquara, Brazil). 80. Fractographic analysis of monolithic lithium disilicate crowns. B. Borelli*1, R. Sorrentino 2, S. Scherrer 3, M. Ferrari 4, F. Zarone 1 (1 University of Naples Federico II, Napoli, Italy, 2 Second University of Naples, Napoli, Italy, 3 School of Dental Medicine, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, 4 University of Siena, Tuscan School of Dental Medicine, Siena, Italy). 81. Methacrylate Bonding to Zirconia by Situ Silica Nanoparticle Surface Deposition. G.S. Lima*, A.O. Ogliari, V.P. Feitosa, F.M. Collares, S. Sauro, F.A. Ogliari, R.R. Moraes (Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil). 82. SCG Parameters of a Y-TZP determined using step-stress method. K.A. Fukushima*1, S.G. Riman1, G.V. Joshi2, J.A. Griggs2, P.F. Cesar1. (1 University of São Paulo, Department of Biomaterials and Oral Biology, School of Dentistry, São Paulo, Brazil; 2 University of Mississippi Medical Center, Department of Biomedical Materials Science, School of Dentistry, Jackson, USA). 83. Light source influences degree of conversion of dual-curing luting composites. F. Bassi*, S. Brazzoli, G. Ciampalini, P. Acquaviva, A. Cerutti (University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy). 84. Effect of AGNPS/F.Oxysporum on the mechanical/antimicrobial properties of acrylic resin. A.L.S. Borges* 1, T.P. Sato 1, C. Conjo 1, R.D. Rossoni 2, J.C. Junqueira 1, P.D. Marcato 2, N.E.D. Caballero 3, S.M. Rode 1, R.M. Melo 1 (1 UNESP, Brazil, 2 USP, Brazil, 3 UNICAMP, Brazil). 85. Effects of marginal preparation and fatigue-cyclic loading on zirconia phase-transformation. C.O. Navarra* (University of Trieste, Italy). 12 Session 2-Direct Restorative Materials (Thursday 9th, October, 11 am). 86. Effect of short glass fibers on composite K1c and shrinkage T.A. Xavier 1, D. Mita 1, A.C.E. Bocalon 1, B.A. Pinheiro 1, Paul Shouha 2, R.R. Braga* 1 (1 University of São Paulo, Department of Biomaterials and Oral Biology, São Paulo, Brazil; 2 Biomaterials Science Research Unit, University of Sydney, Australia). 87. Performance of laminate and non-laminate resin composite restorations: a metaanalysis K.V. Nguyen* 1, C. Sathorn 1, R. Wong 1, M.F. Burrow 2 (1 University of Melbourne, AUS, 2 University of Hong Kong, HK). 88. Bulk Fill Resin Composites Cured with Single-peak versus Dual-peak LCUs. A Santini*, M Aldossary (University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Dental Institute, UK). 89. Effect of Curing Time on Vickers Microhardness of Bulk-Fill Materials M. Aldossary*, A. Santini (University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Dental Institute, UK). 90. Leaching of monomers from bulk-fill composites H.M. Kopperud*, I.S. Kleven, T. Knarvang, H. Wellendorf (NIOM – Nordic Institute of Dental Materials, Oslo, Norway). 91. Effect of curing devices to curing depth of four composites P. Thanyakoop*, S, Angwarawung, L. Pataratanasombut, P.Chinpakdee (Khon Kaen University, Thailand). 92. Energy density limits for adequate curing in low-viscosity bulk-fill composites N. Ilie* and K. Stark (Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich, Germany). 93. Effects of composition and temperature on rheology of model resin-composites K. Al-Ahdal*1,2, N. Silikas 1, D. C. Watts 1 (1 Biomaterials Science Research Group, School of Dentistry, University of Manchester. 2 College of Dentistry, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia). 94. Polymerization Shrinkage of Recent Low-shrinkage and Bulk-fill Resin Composites T. Maseki*, M. Maeno, S. Ogawa, Y. Nara (Department of Adhesive Dentistry, School of Life Dentistry at Tokyo, the Nippon Dental University, Tokyo, Japan). 95. Microleakage evaluation between higher viscosity and flowable bulk composite resins K. Tolidis*, C. Boutsiouki, P. Gerasimou, E. Panagiotidou (Operative Dentistry Dept, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece). 96. Polymerization efficiency of bulk fill composite resins K Tolidis, D. Dionysopoulos, C. Harisi, P. Gerasimou, S. Vlachou* (University of Thessaloniki, Greece). 97. Influence of bulkfil vs. conventional composite on etch-and-rinse adhesives. M. Taschner*1, S. Wild1, A. Petschelt1, J. Zorzin1 (University Clinic of Erlangen, Operative Dentistry, Erlangen, Germany). 98. Physical Properties of a New Bulk Fill Flowable Composite. K. Esquibel, A. Gonzalez and C. Bracho-Troconis* (Septodont, Colorado Research Center, Louisville, Colorado, USA). 99. Polymerization shrinkage stress and tooth-restoration interfacial debonding of bulk-fill composites. R. Kim, I. Lee* (Seoul National University, Conservative 13 Dentistry, Seoul, South Korea). 100. Polymer Nanocarriers as New Fillers for Dental Adhesives. R Osorio*1, E Osorio 1, Al Medina-Castillo 2, M Toledano 1. (1 University of Granada, Spain. 2 Nanomyp, Spin-Off Enterprise University of Granada, Spain). 101. µCT evaluation of volume changes of regular versus low-shrinkage composites R. Hirata1*, E Clozza1, M Giannini2, M Janal1, N Tovar1, E Bonfante3, PG. Coelho1 (1 New York University US, 2 University of Campinas, Brazil, 3 University of Sao Paulo, Brazil). 102. Polymerization Kinetics of Hydrophilic-rich Phase in Phase-separated Dentin Adhesives F Abedin1, SE De Paiva Goncalves*2, Q Ye1, J Laurence1, P Spencer1 (1University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, USA, 2Univ Estadual Paulista - UNESP, Sao Jose Dos Campos, School of Dentistry, Brazil). 103. Wear resistance of newly developed experimental synthetic hard resins. T. Shoji*, D. Machida, T. Kumagai (Research and Development Department GC Corporation, Tokyo, Japan). 104. Examinations with PEEK-Polymer as a Telescopic-Crown Material. N. Holzer *, H. C. Roggendorf, F.-J. Faber (University of Cologne, School of Dental and Oral Medicine, Cologne, Germany) 105. Fiber-reinforced composite fixed dental prostheses with shell-shapedteeth used as pontics. L. Perea* 1, J.P. Matinlinna 2, M. Tolvanen 3, L.V. Lassila 1, P.K. Vallittu 1 (1 Institute of Dentistry, Department of Biomaterials Science and Turku Clinical Biomaterials Centre - TCBC, University of Turku, Turku, Finland, 2 Faculty of Dentistry, Dental Materials Science, the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, PR China, 3 Department of Community Dentistry, University of Turku, Turku, Finland). 106. New method for in-vitro evaluation of pit-and-fissure sealant performance. B. Gebhardt*, A. Cavalleri, M. Müller, T. Bock (Ivoclar Vivadent AG, Schaan, Liechtenstein). 107. Effect of nanoseal on bond strength to various treated dentin. N Okada*, H Shiga, H Sakurai, T Hasebe, M Noda (Iwate Medical University, Japan). 108. Effect of Saliva Contamination on Bond Strengths of Universal Adhesives. J. Zuffa*, H. Shen, L. Chen, B.I. Suh* (Bisco Inc, USA). 109. Dentin Bond Strength of Universal Adhesives with Dual-cure Cements L. Chen*, B.I. Suh (Bisco Inc, USA). 110. Bond strength and contact angle of experimental infiltrating materials H. Quiles*, A.B. Correr, T.G. Araujo,M.A.C. Sinhoreti,L.C. Sobrinho (Piracicaba Dental School - State University of Campinas, Piracicaba, Brazil). 111. Bonding effectiveness of universal self-etching adhesive systems to chlorhexidine-treated dentin L. A. Salvio* 1, Andrade CO 1, Resende FO 1, De Goes MF 2 (1 Federal University of Juiz De Fora, BRA, 2 Piracicaba Dental School, 14 BRA). 112. Challenging the efficacy of different dental bleaching protocols. A. Koniaris* 1, V. Margaritis 2, M. Antoniadou 1, A. Kakaboura 1 (1 University of Athens, Dental School of Athens, Greece, 2 College of Health Sciences, Walden University, USA). 113. Heat treatment during setting on properties of resin-based provisionalrestorative materials. C.H.Chu*, M.L.Mei (Faculty of Dentistry, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China). 114. Polymerization Shrinkage-Stress Kinetics of Resin-Composites. H. AlSunbul1,2*, N. Silikas1, D.C. Watts1(1 School of Dentistry, University of Manchester, UK ,2 College of Dentistry, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia). 115. Effect of Fiberglass Post-Customization on the Properties of Adhesive Interface. P.H. Dos Santos* 1, A.G.L. Godas 1, T.Y.U. Suzuki 1, J. Gallego 1, J.E. Gomes-Filho 1, W.G. Assunção 1, S. Pavan 2, A.L.F. Briso 1 (1 - São Paulo State University - UNESP, Brazil, 2 - FAI University, Brazil). 116. Structural and mechanical properties of IPN FRC posts. T. Peltola* 1, E. Säilynoja 1, PK Vallittu 2, LV. Lassila 2 (1 Stick Tech Ltd., Finland, 2 Institute of Dentistry and Turku Clinical Biomaterials Centre – TCBC, University of Turku, Finland). 117. Push-out test modification for bond strength evaluation of root-end sealers. Y.T.C. Silva-Sousa1*, J.H.S. Marques1; F.J.A. Rached-Júnior1, J.F.B. Bruniera1, C.E.S. Miranda1, M.D.Sousa-Neto2 (1. University of Ribeirão Preto UNAERP, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil, 2. University of São Paulo - USP, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil). 118. Fiber orientation in FRC restorations filled in bulk or layers. A. Van Ende* 1, B.C. Barreto 1, D.P. Lise 1, G. Pyka 1, G. Kerckhofs 1, M. Wevers 1, B. Van Meerbeek 1 (1 KU Leuven BIOMAT, Department of Oral Health Sciences, KU Leuven (University of Leuven) & Dentistry, University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven, Belgium). 119. Bond strength of epoxy resin and methacrylate-based sealers to dentin. M.D. Sousa-Neto* 1, M. Brito-Júnior 1, G.B. Leoni 1, R.D. Pereira 1, J.F.M. Chaves 1, Y.T.C. Silva-Sousa 2 (1 University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2 University of Ribeirao Preto, Brazil). 120. Solubility and desintegration of root canal sealers. V.L.C. Araújo*1, J.F.M. Chaves1, F.J.A. Rached-Junior2, Y.T.C. Silva-Sousa2, J.R. Carvalho-Junior3, M.D. Sousa-Neto1 (1 University of São Paulo, Brazil, 2 University of Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, 3 University of Brasília, Brazil). 121. Influence of fluorescent agents on physicochemical properties of resin sealer. F.J.A. Rached-Júnior*, M.A.L. Ferraz, L.M. Macedo, C.S. Miranda, Y.T.C. Silva-Sousa (University of Ribeirão Preto, School of Dentistry, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil). 