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Government Orders and Memos on Leave Rules
( From 1958 to 2010 )
Memo No. 13112/Accts. /67-2 F & P Department, Dated. 01-03-1958 Compensatory
holidays - Govt., Instructions
G.O.Ms.No. 528 G.A. (Poll.B) Department, Dated. 26-04-1961 Grant of Compensatory
leave in lieu of O.H
G.O.Ms.No. 161 Fin., (F.R.I) Department, Dated. 21-02-1963 leave preparatory to
retirement, Submission of application
Memo No. 934 G.A. (Poll.B) Department, Dated. 23-04-1963 compensatory leave in lieu
of the holidays
Memo No. 2690 G.A. (Poll.B) Department, Dated. 03-10-1964 combinations of
compensatory leave with regular leave.
Memo No. 16808/695/F.R.I/65-1 Fin., Department, Dated. 12-05-1965 Grant of earned
leave/Privilege leave Instructions
G.O.Ms.No. 224 Fin., (F.R.I) Department, Dated. 03-11-1966 Post Graduate
Courses Study of Treatment of absence
Memo No. 409204/1120/F.R.I/68-1/A Fin., Department, dated 03-04-1968 Availment of
leave that earned during emergency service.
G.O.Ms.No. 238 Fin., & Plg., (F.R.I) Department, dated. 13-08-1969 Earned leave and
leave on average pay surrender of Payment of leave salary.
Memo No. 52729/a/681/F.R.I/68-1 Fin., Department, dated 11-10-1969 Surrender of EL
and leave on average pay ? Clarification
G.O.Ms.No. 211 Fin., (F.R.I) Department Dated.10-04-1972 Leave salary and allowances
for surrender of leave by other State Govt., of Central Govt., servants deputed to this
State Govt.,
Memo No. 64861/797/F.R.I/71-1 Fin., Department, dated 14-07-1972 Grant of HRA,
OCA etc. during surrendered leave period
G.O.Ms.No. 181 & F&P (F.R.I & L) Department, dated. 16-07-1973 Accumulation and
Availment of Privilege/Earned Leave by Last Grade Govt., servants.
G.O.Ms.No. 172 F&P (F.W.F.R.I) Department, dated. 01-07-1974 Surrender of leave
without availing of leave
Memo No. 35326-C/748/F.R.I/74-1 Fin., Department, dated 17-07-1974 Surrender of
leave without availing of leave ? Payment of advance salary
G.O.Ms.No 221 F & P (F.R.I) Department, dated. 23-8-1974 surrender of leave without
availing of leave extension of the benefit of temporary Govt., servant.
Memo No. 20584/302/F.R.1/74- Fin. Dept. dated. 12-9-1974 Eligibility for grant of half
pay leave to the temporary Govt. servants
Memo No.47774/1177/F.R.I/74 Fin. Dept. dated. 7-11-1974 surrender of leave with out
availing of leave Extension of the benefit to temporary class-IV Govt. servants
G.O.Ms.No. 306 F & P (F.R.I) Department, Dated. 08-11-1974 surrender of leave without
availing of leave payment of cash value of earned leave/privilege leave surrendered
G.O.Ms.No. 809 G.A. (SPL) Department, Dated. 11-12-1974 Surrender of earned
leave Extension to the member of all India Services
G.O.Ms.No. 186 F & P (F.R.I) Department, Dated. 23-07-1975 Limit of Commuted
Leaves raised form 180 to 240 days
G.O.Ms.No. 208 F&P (F.W.F.R.I) Department, Dated. 16-08-1975 Liberalization of
leaves rules.
G.O.Ms.No. 390 F & P (F.W.F.R.I) Department, Dated. 31-12-1975 payment of cash
value of earned/privilege leave surrendered certain amendments
Memo No.49395/149/F.R.I/75-1 F&P Dept dated. 6-1-1976 payment of surrender leave
salary to Govt. servants in Foreign Service
G.O.Ms.No. 27 F&P (F.W. F.R-I) Dept. dated. 19-1-1976 liberalization of leave rulesfurther orders
G.O.Ms.No. 35 F&P (F.W.F.R-I) Department dated. 31-1-1976 leave salary and
allowances for surrender of leave by state Government servants on deputation ? Liability
of ?Orders
G.O.Ms.No. 324 F&P (FM.F.R-I) Department, Dated. 30-07-1976 Encashment of leave ?
Applicability to the re-employed pensioners
Memo No. 92580/C-1768/F.R.I/76-1 Fin., Department, dated. 31-01-1977 Encashment of
leave by the retiring/deceased Govt., Servants.
