Government of Karnataka SUVARNA AROGYA SURAKSHA TRUST (Department of Health & Family Welfare) Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation, TTMC “A” Block, 4th Floor, Shanthinagar, K.H. Road, Bangalore-560 027, Phone: 080-22536200, Fax: 080-22536221 E-mail: Network Hospital Renewal Proforma Please fill in the information in this format and submit your proposal for renewal for another period of one year as Network hospital under VAS/JSS/RAB/RBSK Scheme along with D.D. for Rs. ____________/- (In words ______________________________), _____________________________, Bank : DD No. _____________________________ & Date Branch : _______________________ only in the name of Executive Director, Suvarna Arogya Suraksha Trust, Bangalore. Date: Background information Hospital Name & Address Names of SAMCO & Ph No Phone No. and mail ID Contact Person Accredited NABH Accreditation Status Applied Not started If not, when do you plan to apply? Other accreditations if any like NABL, Safe –I, ISO certifications etc., Any other government special scheme empaneled Yes / No 1) RSBY Specify Other schemes 2) Yeshasvini 1) 3) ESI Names of Arogyamitra & Ph No 2) 4) CGHS 1 Empanelment history Date of first empanelment Facility ownership Renewal dates : 1) / / 2) / / 3) / / 4) / / 5) / / Public Private Teaching medical college charitable trust Facility Level Single specialty Multi specialty Any request for new specialty/specialties Cardiology & Cardiothoracic Surgery Urology Neurosurgery Neonatal & Pediatric Surgery Polytrauma Burns Oncology (Surgical, Radiation & Chemotherapy) Infrastructure as declared by the hospital to be reviewed for different specialties Super specialty Bed strength (General Ward) Total available and allotted to SAST TOTAL VAS JSS RAB Available Allocated Available Allocated Available Allocated 2 RBSK Available Allocated Specialties empanelled Bed strength specialty wise Specialties empanelled Cardiology Neonatal & Pediatric Surgery Cardiothoracic Surgery Polytrauma Urology Burns Neurosurgery Oncology (Surgical, Radiation & Chemotherapy) Bed strength specialty wise Specialties for which facilities are available, but empanelment not done The hospital should have at least 50 beds A. General Ward beds (Total): Declared by Hospital 1. 1 Nurse YES/NO 2. 1 duty doctor YES/NO 3. The space between two beds should be at YES/NO least 5 feet. 4. The provider should have separate male and YES/NO female wards. No of ICU Beds available in the hospital: 1. At least 3 beds YES/NO 2. 1 Nurse YES/NO 3. 1 duty doctor YES/NO The ICU ward should be equipped with 1. Monitors, central oxygen line, YES/NO 2. Suction apparatus YES/NO 3. Pulse oxymeter YES/NO 4. Ventilators (including portable) YES/NO (consist of a flexible breathing circuit, gas supply, heating/humidification mechanism, monitors, and alarms) 5. 3/5 lead ECG YES/NO 6. Infusion pump YES/NO 7. Ambu bags YES/NO 8. Central venous line catheters YES/NO 9. Endo tracheal tubes of all sizes YES/NO 10. Crash cart—also called a resuscitation cart YES/NO 3 Comments by inspection team 11. Chest tubes YES/NO 12. Gastric tubes YES/NO 13. Foleys catheter YES/NO 14. Tracheostomy set YES/NO No. of Step down ICU ward: 1. At least 2 beds YES/NO 2. 1 Nurse YES/NO 3. 1 duty doctor. YES/NO The step down ICU ward should be equipped with 1. Defibrillators YES/NO 2. Monitors YES/NO 3. Central oxygen line YES/NO 4. Suction apparatus YES/NO 5. Pulse oxymeter. YES/NO No. of post operative ward: 1. At least 2 beds YES/NO 2. 1 Nurse YES/NO 3. 1 duty doctor YES/NO The post operative ward should be equipped with 1. Ventilators YES/NO 2. Defibrillators YES/NO 3. Monitors YES/NO 4. Central oxygen line YES/NO 5. Suction apparatus YES/NO 6. Pulse oxymeter YES/NO Tie-ups - MOUs with other facilities- copy of MOU to be enclosed To be checked by the inspection team Diagnostics Oncology Radiology Radiation Oncology Lab Services Medical Oncology Blood bank Surgical Oncology 4 Any addition or deletion made to, infrastructure. If so mention in brief, compared to last year empanelment. Specialty- Equipment's which are critical for particular specialty available or not as per SAST guidelines Cardiology & Cardio-thoracic surgery Cardiac OT Yes / No Cathlab Cardiologist support Yes / No Yes / No Post-op with ventilator support Yes / No ICCU Yes / No Other cardiac infrastructure (Monitors, infusion pumps) Neuro Surgery Well Equipped Theatre with qualified paramedical staff, CArm, Microscope, neurosurgery compatible OT table with head holding frame (horse shoe, may field / sugita or equivalent frame). Neuro ICU facility Yes / No Post-op with ventilator support