122. Physicochemical properties of epoxy resin-based root canal sealers. G.B. 15 Leoni*1, J.F.M. Chaves1, B.M. Crozeta1, V.L.C. Araújo1, R.P.F. Rosa1, F.J.A. RachedJunior2, Y.T.C. Silva-Sousa2, M.D. Sousa-Neto1 (1 University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2 University of Ribeirao Preto, Brazil). 123. Flexural strength of bis-acrylic resin reinforced with experimental nylon fiber. T. J. A. Paes-Junior*, Yamada H., Almeida C.S., Tango R.N., Gonçalves F.C.P. (UNESP - Univ Estadual Paulista, Brazil). 124. Preparation and characterization of radio-opaque E-glass fiber reinforced composite. J He*1,2,3, LV. Lassila1,2, PK. Vallittu1,2 (1 Department of Biomaterials Science, Institute of Dentistry and Biocity Turku Biomaterials Research Program, University of Turku, Turku, Finland, 2 Turku Clinical Biomaterials Centre - TCBC, University of Turku, Turku, Finland, 3 College of Materials Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China). 125. Plasma effects on bond strenght and micromorphology of resin-dentin interface. A.P.A. Ayres * 1, F.D. Nascimento 2, B.B. Lopes 3, G.M.B. Ambrosano 1, M. Giannini 1 (1 Piracicaba Dental School, State University of Campinas, Brazil, 2 Biomaterials Research Group, Anhanguera University, Brazil, 3 Surface Engineering and Plasma Solution, Brazil). 126. Microtensile bond strength of Diode LASER irradiated self-etch adhesives. R.M. Maenosono* 1, L.F.F. Brianezzi 1, A.R.C.G. Góes 1, F.A.P. Rizzante 1, L. Wang 1, H.M. Honório 1, R.G. Palma-Dibb 2, L. Bachmann 2, R.F.L. Mondelli 1, S.K. Ishikiriama 1 (1 University of São Paulo, Department of Operative Dentistry, Endodontics and Dental Materials, Bauru, Brazil, 2 University of São Paulo, Department of Operative Dentistry, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil). 127. Effect of EDC on the interface of a self-etch adhesive. V. Angeloni* 1, A. Mazzoni 1, M. Cadenaro 1, S. Santi 2, M. Falconi 3, R. Di Lenarda 1, F.R. Tay 4, D.H. Pashley 4, L. Breschi 3 (1 University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy; 2 National Research Council (CNR), Institute of Molecular Genetics (IGM)-Bologna and Laboratory of Muscoloskeletal Cell Biology, IOR, Bologna, Italy; 3 DIBINEM University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, 4 Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, USA.) 128. Roughness and microhardness of a composite after surface sealants application. RC De Ré Silveira*, V.C Ruschel, H.P Maia, L.N Baratieri, G.M Arcari (Federal University of Santa Catarina, Department of Dentistry, Florianópolis, Brazil). 129. Carbon fiber reinforced polymers veneered by composites: a microleakage test. G. Merlati*, M. Bossi, T. Lucco Castello, P. Menghini (University of Pavia, Italy). 130. Conversion Degree and Push-out Bond Strength of Two Dual-Composite Cements. E. Nembrini*, P. Acquaviva, A. Preti, F. Bassi, A. Cerutti (University of Brescia, Italy). 131. Influence of thermal mechanical cycling on properties of modified resin. F.C.P. Goncalves* 1, V.C.Macedo 1, H.L.De Castro 1, T.J.A.Paes Junior (UNESP Univ Estadual Paulista, Brazil). 16 132. Surface Roughness of Indirect Resin Composites after Chewing Simulation. L.L. Arashiro*, L.H. Silva, , E. Lima, M.C.H.C.A. Villaça, W.G. Miranda, P.F. Cesar (University of São Paulo, Department of Oral Biology and Biomaterials, São Paulo, Brazil). 133. Color stability of restorative materials after immersion in different solutions. MC Villaca*, L.L Arashiro, E Lima, L Hian, F.A Pereira, W.G Miranda Jr, P.F Cesar (University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil). 134. Color stability of a composite resin after surface sealant application. C.G. Savi*, V.C. Ruschel, H.P. Maia, R.C. De Ré Silveira, C.P. Gré, C. Deucher, L.F. Pottmaier, C.M. Velho, C. Gutierrez (Federal University of Santa Catarina, Department of Dentistry, Florianópolis, Brazil) 135. Thermocycling Effects on Bond Strength of Two Dual-Curing Composites. Bozzoli C.*, Nembrini E., Madini L., Barabanti N., Cerutti A. (Università Di Brescia, Italia). 136. Effect of different surface treatments on resin-bonding to hybrid material. F Campos* 1, CS Almeida 1, Rippe MP 2, RM Melo 1, LF Valandro 2, MA Bottino 1 (1 Univ Estadual Paulista, Institute of Science and Technology, Brasil, 2 Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil). 137. Macrostructural Evaluation of a New Self-Etching Composite-Dentine Interface. Madini L.*, Preti A., Mondina P., Barabanti N., Cerutti A. (University of Brescia, Italy). 138. Influence of thermo-curing on the flexural strength of GIC. K. Gorseta* 1, T. Skrinjaric 1, L. Gavic 2, D. Glavina 1 (1 University of Zagreb, Croatia, 2 University of Split, Croatia). 139. Irradiance~distance, beam uniformity, & heat generation of seven LED lights. H. Lu* 1, F. Pfefferkorn 2, C. Felix 3, and C. Deacon 3, (1 DENTSPLY/Caulk, Milford, DE, USA; 2 DENTSPLY/Detrey, Konstanz, Germany; 3 Bluelight Analytics Inc., Halifax, NS, Canada). 140. Degree of Conversion and Knoop Microhardness of a Silorane composite. A. Nishida *, MB Araújo, LC Yamasaki, TG Carnaval, CE Francci (University of São Paulo, Brazil). 141. Esthetic Assessment on Nanoparticles Modified Adhesive used for OCT Investigation. C. Krems* 1, A.C. Cojocariu 1, C. Sinescu 1, S.I. Stratul 1, M.L. Negrutiu 1, C.A. Podariu 1, A. Gh Podoleanu 2 (1 University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babes” Timisoara,Romania, 2 School of Physical Sciences, Ingram Building, University of Kent, UK). 142. DC and MH of a dual-cement under Disilicate and Composite. A. Comba *1,M. Cadenaro 2, L. Breschi 2, E. Berutti 1, C. Monaco 2, R. Scotti 2, N. Scotti 1 (1 University of Turin, Department of Surgical Sciences, Dental School; 2 University of Trieste, Department of Medical Science; 3 Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna, DIBINEM). 143. Preparation of Metal Organic Frameworks for reinforcement of glassionomer restoratives. K.D. Byrne*1, 2, W.S. Schmitt2, G.J.P. Fleming1. (1Dublin 17 Dental University Hospital, School of Dental Science, 2School of Chemistry, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland). 144. Evaluation of bond strength to enamel bovine teeth whitened. C. Deucher*, E. Araújo, H.P. Maia, C.P. Gré, V.C. Ruschel, C.G. Savi. (Universidade Federal De Santa Catarina, Department of Dentistry, Florianópolis, Brazil). 145. Chemical-physical Properties of Pure Dicalcium Silicate, Tricalcium Silicate and MM-MTA. M.G. Gandolfi, F. Siboni*, C. Prati (Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, University of Bologna, Italy). 146. MTA cement exposed to acidic environment: surface and internal microhardness. D. Angerame, M. De Biasi, A. Franzò* (University of Trieste, Italy). 147. Surface roughness/gloss of a resin composite using different polishing procedures. A. Catellani*, G. Orsini, G. Mengoni, S. Corda, S. Sparabombe, M. Procaccini, A. Putignano (University of Ancona, Italy). 148. Innovative self-etching dental adhesives formulated using reactive nanogel additives. S. Sauro* 1, J.W. Stansbury 2, L. Cumia 3, T.F. Watson 4 (1 Universidad CEU-Cardenal Herrera, Valencia, Spain, 2 King’S College London Dental Institute, London, UK, 3 University of Varese, Varese, Italy, 4 University of Colorado, Denver, USA). 149. Marginal adaptation of bulk filled dual cured composites. P Sedlakova*, T Bortolotto, I Krejci (University of Geneva, Division of Cariology and Endodontology, Geneva, Switzerland). 150. Thio-Urethane Oligomers Reduce Polymerization Stress in Highly Filled Dental Composites. A. Dobson 1, A. Bacchi 2, C. S. Pfeifer* 1 (1 School of Dentistry, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR, USA; 2 School of Dentistry, UNICAMP, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil). 151. Different shades and curing modes of dual-cure resin cements. V.Bosquiroli*1, D C R S. De Oliveira2, R M. Puppin-Rontani2, E J C. De Souza Junior2, W C. Brandt2 E M a C. Sinhoreti2 (1Unioeste Cascavel, PR Brazil, 2FOP Unicamp, Piracicaba SP Brazil). 152. Long-term tensile bond strength of fiber post to root dentin. A.S. Iwamoto* 1, R.M. Puppin-Rontani 1, F.M. Pascon 1 (1 University of Campinas, Piracicaba Dental School, Pediatric Dentistry Department, Piracicaba, Brazil). 153. Experimental resin materials pre-heating in enamel caries infiltration: properties evaluation. L.A. Gaglianone*1, C.S. Pfeifer2, R.M. Puppin-Rontani3, G.M. Marchi1 (1 State University of Campinas, Department of Restorative Dentistry, Piracicaba/BR, 2 Oregon Health and Science University, Biomaterials and Biomechanics, Portland/USA, 3State University of Campinas, Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Piracicaba/BR). 154. Roughness of packable and flowable nanofilled composites polished with pastes. D. Angerame, M. De Biasi*, A. Franzò (University of Trieste, Italy). 155. Wear of polyetherketoneketone (PEKK) caused by different antagonists. T. Kewekordes 1, S. Wille* 1, M. Kern 1 (1 CAU Kiel, Department of Prosthodontics, 18 Propaedeutics and Dental Materials, Kiel, Germany). 156. Properties of One Modified Composite Resin by TiO2 Nanoparticles. AN De Souza Rastelli* 1, HB Dias 1, MIB Bernardi 2, JRC Saad 1, CW De Souza 3, ÂCC Zuanon 1, AC Hernandes 2 (1 University of Sao Paulo State-UNESP, 2 University of Sao Paulo-USP, 3 Federal University of Sao Carlos - Ufscar, Brazil). 157. A discriminatory mechanical testing performance indicator for handmixed glass-ionomer restoratives. M.S. Baig*, A.H. Dowling, G.J.P. Fleming. (Dublin Dental University Hospital, School of Dental Science, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland). 158. Effect preparation on the hybrid layer with resin cement. B. Vascvoncellos, M. Pereira Rodrigues, L. A. Cyrillo Cerqueira De Oliveira, G. A. Borges* (Uberaba University,Brazil), E. Miyashita (Paulista University, Brazil), A. R. Costa Correr, L. Correr-Sobrinho (University of Campinas, Brazil). 