Sample Com 101 Syllabus

*multiple professors contributed to this model
Alvernia University
Dept. of Communications/CIS/English
3 credits
Start Date-End Date
Course Website Available on Blackboard
All courses at Alvernia University are designed to foster the core Catholic, Franciscan
values of service, humility, peacemaking, contemplation, and collegiality as set forth
by Alvernia’s Mission Statement, as well as to promote the General Objectives
The following statement must appear on all syllabi:
outlined in the University Catalog and the Student Handbook.
All courses at Alvernia University are designed to foster
As a core writing requirement, this course reviews fundamental principles of rhetoric,
the core Catholic, Franciscan values of service, humility,
grammar, and punctuation. Requirements include a research paper using MLA or APA
peacemaking, contemplation, and collegiality as set forth
documentation guidelines and several expository essays. Course is available only after
by Alvernia’s Mission Statement, as well as to promote
placement by departmental faculty. Students must achieve “C” or better to fulfill core
the General Objectives outlined in the University Catalog
and the Student Handbook.
The following statement is optional:
Program Guidelines
Course Objective
(PA Depart. of Education)
The university community supports peace and nonviolence by respectingTo
and affirming theI.A.
read sources
Language / Linguistics
of everyone in the community;
critically, evaluating
I.B Reading
/ Literature
practiced at all times. purpose, audience, tone, I.C Literature
rhetorical devices and
rhetorical context
I.F Research/ Technology
Specified Assessment
Library Visits
2 Research Papers
2 research papers
Writing exercises
Multiple essays
2 Research Papers
Writing Exercises
2 Research Papers
Writing Exercises
Peer Review
Essays &
As a core writing requirement, this course reviews
and synthesize
fundamental principlesAnalyze
of rhetoric,
grammar, and
Language / Linguistics
punctuation. Requirements include
a research
MLA or APA documentation guidelines and several
expository essays. Course is available only after
To demonstrate
placement by departmental
faculty. Students must
in writing
I.B Reading / Literature
achieve “C” or better versatility
to fulfill core
various genres such as
I.D. Composition/Writing
Note: Some course summary,
materials response,
and activities I.F
covered online using areport,
of tools and
and sites including
Blackboard, InfoSearch
Modules, Project Gutenberg, and
analysis See the course assignments section of this
syllabus for more details.
Acquire information
I.F Research/ Technology
literacy, the ability to
assess and incorporate
source material with
students’ own ideas
Engage in writing as a
I.D. Composition/Writing
process that includes
I.E. Speaking and Listening
inquiries of ideas,
revision relating to
content and structure
and editing finished
Understand the
differences between
APA and MLA and,
when required, be able
to apply the stylistic
conventions of both.
I.D. Composition/Writing
I.F. Research and
Research Papers
Essays &
Research Papers
Ramage, John D & Bean, John C., (2014). Allyn and Bacon Guide to Writing: Concise
Edition. NY: Longman.
Personal & Portable Dictionary and Thesaurus; Blackboard Account; Account; Alvernia Email Account; Notebook & Journal
Printing supplies and paper
Note: The Blackboard course management system will be used in this class to
supplement class materials. If you have any problems with log-in, contact the 1-866579-7420 help desk. If you have problems with technical difficulties, call 610-7965606. However, first make sure that you removed any pop-up blockers and are using
the most recent version of Java (Java 6, update 14; can be downloaded onto your
personal computer via Blackboard). Your log-in is first 4 letters of last name, and last
6 digits of student I.D.
Alvernia Citation Guides =
Project Gutenberg =
Sigma Tau Delta International English Honor Society =
International Reading Association =
American Library Association Challenged & Banned Book List
Literary Analysis Resource Links =
Course Delivery Format:
This course is a web-enhanced course. At Alvernia University, a web-enhanced course
is a course that delivers less than 30% of the content electronically; a blended course
delivers approximately 30%-75% of the content electronically; and an online course
delivers more than 75% of the content electronically. Web-Enhanced/blended/online
courses may be conducted through both asynchronous and synchronous tools. In
asynchronous class sessions, materials and discussion are accessed through a course
management program called WebCT or Blackboard. Additional online resources, tools,
and activities may be integrated into the course delivery. In synchronous class sessions,
materials and discussions are conducted through audioconferencing and/or
videoconferencing using a service called Horizon Wimba. If a student is unable to
attend a synchronous session, the audio and/or video sessions are archived for later
retrieval. In addition to the course instructor, a librarian and an educational
technologist are assigned to each blended course for assistance with student questions
pertaining to online resources and technical issues.
