08 APPLICATION FOR OVERSEAS FIELDWORK Please read and complete this side of the form. Your supervisor must complete the other side of the form. This form must be submitted to the Doctoral School Section, Registry WELL BEFORE you plan to begin your overseas fieldwork/research. Please note: a) b) c) d) e) f) You must normally be transferred to PhD status before leaving for overseas fieldwork/research. You may not be absent on overseas fieldwork/research during the first three months or the last three months of your prescribed period of full-time or part-time study and not normally during the first year of a full-time programme of study (or first two years of a part-time programme of study). Overseas fieldwork is normally undertaken in the second full-time year (or part-time equivalent) of a PhD programme and any variation would need the approval of the Associate Dean (Research). Normally only three terms of overseas fieldwork/research are permitted as part of a three year full-time programme (or equivalent part-time) and only three terms of overseas fieldwork/research (or equivalent part-time overseas fieldwork/research) may count towards the nine terms of full-time study normally prescribed for a PhD programme. Any variation from this pattern would need the approval of the Associate Dean (Research). Please note that the term length for Research students runs from the first day of term until the day preceding the start of the following term. Fieldwork is calculated on a term by term basis. Please note that a risk assessment should be made before research students travel into the field. It is the student’s responsibility to assess the risk and discuss it as necessary with the supervisor and others. The School advises all students to consult Foreign Office guidance and NOT to travel to countries or areas contrary to FO recommendations. Each fieldwork location (city and country), address and expected dates must be listed on the form below. EXAMPLE: [ADDRESS], Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (1 September 2015 – 30 November 2015 and 2 April 2016 – 30 May 2016); [ADDRESS] Shanghai, China (1 December 2015 – 30 March 2016). I am applying to the Registry for overseas fieldwork/research: Name of Student: ___________________________________________________ Student ID Number: _______________ Department: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Current address: __________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone: ______________________ Fax: _________________________ Email: _____________________________ Dates of Overseas fieldwork/research: From: _______________________________________ To: ________________________________________________ (dd/mm/yy) (dd/mm/yy) Location: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: (for contact during overseas fieldwork/research) ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone: ______________________ Fax: _________________________ Email: _____________________________ Signed: _____________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________ YOU MUST INFORM THE DOCTORAL SCHOOL SECTION, REGISTRY IMMEDIATELY OF ANY CHANGE OF PLAN Doctoral School Section, Registry SOAS, University of London www.soas.ac.uk/registry/pgresearch Visiting address: Doctoral School Section, Registry SOAS, University of London 53 Gordon Square London WC1H 0PD Postal address: Doctoral School Section, Registry SOAS, University of London Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square London WC1H 0XG SUPERVISOR’S CERTIFICATION I support the request that the student named overleaf should be enrolled on overseas fieldwork/research status for the period indicated. The following arrangements will be made for supervision during overseas fieldwork/research: _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ The following links are planned with an overseas institution: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Fall 08 _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ I have read note e) overleaf and confirm that a risk assessment has been made: Normally only three terms of overseas fieldwork/research are permitted as part of a three year full-time programme (or equivalent part-time) and only three terms of overseas fieldwork/research (or equivalent part-time overseas fieldwork/research) may count towards the nine terms of full-time study normally prescribed for a PhD programme. Any variation from this pattern would need the approval of the Associate Dean (Research). If the proposed overseas fieldwork/research does not fit the normal pattern, please make a case in writing and the Doctoral School Section, Registry will arrange for it to be considered by the relevant Associate Dean (Research). I confirm that the student will be transferred to PhD before leaving for overseas fieldwork/research: Signed (Supervisor): _________________________________________ Date: _______________________________ Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________ (Please print) PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO THE DOCTORAL SCHOOL SECTION, REGISTRY Doctoral School Section, Registry SOAS, University of London www.soas.ac.uk/registry/pgresearch Visiting address: Doctoral School Section, Registry SOAS, University of London 53 Gordon Square London WC1H 0PD Postal address: Doctoral School Section, Registry SOAS, University of London Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square London WC1H 0XG