159. Luting protocol affects the bond strength of glass fiber posts. M. Borba* 1, F.S. Grecca 2, B. Mazzoneto 1 (1University of Passo Fundo, Brazil, 2 Federal University From Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil). 160. Mechanical properties of an experimental adhesive containing inhibitors of metalloproteinases. C.U.F.S. Rodrigues, M.P.O. Matos, T.R. De Carvalho, A. Penelas*, E.M. Silva, C.M. Amaral (Federal Fluminense University, School of Dentistry, Niterói, Brazil). 161. Mechanical properties of Fiber-reinforced composites and stainless steel retainers. A. Lucchese 1,2, V. Butera* 1,2, G. Gastaldi 3, E. Gherlone 1 (1 Unit of Dentistry, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milano Italy, 2 Department of Orthodontics, Vita E Salute San Raffaele University, Milano Italy, 3 School of Dentistry, University Of Brescia, Italy). 162. Effect of tetracalcium phosphate on bond strength of self-etch adhesives. M. Cuppari *, Chiapello M, Alovisi M, Pasqualini D, Berutti E, Scotti N (University of Bologna, Italy). 163. Effect of Synthetic Hydroxyapatite in Improving Fiber Posts Bond Strength. E. Bergantin 1*, G. Turco 2, M. Cadenaro 2, L. Breschi 3, E. Berutti 1, N. Scotti 1 (1 University of Turin, Department of Surgical Sciences, Dental School. 2 University of Trieste, Department of Medical Sciences. 3 Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna, DIBINEM.) 164. Physical Reinforcement of Polymeric Networks Associated with Urethane Dimethacrylates. K. Sarao, S.H. Lewis, M.D. Barros, J.W. Stansbury* (University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine, Aurora, Colorado, USA). 165. Effect of Moist/Dry/Desiccated Dentin on Shear-Bond Strength of Universal Adhesives. S. Singhal, S.A. Antonson and D.E. Antonson*, P. Bush. (University at Buffalo, Department of Restorative Dentistry, Buffalo, NY, USA). 166. Resin infiltration into dental enamel nanopores via electrokinetic flow. H.L. Carlo* 1, P.P. Maciel 1, F.G. Carvalho, F.B. Sousa (1 Federal University of Paraiba, School of Dentistry, Joao Pessoa, Brazil). 167. Alternative-Photoinitiators: Effect on shrinkage-stress and degree of 19 conversion. R. Alonso 1 *, F. B. Piveta-Flores 1, M. S. Silva 1, D. Silva 1, R. E. M. Novaes 1, P. M. C. Scaffa 1, P.H.P. D’Alpino 1, V. Hipólito 1, C. Anauate-Netto 1 (1 Anhanguera University of São Paulo - UNIAN. 168. Alternative acid-functional monomer and its pH influence on the enamel. A.F. Da Silva*, E.A. Münchow, M. Barbosa, G.S. Lima, F.A. Ogliari, E. Piv (Federal University of Pelotas, BR). 169. Polymerization of Self-etching Resin-Cements: Effect of Storage Time and Light-Curing-Technique. B. Dimarco 1; C. Solomon 2; R. França*1. (1- Dental Biomaterials Research Laboratory, Department of Restorative Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Manitoba – Winnipeg, Canada 2- Prosthodontics Division, Department of Restorative Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Manitoba – Winnipeg, Canada). 170. µTBS of pre-treated demineralized dentin and a self-etching adhesive system. R.M. Puppin-Rontani*, L.F. Martins, J Puppin-Rontani (University of Campinas, BR). 171. µTBS of a etch&rinse adhesive system to pre-treated demineralized dentin. J. Puppin-Rontani*, L.F. Martins, R.M. Puppin-Rontani (University of Campinas, BR). 172. Effect of shelf-life on bond strength of self-etching adhesives systems. E. Piva* 1, A.S. Cardoso 2, H.L. Oliveira 1, N.L.V. Carreño 1, A. Gonini Jr. 2 (1 Federal University of Pelotas, BR, 2 University of North Paraná, BR). 173. Micro-tensile bond strength of ‘universal’ adhesives to dentin. T. Washino, B.C.F. Barreto*, A. Van Ende, J. De Munck, B. Van Meerbeek. (KU Leuven BIOMAT, Department of Oral Health Sciences, University of Leuven & Dentistry, University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven, Belgium). 20 Session 3 Clinical Properties/Clinical relevance (Friday 10th, October, 11 am). 174. Inlay-retained zirconia-based fixed partial dentures: a 5-years review. C. Monaco 1, D. Lodi Giuliani 1*, A. Arena 1, R. Scotti 1 (1 Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy). 175. Biocompatibility of glass ionomer cements applied in deep cavities. D.G. Soares* 1; F. G. Basso 1; N.T. Sacono 2; A.P.D. Ribeiro 3; J. Hebling 1; C. A. De Souza Costa 1 (1 Araraquara School of Dentistry, Univ. Estadual Paulista, Brazil; Federal University of Goiás, Brazil; University of Brazilia, Brazil) 176. Antimicrobial-peptide coating that ruptures the wall of Gram positive bacteria. X Chen, H Hirt,Y Li,S-U Gorr, C Aparicio* (Minnesota Dental Research Center for Biomaterials and Biomechanics, University of Minnesota School of Dentistry, Minneapolis, USA,). 177. MIH Supplementation Strategies. C Baroni* 1, MG Bazzocchi1, S Marchionni1, R Bedini2, R Pecci2, DJ Manton3 (1 University of Bologna, Italy, 2 Instituto Superiore Di Sanità,Roma, Italy , 3 University of Melbourne, Australia). 178. Usage of nanotechnology for the super lubrication of orthodontic wires C.C Lombardi *1, A. Gracco 2, L. Siviero* 3, F. Deflorian 4, C. Zanella 5, G. Siciliani 6, G. Bonetti 7 (1 University of Ferrara, Italy, 2 University of Padova, Italy, 3 University of Ferrara, Italy, 4 University of Trento, Italy, 5 University of Trento, Italy, 6 University of Ferrara, Italy, 7 University of Bologna, Italy) 179. Mechanical Behaviors of Class II Composite Restorations under Cyclic Loading S.F. Chuang*, X.F. Hong, T.Y.F. Chen (National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan). 180. Two-year prospective clinical study of posterior CAD-CAM cobaltchromium single crowns R. Leone*, F. Zarone, P. Piombino, R. Sorrentino. (University "Federico II" of Naples, Naples, Italy). 181. Efficacy of Clinical Trial Management F. Fazzi*, R.Lorenzi , G.Dondi Dall'orologio (University of Bologna, Italy). 182. Connexin 43 is required for topography-mediated osteoblastic differentiation on titanium E. Manfredi, A. Toffoli*, C. Galli, S. Lumetti, G. Ghiacci, G.M. Macaluso, A. Di Blasio, M. Bonanini (Dep. Biomedical, Biotechnological and Translational Sciences, University of Parma, Parma, Italy) 183. Piezosurgery in the Preservation of Post-extractive sites. B. Musante*, P.Pera, M. Menini, D. Baldi (University of Genoa) 184. Osteoinductive properties Study of collagenated Dual-blocks by synchrotron radiation phase-contrast. A. Giuliani 1*, S. Mazzoni 1, A. Manescu 1, S. Mohammadi 2, G. Tromba 2, F. Diomede 3, A. Piattelli 3, O. Trubiani 3 (1 Università Politecnica Delle Marche, Ancona, Italy, 2 21 Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.P.A, Trieste, Italy, 3 Laboratory of Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine, University of Chieti-Pescara, Department of Medical, Oral and Biotecnological Sciences, Chieti, Italy). 185. Rehabilitation of an Atrophic Posterior Mandible with 4-mm short Implants. C. Barausse* 1, L. Checchi 1, M. Esposito 2, R. Pistilli 3, M. Baffone 1, V. Checchi 4, P. Felice 1 (1 University of Bologna, Department of Periodontology and Implantology, Bologna, Italy; 2 University of Göteborg, Department of Biomaterials, Goteborg, Sweden; 3 San Filippo Neri Hospital, Oral and Maxillo-Facial Unit, Rome, Italy; 4 University of Trieste, Department of Medical Sciences, Trieste, Italy) 186. Short versus Longer Implants:a 5-year Randomised Controlled Trial. M. Baffone* 1, R. Pistilli 2, C. Barausse 1, V. Checchi 3, P. Felice 1 (1 University of Bologna, Department of Periodontology and Implantology, Bologna, Italy; 2 San Filippo Neri Hospital, Oral and Maxillo-Facial Unit, Rome, Italy; 3 University of Trieste, Department of Medical Sciences, Trieste, Italy). 187. Susceptible genotypes to periodontitis and clinical outcomes: a systematic review. G.S. Chatzopoulos* 1, A.E. Doufexi 2 (1: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, 2: Private Practice Limited to Periodontology and Implant Dentistry). 188. Invasive cervical resorption: a case series with three-year followup. F. Lipari*, G. Lo Giudice, G. Iannello, A. Lizio, R. Lo Giudice. (University of Messina, Department of Med. Chir. Spec. Odont. Exper. Sc., Messina, Italy). 189. Formulation and characterization of triple antibiotic hydrogels for endodontic disinfection S. Pérez-Padilla 1, D. Chavarría-Bolaños* 2-3, B.I. Cerda-Cristerna 3, J. Vega-Baudrit4, A. Pozos-Guillén 3 (1 Pediatric Dentistry Postgraduate Program. Faculty of Dentistry, San Luis Potosí University. México. 2 Surgical and Diagnostic Sciences Department, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica.3 Basic Sciences Laboratory, Faculty of Dentistry, San Luis Potosí University, México.4 National Laboratory of Nanotechnology. San José, Costa Rica). 190. Anti-bacterial/fungal efficacy and genotoxicity of two tripleantibiotics hydrogels for endodontics. M.F. Romo-Contreras 1, R.M. Martínez-Compeán 1, D. Chavarría-Bolaños 2, L.O. Sánchez-Vargas 2, D.M. Escobar-García 2, A. Pozos-Guillén 2, B.I. Cerda-Cristerna* 2. (1 Pediatric Dentistry Postgraduate Program. Faculty of Dentistry, Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí, SLP, Mexico. 2 Laboratory of Basic Sciences, Faculty of Dentistry, Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí, SLP,Mexico). 191. Repeatability of dental impressions: direct vs. indirect digitalization. E. Evangelisti*, C. Monaco, N. Ragazzini, A. Llukacej, P. 22 Baldissara, R. Scotti (University of Bologna, Division of Prosthodontics and Maxillo-Facial Rehabilitation - DIBINEM, Bologna, Italy). 192. Post-operative sensitivity of a universal adhesive system in posterior restorations. K.C.S. Modena 1,2, L. Wang 1, M.A.S. Agulhari 1, T.L. Bueno 1, S.K. Ishikiriama 1, M.T. Atta*,1 (1 University of São Paulo, Bauru School of Dentistry, 2 University of Sacred Heart). 193. RetroMTA, OrthoMTA, and ProRootMTA for pulpotomy in primary molars. SH. Kim 1, CM. Kang 1, YS. Shin 2, JH. Lee 1, JS. Song*1 (1 Yonsei University, Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Seoul, South Korea, 2 Yonsei University, Department of Conservative Dentistry, Seoul, South Korea). 