Minimum Technology Requirements:
Windows / PC
Windows 2000 or XP
512 Mb RAM
Microsoft IE 5.0 or higher
JAVA enabled
High Speed Internet (Dialup not preferred)
Sound Card with headset microphone
Mac OSX 10.2 or higher
512 Mb RAM
Apple Safari 1.2 or higher
JAVA enabled
High Speed Internet (Dialup not preferred)
Sound Card with headset microphone
Regular attendance is mandatory to achieve the greatest success in this course.
Students are allowed three (3) absences during the semester. Each absence after that
will result in a ten (10)-point deduction from the student’s attendance grade. These
absences are to be used for illness, car problems, personal problems and so on.
Frequent tardiness is distracting and disrespectful to both the class and the professor.
Students are allowed only three (3) tardy arrivals to class. Each additional tardy arrival
will result in a (5) point deduction from the student’s attendance grade. If you are late
to class, and someone is giving a presentation, please be respectful and wait outside the
door until he/she is finished.
Copyright Restriction: Materials used in connection with this course may be subject to
copyright protection under Title 17 of the United States Code. Under certain Fair Use
circumstances specified by law, copies may be made for private study, scholarship, or
research. Electronic copies should not be shared with unauthorized users. If a user fails
to comply with Fair Use restrictions, he/she may be liable for copyright infringement.
For more information, including Fair Use guidelines, see the Alvernia University
Copyright & Fair Use Policy.
In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with
Disabilities Act (“ADA”), the University offers accommodations to students with
documented learning, physical and/or psychological disabilities. It is the responsibility
of the student to contact the Disability Services Coordinator, preferably prior to the
beginning of the semester, to initiate the accommodation process and to notify
instructors as soon as possible so accommodations can be made early on in the
semester. Course requirements will not be waived but, if possible, reasonable
accommodations will be made to allow each student to meet course
requirements. Students needing assistance should contact the Disability Services
Office in BH 105-A (inside the Learning Center), by phone (610.568.1499), fax (484335-4486), or e-mail (
For Alvernia closings, call 610-796-8200 or visit Alvernia’s website at Local radio and TV stations will also announce closings. If we are
experiencing bad weather, and Alvernia has not cancelled classes, call my voice mail at
610-796-8305. If I cannot make it to class, I will leave a message on my machine at
least one hour before class is scheduled. Additionally, if I need to cancel a class
unexpectedly, I will provide an electronic assignment or online discussion questions to
be completed for the following class.
I hold regular office hours each week that will be announced in class and posted on my
office door in ________ Hall. Appointments recommended. I also will be available
before and after class for a few minutes. If posted times aren’t convenient, I can make
arrangements to see you another time. Email me at to
make an appointment.
Quizzes and tests will cover information from class lectures, videos, and the textbook.
If you are absent, you should get notes from a fellow student who was present during
the class you missed. Note: I reserve the right to give pop quizzes if it appears that
students are not reading the course material.
According to the Alvernia University Handbook, academic dishonesty will not be
tolerated. Examples:
 Plagiarism: Failure to cite a source, deliberately or accidentally presenting as your
own work, words or ideas of another. This includes but is not limited to: (1)
Copying, paraphrasing, or summarizing from any published or unpublished source
without citing; (2) Copying a paper, parts of a paper, or submitting any work that is
not your own; (3) Submitting as one’s own, parts or a whole, another’s computer
program, work of art, or musical composition; (4) Using words of others without
quotation marks enclosing those words.
 Cheating: A form of academic dishonesty. Includes but is not limited to: (1) Overt
copying of another student’s assignment or test answers; (2) Using crib sheets of
any form during a test; (3) Getting someone else to take a test for you; (4)
Discussing questions and answers with another student during a test; (5) Stealing
test notes from a student or faculty member; (6) Altering an answer sheet and
reporting to the instructor that a computer error had been made.
 Fabrication: Submitting or falsifying information or data on any academic
assignment. Includes but is not limited to changing the title paper by altering either
the student’s name or title of the paper.
 Multiple Submission: Handing in the same assignment to fulfill an academic
requirement for more than one course without the prior permission of the
This course’s structure and content is based on the code of ethics created by the
International Association of Business Communicators (IABC):
1. Professional communicators uphold the credibility and dignity of their profession by
practicing honest, candid and timely communication and by fostering the free flow of
essential information in accord with the public interest.
2. Professional communicators disseminate accurate information and promptly correct
any erroneous communication for which they may be responsible.
3. Professional communicators understand and support the principles of free speech,
freedom of assembly, and access to an open marketplace of ideas; and, act accordingly.
