Evaluative Research Essay Outline 1 Evaluative Topic: The amount

Evaluative Research Essay Outline 1
Evaluative Topic: The amount of vaccines and immunizations that infants and
babies receive are not completely necessary for their health, but instead completely
necessary for the health of pharmaceutical companies revenue.
Thesis: Although vaccines and immunizations may seem like the healthier route to
ensure the health of children, the amount of toxins introduced into the young systems is
unnecessary and is solely to increase revenue for pharmaceutical companies.
-Fact about how many vaccines and immunizations infants and babies are
recommended to receive
By the time a child turns 18, they would have received about 69 doses of 16 vaccines
if they followed the recommended vaccination schedule. This child would have
received about 49 doses of 14 vaccines before they turned a fragile age of 6 years
-Are vaccines and immunizations even beneficial to our health in general
-Explaining thesis
Many parents usually follow the recommended schedule of vaccines and
immunizations for the sake of their child’s health; however recently, there has been
a trend of “ anti-vaccination” amongst new parents. Many argue that the
recommended vaccine schedule allows too much toxins to be entered into the childs
body, and that pharmaceutical companies may be the only ones truly benefitting
from this recommended schedule by physicians.
First Body Paragraph:
-Introduce vaccines and immunizations, their purposes
The purpose of a vaccine is to protect the body and immune system from different
A vaccine is technically a form of the disease that is put into our bodies, and our
immune system is suppose to attack the disease and create anti-body cells
-Vaccines and immunizations in our everyday lives
Vaccines and immunizations play a role in our everyday lives as vaccines and
immunizations are often required to take part of a certain community, such as
public schools.
Second Body paragraph:
-Cons to vaccines and immunizations
-how they make you feel sick
Vaccines often leave patients feeling sick with side effects, since it is attacking the
immune systen
-why some parents opt out of letting their children get them
There are studies that say vaccines can cause autism
-Use perspectives from Facebook poll
-briefly bring up how there are theories that vaccines and immunizations are
directly linked to developing autism, especially in younger patients
Third Body Paragraph
-The amount of vaccines and immunizations babies are suppose to receive,
-Do they even work?
-Why so often? And so many?
Fourth Body Paragraph
A professional viewpoint on parents opting out of vaccines and immunizations
-their prospective about them
Despite the controversy about them, doctors still recommend young patients to
follow the recommended vaccine schedule
_prospective of local doctor in Corpus
Fifth Body Paragraph
-How much pharmacies make in revenue from vaccines and immunizations alone
-What percentage of those are from baby/infant vaccines and immunizations
-Prices for baby vaccines and immunizations
-Are they priced differently
-How babies can not get into daycare without vaccines and immunizations and why
those daycare facilities are so strict about it
Sixth Body Paragraph
Counter Argument
-why vaccines and immunizations are beneficial and necessary to our health as a
-why babies actually do need them
-not just beneficial to pharmaceutical companies
Seventh Body Paragraph
-Alternatives to vaccines and immunizations
-If not completely alternative, some that babies can go without
-Resources about vaccines and health questions for babies/children
Talk about how a healthy diet and lifestyle might affect the immune system,
Some vaccinations still needed even though a child has a healthier life style
Eighth Body Paragraph
-How these thoughts and theories as a whole differentiate around the world
Many parents are not as educated about vaccines throughout the world
-What parents around the world feel about baby vaccines and immunizations
-Do those countries receive as many vaccines?
-If not, why does the US babies receive more?
Wrap up all points of arguments, but state why I still believe that baby
immunizations are not completely necessary
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