194. Evaluation of Reline II System. Y.Kaminosono*, H.Nakaseko, Y.Shinozaki, H.Kamohara, T.Kumagai (GC Corporation,R&D Center,Japan). 195. Hybrid scaffolds to improve implant stability: micro-CT and histological analysis. R. Sorrentino*1,2, R. Aversa1, S. Russo3, E.F. Gherlone3, F. Zarone2, A. Apicella1 (1: Second University of Naples, Italy, 2: University “Federico II” of Naples, Italy 3: University “Vita Salute San Raffaele” of Milan, Italy). 196. Influence of the tooth-polishing pastes on whitening to effects. S.Hoshikawa, I. Nakanishi*, D.Kita, I.Okada, A.Ishikawa (The Nippon Dental University Hospital, Japan). 197. Permanent mucosal discoloration correlated to magnesiumenriched hydroxyapatite: a case report. M. Montevecchi*, G. Marucci, A. Dorigo*, L. Checchi (Dibinem, University of Bologna - Alma Mater Studiorum, IT). 198. One-year follow-up clinical effectiveness of non-vital tooth bleaching techniques. D.P. Lise* 1, G. Siedschlag 1, J.K. Bernardon 1, L.N. Baratieri 1, M.A.C. Andrada 1, C.P. Gré 1, C. Gutierrez 1, C.M. Velho 1, T.Y.U. Suzuki 2, A. Van Ende 3 (1 Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil, 2 Sao Paulo State University, Brazil, 3 KU Leuven, Belgium). 199. The Effect of Investment Materials on the Fitting Accuracy. T. Krell *, F.-J. Faber, H. C. Roggendorf (University of Cologne, School of Dental and Oral Medicine, Cologne, Germany). 200. Accuracy of different dental implant impression techniques comparing different materials. F. Pera, M. Bevilacqua, M. Menini, L.Giuliano, M. Calosso*, P. Pesce, P. Pera (University of Genoa, Department of Prosthodontics (DISC), Genoa, Italy). 201. Root filling bond strength using single-cone technique with different sealers. B.M. Crozeta*, J.F.M. Chaves, C.C. Camilo, M. BritoJúnior, R.D. Pereira, A.M. Cruz-Filho, M.D. Sousa-Neto (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil). 202. Orthodontic loading influence on root resorption susceptibility: finite element analysis. M.G. Roscoe* 1, J.B.C. Meira 1, M. Dalstra 2, P.M. 23 Cattaneo 2 (1 University of Sao Paulo, Biomaterials and Oral Biology Department, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2 Aarhus University, Department of Orthodontics, Aarhus, Denmark). 203. Wear behaviour of monolithic zirconia crowns – clinical results. T. Stober* 1, J.L. Bermejo 2, S. Rues 1, P. Rammelsberg 1, M. Schmitter 1 (1 Department of Prosthodontics, University Hospital Heidelberg, Germany, 2 Institute of Medical Biometry and Informatics, University Hospital Heidelberg, Germany). 204. 12-months clinical evaluation of composite restorations in smoking patients. L.D Carvalho*, G.C Lopes1, R.G. Machado1, (*Phd Student, MS, DDS, Department of Operative Dentistry, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil. ,1Professor, Department of Operative Dentistry, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil). 205. Development of a radiopaque infiltration resin for early carious lesion. M.Moeinian*. R Hill, F. Wong. (Dental Physical Science, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK). 206. Randomized controlled trial of sealed in-office bleaching effectiveness. F.P.S Nahsan* 1, M.A.P Santana 1, A. D. Loguercio 2, A.L. Faria-E-Silva 1. (1 Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil, 2 Bauru School of Dentistry, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil). 207. Cervical margin finishing in class II cavities: four different methods. G. Ciampalini*, C. Bozzoli, G. Mabellini, D. Don, P. Mondina, A. Cerutti (Dept. of Restorative Dentistry, University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy). 208. Efficacy of a chlorhexidine gauze for oral hygiene: randomized trial. G. Orsini*, S. Sparabombe, A. Catellani, M. Grossi, M. Roncati, M. Procaccini, A. Putignano (Polytechnic University of Marche, Ancona, Italy). 209. Assessing appearance in human dental color space. S. Brazzoli*, G. Ciampalini, D. Don, E. Nembrini, A. Cerutti (University of Brescia, Dept. Restorative Dentistry). 210. Postoperative sensitivity: 1-year randomized clinical trial. M.H.S.Souza* 1, K.G.K.Carneiro 2, J.F.Araujo 2, M.F.Lobato 1, T.A.F.Barros 1, M.F.Braga 1, S.C.Loretto 1, P.A.R.S.Souza1 (1 Federal University of Pará, Brazil, 2 Federal University of Maranhão, Brazil). 211. Innovative Light-Curable Calcium Phosphate Cements as Retrograde Filling Material. A. Abedi-Amin* 1, A. Darvizeh 1, A. Luzi 1, R. Mongiorgi 2, S. Sauro 1 (1 Universidad CEU-Cardenal Herrera, Valencia, Spain, 2 Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy). 212. Air-polishing with glycine and bicarbonate powders on restorative materials. C. G. Sartori *, F. Murillo-Gómez, A. B. Soares, M. F. De Goes (University of Campinas, Brazil). 24 213. PLLA with Metronidazole or Amoxicillin - Alternative to Systemic Antibiotics. T.G. Carnaval*, C.A. Adde, M.M Romano, F. Gonçalves, G.C. Santos, L.H. Catalani, V.E.Arana-Chavez, I.P. Tortamano, M.S. Soares (University of São Paulo, Brazil). 214. Inlay and allograft block in atrophied posterior mandible: case series. V Checchi 1*, A. Mazzoni 1, M. Falconi 2, L. Manzoli 2, L. Breschi 2, P. Felice 2 (1 University of Trieste, Department of Medical Sciences, Trieste, Italy; 2 University of Bologna, Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, Bologna, Italy). 215. Overdenture-bars casted in different metals: Adaptation and stress distribution. MBF Dos Santos * 1 L. Correr-Sobrinho 2 A. Bacchi 3 R. A. Caldas 3 B. M. Zen 3 (1 - Restorative Dentistry Department, School of Dentistry, Federal University of Pelotas, Pelotas, RS, Brazil 2 - Dental Materials, Piracicaba Dental School, University of Campinas, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil 3 - Prosthesis and Periodontics, Piracicaba Dental School, University of Campinas, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil). 216. Luting protocols influence of lithium disilicate ceramic fracture strength. R.F. Carvalho 1, C. Cotes 1, F.P.P Leite 2; T.J.A. Paes-Junior 1, E. Kimpara* 1 (1 UNESP - Univ Estadual Paulista, BR, 2 Universidade Federal De Juiz De Fora, BR). 217. Clinical evaluation of composite color change in Class IV restorations. V.C. Ruschel*, M.V. Martins, J.K. Bernardon, H.P. Maia, S. Monteiro-Júnior (Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil). 218. Color stability analysis of polycrystalline and monocrystalline ceramic bracket. C.B. Oliveira 1, P.P. Schneider* 1, L.H.K. Shintcovsk 1, A.S. Pinto 1, D.B. Ravelli 1, L.P. Martins 1, L.P. Sampaio 1, L.G. Gandini-Jr 1 (1 UNESP- Univ Estadual Paulista, Orthodontic Department, Araraquara, Brazil). 219. Protection of enamel-glass ionomer restorative margins by resincoatings. Y.Hokii*, R.Yoshimitsu, K.Yamamoto, S.Fukushima, F.Fusejima, T.Kumagai(R&D Dept., GC Corporation, Japan). 220. Ice-templated Calcium Silicate Scaffolds for Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery. M.G. Gandolfi *1,2, A. Tomsia 2, C. Prati 1 (1 Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy; 2 Materials Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, USA). 221. Survival and Success rate after 2 years of Primaconnex Implant. C. Prati 1, F. Zamparini* 1, A. Buonavoglia 1, A. Ciulla 1, M.G. Gandolfi 1 (1 Department of DIBINEM, Endodontic Dental Section, ALMA MATER Studiorum, University of Bologna, ITALY). 222. Cell viability of starch-based hydrogels for maxillofacial bone regeneration. J.C Flores-Arriaga* 1, BI. Cerda-Cristerna 1, D.M EscobarGarcía 1, V. Escobar-Barrios 2, A.J. Pozos-Guillen 1 (1 Laboratory of Basic 25 Science, Faculty of Dentistry, Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi, Mexico, 2 Laboratory of Advanced Polymers, (IPICYT), San Luis Potosí, Mexico). 223. Microbiological characterization of class V restorations. D. Don*, P. Mondina, F. Bassi, L. Madini, A. Cerutti. (Università Degli Studi Di Brescia, Italy). 224. Biomechanical behavior of anterior teeth restored with ceramic veneers. C. Bergoli*1, M.A. Bottino2, J.B.C. Meira3, L.F. Valandro4 (1 Federal University of Pelotas, BRA, 2 Science and Technology Institute, BRA,3 São Paulo State University, BRA,4 Federal University of Santa Maria, BR). 225. Preparation design effects and ceramic type on biomechanical of CAD-CAM. A.A. Bicalho*, A.L.S.V. Vianna, R.A.S Pereira, F.D. Neves, C.J. Soares, C.J. Prado (University of Uberlandia, Brazil). 226. Effect of materials on cuspal strain and stress in endodonticallytreated-molars. C.J. Soares* 1, R.A.S Pereira 1, A.A. Bicalho 1, S.D. Franco 1, D. Tantbirojn 2, A. Versluis 2 (1 University of Uberlandia, Brazil, 2 University of Tennessee Health Science Center, USA). 227. Clinical evaluation of multiple-surface ART restorations: 9-year follow-up. M.C.C.A. Freitas* 1, L. Chiok 1, T.C. Fagundes 2, D.F.G. Cefaly 3, M.F.L. Navarro 1 (Bauru School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo, Department of Operative Dentistry, Endodontics and Dental Materials, Bauru, Brazil, 2 Araçatuba School of Dentistry, São Paulo State University, Department of Restorative Dentistry, Araçatuba, Brazil 3 University of North of Paraná, Department of Dentistry, Londrina, Brazil). 228. Effect of different acids on dentin protease activity. Anas Aaqel S. Alani *1, Mustafa M. Mutluay 1, Leo Tjäderhane 2, Arzu TezvergilMutluay 1.(1 University of Turku,Institute of Dentistry, 2 University of Oulu,Institute of Dentistry). 229. Curing pattern of polywave multiLED lamps: an in vitro study. Ventura G1*, Zante M1, Comba A1, Coero B1, Francesco A1, Cadenaro M2, Breschi L3, Berutti E1, Scotti N1 (1University of Turin, Department of Surgical Sciences, Dental School. 2 University of Trieste, Department of Medical Sciences. 3 University of Bologna, DIBINEM). 230. Cementation Protocol for a Glass Ceramic. R.L.A. Carvalho* 2, F.P.P Leite 1, S.M.B. Pereira 2, M.R. Duarte 1, R.F. Carvalho 1, E.T. Kimpara 2 (1 University Federal of Juiz De Fora, Brazil, 2 Institute of Science and Technology of São José Dos Campos, UNESP, Brazil). 