PATIENT REGISTRATION FORM Today’s Date: ___________________________________ Name (Last, First, MI): ____________________________ ______________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________ ______________________________________________ City: ____________________ State _____ Zip _________ Home Phone: ___________________________________ Cell Phone: _____________________________________ E-Mail Address: _________________________________ Social Security Number: ___________________________ Date of Birth: ___________________________________ Sex: [ ] Male [ ] Female Is the patient a full time student? [ ] Yes [ ] No Marital Status: [ ] Single [ ] Married [ ] Divorced [ ] Widowed [ ] Separated [ ] Domestic Partner EMPLOYER INFORMATION Employer: ______________________________________ Address: _______________________________________ ______________________________________________ City: ____________________ State _____ Zip _________ Work Phone: _______________________ Ext: ________ Occupation: ____________________________________ *Race: Check one: [ ] American Indian/Alaska Native [ ] Black/African American [ ] Asian/Pacific Islander [ ] White [ ] Decline to provide [ ] Unknown [ ] Other: ________________________ *Race: Check one: [ ] Native American [ ] Asian [ ] Hispanic origin [ ] Not of Hispanic origin [ ] Decline to provide [ ] Unknown [ ] Other: ________________________ *Language Preference: Check one: [ ] English [ ] Sign [ ] Spanish [ ] Other:____________________ *Note: Information being requested by the federal government for reporting purposes. EMERGENCY CONTACT Name (Last, First, MI): ___________________________ Address: ______________________________________ ______________________________________________ City: ____________________ State _____ Zip ________ Home Phone: __________________________________ Work Phone: ___________________________________ Cell Phone: ____________________________________ Relationship to patient: __________________________ GUARANTOR INFORMATION PRIMARY INSURANCE INFORMATION Please complete for the person responsible for payment, Insurance Company Name: _______________________ if other than the patient. Insurance Policy Number: ________________________ Guarantor Name (Last, First, MI):____________________ Group Number: ________________________________ ______________________________________________ Subscriber Name (Last, First, MI): __________________ Relationship to Patient: __________________________ Relationship to Patient: __________________________ Social Security Number: ___________________________ Social Security Number: __________________________ Date of Birth: ___________________________________ Date of Birth: __________________________________ PHARMACY INFORMATION SECONDARY INSURANCE INFORMATION Local Pharmacy Name: ___________________________ Important, do you have any other medical insurance? Address: _______________________________________ Insurance Company Name: _______________________ City: ____________________ State _____ Zip _________ Insurance Policy Number: ________________________ Phone: __________________ Fax: __________________ Group Number: ________________________________ Subscriber Name (Last, First, MI): __________________ Mail-In Pharmacy Name: __________________________ Relationship to Patient: __________________________ Address: _______________________________________ Social Security Number: __________________________ City: _____________________ State _____ Zip ________ Date of Birth: __________________________________ Phone: __________________ Fax: __________________ AUTHORIZATION FOR TREATMENT AND FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY I (or designated guardian) authorize the Physician to provide treatment and to release medical information to my insurance as may be necessary for payment of physician claims. I (or designated guardian) hereby authorize payment directly to the Physician of the benefits otherwise payable to me but not to exceed regular charges for physician claims. I (or designated guardian) understand that I am financially responsible to the Physician for charges not covered by my insurance. __________________________________________________________ PATIENT AND/OR GUARDIAN SIGNATURE _____________________ DATE AUTHORIZATION FOR RELEASE OF INFORMATION I authorize my Physician to supply to another physician involved in my medical care a copy of necessary medical records and/or test results requested by the Physician but ordered by my Primary Care Physician. I understand this is for the release of medical information only. If I am a managed care subscriber, I authorize my Physician to allow my Managed Care Organization access to my chart for Quality Review purposes. __________________________________________________________ PATIENT AND/OR GUARDIAN SIGNATURE _____________________ DATE MEDICARE PATIENTS MEDICARE BENEFITS (Please Sign) Patient’s certification, authorization to release information and payment request. I certify that the information given by me in applying for payment under Title XVIII of the Social Security Act is correct. I authorize any holder of medical or other information about me to release to the Social Security Administration or its intermediaries or carriers any information needed for physician claims and other related medical claims. I request that payment of claims be made on my behalf for authorized benefits under my health insurance. I hereby authorize payment directly to my Physician for insurance benefits otherwise payable to me. Payments are not to exceed the balance due of the practice’s regular charges for these claims. I understand that I am financially responsible to my Physician for charges not covered by this authorization. I understand that my Physician will bill HCFA using the term “signature on file” and am aware that my signature as written below constitutes that “on file” signature. __________________________________________________________ PATIENT AND/OR GUARDIAN SIGNATURE _____________________ DATE MEDIGAP BENEFITS (Please Sign) I hereby give my Physician permission to ask for Medigap payments for my medical care. I understand that my Medigap Insurer needs information about me and my medical condition to make a decision about these payments. I give permission for that information to go to my Medigap Insurer. I request that that payment of authorized Medigap benefits be made to Aria Health Physician Services on my behalf for any services furnished me by my Physician. I authorize any holder of medical information about me to release to my Medigap Insurer any information needed to determine these benefits or the benefits payable for related services. __________________________________________________________ PATIENT AND/OR GUARDIAN SIGNATURE _____________________ DATE CONSENT OF TREATMENT FOR MINOR/INCAPACITATED PATIENTS I hereby authorize the Physician to provide medical treatment to _________________________________. The patient is unable to consent to medical treatment because he/she is a minor child or other: _________________________________ ______________________________________________ GUARDIAN SIGNATURE _______________________________________________ NAME OF GUARDIAN ______________________________________________ WITNESS SIGNATURE _______________________________________________ DATE