G.O.Ms.No. 334 F & P (F.W.F.R.I) Department, Dated. 28-09-1977 Surrender leave
availment in a block period
G.O.Ms.No. 384 F & P (F.W.F.R.I) Department, Dated. 05-11-1977 Simplification of
leave rules
G.O.Ms.No. 415 F & P (F.W.F.R-I) Department Dated.30-11-1977 Limit of encashment
of earned leaves at the credit enhanced from 120 to 180 days
Memo No. 106288/1893/F.R.I/77-1 Fin., Dated. 30-05-1978 Availment of surrender leave
in a block period Certificate
G.O.Ms.No. 183 F & P (F.W.F.R-1) Department, Dated. 21-07-1978 Extra-ordinary
leave-Exemption of bonds by Govt. Servants
G.O.Ms.No. 463 P & S.E (H) Department, Dated. 04-05-1979 Sanction of Maternity leave
for 90 days to women teachers working under local bodies & aided managements.
Memo No. 50798/1063/F.R.I/79-1 Fin., Department, Dated. 22-11-1979 Surrender of
leave while in service and encashment of leave on retirement - crediting advance credit of
G.O.Ms.No. 35 Edn. (H) Department Dated. 16-01-1981 Drafting of Teachers during
holiday for enumeration of census etc. ? Reservation of leave
G.O.Ms.No. 52 G.A. (Poll. B) Department Dated. 04-02-1981 Increase of C.Ls & O.Hs to
15 days and 5 days
Memo No. 86595/1210/F.R.I/7 Fin., Department, Dated. 29-05-1981 Prefixing and
Suffixing of Holidays and vaction, O.Hs
G.O.Ms.No. 562 Edn., (H) Department Dated. 23-06-1981 Sanction of Maternity Leave of
90 days to female Teachers in Govt., Educational Institutions
U.O.No. 31504-A/978/A.a/81-2 Fin., Department, dated 03-08-1981 Class ? IV Govt.,
Employees more than 15 years of regular service permitted to surrender 30 days E.L.,
G.O.Ms.No. 329 F & P (F.W.F.R.I) Department, Dated. 17-12-1982 Class-IV Govt.,
Servants having less than 15 years of service are allowed privilege leave/E.L on par with
employees in superior service
41 G.O.Ms.No. 9 F & P (F.W.F.R.I) Department Dated.10-01-1983 Eligibility of E.L/P.L for
last grade Govt., Servants
G.O.Ms.No. 10 F & P (F.W.F.R.I) Department, Dated. 10-01-1983 Accumulation of
earned leave enhanced from 180 to 240 days
43 G.O.Ms.No. 638 G.A. Department 30-12-1983 Special C.L. to the Dist. Unit office bearers
of the Teachers Unions
44 G.O.Ms.No. 137 M & H Department, Dated. 23-02-1984 Special C.L to blood donors
Memo No. 8903/69-A/241/F.R./89-I Fin. Department dated. 31-3-1989 Encashment of
E.L. during financial year 1989-90
Meno No.8672-A/305/F.R.I/89-1 Fin. Department dated. 13-4-1989 Encashment of E.L.
during the year 1989-90-Further instructions
Memo No. 313/833/F.R.I/89-1 Fin. Department dated. 1-5-1989 Encashment of E.L.
during 1989-90-Further instructions
G.O.Ms.No. 420 F&P (F.W.F.R.I) Department dated. 21-11-1989 No. of days E.L
Enhanced to teaching and non-teaching staff
G.O.Ms.No. 420 F&P (F.W.F.R.I) Department dated. 3-12-1990 Encashment of E.L. on
retirement-ceiling raised from 180 to 240 days
G.O.Ms.No. 238 F & P (F.W.F.R.I) Department, Dated. 16-09-1991 Enhancement of
ceiling form 180 to 240 days ? Extension to the Govt., Servant who die while in service
G.O.Ms.NO. 268 F & P(F.W.F.R.I) Department, Dated. 29-10-1991 Entitlement of full
pay in lieu of half pay leave for a period of 6 months to those employees suffering from
?Renal Failure?
G.O.Ms.No. 38 F & P (F.W.F.R.I) Department, Dated. 18-03-1992 Confining the 90 days
of Maternity leave to those female Govt., Servants having less than 2 surviving children
G.O.Ms.No. 263 F & P (F.W.F.R.I) Department, Dated. 22-06-1992 Grant of special C.L.
to Govt., Servants participating in trekking expeditions
G.O.Ms.No. 7 F & P (F.W.F.R.I) Department, Dated. 11-01-1994 Admissibility of HRA
during half pay leave
G.O.(P).No. 21 F & P (F.W.F.R.I Department Dated.19-01-1994 Admissibility of DA
during Half Pay Leave
G.O.Ms.No. 7 F & P (F.W.F.R.I) Department, Dated. 24-02-1994 Encashment of E.L. on
retirement on superannuation/Death Extensions of Benefits
G.O.Ms.No. 317 Edn., (Ser.V) Department Dated. 15-09-1994 Enhancement of E.L. from
5 to 6 days to the teaching and non-teaching staff.