231. Microtensile Bond Strength to NaF-pretreated Dentin Surface. P. Altinci* 1, M. Mutluay 1, L. Tjaderhane 2, D. Pashley 3, A. TezvergilMutluay 1 (1 University of Turku, Institute of Dentistry, Turku, Finland, 2 University of Oulu, Institute of Dentistry, Oulu, Finland, 3 Georgia Regents University, College of Dental Medicine, Augusta, USA). 26 232. New digital approach to replicate soft tissue in implant impressions. N. Ragazzini* 1, E. Evangelisti 1, C. Monaco 1, A. Llukacej 1, R. Scotti 1 (Division of Prosthodontics, Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences - DIBINEM, Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, Via San Vitale 59, 40125 Bologna – Italy). 233. Modification on Gutta-percha Surface by Non-thermal Argon Plasma. M.S.O. Menezes* 1, M. Prado 1, R.A. Simão 1 (1 Federal University of Rio De Janeiro, Departament of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil). 234. Experimental one-step self-etch adhesives and bonding to cariesaffected dentin. C. P Isolan*1,T.T Maske 1, J.K Schwantz 1 , M.S Cenci 1, R.R Moraes 1 ( 1 School of Dentistry, Federal - University of Pelotas, RS Brasil). 235. Tensions generated between experimental model and finite element analysis. M. Chase-Diaz* 1, A.F.S. Borges 1, E.A. Capello Sousa 2, G.G. Paschoeto 2, J.H. Rubo 3, M.L. Albarracín 3. (1 Bauru School of Dentistry - University of Sao Paulo, Department of Operative Dentistry, Endodontics and Dental Materials, , Bauru, SP, Brazil; 2 Sao Paulo State University “Júlio De Mesquita Filho”, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bauru School of Engineering, Bauru, SP, Brazil; 3 Bauru School of Dentistry - University of Sao Paulo, Department of Prosthesis, Bauru, SP, BRAZIL). 236. Fracture resistance of premolars with extensive and medium cavity preparations. L.F. Pottmaier*, L.A. Linhares, L.N. Baratieri, L.C.C. Vieira (Universidade Federal De Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brasil). 237. Influence of surface treatments on fracture strength of implantsupported provisional-crowns. K.V. Cardoso*, M.A. Basílio, E.M. Mariscal, J.N. Arioli-Filho (Univ Estadual Paulista, Department of Dental Materials and Prosthodontics, Araraquara, Brazil). 238. Breakdown potential and repassivation ability of Ni-Ti and SS archwires. F. Zotti , F. Savoldi, L. Laffranchi, I. Tonni, C. Stretti, A. Canobbio, F. Paiocchi , S. Bonetti, L. Visconti, C. Paganelli* (University of Brescia, Italy). 239. Aesthetic retainer: an evaluation of different glass fiber-reinforced. A. Lucchese 1,2, M. Manuelli 1,2, I. Mazzolari* 1,2, G. Matarese 3, E. Gherlone 4 (1 Unit of Dentistry, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milano Italy, 2 Department of Orthodontics, Vita E Salute San Raffaele University, Milano Italy, 3 Department of Specialist Medical-Surgical Experimental Sciences and Odontostomatology, University of Messina, AOU Policlinico "G. Martino", 4 Unit of Dentistry, Dean Prof. E. Gherlone, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milano Italy). 240. Survival and fracture of intracanal posts: weakened vs nonweakened roots. V.F. Wandscher*1, C.D. Bergoli 2, I.F. Limberger 27 3,T.M. Ardenghi 1, L.F. Valandro 1. (Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil). 241. Dimensional accuracy and FE-analysis of conventional and modified Ticp implants. A. M Silva* 1, CSM Martinelli .1, FP Rodrigues. 1 2, L Nogueira Jr, RM Marinho 1, LS Borges 1, Bottino MA1 (1 Department of Dental Materials and Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry, Institute of Science and Technology, UNESP – Univ Estadual Paulista, São Paulo, Brazil; 2 Visiting Research Fellow, University of Birmingham, School of Dentistry, Biomaterials Unit, Birmingham, UK). 242. Nanomechanical properties of TiF4 varnish protective layer after erosive challenge. F.G. Carvalho* 1, M.I.D. Medeiros 1, H.L. Carlo 1, R.L. Santos 2, B.A.S.G. Lima 1 (1 Federal University of Paraíba, School of Dentistry, João Pessoa, Brazil, 2 Federal University of Campina Grande, School of Dentistry, Patos, Brazil). 243. Effect of a Synthetic nanocrystalline-Fluorohydroxyapatite on the eroded enamel lesions M Behroozibakhsh *1 , F.Shafiei1, T.Hooshmand1, F.Moztarzadeh2, M.Tahriri 2,H.Bagheri Gorgani 1 (1Department of Dental Biomaterials, School of Dentistry/Research Center for Science and Technology In Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 2Biomaterials Group, Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran). 244. Varnish containing biomaterial in subsurface carious lesions of primary teeth T. Varanda, F. Naufel*, L.F. Pacheco, K.R. Kantovitz, R.M. Puppin-Rontani, F.M. Pascon (University of Campinas, Piracicaba Dental School, Pediatric Dentistry Department, Piracicaba, Brazil). 245. Effect of QMix with Ultrasonic Irrigation in Smear Layer Removal M.C. Prado* 1, F. Leal 2, R. A. Simão 3, H. Gusman 1, M. Prado 1,3 (1 Federal University of Rio De Janeiro, Department of Dental Clinic, RJ, Brazil, 2 State University of Rio De Janeiro, Department of Dental Clinic, RJ, Brazil, 3 Federal University of Rio De Janeiro, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, RJ, Brazil). 246. Analysis of laboratorial testing: a scenario to reproduce clinical findings. P. Benetti* 1, J.R. Kelly 2, A. Della Bona 1, P.D. Meirelles 1 (1 University of Passo Fundo, BR, 2 University of Connecticut, USA). 247. Intensification of bleaching effect by Fenton and photo-Fenton reactions. M. Dutra-Santos*, B.A. Lopes, P.E.C. Cardoso (Universidade De São Paulo, São Paulo -Brasil). 248. Analyze the presence of occlusal interference and non-carious cervical lesions. F.A. Pereira* 1, J.B.C. Meira 1, A.R.G.F. Costa 2, T.A.Q. Barbosa 2, P.F. Silva 2, R.R. Gomes 2, P.V. Soares 2, (1 University of Sao Paulo, Biomaterials and Oral Biology Department, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2 28 Federal University of Uberlandia, Operative Dentistry and Dental Materials Department, Uberlandia, Brazil). 249. Characterization of rubber dam by mechanical thermal and optical analysis. A.E.C. Santos*1, V. Macedo 1, M. Prado 2, G.D.S. Pereira 2, R.C.R. Nunes1 (1Universidade Federal Do Rio De Janeiro, Instituto De Macromoléculas Professora Eloisa Mano, Rio De Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. 2 Universidade Federal Do Rio De Janeiro, Faculdade De Odontologia, Rio De Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. 250. Fenton and photo-Fenton reactions on degradation of food dye. Silva GL*, Lopes BA, Cardoso PEC – (University of São Paulo – Department of Biomaterials and Oral Biology – São Paulo – Brazil). 251. Action time of different concentrations of hydrogen peroxide. A. Rodrigues*, B.A. Lopes, P.E.C. Cardoso (University of São Paulo – Department of Biomaterials and Oral Biology – São Paulo - Brazil). 252. Ceramic Repair- Effect of Primer, Universal Adhesives and Aging. S. Singhal, S.A. Antonson* and D.E. Antonson. University at Buffalo, Department of Restorative Dentistry, Buffalo, NY, USA. 253. Effect of Cement Removal Technique on Morphology At ToothCeramic Margin. S.M.B. Pereira*1, L.C. Anami1, J.M.C. Lima1, R.L.A. Carvalho1, R.O.A. Souza2, M.A. Bottino1, L.F. Valandro3 (1 Univ Estadual Paulista - UNESP, Institute of Science and Technology, BRAZIL; 2 Federal University of Rio Grande Do Norte, BRAZIL; 3 Federal University of Santa Maria). 254. 7-year retrospective study of root-canal treatments: Thermafil vs warm-vertical techniques. C. Prati, C. Pirani*, V. Tinarelli, M.R. Gatto and M.G. Gandolfi (Endodontic Clinical Section, Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences (DIBINEM), Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy). 255. Wear analysis of different Nickel Titanium instruments after clinical uses. C. Pirani, F. Iacono*, V. Tinarelli, F. Bonaccorsi, M.G. Gandolfi and C. Prati. (Endodontic Clinical Section, Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy). 256. Effects of sandblasting on early bond strength. D. Battaglia*, F. Cerutti, G. Augusti, F. Tranchida, D. Augusti, D. Re (Department of Oral Rehabilitation, University of Milan, Italy). 257. Zirconia dental implants: success assessment in a 4-year follow-up. A. E. Borgonovo, V. Vavassori, L. Monticelli*, D. Battaglia, F. Rigaldo, D. Re (Department of Oral Rehabilitation, University of Milan, Italy). 258. Marginal Adaptation of New Bulk Fill Composites: Microscopical Evaluation. Acquaviva PA*, Madini L, Nembrini E, Brazzoli S, Papacchini F, Fabianelli A Cerutti (Univesity of Brescia,Italy). 29 259. In-vitro micromechanical characterization of porcine periodontal ligament. F. Savoldi* L. Laffranchi, F. Zotti, D. Dalessandri, C. Stretti, S. Salgarello, S. Bonetti, L. Visconti, F. Genna, C. Paganelli (University of Brescia, Italy). 30 Session 4 Biological Properties-Bioactive Materials (Friday 10th, October, 11 am). 260. New Five Minerals Oxides Pulp Capping Material Compared with Dycal M.N. Ala Rachi, T.F. Al-Nahlawi*, M.T. Kouki (Syrian Private University, Operative Dentistry Department, Damascus, Syria). 261. Two-year clinical evaluation of primers containing chlorhexidine digluconate V.P.A. Saboia*1 M.S.R.G. Araújo1, L.C. Souza1, F.M. Apolônio1, L.O. Barros1, A. Reis2 A.D2, Loguércio2 (1Federal University of Ceará, Department of Restorative Dentistry, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil, 2State University of Ponta Grossa, Department of Restorative Dentistry, Ponta Grossa, Paraná, Brazil). 262. Masticatory Function Induced Subnanostructural Changes at the Resin-Dentin Interface. M Toledano*, FS Aguilera, I Cabello, R Osorio. (University of Granada, Spain.) 263. Bonding of adhesive luting agents to caries-affected dentin A.C. Peixoto 1, A.A. Bicalho 2, C.P. Isolan 3, T.T Maske 3, C.J. Soares 2, R.R. Moraes 3, M.S. Cenci 3, A.L. Faria-E-Silva* 1 (1 Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil, 2 Federal University of Uberlândia, Brazil, 3 Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil) 264. Tissue engineering: xeno-free culture of human periodontal ligament stem cells. F. Diomede*, O. Trubiani (Department of Medical, Oral and Biotechnological Sciences, University “G. D’Annunzio”, ChietiPescara, Italy). 