Project title : water pollution in Egypt Names : Afrah al-sahiqy Manal al-saadi Asma al-saadi Noura alreashi 1 Index Introduction ....................................................................................3 The importance of research ................................................ ............................... 4 Find goal ................................................ ............................... 5 Version ................................................. ................................. 5 - The main causes of water pollution in Egypt ................................... 8-6 - Appropriate solutions to address the contamination of drinking water .................................. 9-8 Results ................................................. ................................... 10 Recommendations ................................................. ................................. 11 Conclusion ................................................. .................................... 11 References ................................................. ................................... 12 2 Introduction : Water is life can not be any organism to live without water so no life without water. As we are dealing with water, which is one of the most valuable things we badly exploited to the maximum degree possible, Nloth hands and Bmkhalafatna, and remnants of our lives and we know full well that all this waste will reach us, .either directly or indirectly The pure water is rarely seen today, and pollutants that reach the water today are costing us huge costs, whether as a result of the serious health effects on all human beings first and foremost, or as a result of an attempt purification modern technologies starting with the oceans and seas and rivers as well as groundwater. It has become the human intake of pollutants a day through drinking water and food, both because of biological contaminants or chemical contaminants has become a major threat to his life 3 The importance of research: Water pollution is one of the first and most serious problem on earth as it is considered one of the first topics that interested scientists and specialists in the field of pollution, and it is not surprising, then, that the size of the studies on this subject is greater than the size of those that .dealt with other branches of pollution :Perhaps the secret of this is due to two reasons First: the importance of water and its necessity, he enters in all biological processes and industrial, nor can any organism to live without him, Organisms need in order to live, and plants are other needs in order to grow, has proved Cytology that water is a component is important in the installation of material cell, a construction unit in every living organism plant mother was an animal, and proved biochemistry that water is necessary for the occurrence of all interactions and transformations that take place within the bodies of living is either medium or catalyst or inside in the interaction or the result of it, and proved physiology that water to do all the necessary functions without which the member is not available to him aspects of life and its .components 4 The whole so even with the verse that declares openly about creativity Almighty Creator in making water necessary for each organism, he says (and made from water every living thing do you not believe in) the .prophets / 30 The second: that water occupies the largest space in the biosphere, it is more a single substance found him, as of a water surface area of about 70.8% of the area of the globe, prompting some scientists to call (water ball) on the ground instead of the globe. The water is about (60-70% of high-end neighborhoods objects, including humans) and therefore the water pollution cause severe damage with the grave dangers of living organisms, and upset the ecological balance, which would be meaningless and will not have value if they spoiled the properties of the .component Parent Objective of this research: The aim of the research is to find out the main reasons that led to the contamination of drinking water in Egypt Thread: Called on the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights issued a report entitled "Water Pollution ticking time bomb threatening the life of the Egyptians" and that the report contains that about 38 million people drink contaminated water, the report said industrial pollutants untreated or partially treated by shooting them in the water supply is estimated at 4.5 million tons per year, and the report refers to 5 the high rate of cases of poisoning caused by pollution in the governorates of Egypt, was the share capital Cairo 35% and 12% and the Giza Governorate, 50% and Qaliubiya According to several reports and studies on the subject of water that there are 100 thousand infected kidney failure annually in Egypt due to water .pollution, this is not other diseases that they are susceptible to them There are multiple causes of water pollution in Egypt beginning of the 29 factories and 300 hotels that through the chemical residues in the Nile River, the end of the .dilapidated water network, which caused a lot of this pollution As the treatment plants of drinking water is not highly efficient in terms of its potential for treatment and removal of contaminated materials, and because we have a large list of pollutants, the cost of dealing with these pollutants big nor appreciates the state to create all stations with the same efficiency for this to be the stations with high efficiency concentrated in capitals the important places such as Cairo and Alexandria, which is highly efficient in production quantity and quality because they use methods of treating private and almost does not exist in the villages, not even in the capitals of the provinces and the reason for that is the high cost of treatment if he was in the water 50 contaminated, it is removed Almilothan most dangerous only because all contaminant is removed in a manner specific process requires added expenses and be Almilothan who are removing two pollutants that have a rapid impact on human bacteria such as Escherichia coli, which causes vomiting and diarrhea case collectively in the case of contamination of water contaminated with this. Of the main reasons for the contamination of drinking water: First: 6 Chemical pollution: This produces pollution, often from increased industrial