G.O.Ms.No. 470 G.A. (Ser.Wel) Department, Dated. 16-09-1994 Special C.L. of 21 days
to principal office bearers of all recognized service associations represented on J.S.C
G.O.Ms.No. 337 F & P (F.W.P.C.-II) Department, Dated. 29-09-1994 Employees
Residing in Govt., Quarter Eligibility of HRA during surrender leave salary
G.O.Ms.No. 342 F & P (F.W.F.R.I) Department, Dated. 30-09-1994 Encashment of leave
on half pay at the time retirement
G.O.Ms.No. 254 F & P (F.W.F.R.I) Department, Dated. 10-11-1995 Enhancement of
Maternity leave to women Govt., Servants from 90 days to 120 days
G.O.Ms.No. 1036 G.A.(Ser.Wel) Department Dated. 29-11-1995 Special C.L. of 21 days
to the Recognized Service Associations Principal Officer bearers at District Level
G.O.Ms.No. 283 F & P (F.W.F.R.-I) Department, Dated. 27-12-1995 Enhancement of
Maternity Leave from 90 to 120 days ?Benefit extended to those Female Employees
already on Maternity Leave.
G.O.Ms.No. F & P (F.W.F.R.I-IV) Department, Dated. 05-02-1996 Employees Residing
in Govt., Quarters Eligibility of HRA and Addl., HRA during Surrender Leave Salary
G.O.Ms.No. 37F&P (FW.FR-I) Department, dated. 26-2-1996 Maternity leave granted
for second or subsequent confinements if only one child born earlier is alive.
G.O.Ms.No. 38 F&P (FW.FR-I) Department dated. 26-2-1996 Encashment of leave on
death/Drawl of full pay and allowances-clarification
G.O.Rt.No.374 Edn., (Ser.V)Dept. dated. 16-3-1996 Sanction of 5 days extra C.Ls. for
women teachers.
G.O.Ms.No. 134 Edn., (Ser.V) Department dated. 10-6-1996 Apprentice teachers are
eligible for leaves on par with regular teachers
G.O.Ms.No. 214 F&P (FW.FR.I) Department, dated. 3-9-1996 Grant of leave for 5 years
to Govt., Servants to take up employment abroad
G.O.Ms.No.11 F&P (FW.FR-I) Department dated. 15-1-1997 Encashment of E.LWithholding / withdrawing the benefit of cash payment
Memo No.27/423/A-2/FR-I/97-1 Fin. Dept. dated. 18-8-1997 Surrender of E.L. while in
service by Govt.Employees-clarification
U.O. No.13127-A/113/F.R.I/98 Fin.Department dated.13-5-1998 Grant of 5 years leave to
takeup emploment abroad instructions
Memo No.21102-B/371/A-2/F.R.-I/98 dated.7-8-1998 Grant of E.O.L. on Medical
grounds instructions
Memo No.31948/398/PC-I/98-1 Fin Department dated. 12-8-1998 Reckoning interim
relief for encashment of leave clarification
G.O.Ms. 232 Home Department dated. 22-8-1998 Sanction of Spl. C.L.-Powers
delegatedatedo D.G.& I.G.P.
G.O.Ms.No.234 F&P (FW.FR-I) Department dated. 27-10-1998 Encashment of leave on
half pay at the time of retirement ? further instructions
Memo No.49578/905/F.R-I/A-2/98 Fin., Department dated. 23-2-1999 Encashment of
leave on half pay at the time of retirement ? clarification
G.O. Ms.No.317 G.A.(AR&T-III) Department dated. 8-9-2000 Sanction of 10 days leave
to attend the Vipasana Meditation course
G.O.Ms.No.351 G.A.(AR& T-III)Department dated. 18-10-2000 Vipasana Meditation
Course - Certain amendments
G.O.Ms.No. 161 Edn. (Ser.V) Department dated. 14-11-2000 Drafting of teachers during
holidays for enumeration,census etc. ?Reservation of leave
G.O.Ms.No. 756 Fin. (FR-I) Department dated. 7-8-2002 Grant of leave for 5 years to
takeup employment abroad ?Amendment
82 G.O.Rt.No. 197 W.C.W & D.W. (Estt.) Department dated. 14-5-2003 consolidated
amount equal to 45 days of salary in lieu of Maternity leave to the women employees
appointed on contract basis.