265. Effect of bioactive niobium-phosphate-glass incorporated to guttapercha on biofilm formation C. N. Carvalho*1,3, Z. J. Wang2, Y. Shen2, G. Gavini3, J. R. Martinelli4, A. Manso2, M. Haapasalo2 (1 School of Dentistry, University Center of Maranhão-Uniceuma, São Luís, MA, Brazil 2 Department of Oral Biological and Medical Sciences, Faculty of Dentistry, the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 3 Department of Restorative Dentistry, School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. 4 Center of Materials Science and Technology, Energy and Nuclear Research Institute, São Paulo, Brazil). 266. Ability of multi-mineral-ion release from novel Apatite-IonomerCement. Y. Shinonaga*, T. Nishimura, S. Chiu, H. Chiu, Y. Abe, K. Arita (Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Osaka Dental University, Osaka, Japan) 267. Effect of rewetting suspensions of bioactive-glass on resin-dentin bond strength. J. Bauer 1*, M.D.S Lanza 2, H. Vidotti 3, C.N. Carvalho 4, J.R. Martinelli 5, A.P. Manso 2, R.M. Carvalho 2 (1 University Federal of Maranhão, Dentistry I, São Luís, Brazil (UFMA), 2 University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada (UBC), 3 University of São Paulo, Bauru, Brazil, 4 University Ceuma (Uniceuma), São Luís, Brazil, 5 Energy and Nuclear Research Institute (IPEN), São Paulo, Brazil) 31 268. An evaluation of degradation in adhesive resins using QLF. T.Y. Park* , S.J. Kim, J.B. Min (Chosun University, Department of Conservative Dentistry, Gwangju, Rebulic of Korea). 269. Influence of Fiber Types on Cytotoxicity Properties of FiberReinforced Composites. S. Sunarintyas* 1, W. Siswomihardjo 1, B. Primario 1, I.D. Suryana 1, J.P. Matinlinna 2, (1 Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia, 2 University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong) 270. Novel biomimetic surfaces through protein selective adsorption by anti-Fibronectin aptamers. C. Galli* 1, M. Piergianni 1, G. Graiani 1, S. Lumetti 1, A. Smerieri 1, E. Manfredi 1, G. Passeri 2, G. Ghiacci 1, M. Bonanini 1, GM. Macaluso 1. (1 Dep. Biomedical, Biotechnological and Translational Sciences, University of Parma, Parma, Italy; 2 Dep. Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Parma, Parma, Italy) 271. Antibacterial and mechanical properties of silver zeolite blended dental composite. P. Ekworapoj*, P. Promajaree, K. Boonyarit, and T. Sritulanon. (Srinakarinwirot University, Thailand). 272. Surfactant as potential modifier of acquired pellicle: a pilot study R.F. Zanatta* 1, K.M. Miyamoto 1, C.R.G. Torres 1, C.J. Soares 2, A.B. Borges 1 (1 - Institute of Science and Technology, São Paulo State University, Brazil, 2 - Federal University of Uberlandia, Brazil) 273. The effect of composite materials on gingival cells. O. Polydorou* 1, C. Rueppell 1, S.D. Schulz 2, P. Tomakidi 2, E. Hellwig 1 (1 Department of Operative Dentistry and Peridontology, Center of Dental Medicine, University of Freiburg, GER, 2 Department of Oral Biotechnology, Center of Dental Medicine, University of Freiburg, GER) 274. Dentin erosion prevention by matrix metalloproteinase and cysteine cathepsin inhibition. A.R. Hannas*1, B.L. Zarella 1, S. Charone 1, V. Taioki 1, M.T. Kato1, L. Tjäderhane 2, M.A.R. Buzalaf 1 (1 Bauru School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo, Department of Oral Biology, Bauru, SP, Brazil; 2 Institute of Dentistry, University of Oulu, Medical Research Center Oulu, Oulu University Hospital and University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland). 275. Bioactive glass coating of titanium implants using grit-blasting technique. F. Al-Khayyat*, R. Hill (Unit of Dental Physical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK). 276. Implant surfaces affect gene expression of fibroblasts and epithelial cells. Stoecklin-Wasmer 1,2; G. Ghiacci* 1,2,3; C.; A. Sculean 1; R. Gruber 1,2 (1 Department of Periodontology, School of Dental Medicine, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland; 2 Laboratory of Oral Cell Biology, School of Dental Medicine, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland; 3 Department of Biomedical, Biotechnological and Translational Sciences, University of Parma, Parma, Italy) 32 277. Beneficial Effects of Adiponectin and its Combination with EMD. J. Deschner* 1, S. Keser 1, A.V.B. Nogueira 2, J.A. Cirelli 2, S. Jepsen 1, A. Jaeger 1, S. Eick 3, M. Nokhbehsaim 1 (1 University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany, 2 Univ Estadual Paulista – UNESP, Araraquara, Brazil, 3 University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland). 278. Cell Viability and Differentiation of new cements in vitro. Y Shin* 1, JS Song 2, H Lee 2, J-E Jung 2, D-G Seo 3 (1 Yonsei University, Department of Conservative Dentistry, Seoul, Korea, 2 Yonsei University, Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Seoul, Korea, 3 Seoul National University, Department of Conservative Dentistry, Seoul, Korea). 279. Custom made innovative composite scaffold for bone regenerative medicine. Ciocca L.*1, Lesci I.G.2, Donati D.3, Scotti R. 1. (1 Dept. of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, University of Bologna, Italy; 2 Department of Chemistry “G. Ciamician”, University of Bologna, Italy; 3 Bone Regeneration Laboratory, Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute, University of Bologna, Italy). 280. Morphological evaluation of dentin and Y-TZP after short-pulse laser application. A. Bona Matos* 1,P.F. Cesar 2, L.T. Trevelin 1, B.T.F. Silva 1, C.S. Azevedo 1, E.Lima 2 (1 Department of Operative Dentistry, School of Dentistry University of Sao Paulo, Brazil; 2 Department of Biomaterials and Oral Biology, School of Dentistry University of Sao Paulo, Brazil). 281. Cytotoxicity of experimental chitosan methacrylate polymer for dental adhesive purposes. M. Diolosà1*, E. Marsich1, I. Donati1, G.Turco1, S. Paoletti1, R. Di Lenarda1, L. Breschi2, M. Cadenaro1 (1University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy; 2University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy). 282. Dentinal hypersensitivity: the role of salivary calcium in diagnosis. A. G. Manso, J. Carmo*, A. P. Nascimento, M. A. Bernardo, J. Brito, M. F. Mesquita (1 Interdisciplinar Research Centre, Lisbon, Portugal). 283. Effect of Light Activation on Antimicrobial Properties of Adhesive Systems. C.B. Andre 1, B.P.F.A. Gomes 1, T.M. Duque 1, G.M.B. Ambrosano 2, D.C.N. Chan 3, M. Giannini* 1 (1 Piracicaba Dental School, State University of Campinas, Department of Restorative Dentistry, Piracicaba, Brazil, 2 Piracicaba Dental School, State University of Campinas, Department of Social Dentistry, Piracicaba, Brazil, 3 University of Washington, School of Dentistry, Department of Restorative Dentistry, Seattle, USA). 284. Mechanical properties and ion release of bioactive experimental composites. M. D. S. Chiari*, R. R. Braga, M.C Rodrigues (University of São Paulo, Department of Biomaterials and Oral Biology, São Paulo, Brazil). 285. In vitro biofilm formation on experimental composites containing calcium-phosphate nanoparticles. A. Ionescu 1, E. Brambilla 1, G. 33 Cazzaniga* 1, R. Braga 2, M. Rodrigues 2, S. Hahnel 3 (1 University of Milan, Department of Biomedical, Surgical and Dental Sciences, Milan, Italy, 2 University of São Paulo, Department of Biomaterials and Oral Biology, School of Dentistry, São Paulo, Brazil, 3 Regensburg University Medical Center, Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Regensburg, Germany). 286. Effect of 0.2% chitosan solution on root canal fillings. J.F.M. Chaves*1, C.V. Martins1, Y.T.C. Silva-Sousa2, A.M. Cruz-Filho1, M. BritoJúnior1, A.E. Sousa-Gabriel1, M.D. Sousa-Neto1 (1 University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2 University of Ribeirao Preto, Brazil). 287. Solubility and repair of glass ionomer cements after acid challenges. L. Mestrener* 1, T.C. Fagundes 1, R.H. Sundfeld 1, S. Rahal 1, A.L.F. Briso 1, P.H. Dos Santos 2 (1, Department of Restorative Dentistry, Araçatuba Dental School, UNESP, Araçatuba, São Paulo, Brazil; 2, Department of Dental Materials and Prosthodontics, Araçatuba Dental School, UNESP, Araçatuba, São Paulo, Brazil). 288. Inflammatory response of fibroblasts stimulated by dental materials. K.C.S. Modena * 1, 3; M.P. Calabria 1; C.N. Pegoraro 1; M.C. Veronezi 1; C.R. Sipert 2; C.F. Santos 3; M.T. Atta 3; M.F.L. Navarro 3 (1 University of Sacred Heart, Bauru, Brazil, 2 School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, 3 Bauru School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo, Bauru, Brazil). 289. Microleakage of Glass-Ionomer, Flowable Composite, Biodentine and Fiber-Reinforced Base Materials. C. Boutsiouki, K. Tolidis, P. Gerasimou, E. Panagiotidou* (University of Thessaloniki, Greece). 290. The effect of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) concentration on bonding to dentin. Akipek S1*, Seseogullari-Dirihan R2, Bala O1, Tjäderhane L3 Tezvergil-Mutluay 2A. (1 University of Gazi, Turkey, 2 University of Turku, Finland, 3 University of Oulu, Finland). 291. Use of riboflavin/blue light in improving dentin bonding. P.I. Chen* 1, 2 (1 National Cheng Kung University, 2 Changhua Christian Hospital) S.F. Chuang 1,3 (1 National Cheng Kung University, 3 National Cheng Kung University Hospital). 292. Temperature evaluation during photoactivation with different lights and restorative steps. L.M.L. Andreatta*, J.F.S Bombonatti, A.Y. Furuse, M.A. Zens, R.F.L. Mondelli (University of São Paulo, Department of Endodotics, Operative Dentistry and Dental Materials, Bauru, BR). 293. Microtensile Bond Strength of Universal Adhesive System to Deep Dentin. C.P. Gré*, M.A.C. Andrada, S. Monteiro Júnior, D.P. Lise, C. Deucher, V.C.Ruschel (Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil). 