Review for Unit Exam

Hydrosphere Study Guide
1. An underground layer of permeable rock or sediment that contains water is called a(n):
2. Water that collects in permeable rock beneath the surface of Earth is called:
3. Granite does not allow water to flow through it. Granite is an example of _______ rock.
4. A puddle drying up on a sunny day is an example of:
5. Most of Earth's freshwater is found where?
6. An area into which all of the water on one side of a divide flows. The water will either seep underground or flow
downhill forming rivers and lakes.
7. A ridge, or continuous live of high land that separates watersheds or drainage basins is called:
8. What is the water table?
9. What is permeable and impermeable rock?
10. What is the amount of freshwater found on Earth?
11. Shoreline areas where fresh water from rivers mixes with salt water from oceans are called ___.
12. The main difference between the photic zone and the aphotic zone of the ocean is:
13. What is the neritic zone? What is the difference between the neritic zone and the aphotic zone?
14. Coral is an organism that lives attached to the ocean floor. It filter feeds as water moves through its body. What
type of organism is coral?
15. Why does plant plankton not grow in the deep ocean?
16. Light does not reach the bottom of the ocean, yet certain species live there. Explain how species on the bottom of
the ocean get energy to live.
17. What word best describes the type of water found in estuaries?
18. What would most likely happen to the entire ocean food web if plankton were not available?
19. What happens to nutrients in the ocean as a result of upwelling?
20. Look at the diagram to
the left. Westward blowing
trade winds blow the warm
surface water from the
coast to the ocean. Cool
nutrient-rich water from
below upwells to the
surface. Every three to
seven years the trade winds
weaken, and an El NiñoSouthern Oscillation (ENSO)
event occurs. Which is the
most likely result of an
ENSO event?
21. ___is the property of
water that states that water
molecules stick to other water molecules.
22. Water molecules have cohesion and adhesion because they have ____. The property that states one end of the
water molecules is positively charged and the other end is negatively charged.