83 G.O.Ms.No. 69 S.E. (P.S.-I) Department dated. 6-6-2003 Enhancement of maternity leave
from 90 days to 120 days to female teachers working in aided institutions
Memo.No. 12091-A/296/F.R-I/103 Fin. Department dated. 8-6-2003 Surrender of E.LEncashment during the financial year 2003-04
85 G.O. Rt.No. 3027 G.A. (Ser.Wel.I)Department dated. 9-6-2004 Regularisation of Strike
period on 24-2-2004
86 Memo.No. 11926-A/238/F.R-I/2004 dated. 18-6-2004 Encashment of E.L. during 2004
87 G.O.Rt.No. 4013 G.A. (Ser.wel.I) Department, Dated. 26-7-2004 Spl., C.L. for Strike
/Bandh call on 11-5-2000
Leave Rules
18. (a). The half pay leave admissible to a Government Servant in permanent employ in last
grade service in respect of each completed year of service is 20 days. (G.O.Ms.No. 165
Finance, dated: 17-08-1967)
(b). The half pay leave due may be granted to a permanent Government servant in last grade
service on medical certificate or on private affairs.
Note: The leave already taken as leave on medical certificate shall be debited against the
leave due or admissible under this rule.
1. The maximum limit for availment of committed leave in conjunction with earned leave is
removed vides G.O.Ms.No 384 Fin., Dated. 05-11-1977. The limit needs to be removed if it is
availed of in conjunction with other kinds of leave also. If the leave already taken exceeds the
limit prescribed under this rule, no further leave, till the excess debit is wiped off by accrual
of half pay leave at the said rate shall be granted, but the leave salary already granted shall
not be affected.
(G.O.Ms.No. 300 Fin., Dated. 18-11-1965 and G.O.Ms.No. 143 Fin., Dated. 01-06-1968)
18-B: Omitted-Vide G.O.Ms.No. 300 Fin., dated 18-11-1965
A permanent Government servant in last grade service may be granted leave on medical
certificate for the treatment of tuberculosis or leprosy.
Provided that a medicate certificate from the Government servant?s authorized medical
attendant or the Medical Officer in-charge of a recognized sanatorium, in the case of those
undergoing treatment in a recognized sanatorium, is produced. The prospect of returning to
duty on the expiry of the leave should be assessed on the basis of the certificate given by the
appropriate medical authority.
(G.O.Ms.No. 300 Fin., dated. 18-11-1965)
18-B: Commuted leave not exceeding half the amount of half pay leave due may be granted
on medical certificate to a permanent Government servant in last grade service subject to the
following conditions: (i).Commuted leave during the entire service shall be limited to a maximum of 2 (one hundred
and eighty days).
(ii).When commuted leave is granted, twice the amount of such leave shall be debited against
the half pay leave due.
(iii).The total duration of earned leave and commuted leave taken in conjunction shall not
exceed two hundred and forty days.
Provided that no commuted leave may be granted under this rule unless the authority
competent to sanction leave has reasons to believe that Government servant will return to
duty on its expiry.
Note: When commuted leave is granted to a Government Servant under this rule and when
the Government servant intends to retire or resign subsequently, the commuted leave should
be converted to half pay leave and the difference between the leave salary in respect of
commuted leave and half pay leave should be recovered from him. An under taking to this
effect should, therefore, be taken from the Government servant whenever commuted leave is
sanctioned to him. In all cases of resignation and voluntary retirement refund of excess leave
salary should be enforced, while in cases where the retirement is compulsorily thrust upon
him by reasons of ill-health in capacitating him for further service 1(or in public interest) 2(or
when he dies before resuming his duty) on refund should be enforced.
(G.O.Ms.No. 300 Fin. Dated. 18-11-1965)
18-C: Save in the case of leave preparatory to retirement leave not due may be granted to a
permanent Government servant in last grade service only on medical certificate for a period
not exceeding 180 days during the entire service. Such leave will be debited against the half
pay leave the Government servant may earn subsequently.
Note (1): Leave not due should be granted only if the authority empowered to sanction leave
is satisfied that there is a reasonable prospect of the Government servant returning to duty
on the expiry of the leave and it should be limited to the half pay leave he is likely to earn
Note (2): Where a Government servant who has been granted leave not due under this clause
applies for permission to retire voluntarily, the leave not due shall, if the permission is
granted, be cancelled.