294. HPLC analysis of bisphenol-A elution from resin composites after aging. P. Mourouzis* 1, E.A. Koulaouzidou 1, V. Samanidou 2, G. Palaghias 1 (1 Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Dentistry, Thessaloniki, 34 Greece, 2 Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Chemistry, Thessaloniki, Greece). 295. Osseointegration of anodized implant:effect of fibrin adhesive/TEA on primary stability. M.C.R.Alves-Rezende* 1, B.C.Capalbo 1, M.T.S.Cury 1, J.L.Rosa 2, S.G.Schneider 2, R.Z.Nakazato 3, P.H.Dos Santos 1, P.N.Lisboa-Filho 4, M.J.Q.Louzada 5. A.P.R.Alves-Claro 3 (1 São Paulo State University(UNESP), Araçatuba Dental School, 2 São Paulo University (USP), Lorena Engineer School, 3 São Paulo State University (UNESP), Guaratinguetá Engineer School, 4 São Paulo State University (UNESP), Bauru Science School, 5 São Paulo State University (UNESP), Araçatuba Veterinary School). 296. CPP-ACP treatment associated or not Nd:YAG/diode lasers on eroded/abrased dentin. R.G. Palma-Dibb*, C.V. Toro, J.J. Faraoni-Romano (University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto Dental School, Brazil). 297. Different BGMs associated to MSC: can tissue engineering help GBR? E.Patrone* 1, M.Menini 1, P.Pera 1, M.Mastrogiacomo 2, R.Cancedda 2 (1 University of Genoa, Department of Fixed and Implant Prosthodontics, 2 University of Genoa, Department of Regenrative Medicine). 298. Bond strength evaluation of adhesive systems containing natural antimicrobial components. C.B. André*, G.M.B. Ambrosano, P.L. Rosalen, M. Giannini (Piracicaba Dental School, State University of Campinas, Piracicaba, Brazil). 299. Mechanical properties of model composite resin containing nanosilver filler. L.S. Gonçalves* 1, C. Gouveia 2, R.F. Bonan 2, F.G. Carvalho 2, H.L. Carlo 2, P.R.F. Bonan 2, J.E. Oliveira 2, A.C. Lancellotti 3. (1 Uberaba University, Restorative Dentistry, Uberba, Brazil, 2 Federal University of Paraiba, João Pessoa, Brazil, 3 State University of Campinas, Restorative Dentistry, Piracicaba, Brazil). 300. Effects of the exposition to dental alloys in human fibroblasts. G. Matarese 1, G. Isola* 1, R. Ientile 2, A. Lucchese 3, 4, E. Gherlone 3, L. Perillo 5, F. Fabiano 1 6, G. Cordasco 1 (1 Department of Specialist Medical-Surgical Experimental Sciences and Odontostomatology, University of Messina, Messina, Italy; 2 Department of Biomedical Sciences and Morphological and Functional Imaging, University of Messina, Messina, Italy; 3 Unit of Dentistry, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milano Italy; 4 Department of Orthodontics, Vita E Salute San Raffaele University, Milano Italy; 5 Department of Orthodontics, Second University of Naples, Naples, Italy; 6 Department of Electronic Engineering, Industrial Chemistry and Engineering, University of Messina, Italy). 301. Cytokine secretion screening of odontoblasts treated with Chlorhexidine and Epigallocatechin-gallate. A. Stavroullakis* 1, C. Brito 35 1, K. Li 1, M.R. Carrilho 2, D.H. Pashley 3, A. Prakki 1 (1 University of Toronto, Canada; 2 Anhanguera University of Sao Paulo, Brazil; 3 Georgia Regents University, USA). 302. Transdentinal citotoxicity of glutaraldehyde-containing solutions/materials. J. Hebling*¹, D.L.S. Scheffel¹, D.G. Soares¹, F.G. Basso¹, D.H. Pashley², C.A. De Souza Costa¹ (¹UNESP - Univ Estadual Paulista, Araraquara, Brazil; ²Georgia Regents University – GRU, Augusta, USA). 303. Relationship between non-destructive leakage evaluation and bond strength of adhesives. P. Makishi*1,2, S. Thitthaweerat 3, A. Sadr 2, Y. Shimada 2, M. Giannini 1, J. Tagami 2, Y. Sumi 4 (1 State University of Campinas, BR, 2 Tokyo Medical and Dental University, JP, 3 Mahidol University, TH, 4 National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, JP). 304. Effect of bioactive glass on implants osseointegration: study in dogs. P.B.F. Soares*1, C.C.G. Moura 2, C.R. Chinaglia 3, E.D. Zanotto 3, A. Stavropoulos 4, D. Zanetta-Barbosa 1 (1Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Implantology, School of Dentistry, Federal University of Uberlândia, Uberlândia, Brazil; 2Department of Biological and Natural Sciences, Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro, Uberaba, Brazil; 3Department of Materials Engineering, Vitreous Materials Laboratory, Federal University of São Carlos, São Carlos, Brazil; 4Department of Periodontology, Faculty of Odontology, Malmö University, Malmö, Sweden). 305. Long term microbiological characterization of class V restorations. Mabellini G.*, Don D., Bozzoli C., Barabanti N., Cerutti A. (University of Brescia, IT). 306. Joint-design and welding effect on flexural strength of Ti-6Al-4V bars. A. J. Fernandes-Neto*1, P.C. Simamoto Júnior1, V.R. Novais1, A.R. Machado1, L.H.A. Raposo1, C.J. Soares2 1Department of Occlusion and Fixed Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry, Federal University of Uberlândia, Uberlândia, Brazil; 2Department of Operative Dentistry and Dental Materials, School of Dentistry, Federal University of Uberlândia, Uberlândia, Brazil). 307. Effects of light-cured MTA like material on direct pulp capping. F Petrolo*, A Comba, M Scansetti, M Alovisi, D Pasqualini, E Berutti, N Scotti (University of Turin, Department of Surgical Sciences, Turin, Italy). 308. Biocompatibility of EDC cross-linked demineralized dentin collagen matrix. G. Turco* 1, E. Marsich 1, A. Mazzoni 1, R. Di Lenarda 1, M. Cadenaro 1, Tay FR 2, D. Pashley 2, L. Breschi 3 (1 University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy; 2 Georgia Regents University, College of Dental Medicine, Augusta, GA, USA; 3 University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy). 309. Effects of silver nanoparticles on the bonding three adhesive systems. I. Torres-Gallegos1, G. A. Martinez-Castañon1*, N. V. Zavala- 36 Alonso1, J. P. Loyola-Rodriguez1, N. Patiño-Marin1, J. F. Reyes-Macías1, N. Niño-Martínez2, and Facundo Ruiz2. (1Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí, México, 2 Faculty of Science, Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí, México.). 310. Influence of Fluoride Mouthwash containing Nanohydroxyapatite on dentin interface microhardness. G. Pereira* 1, M. Prado 1, D.C.R.S. Oliveira 2, L.R. Menezes 1, L.T. Prieto 2, L.A.M.S. Paulillo 2 (1 Restorative Dentistry Department, Dental School, Federal University of Rio De Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, 2 Restorative Dentistry Department, Piracicaba Dental School, State University of Campinas, SP, Brazil.). 311. Bond Strength and Permeability of HEMA-free Adhesives to Biomodified Dentin. Bachelar-SÁ, R.*1,2 Leme, AA.2; Giannini M.1; Bedran-Russo, AK.2 (1 Department of Dental Materials, Piracicaba School of Dentistry, Campinas State University, Piracicaba, BR; 2 Department of Restorative Dentistry, College of Dentistry University of Illinois, Chicago, USA). 312. Influence of bisacylphosphine-oxide and chitosan in the physicalproperties of resins. W.C. Brandt 1*, I.D. Silva 1, D.C. Oliveira 2, W.R. Sendyk 1, M.A.C. Sinhoreti 2, L.C. Boaro 1 (1- University of Santo Amaro, BR, 2- University of Campinas, BR). 313. Effect of Non-thermal Plasma Therapy on Root Canal Surface. M. Prado*, R.N. Rozemblit, L.V. Pacheco, M.S.O. Menezes, C.A. Barbosa, R.A. Simão (Federal University of Rio De Janeiro, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil). 314. The Inhibitory effects of Quaternary Ammonium Methacrylates on Cysteine Cathepsins. PMC. Scaffa* 1, L. Breschi 2, A. Mazzoni 3, N. Barros 4, C. Vidal 5, D. Pashley 6, L. Tjaderhane 7, F. Nascimento 1, and M. Carrilho 1 (1 Anhanguera University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil 2 Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy 3 Department of Medical Sciences, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy 4 Federal University of Sao Paulo UNIFESP/EPM, Sao Paulo, Brazi 5 Dept. of Restorative Dentistry, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, US 6 Dept. Oral Biology, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA 7 University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland). 315. Anti Erosive Potential of Bioactive Glasses on Enamel. E. Khan1, P. Sukumaran*2, H.P. Chew2 (1 Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya 2 Department of Restorative Dentistry, University of Malaya). 316. Development of experimental endodontic sealers based on MTA and salicylate. R.P. Vitti* 1, C. Prati 2, M.A.C. Sinhoreti 1, C.H. Zanchi 3, F.A. Ogliari 4, E. Piva 3, M.G. Gandolfi 2 (1 University of Campinas, Department of Restorative Dentistry, Piracicaba, Brazil, 2 University of Bologna, Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, Bologna, Italy, 3 Federal University of Pelotas, Department of Operative Dentistry, 37 Pelotas, Brazil, 4 Federal University of Pelotas, Technology Development Center, Pelotas, Brazil). 317. Graphene based nanomaterials for bone regeneration: preparation and characterization. V. Perrotti*,V. Ettorre, S. Zara, P.G. Coelho, V. Zizzari, A. Di Crescenzo, P. De Marco, A. Cataldi, A. Piattelli, A. Fontana (University G. d'Annunzio, Chieti-Pescara, Italy). 318. Thermal denaturation of EDC-cross-linked dentinal collagen, static or dynamic storage. L Fontanive*1, G Turco1, A Mazzoni1, R DI Lenarda1, FR Tay2, DH Pashley2, L Breschi3, M Cadenaro1. (1University of Trieste, Italy; 2Georgia Regents University, Augusta, USA; 3University of Bologna, Italy). 319. Drug Loaded Nanodroplets penetration in dentinal tubules. Tempesta R*, Cuppari M, Ventura G, Gai M, Guiot C, Cavalli R, Berutti E, Scotti N (University of Bologna, Italy). 320. Osteoblast-cell behaviour on titanium-surfaces: an in-vitro analysis of protein-adsorption impact. C.Parisi*1,2, R.Wazen 2, A.Nanci 2,3, G.Piana 1 (1 Faculty of Dentistry, Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna, Italy, 2 Faculty of Dentistry, Université De Montréal, Canada, 3 Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, Université De Montréal, Canada). 321. Collagen Degradation and MMP Activity in Dentin Biomodified by Cross-linkers. D.L.S. Scheffel*1, J. Hebling 1, K.A. Agee 2, C.A. De Souza Costa 1, D.H. Pashley 2 (1 Sao Paulo State University - UNESP, Araraquara, Brazil; 2 Georgia Regents University – GRU, Augusta, USA). 