44 Wragby Parish Council MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 5th OCTOBER 2015 IN THE ANNEXE OF WRAGBY TOWN HALL AT 7.15pm DRAFT MINUTES There were 9 members of the public attending the meeting. Present: Councillors N Bailey, T Buxton-Rockley, S Franklin, J Thacker and the Clerk – S Wallace Public Forum The Wragby Plant Minders advised the Meeting that they are planning to plant several thousand bulbs around the village over the next couple of months; comments concerning the lack of spraying and sweeping kerbs, the roundabout and the Cemetery Car Park; comments regarding the condition of the railings in and around the Market Place; comments concerning the condition of the footpaths adjacent to Turnor Square and the Louth Road; comments regarding the proposed development at Wire Hill Lane. ACTION - The Clerk to contact the County Council’s Highways Team regarding the comments relating to the bulb planting, spraying, weeding and the footpaths. 1. Chairman’s Welcome and Opening Remarks Cllr Thacker welcomed everyone to the Parish Council Meeting and requested that everyone help conduct the Meeting efficiently and effectively. Cllr Thacker proposed that, as had been previously agreed, Para 1(l) of the Parish Council’s Standing Orders should be suspended in order to comply with a new piece of legislation relating to the openness of local government. It was agreed that Para 1(l) of the Parish Council’s Standing Orders should be suspended. Proposed – Cllr Thacker, Seconded – Cllr Bailey, Resolved – Unanimous 2. Apologies for absence Cllrs Margaret Applewhite and Kimberley Carnell. 3. To receive Councillors’ Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 There were no declarations of interest. 44 45 4. To consider and approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 7th September 2015 The Minutes were agreed, approved and signed by the Chairman. Proposed – Cllr Bailey, Seconded – Cllr Buxton-Rockley, Resolved – Unanimous 5. To appoint a representative to Dove Park Bowls Club Cllr Thacker reported that Cllr Applewhite had volunteered to act as the Council’s representative and proposed that she be appointed. It was agreed that Cllr Applewhite should be appointed as representative to the Bowls Club. Proposed – Cllr Thacker, Seconded – Cllr Buxton-Rockley, Resolved - Unanimous 6. To receive the Clerk’s report on any matters outstanding from last Meeting Councillors noted that all of the actions arising from the last Meeting had been dealt with as follows:(a) To receive updates re: the Cemetery & Dove Park - The Clerk to contact the landowner and the grass cutting contractor. Actioned – Awaiting a reply (see Agenda Item 10) (b) To receive an update re: grass cutting - The Clerk to contact the grass cutting contractor. Actioned – see Agenda Item 10 (c) To receive an update re: litter and dog waste bins - The Chairman and the Clerk to develop a Draft Proposal for the next Meeting. Actioned – see Agenda Item 11 (d) To consider and comment on the Planning Application re: Land adjacent Cotswold, Louth Road - The Clerk to submit the Parish Council’s observations to East Lindsey DC’s Planning Team. Actioned. (e) To receive an update re: the Council’s Accounts for the financial year 2014/15 – The Clerk to draft a suitable reply to the External Auditor, to request comments from the Internal Auditor for the Chairman’s approval. Actioned. Finally, the Clerk reported that there has been an outstanding issue with Lloyds Bank, ie., transfer of funds to earn a higher rate of interest and formalisation of Clerk’s authority re: Bank Accounts. Although there were still problems with the Bank Mandate, he would be preparing the necessary letter to go to the Bank. 45 46 7. To receive the Clerk’s update in correspondence received since the last Meeting Councillors noted that the following correspondence (including emails and phone calls) had been received since the last Meeting:ELDC Planning Application re: 5 Horncastle Road (see Agenda Item 13) Recognition of ex-District Councillor’s service The Clerk reported that the Parish Council had been asked on a couple of occasions, most recently at the last Meeting, whether there should be some acknowledgement of ex-District Councillor Peter Phillipson’s service to the Wragby Community. Cllr Thacker reported that Peter Phillipson had been a District Councillor for some thirty years, he had been a Parish Councillors and had also been a Chairman of the Parish Council. East Lindsey DC has advised that, other than a formal thank you at a Full Council Meeting, there was no other form of acknowledgement. Cllr Thacker also reported that she did formally thank Peter Phillipson for his services to the Wragby Community at the Annual Parish Meeting earlier in the year and that she was not aware that previous Parish Councillors or Chairmen of the Parish Council have received anything other than a formal thank you. It was agreed that there would no further acknowledgement of Peter Phillipson’s service. Proposed - Cllr Buxton-Rockley, Seconded – Cllr Bailey, Resolved Unanimous Remittance Advice re: 2nd Instalment of Precept & Grant LCC Land North of Bridle Way Community Speed Watch (see Agenda Item 8) Other Horncastle Town Council re: Local Neighbourhood Plan (see Agenda Item 14) Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils re: Training (see Agenda Item 18) Ex-Cllr Vic Nash re: Old Cemetery The Council’s Internal Auditor re: letter to Grant Thornton Resident re: Dove Park (see Agenda Item 9) Various emails re: Planning and grass cutting 46 47 Community 8. To receive updates re: Parish Plan Priorities:(a) Community Speed Watch Cllr Thacker reported that, following a site meeting with officers from the Road Safety Partnership and Highways Team, two possible locations have been identified on the Bardney Road, one possible location on the Horncastle Road and one possible location on the Louth Road. Cllr Thacker also reported that she has written to letters to the relevant residents informing them of the plans to install posts and signs outside their properties and that the Clerk has been liaising with the company supplying the reactive speed sign. (b) Pedestrian / Road Safety An update meeting is planned with the County Council’s Highways Team later this month. 