Yes / No Step down ICU facility Yes / No Facilitation for round the clock MRI,CT and other support biochemical investigations Urology Well equipped theatre with C-ARM Yes / No Endoscopic investigation support Yes / No Post-op with ventilator support Yes / No ESW lithotripsy equipment Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Burns Well Equipped Theatre Yes / No Surgical Intensive Care Unit Yes / No Post-op with ventilator support Yes / No Trained Paramedics Yes / No 5 Post-op rehab/ Physiotherapy support Isolation wards having monitor, defibrillator, central oxygen line and all OT equipment. No touch method of wound dressing. Yes / No Yes / No Support of General Surgeon. Yes / No Yes / No Neonatal/Pediatric Surgery NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) & PICU (Paediatric Yes / No intensive Care Unit) fully equipped Round the clock Pediatric / Emergency service room with Yes / No Pediatrician Pediatric resuscitation facility Yes / No Well equipped theatre Yes / No Post op with ventilator and pediatric resuscitator facility Yes / No Oncology Services of qualified Medical Oncologist Yes / No Services of qualified Surgical Oncologist Yes / No Services of qualified Radiation Oncologist Yes / No Fully equipped Radiotherapy Unit Yes / No SICU(Surgical Intensive Care Unit) Yes / No Well Equipped Theatre Yes / No Endoscope equipment Yes / No Post op with ventilator support Yes / No Polytrauma Well equipped theatre with C-Arm facility Yes / No Trained paramedics Yes / No Well equipped Post-op facility with Ventilator Support Yes / No Round the clock lab support with CT,MRI Yes / No The hospital should have well equipped OPERATION THEATRE with following equipment 1. T3/5 lead ECG Yes / No 2. Defibrillator Yes / No 3. Boyle’s apparatus Yes / No 4. Endoscopes Yes / No 5. Monitor Yes / No 6. Diathermy Yes / No 6 7. Laparoscopic Equipment if necessary as per the specialty Yes / No treatment catered 8. Operating Microscope if necessary as per the specialty Yes / No treatment catered 9. Suction apparatus Yes / No 10. Pulse oxymeter Yes / No 11. Sterility unit and other equipment as per the specialties Yes / No treatment available. 12. Anesthetists Round the clock / In house / On call 13. Pharmacy (round the clock) Yes / No 14. Ambulance Yes / No 15. Food services Yes / No Provide the names of existing empanelled Super Specialist Doctors with their qualifications and KMC Registration No.s & Ph. No.s (Fill in Annexure – IA & IB) Any empanelled super specialist Doctors who have left the hospital since previous renewal– Details Hospital performance in the last year: No of pre-authorizations for all schemes Number of patients treated in your hospital (specialty wise). Cardiology Submitted Approved Denied Cancelled VAS JSS RAB RBSK 1) Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery Neuro Surgery Urology Neonatal & Peadiatric Surgery Polytrauma 7 Burns Oncology (Surgical, Radiation & Chemotherapy) No: submitted Claims Please provide information about follow-up cases. No: approved No: denied Provide information specialty wise : Cardiology No. of Cases ___________________________ : Cardiothoracic Surgery ___________________________ Urology ________________ __________ Neurosurgery ________________ __________ Amount claimed : Mortality figures During hospitalization Details of mortality Sentinel Events* VAS JSS RAB RBSK (Fill in Annexure-II) VAS JSS RAB RBSK During hospitalization Details Sentinel event Name of Patient Original diagnosis Sentinel event No. of camps Allotted ______________ Attended ______________ Screened ______________ treated in the past year ______________ * Any unintended complications during the procedure/stay of the beneficiary which caused serious injury/ consequence Have you submitted the Questionnaire for self assessment of Mortality/ Morbidity and infection Completed : Yes/No control Practices in the Hospital Kindly fill the below questionnaire (if not submitted) 8 Questionnaire Review Infection Control Practices in the Hospital Instructions: Please fill in the accurate details in the provided space For Questions having option of yes and no, please tick mark Describe the answer where-ever asked General Questionnaire Q-1.Do you have an Infection Committee in your Hospital? Control Yes No If yes, please answer Q-2, if no; please go to Q-3 Q-2. Who all are the members of the Infection Control Committee? (First name of the member secretary/chairman of the committee) Name Designation If No, Q-3. What is the plan of the management for constituting the Infection Control Committee and time frame required? Q-4. How frequently the Committee