Note (3): With reference to Note (2), the retirement in such cases shall have effect from the
date on which such leave commenced. An undertaking to this effect should, therefore, be
taken from Government servants who avail of leave not due. The question whether a
Government servant should be called upon to refund the amount of leave salary should be
decided on the merits of each case. E.g. if the retirement is voluntary, refund should be
enforced. If it is unavoidable by reasons of ill health incapacitating him for further service, no
refund need be insisted upon.
It has further been decided that when leave not due is granted to Government servant under
the above rule and he applies for permission to retire voluntarily or resigns of his won
volition at any time after returning to duty, the question of refund of leave salary in respect of
leave not due already availed of before return to duty shall, to the extent it has not been
subsequently wiped off, be treated in the same way as laid down in the preceding paragraph.
(G.O.Ms.No. 453 Fin Department Dated: 07-12-1971)
Note (4): In cases where a Government servant who was granted -Leave not due- has to retire
under ?The Premature Retirement Rules 1975? he need not be called upon to refund the
leave salary for the period of- Leave not due- to the extent it could not be earned.
This will not cover cases of voluntary retirement under the premature Retirement Rules 1975.
(G.O.Ms.No 290 Fin. Dated: 19-11-1981)
Note (5): In cases where a Government servant is compulsorily retired from service as a
measure of penalty under The Andhra Pradesh Civil Service (Control, Classification and
Appeal) Rules 1963, the recovery need not be insisted upon.
(G.O.Ms.No 290 Fin. Dated: 19-11-1981
19. Extra Ordinary leave may be granted to a permanent Government servant in last grade
service on the same terms as for a permanent Government servant in superior service.
20. A non-permanent Government Servant (a). At the rate of one-eleventh of the period spent on duty, if he is a probationer,
(b). At the rate of one-eleventh of the period spent on duty, if he is employed in the x-ray or
Radium Departments of Government Medical Institution or employed as a Medical Officer in a
Government Tuberculosis Institution, or Sanatorium or in the Tuberculosis Department of a
Government Hospital; and
(c). At the rate of one-twenty second of the period spent on duty, in other cases.
Provided that a person coming under sub-clause (a) school cease to earn leave when he has
to his credit such leave amounting to 120 or 150 days, as the case may be, upto 31st May,
1964 and to 180 days from 1st June, 1964 and a person coming under sub-clause (b) or (c)
above, shall cease to earn leave when he has to his credit such leave amounting to 30 days.
(G.O.Ms.No. 11710/184/F.R1/68-1 dated. 03-09-1968)
Note: Government servants referred to in rule 20 (i) who are probationers and fall under rule
20(i)(a) shall be entitled to avail compulsory leave for one month at the expiry of the period of
every 11th month of duty as a probationer in the Departments and Institutions mentioned in
the said rule. Their earned leave shall, for each period of compulsory leave of one month
granted to them every year, be reduced by 15 days.
(G.O.Ms.No. 249 Fin., Dated. 13-12-1967)
(i). If he is in the last grade service, earns leave at the rate of one-twenty second of the period
spent on duty, provided that he shall cease to earn leave while he has to his credit such leave
amounting to 50 days, or 30 days, as the case may be, according as he is an approved
probationer or not.
(G.O.Ms.No. 344 Fin. Dated: 28-05-1955)
Note 1: If a non-permanent Government servant is superior service is in a vacation
department his earned leave shall be reduced by fifteen days for each year of duty in which
he as availed himself of the vacation. If a part only of the vacation has been taken in any year,
the period by which the earned leave shall be reduced shall be a fraction of fifteen days equal
to the proportion which the part of the vacation taken bears to the full period of the
vacation. Earned leave is not, however, admissible a last grade Government servant in
vacation department, who is not in permanent employ.
Note 2: A member of the operation subordinate service or construction subordinate service,
when appointed to a post in the state cadre on probation or under emergency provisions
shall earn leave at the rate of one-eleventh of the period spent on duty.
(G.O.Ms.No. 1907 Fin date 31-07-1960
When a Government servant is appointed temporarily in the first instance and placed on
probation at a subsequent date with retrospective effect, his leave account shall be recast
with effect from the date of retrospective regularization of his service, but the leave already
availed of between that date and the date of issue of orders regarding placing him on
probation with retrospective effect (or the date of return from leave, if he was on leave on the
latter date) shall not be altered in any manner and any additional leave that becomes due as
result of recasting of the leave account shall be availed of only after the latter date.
(G.O.Ms.No. 250 Fin. dated. 13-12-1967.)
21. The amount of leave due is the amount of earned leave diminished by
(a). The amount of earned leave which has been taken; and
(b). One-half of the amount of special disability leave taken on full pay under Fundamental
rule 83 (7)(b).