activities, agricultural, near bodies of water, leading to leakage of various chemicals to and outputs of these activities that result in leakage in the water to contamination and change attributes in addition to change the properties of water natural. There is also contamination with organic matter which leads its presence in the water to change the smell Second :Pollution of the waters of the Nile River Where the Nile River has become a major source of continuous contamination of drinking water;, 99% of the drinking water sources come from the Nile River, and can not be able to water plants removed from the water. As well as the pollution of the River Nile with the most serious types of waste flowing into the river, including industrial waste which is usually out of the factory loaded with bullets and heavy metals that kill human health and endure many of the diseases, although stages of purification of the Nile water and add chlorine to purify water of bacteria only but does not purify water heavy metals and industrial waste of harmful metals. As well as the exchange of sewage river is one of the most persistent danger where he received during the recent reports that industrial pollutants discharged sewage water up to 270 tons per day, it 7 is equivalent to pollution from 6 million people, with an estimated solid waste that is discharged Nile about 14 million tons the hospital waste amounts to about 120 thousand tons per year of which 25 thousand tons of highly hazardous materials Exchange sewage River Nile The pollution of the Nile River led to a significant loss of agricultural production and 50% of agricultural production losses caused by the main due to water pollution Third: Freshwater pollution : Fresh water is water that deals with human directly. Has watched the sources of fresh water has deteriorated significantly in recent lack of :interest in them and that 8 The use of water tanks that have not been cleaned on a regular basis, .which is very dangerous Lack of clean water reservoirs when sediment is the most important configuration of reservoir sediment or pollutants so-called "turbidity" and accompanied by microbial pollution caused by either bacteria or a virus or parasites, and these sediments are only stuck with water .molecules The size of the problem contamination of drinking water in rural areas are greater than anywhere else, and that the lack of sanitation in many villages and often rely these villages to extract drinking water from groundwater, which can be mixed with sewage, and so drinking water in Egypt vulnerable to pollution from the outset in the Nile River to the end of the treatment plants and water networks, despite efforts by the .Egyptian government in this area Fourth: Pesticide contamination: The expansion in the use of pesticides intensively for agricultural purposes and health to the pollution of water bodies with pesticides organic either directly by throwing it in the water or indirectly with agricultural drainage water, health and industrial flowing to these bodies as leaking portion of these pesticides to groundwater. 9 Appropriate solutions to address the contamination of drinking water: - One of the most important solutions to address the phenomenon of water pollution is to spread awareness among the citizens and the private owners of the villages and the need to establish seminars that focus image importantly on the seriousness of water pollution and the concomitant serious diseases that lead and the image first to the spread of epidemics and to kidney failure and often may lead to death. - Sewage treatment in cities, villages and sewage. Where it is necessary sewage treatment in cities as well as the sewage before it reaches the water bodies has taken advanced steps in this area in many of the countries concerned, as Turn attention toward addressing drainage water and reused to irrigate agricultural land, as well as sewage treatment in major cities and use in irrigation projects. Get rid of maritime transport activity and what happened leak of oil or oil through .Burning or rinsing 10 Trying to bury radioactive waste in some specific deserts, because they leak and threaten the health .Groundwater Precautions to impose on a wide range of portfolio for the safety of groundwater as a source .Security of drinking water sources The Ministry must environment can play a major role and clear work to encourage competition in the field of scientific innovation for those who provide innovation reduces the pollution of waters of the Nile. Results It was my main goal of this research is to find out the main reasons for contamination of drinking water in Egypt but I am surprised by the large 11 number of these reasons as the drinking water in Egypt shrouded in pollution from all sides and I think that's all a direct result of the expansion in industrial development and population growth and lack of environmental awareness, as well as the misuse of Nile water exchange and factories and communities to its liquid waste in a manner directly or indirectly leading to water pollution and the change in the properties of natural water and there are several reports recently issued by the injury indicate many people illnesses as a result of contamination of drinking water Recommendations 12 This problem is the most serious environmental problems on earth must therefore tackle this problem with all our energy because this problem does not damage extends only to ourselves but to those around us, whether human or animal, or even plants. I also see that the government is located where it is to be on the Egyptian government to impose obligations and strict laws and fines against any diagnosed contaminate water, whether intentionally or unintentionally. Must also impose a financial penalty on large ships, factories and hospitals that received the waste in the waters of the Nile Conclusion: The problem of pollution of the Nile water may be responsible for some individuals or groups in society or even the owners of factories and companies that receive their waste does not matter who is really responsible for this problem, but it is important that the burden of the solution is the responsibility of everyone from individuals, government and state must be concerted all efforts to address to this problem and get rid of them otherwise would be a violent response not only affected, but to everyone. 13 References 14