conducts its meeting? (Tick mark whichever applicable) Once in a month Once in 6 months Yearly 9 Others (Specify) Q-5. What are the selection criteria for the hospital acquired infection cases to be discussed? Q-6. How frequently the training program on infection control related parameters are conducted for the medical and the paramedical staff? (Tick mark whichever applicable) Every 6 months Yearly Others (specify) Q-7. What types of infections specific to your hospitals are observed and its rates? Type of Infection Yes No Ventilation Associated Pneumonia Rate if Yes Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infection Surgical Site infection Catheter association UTI Others (Specify) Q-8. How are the records maintained? Q-9. Does the hospital have anti-biogram policy Yes on the use of the antibiotics? No Q- 10. Has the audits been conducted in the hospital helped to improve the infection control practices? 10 Questionnaire to assess Mortality/Morbidity Practices in the Hospital Q-1. Does the hospital have the Mortality/Morbidity Committee? (Please tick mark) Yes / No If Yes Q-2. Who all are the members of the Committee? (First name of the member secretary/chairman of the committee) Name Designation Q-3. What is the plan of the management to constitute Mortality/Morbidity Committee and time frame required? Q-4. How frequently the Committee conducts the meeting? (Please tick Mark) Once in a month Once in six months Once in a year Others (Specify) Q-5. What are the selection criteria for cases to be discussed in the meeting? Q-6. How frequently the Mortality/Morbidity Audits are conducted? (Please tick Mark) Once in a quarter Once in six months Once in a Year Others (Specify) Q-7. Have there been any instances wherein this process has helped to improve the services provided/Mortality Index? 11 Q-8. How are the mortality records maintained? (Please tick Mark) Hard copies Soft Copy (HIMS) Others (Specify) NOTE: Please share copies of last 3 mortality audits conducted in your hospital I confirm that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. In case, the information furnished above is proved to be false subsequently, SAST is hereby authorized to delete our hospital from the list of Network hospitals under SAST. Authorised Senior Person Name : Seal & Signature : Designation : Date : 12 Annexure-IA In house (Full time) Sl Doctors Name Speciality 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 KMC Reg. No. Ph No. Annexure-IB Visiting / On-call Sl Doctors Name Speciality 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 KMC Reg. No. Ph No. Annexure-II 1 Name of Patient Original diagnosis 2 Name of Patient 3 Name of Patient 3 Name of Patient Cause of death 15 4 Name of Patient Original diagnosis Cause of death 5 6 7 16 Salient points to consider during Hospital visit (Will be filled by the inspection team) Check Regulatory licenses (Copy to be enclosed for all those that are applicable to your hospital) Organization registration Renewals KPME Pollution control AERB AERB Compliance reports AERB inspection records AMC for RT machine Bio Medical Waste management support Pharmacy Lab accreditation Blood bank license Facility inspection OT ICUs Wards CSSD Labs X-ray USG RT CT facilities Other Random document Review (Manual/computerised) Admission registers maintained Lab registers RT planning charts Patient case sheet Discharge register Death Register Other OT register OT maintenance register 17 Kiosk Assessment Have you established the KIOSK as per SAST guidelines Yes / No If yes- Please Enclose photograph of the KIOSK Presence Strategic location Well equipped If no – please explain why you have not established the kiosk yet as per new guidelines? Arogyamitra Interaction To check if she has independent access to : Computers Internet Camera Printer Scanner Pen drive Stationaries Discuss any issues with Arogyamitra Interaction with SAMCO and Hospital staff Discuss any issues involved in implementation of the scheme/objections 18 Beneficiary visit Check whether AM visits regularly Beneficiary in the same ward as the speciality for Pre- auth approved(For eg: Paediatric patients for burns in Ophthalmic ward) Any complaints Medical care Amount paid Food provided Overall satisfaction Any showcause notices/ temporary suspension of empanelment done for your hospital? Yes/No If yes specify ________________ Inspection comments Any previous inspection reports / Hospital visit reports Detailed comments Remarks of the inspection team Consider for continuation of empanelment Yes/NO 19 Name: Date: Signature: Name: Date: Signature: Name: Date: Signature: 20