22. The maximum amount of earned leave that may be granted at a time to a temporary
Government servant shall be: (a). 120 days if he is a probationer is superior service:
(b). 50 days if he is a probationer in last grade service: and
(c). 30 days in other cases.
22-A. Vacation may be availed of in combination with or in continuation of any kind of leave
admissible under these rules:
Provided that the total duration of vacation and earned leave taken in conjunction, whether
such earned leave is taken in combination with or in continuation of other leave or not, shall
not exceed the limit prescribed in rule 22(a) or (b) or (c) as the case may be
Provided further that the total duration of vacation, earned leave and half pay leave
commuted on medical certificate and/or half pay leave shall not exceed 180 days.
(G.O.Ms.No.143, Fin., Dated 1.6.1968, Govt., Memo. No. 17182/467/F.RI/66-B, Dated 12.8.1968)
23.(a) (i) A temporary Government servant in superior service/last grade service is entitled to
half pay leave at the rate of 20 days for each completed year of service.
He may avail this leave only on medial certificate and after 20 years of service/One year of
He may commute half the amount of half pay leave due, on medical certificate, when
commuted leave is granted, twice the amount of such leave shall be debited against the half
pay leave due.
The total duration of earned leave and commuted leave taken in conjuction shall not exceed
180 days.
Provided that no commuted leave may be granted under this rule unless the authority
competent to sanction leave has reason to believe that the Government servant will return to
duty on its expiry.
Note: When commuted leave is granted and when he intends to retire of resign subsequently,
the commuted leave should be converted to half pay leave and the difference between the
leave salary in respect of commuted leave and half pay leave should be recovered from
him. An undertaking should, therefore, be taken from the Government servant whenever
commuted leave is sanctioned to him. In call cases of resignation and voluntary retirement
refund of excess leave salary should be enforced, while in cases where retirements is
compulsorily thrust upon him by reasons of ill-health incapacitating him from further service,
no refund should be enforced.
(G.O.Ms.No. 143 Finance, dated: 01-06-1968)
23(a) (ii), In the case of non-permanent Government servants, the duration of extra-ordinary
leave on any one occasion, shall not exceed the following limits:
(a). 3 months;
(b). 6 months, in cases where the Government servant has completed 3 years continuous
service on the date of expiry of leave of the kind due and admissible under the rules
(including 3 months extra-ordinary leave under (a) above), and his request for such leave is
supported by a medical certificate as required under the rules;
(c). 18 months where the officer is undergoing treatment for;
(i). Pulmonary tuberculosis or pleurisy of tubercular origin, in a recognized sanatorium; or
(G.O.Ms.No. 32 Fin., Dated. 22-01-1972)
(ii). Tuberculosis of nay other part of the body by a qualified tuberculosis specialist or a civil
surgeon; or
(iii). Leprosy in a recognized leprosy institution or by a Civil Surgeon or a Specialist in
Leprosy recognized as such by the state Administrative Medial Officer concerned.
Note (1). The concession of extra-ordinary leave up to eighteen months will be admissible
also to a Government servant suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis or pleurisy of tubercular
origin who receives treatment at his residence under a Tuberculosis Specialist recognized as
such by the State Administrative Medical Officer concerned and produces a certified signed
by that specialist to the effect that he is under his treatment and that he has reasonable
chances of recovery on the expiry of the leave recommended.
Note (2). The concession of extra-ordinary leave up to eighteen months under this sub-rule
will be admissible only to those Government servants who have been in continuous
Government service for a period exceeding one year.
Note (3). Government employees belonging to scheduled castes and scheduled tribes may be
granted extra-ordinary leave by the Heads of Departments only once, in relaxation of the
above limits to join pre-examination training courses at the centers notified by the
Government of India or by the State Government from time to time.
(G.O.Ms.No. 63 Fin. Dated. 03-03-1980)
(d). Twelve months: - where the Government servant is undergoing treatment for cancer or
for mental illness, in an institution recognized for the treatment of such disease or by a Civil
Surgeon or Specialist in such disease.
(e). Twenty Four months: - where the leave is required for the purpose of prosecuting studies
certified to be in the public interest.
Provided that the Government servant has completed 3 years of continuous service on the
date of expiry of leave of the kind due and admissible under the rules (including 3 months
extra-ordinary leave under item (a) above)
Note: This concession will be admissible only to those Government servants who have been
in continuous Government service for a period exceeding one year.
(G.O.Ms.No. 24 Fin Dated. 16-01-1971 and G.O.Ms.No. 32 Fin, Dated. 22-01-1972)
23(b) Unless the Government in view of the exceptional circumstance of the case otherwise
determines, no Government servant, who is not a permanent employee, shall be granted
extra-ordinary leave in excess of the limits prescribed in sub-rule (a) of rule 23.