4. Professional communicators are sensitive to cultural values and beliefs and engage
in fair and balanced communication activities that foster and encourage mutual
5. Professional communicators refrain from taking part in any undertaking which the
communicator considers to be unethical.
6. Professional communicators obey laws and public policies governing their
professional activities and are sensitive to the spirit of all laws and regulations and,
should any law or public policy be violated, for whatever reason, act promptly to
correct the situation.
7. Professional communicators give credit for unique expressions borrowed from
others and identify the sources and purposes of all information disseminated to the
8. Professional communicators protect confidential information and, at the same time,
comply with all legal requirements for the disclosure of information affecting the
welfare of others.
9. Professional communicators do not use confidential information gained as a result of
professional activities for personal benefit and do not represent conflicting or
competing interests without written consent of those involved.
10. Professional communicators do not accept undisclosed gifts or payments for
professional services from anyone other than a client or employer.
11. Professional communicators do not guarantee results that are beyond the power of
the practitioner to deliver.
12. Professional communicators are honest not only with others but also, and most
importantly, with themselves as individuals; for a professional communicator seeks the
truth and speaks that truth first to the self.
(Points will be
translated into the
Alvernia Grading
Rhetorical Analysis (3 pages)
Outlining the Debate (5 pages)
Exploratory Essay (5 pages)
Research Paper (8-10)
Quizzes (5 quizzes at 10% each)
Public Service Announcement and Reflection
Attendance/Info-Search Modules/In-Class
Note: Alvernia University strives to provide a quality educational experience through
ongoing efforts to evaluate student learning outcomes. As part of this process, students
may be asked to submit an electronic version of work by uploading one or more
documents into TK20 for assessment purposes. Assignments used for assessment
purposes will be designated by the course instructor. Additional information about
TK20 login and submission process is available on the student portal.
All page limits are intended as double spaced pages.
Essay 1 – Rhetorical Analysis (2-3 pages)
In this essay, you will evaluate the strengths and weakness of an article or essay of
your choice. In your analysis, you will consider how this author appeals to ethos,
logos, and pathos. Finally, you will consider how this author constructs his or her angle
of vision.
Essay 2 – Outlining the Debate (2-3 pages)
For this essay, you will choose a controversial image or video and outline the debate
surrounding this piece. To do so, you will conduct research using informal sources
(blogs. Twitter, comment threads), consolidate these comments and identify the key
arguments surrounding this issue and determine your own stance on the topic. This
paper will require your ability to effectively incorporate 3 instances of paraphrasing
your source and 3 instances of direct quotation.
Essay 3 - Exploratory Essay
In this essay, you will describe your process as you search for sources for your
research paper. Provide a narrative of how you found sources, acknowledge limitations
of certain sources and describe how this search has helped you shape your argument
for your research paper.
Essay 3 – Research Paper (8-10 pages)
For this paper, you will use the work you have done in the Outlining the Debate Essay
to develop a logical and well-researched argument about a controversy in the media.
For example, you might choose to examine the backlash to the Cheerio’s ad that
featured a bi-racial family. You will use closed-form prose to create a strong, tensionfilled, and specific thesis that indicates your strong stance on the topic. Your paper
should include at least one source per page, and these sources should be used to
support and add to your argument, not to write the paper for you. Your sources must
be turned in along with the final draft.
Essay 4 – Oral Presentation and Reflection (2 pages)
This assignment is intended to help you present your information in a new way. You
might consider a commercial, public service announcement, a Prezi presentation, or
other means of discussing your research with the class. Your presentation must be 3-5
minutes, must incorporate a visual aid, and must incorporate research from your paper.
Peer Letters
You will be expected to provide written feedback to your peers’ essays for each peer review
days. See the Peer Letter prompt for specific information.
Revision Policy:
In an effort to continually rethink your own work in critical ways, I will allow you to
formally revise the Rhetorical Analysis and Coming to Terms Essay, though there will
be built-in revision in the process of writing every paper. In order to revise, you must
have a 1-on-1 meeting with me to discuss a revision plan, and turn in any drafts along
with the first graded copy. Additionally, you will have to write a one-page revision
letter detailing (specifically!) the changes you made to your essay and how these
changes enhance your work. Your paper must show significant changes to receive an
improved grade.
Other assignments:
Information Literacy Modules—Each student should complete a series of information
literacy modules called InfoSearch on the Alvernia University library website. Each of
the six modules takes 20-30 minutes to complete and each student should take the endof-module quizzes. Quiz printouts should be provided to the instructor at the beginning
of the indicated class. InfoSearch quiz results may be pasted into a Blackboard email or
the printouts handed directly to the professor on the due date.