322. Dentin Collagen Degradation as a function of sample thickness. A. Frassetto* 1, G. Turco 1, A. Mazzoni 1, M. Cadenaro 1, F.R. Tay 2, D.H. Pashley 2, L. Breschi 3 (1 University of Trieste, Department of Medical Sciences, Dental Division, Italy. 2 Georgia Regents University, School of Dentistry, Department of Oral Biology, USA; 3 University of Bologna, DIBINEM, Italy). 323. Modification of titanium dioxide particles to reinforce glassionomer restoratives. A.H. Dowling*1, W.S. Schmitt2, G.J.P. Fleming1. (1Dublin Dental University Hospital, School of Dental Science, 2School of Chemistry, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland). 324. Remineralizing light-curable resin-based desensitizers doped with bioactive micro-fillers. A. Babbar* 1, G. Abuna 2, V.P. Feitosa 3, T.F. Watson 1, R.B.C. Sá 2, D. Gillam 4, M.A.C Sinhoreti 2, M. Giannini 2, S. Sauro 5 (1 King’S College London Dental Institute, London, UK, 2 Piracicaba Dental School, State University of Campinas, Brazil, 3 Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil, 4 Queen Mary University of London, London, UK, 5 Universidad CEU-Cardenal Herrera, Valencia, Spain). 325. Effect of UV on wettability and bacterial adhesion of TiO2nanotubes. M. Kobayashi* 1,2, A.A. Abdulmajeed 1, J. Moon 3, R. 38 Punkkinen 3, J. Shimada 2, P.K. Vallittu 1, L.V. Lassila 1 (1 University of Turku, Department of Biomaterials Science - Turku Clinical Biomaterials Centre, Turku, Finland 2 Meikai University, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Sakado, Japan 3 University of Turku, Department of Information Technology, Turku, Finland). 326. Phytochemical profile and dentin bioactivity of non-galloylated proanthocyanidins. A.A. Leme, C.M.P. Vidal, T.R. Aguiar, A.B.S. Sousa, R. Phansalkar, J.W. Nam, J. Bisson, S.N. Chen, G.F. Pauli, A.B. Bedran-Russo* (UIC College of Dentistry, USA). 327. Addition of Ag to gypsum: effects on microorganisms and properties. L.E. Rodrigues Filho*, M. Mori, W.A. Saito, S. Cai (University of São Paulo, Brazil). 328. Effect of AgNPs/F.oxysporum on the mechanical/antimicrobial properties of acrylic resin. A.L.S. Borges* 1, T.P. Sato 1, C. Conjo 1, R.D. Rossoni 2, J.C. Junqueira 1, P.D. Marcato 2, N.E.D. Caballero 3, S.M. Rode 1, R.M. Melo 1 (1 UNESP, Brazil, 2 USP, Brazil, 3 UNICAMP, Brazil). 329. Extracellular matrix gel as a new approach for bone regeneration. J.E. Soto-Sainz *1, E.L. Silva-Benítez 1, A. Gordillo-Moscoso 2, H.I. Medellín-Castillo 2, J.G. Romero-Quintana 3, A.J. Pozos-Guillen 2, R. Ramos-Payán 3, H. Flores 2. (1 Institutional Doctorate In Materials Science and Engineering, UASLP, México, 2 Laboratory of Basic Science, Faculty of Stomatology, UASLP, Mexico, 3 Immunogenetics and Molecular Microbiology Laboratory of Chemistry and Biology Science Faculty UAS, Mexico). 330. Radiopacity, tooth discoloration and calcium release of Portlandbased cements. M.A. Marciano 1, D.F. Oda* 1, R.M. Maenosono 1, B.C. Cavenago 1, R.Z. Midena 1, P.G. Minotti 1, J. Camilleri 2, R.F.L. Mondelli 1, F.B. Andrade 1, M.A.H. Duarte 1 (1 University of São Paulo, Department of Operative Dentistry, Endodontics and Dental Materials, Bauru, Brazil, 2 University of Malta, Department of Restorative Dentistry, Malta). 331. Human gingival fibroplasts after exposure to 2-Hydroxy-ethylmethacrylate: Morphological evaluation. G.Teti 1*, L.Manzoli 1, S.Pelotti 2, G.A. Mariani 1, S. Durante 1, M Mattioli Belmonte 3, M. Falconi 1. (1 Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, University of Bologna, Italy, 2 Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, University of Bologna, Italy, 3 Department of Clinical and Molecular Sciences,Polythecnic University of Marche, Italy). 332. Effects of MMP inhibitors blended within dental adhesives. V. Salvatore* 1,V. Angeloni 2, A. Putignano 3, A. Mazzoni 3, M. Falconi 1, G. Orsini 3, L. Breschi 1 (1 Dibinem – University of Bologna, Italy; 2 Dep. Med. Sci. University of Trieste, Italy; 3 Department of Clinical Sciences and Stomatology, Polytechnic University of Marche, Ancona, Italy). 39 333. HPLC analysis of adhesive eluates. R. Gotti 1, S. Focaroli 2*, G.Orsini 3, A.Mazzoni 4, S., V.Checchi 4, L.Breschi 2 , M.Falconi 2 (1 Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnologies, University of Bologna, Italy; 2 Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, University of Bologna, Italy; 3 Department of Clinical and Molecular Sciences, Polythecnic University of Marche, Italy; 4 Department of Medical Sciences, University of Trieste, Italy, 4). 334. Anti Erosive Potential of Bioactive Glasses on Dentine. E. Khan 1, P. Sukumaran 2, H.P. Chew*2 (1 Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya, Malaysia, 2 Department of Restorative Dentistry, University of Malaya, Malaysia). 335. In vitro testing of manganese-doped bioglasses to stimulate osteoblast behaviour. G. Ciapetti 1*, L. Savarino 1, M. Miola 2, E. Verné 2, C. Vitale-Brovarone 2, N. Baldini 1 (1 Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, SSD Orthopaedic Pathophysiology and Regenerative Medicine, Bologna, Italy, 2 Politecnico Di Torino,Applied Science and Technology Department, Torino, Italy). 336. Development of a Novel Doxycycline-Encapsulated Nanotube Modified Dentin Adhesive. S.A. Feitosa 1,2, J. Palasuk 1, K. Kamocki 1, S. Geraldeli 3, R.L. Gregory 4, L.J. Windsor 4, J.A. Platt 1, M.C. Bottino*1 (1 Indiana University School of Dentistry/Dental Biomaterials, Indianapolis, USA, 2 Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio Mesquita, Sao Jose Dos Campos, Brazil, 3 University of Florida College of Dentistry/Operative Division, Gainesville, USA, 4 Indiana University School of Dentistry/Oral Biology, Indianapolis, USA). 337. Morphological and chemical characterization of cross-linked dentin collagen matrix. P. Gobbi* 1, G. Turco 2, A. Frassetto 2, L. Fontanive 2, A. Mazzoni 2, G. Teti 3, M. Falconi 3, M. Cadenaro 1, L. Breschi 3 (1 University of Urbino, 2 University of Trieste, 3 University of Bologna, Italy). 338. Low-Sodium Bioactive Glass Coatings for Titanium Implants by Grit Blasting. M.D. Al-Ani 1, X. Chen* 1,2, R.G. Hill 1 (1 Queen Mary University of London, UK, 2 University of Manchester, UK). 339. Influence of PVM/MA Copolymer on Bacterial Adherence to Resin Surfaces. F. Ozer*, N. Izutani, F. Mante, J. Dirienzo, M. B. Blatz (University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine, USA). 340. Bactericidal effect of near-ultraviolet activated anodized Titanium. RS Williamson1*, M Marquart2, JA Griggs1, MD Roach1, (1Department of Biomedical Materials Science, University of Mississippi Medical Center, USA, 2Department of Microbiology, Jackson, MS, USA). 341. Anodizing specific Anatase/Rutile oxide phases onto Titanium substrates. MD Roach*, RS Williamson, JA Griggs, JA Thomas, 40 (Department of Biomedical Materials Science, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS, USA 342. Effective MMP inhibition using proantocianidin for short periods of treatment. C.C. Delgado*1, D.L.S. Scheffel1, J. Hebling1, C.A. De Souza Costa1, D.H. Pashley2(1 UNESP – Univ Estadual Paulista, Araraquara, Brazil; 2 Georgia Regents University – GRU, Augusta, USA). 343. Peptoids promote recovery of ultrastructure in caries remineralization. Y.-C. Chien1,2, K. Saeki1, A. Fernandez-Martinez 2,3, J.L. Lau2, J. Tao2,4, C.-L. Chen2,4, R.N. Zuckermann2, J.J. De Yoreo2,4, S.J. Marshall1, G.W. Marshall1* (1Department of Preventive and Restorative Dental Sciences, University of California, San Francisco, CA, U.S.A. 2Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, U.S.A. 3Isterre, CNRS & University of Grenoble I, Grenoble, France 4Materials Synthesis and Simulation Across Scales, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, U.S.A). 344. Macrogeometric Effects on Osseointegration of Dental Implants. N. Tovar*, P.G. Coelho (New York University College of Dentistry,Department of Biomaterials and Biomimetics, New York, NY, USA). 345. Leucine Rich Amelogenin Peptide Improves the Remineralization of Enamel Lesions. HG Bagheri*1,2 , A Sadr 1, J Espigares 1, S Nakashima1 , H Hamba 1, F Shafiei 2, J Tagami 1 (1 Cariology and Operative Dentistry Department, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan 2 Dental Biomaterials Department, School of Dentistry / Research Center for Science and Technology In Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran). 346. New Nanostructured odontoiatric resins: Surface Roughness and Endocrine disruptors release. P. Loria* 1, G. Matarazzo 1, R. Spera 1, P. Ghisellini 1, C. Rando 1, E. Grasselli 2, R. Fabbri 2, L. Canesi 2 and R. Eggenhoffner 1 (1 Department of Surgical Sciences and Integrated Diagnostics (DISC), University of Genova, Italy 2 Department of Earth, Environmental and Life Sciences (DISTAV),University of Genova, Italy). 347. Reinforced Bioactivebone chip scaffold for bone regeneration:Experimental study. Laffranchi L*1, Buffoli B2, Boninsegna R2, Zotti F1, Savoldi F1, Fontana P1, Bonetti S1, Visconti L1, Rodella LF2, Paganelli C1. (1 Dental School, University of Brescia, Italy, 2 Section of Anatomy and Physiopathology, Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences, University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy). 348. Cytotoxicity and Protease Activity of Copolymer Extracts Containing Catechin. B.L. Zarella*1, M.A.R. Buzalaf1, A. Prakki2 , M.T. Kato3, G.N. Filho4, T. Salo5, L. Tjäderhane5. (1 University of São Paulo, Bauru School of Dentistry, Department of Biological Sciences, Bauru, SP, Brazil; 2 University of Toronto, Department of Clinical Sciences – 41 Restorative, Faculty of Dentistry, Toronto, ON, Canada; 3 University of Sagrado Coração, Department of Dentistry, Bauru, SP, Brazil; 4 University of Toronto, Department of Biological and Diagnostic Sciences -Preventive Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Toronto, ON, Canada; 5 University of Oulu, Institute of Dentistry and Medical Research Center, Oulu, Finland).