(G.O.Ms.No. 532 Fin. Dated. 01-12-1972)
(c). The authority empowered to grant leave may retrospectively commute the periods of
absence without leave into extra-ordinary leave.
(G.O.Ms.No. 24 Fin. Dated. 16-01-1971)
(See Ruling (4) under Rule 85)
1. Casual leave is not provided for in the Fundamental Rules and is a concession to enable
Government servants in special circumstances to be absent from duty for short period
without such absence being treated as leave under the leave rules applicable to the
Government servant concerned.
2. No Government servant may in any case be absent on casual leave for more than 12 days
in the course of one calendar year. Casual leave may be combined with optional holidays or
Sundays or other authorized holidays provided that the resulting period of absence from duty
does not exceed 10 days. The fact that a maximum has been fixed for the amount of casual
leave, which may be taken within a year, does not mean that an officer is entitled to take the
full amount of casual leave as a matter of course.
(G.O.Ms.No. 2465, Fin., Dated. 23-12-1959 and G.O.Ms.No. 2094, Fin. Dated. 22-04-1960)
Note 1. Agency Officers are permitted to add to the amount of casual leave taken by them
from time to time, the length of time that is required to enable them to reach nearest plains
station and to return there from to their headquarter. The Agency commissioner, waltair will
fix the time to be allowed in the case of each agency station taking into consideration the
most rapid means of travel that an officer can be expected to employ.
Note 2. In the case of grant of casual leave to a purely temporary and emergency Government
servant the sanctioning authority shall use its discretion having regard to the length of
service put in by such Government servant.
(G.O.Ms.No. 999 Fin. Dated 30-05-1959)
Note 3. A Government servant may be granted casual leave for half a day either from 10:30
am to 1:30 pm or 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm.
(G.O.Ms.No. 112 Fin Dated. 03-06-1966)
3. Heads of Departments should intimate their intention of taking casual leave to Government
in the Department concerned.
4. A register of casual leave taken should be maintained in every office.
5. Members f works establishment may be granted casual leave on full pay or on reduced
6. Omitted. G.O.Ms.No 97 Fin Dated. 24-04-1981.
7(a) Special casual leave not counting against ordinary casual leave may be granted to a
Government servant in the following circumstances: (i) And (ii) and Notes from 1 to 5 under (ii) are cancelled vide G.O.Ms.No. 10 Finance and
Planning (F.W.FR-1) Department, Dated. 24-01-1992.
(iii) When he is summoned to serve as a juror or assessor or to give evidence before a court
in the Indian Union or Foreign Territory as a witness in civil and criminal cases in which his
private interests are not in issue, the leave to cover the total period of absence necessary.
(iv). When with the permission of the Director of Medical Services Director of Public Health,
and Medical Office/Assistant Director of Public health, Health Officer of public Health
Department is absent from his Head quarter, on business connected with Universities, the
leave to cover the total period of absence in necessary.
Note (1). In the case of Medical Officers/Assistants Directors of Public Health, Health Officers
of the Public Health Department serving on their own accord as examiners in the universities
of other states, the period of their absence from duty should be treated as regular leave and
not as special casuals leave. This does not apply to Medical Officer, Assistant Director of
Public Health, Health Officers of the Public Health Department who at the special request of
the Government of India or State Governments, are deputed by the Government to undertake
work on behalf of Universities outside the state.
(G.O.Ms.No. 233, Fin Department Dated. 17-11-1966)
Note (2). The period during which Medical Officers/Assistant Directors of Public Health,
Health officers of the Public health department are absent, with the permission of the Director
of Medical and Health Services, from their Headquarters in order to attend the meeting of the
Andhra Pradesh Medical Council should be treated as Special Casual Leave.
(G.O.Ms.No. 212, Fin, dated. 22-07-1969)
(v) Male Government employees, who undergo vasectomy operation under the family welfare
programme, will be eligible for special casual leave not exceeding 6 working days. If any
employee undergoes vasectomy operation for the second time on account of the failure of
the first operation, he will be eligible for a further special casual leave not exceeding 6 days
on production of a certificate from the medical authority concerned to the effect that the
second operation was performed due to the failure of the first operation.
(G.O.Ms.No. 257, Fin & Plg Dated. 05-01-1981)
Note: The grant of special casual leave shall be made applicable to construction subordinate
service, operation subordinate service, work charged establishment in the Nagarjuna Sagar
Project Organization and all other work charged establishments of others projects.