Portfolio— Throughout the semester, you should maintain a portfolio of all your
writing assignments. The portfolio should be a simple binder with clearly marked
dividers. All assignments should be labeled clearly, dated, and placed in the portfolio,
with earlier drafts clipped to the previously graded copies for papers I and II. Since I
believe that revision is an important part of the learning process, you have the option of
revising paper II for a better grade. Revised papers should be attached with a paperclip
to the graded copies so that I can review my written comments and identify quickly the
revisions that you completed. The first page of the portfolio should contain a 1-2 page
reflection on how your writing improved and what areas of your writing you still need
to develop. You will receive credit for actively preparing and completing this
assignment as part of your participation grade. In addition to the longer papers,
contents of the portfolio should include in-class and take-home essays, info-search
module print outs, and other class activities. This assignment is based on the Alvernia
grading scale found in your student catalog.
Quizzes/Tests—Assessment – Each quiz will assess your knowledge of the primary
textbook, readings covered in class, and other outside material. While any material
from the course may be included within each assessment, you should concentrate on
studying your notes and the information provided during class discussions. The
assessments are comprehensive, and they build on one another. For each test, every
student may bring in one 3”x 5” index card with notes written on it to use during the
test. Make-up tests have a letter-grade deduction for each day missed.
1. Alvernia’s Safety Guidelines and Evacuation Procedures are available at
2. Plagiarism (also known as copyright infringement) is against the law. You should
be aware that I have access to several anti-plagiarism search engines that can seek
out plagiarized content from both the web and on-line databases. If I find
plagiarized material, you will receive an “F” for that assignment and I expect a
verbal and written apology. Additionally, if you submit a second count of
plagiarism in the remaining semester, you will receive an “F” for the course, and
you will be referred to the Provost office for possible dismissal from the
Finally, each copyright infringement may receive a prison term and/or a fine. Both
civil and criminal penalties may be imposed for copyright infringement. According
to, “Civil remedies may include monetary damages (both
statutory and actual), attorney's fees, injunctive relief, and the impounding and/or
destruction of infringing copies. Depending on the gravity of the infringement,
prison sentences can be up to 5 years, and fines can be up to $5000 per
infringement.” Don’t be foolish. Write your own papers.
3. Students are expected to complete assigned readings prior to class so that
classroom discussion can be as engaging and instructive as possible. The readings
are helpful in that the themes are directly related to the graded assignments.
4. Since some classes will be run as workshops with an emphasis on revision and
editing, students will receive frequent responses to their research and writing, both
by the professor and other students.
5. Portfolios (compilations of your work and assignments) will be evaluated once at
the end of the semester. At any time a student may request the professor to
evaluate a portfolio.
6. Unless noted otherwise, written assignments should be typed. Assignments that are
handed in late will be penalized 10 points for each day late. No assignments will
be accepted over one week late.
7. Each research paper/project should include primary and secondary sources. These
sources should be included in both parenthetical citations and a bibliography. As a
benchmark, your research papers should include approximately the same number
of sources as number of required pages.
8. Each research paper/project should include a variety of reputable resources. This
means that your paper should have sources from a mix of articles, interviews,
books, and valid websites (with .edu, .gov, .org extensions), and any other
legitimate sources of information. Note: Wikipedia is a blog! It is not an
authoritative source of information for university-level research projects.
9. All resources must be formatted in MLA or APA format.
Students will be required to seek writing assistance/tutoring periodically
throughout the semester at the Center for Academic Advancement in the Student
Life Center Bld.
10. As a sign of respect and professionalism, students should strive to be on time for
every event. If you believe that you may be late to a class or meeting, it your
responsibility to contact me by phone or email ASAP.
11. Cell phones and pagers are tools to facilitate communication; they are not licenses
to be rude. It is inappropriate to hear a cell phone or pager ring during a class or
meeting; set these devices to vibrate if you are expecting an emergency.
Additionally, it is unprofessional to answer a cell phone during a meeting or
presentation. If you must respond to a message, discreetly and quietly leave the
room; always apologize to the presenter for the interruption once the class or
meeting has come to a close.
Course Calendar: (I reserve the right to alter due dates and daily topics as necessary)
All assignments/readings are to be completed for the day on which they are listed. I will notify you in advance
of any changes on the syllabus. It is your responsibility to complete all assignments listed regardless of
whether or not I make a formal announcements.
AA: Arak Anthology
A&B: Allyn and Bacon
B: Blackboard (all prompts and handouts can be found in the “resource” section). Students are responsible for