(G.O.Ms.No. 272, Fin & Plg Dated. 11-10-1974)
(vi) (a). Female Government employees, who undergo Tubectomy operation, whether
puerperal or non-puerperal, will be eligible for special casual leave not exceeding fourteen
(b). Female Government employees, who undergo tubectomy operation for the second time
on account of failure of the first operation shall be eligible for special casual leave not
exceeding fourteen days again on production of a medical certificate from the medical officer
concerned to the effect that the second operation was performed due to the failure of first
(G.O.Ms.No. 124, Fin. & Plg., dated. 13th April 1982).
(vii). Female Government Employees who undergo salpingectomy operation after Medical
termination of pregnancy (MTP) will be eligible for special casual leave not exceeding 14
(G.O.Ms.No. 257, Fin, dated. 05-01-1981)
(ix). Male Government employees, whose wives undergo either puerperal or non puerperal
tubectomy operation for the first time or for the second time due to failure of the first
operation (under the family welfare programme) will be eligible for special casual leave for 7
days, subject to the production of a Medical Certificate stating that their wives have
undergone tubectomy operation for the second time due to failure of the first operation. It
shall not be necessary to state in the certificate that the presence of the Government
employee is required to look after the wife during her convalescence.
(x). Male Government employees whose wives undergo tubectomy salpingectomy operation
after Medial Termination of Pregnancy (M.T.P) will be eligible for special casual leave upto 7
days subject to the production or Medical certificate stating that their wives have undergone
tubectomy/salpingectomy operation after medical termination of pregnancy. It shall not be
necessary to state in the certificate that the presence of the Government employee is
required to look after the wife during her convalescence.
(xi). Government employees who require special casual leave beyond the limits laid down for
undergoing sterilization operation owing to the development of post operative complications
will be eligible for special casual leave to cover the period for which he/she is hospitalized on
account of post operational complications, subject to the production of certificate from the
concerned hospital authorities/ an authorize medical attendant. In addition, the benefit of
additional special casual leave may also be extended to the extent of 7 days in the case of
vasectomy operation and 14 days in the case of tubectomy operation to such Government
servants who after sterilization do not remain hospitalized, but at the same time are not found
fit to go to work, subject to the production of a medical certificate from the appropriate
authority in the concerned hospital/an authorized medical attendant.
(xii). Government employees who undergo operation for recanalisation will be eligible for
special casual leave upto a period of 21 days or the actual period of hospitalization as
certified by the authorized medical attendant whichever is less. In addition, special casual
leave can also be granted for the actual period of the to and fro journey performed for
undergoing this operation. The grant of special casual leave for recanalisation operation
without any commitment to the reimbursement of medical expenses is subject to the
following condition: 1. The operation should have been performed in hospital/medical college/institute where
facilities for recanalisation are available. If the operation is performed in a private hospital it
should be one nominated by the State Government for performing recanalisation operation.
2. The request for grant of special casual leave is supported by a medical certificate from the
doctor who performed the operation, to the effect that hospitalization of the Government
servant for the period stipulated therein were essential for operation and post operation
3. The concession indicated above is admissible to Government employee who: (a). Are unmarried or
(b). Have less the two children, or
(c). Desire recanalisation for substantial reasons, e.g. a person has lost all lost all male
children or all female children after vasectomy/Tubectomy operation performed earlier.
(xiii). Special casual leave connected with sterilization, recanalisation under family welfare
programme may be suffixed as well as prefixed to regular leave or casual leave. However,
special casual leave should not be allowed to be prefixed both to regular leave and casual
leave. Special casual leave should either be prefixed to regular leave or to casual leave and
not both. Similarly, special casual leave may be suffixed wither to regular leave or casual
leave and not both. The intervening holidays and/or Sundays may be prefixed or suffixed to
regular leave, as the case may be.
(b). In the cases coming under clauses (iii) and (iv) above, when the absence from duty
exceeds the period which may reasonably be treated as casual leave under the discretion
vested in the head of the office, the Government servant may be granted for the entire period
of absence such regular leave with leave salary as may be due to him and thereafter extraordinary leave.
8. (1). Special casual leave will be allowed to a Government servant participating in sporting
events for a period not exceeding 30 days in a calendar year. The period of absence in excess
of 30 days shall be treated as regular leave of the kind admissible under the relevant rules
applicable to the persons concerned. For this purpose, Government servant may, as special
case, be permitted to combine special casual leave with regular leave but not with regular
casual leave.
The purpose for which and the conditions under which special casual leave may be granted
are indicated below.
The special casual leave will be allowed only: (a). For participating in sporting events of National or International importance; and
(b). When the Government servant concerned is selected for such participation
(c) In respect of International sporting events by any one of the following organizations as a
member of a team which is accepted as representative on behalf of Indi