9. To receive updates re: Cemetery & Dove Park New Cemetery - Cllr Thacker suggested that, bearing in mind the comments made at the last Meeting, there was an opportunity to review the condition of the Cemetery and make any necessary provisions in next year’s budget. Cllr Buxton-Rockley reported that he would visit the Cemetery with the Clerk and compile some recommendations for consideration at the next Meeting. It was agreed that the Council review the overall condition of the Cemetery. Proposed – Cllr Thacker, Seconded – Cllr Bailey, Resolved – Unanimous Old Cemetery – The Clerk reported that, other than grass cutting (see Agenda Item 10), there was nothing to report. Dove Park – The Clerk reported that he had received an email making a complaint about alleged parking in Dove Park and requesting the removal of the fence and gate at the rear of the Bowls Club Pavilion. Councillors were satisfied that there was not a parking issue and a member of the public suggested that there was reference made to access in the original conveyance document. The matter was deferred until the Clerk could check the legal document. ACTION – The Clerk to check the conveyance document and, subject to his findings, to reply to the email and report back to the next Meeting. 10. To receive an update re: grass cutting Following the comments made at the last Meeting, the Clerk reported that he had spoken with the Council’s contractor, who had explained that this summer’s weather has created some problems for him and his staff and not just in Wragby – 47 48 the grass has been growing very quickly, the cut grass is longer and looks messier for the first few days after cutting. He would be prepared to collect the cut grass at the New Cemetery and would charge £30 per visit (twice a month), ie., an additional cost of £60 per month. The cut grass would go in the skip He advised that to collect the cut grass in Dove Park and other location around the Village would be prohibitive – in Dove Park, he would have to use another mower He has never cut the grass by the entrance to the yard in Bardney Road and he doesn’t know who has been cutting it – it was cut recently by the owner of the house by the entrance to the yard He will be cutting and strimming in the Old Cemetery shortly and will provide some feedback as to what could be done next year Next year is the third and last year of the Council’s contract with Tudor Grounds Maintenance so this will provide an opportunity to review what is required. Cllr Thacker suggested that the grass cutting requirements at the Cemetery should be included in the overall review of the condition of the Cemetery. 11. To receive an update re: litter and dog waste bins As reported at the last Meeting, there are a variety of colours, shapes and sizes of litter bins in and around the Market Place. Cllr Thacker suggested that the following proposal could be put to East Lindsey DC – The Parish Council could purchase five new bins, two to be located adjacent to the Notice Board and Bench (replacing the existing dog waste bin) and three to be located along the footpath from the Fish & Chop Shop to the Public Toilets (replacing the two yellow/orange and the one green bins) The Parish Council could purchase one new bin to replace the existing blue bin on the Bardney Road perimeter of the Car Park The Parish Council could purchase one new bin to replace the existing blue bin outside Dhindsa’s The “multi-coloured” bins could be relocated at the new bus stop outside the new Co-Op Store and other locations and the dog waste bin could be relocated to either Swallow Drive or Sawmill Lane The Clerk reported that he understood from East Lindsey DC that the cost of seven bins would be in the region of £1,500. It was agreed that the proposal should be submitted to East Lindsey DC for their consideration. Proposal – Cllr Thacker, Seconded – Cllr Franklin, Resolved - Unanimous ACTION – The Clerk to liaise with East Lindsey DC regarding the proposal. 12. To receive an update re: the Notice Boards in the Village The Clerk reported that he hoped that work would commence shortly. 48 49 Housing & Planning 13. To consider and comment on the Planning Application re: 5 Horncastle Road Ref: S/216/01098 & 01099/15) Cllr Thacker temporarily suspended the Meeting to permit members of the public to comment on the proposed development. It was explained that there was no longer any objections to the replacement bungalow but that there were still objections to the additional property. It was emphasised that, although the outline drawing is not clear, all legal rights of way would be maintained. Councillors considered the issue of parking and the significance of the additional property – the 5-property limit and potential adoption of the road – and agreed to support the proposed development. Proposed – Cllr Thacker, Seconded – Cllr Buxton-Rockley, Agreed – Cllr Bailey, Not Agreed – Cllr Franklin ACTION – The Clerk to submit the Parish Council’s observations to East Lindsey DC’s Planning Team. 14. To receive an update on Planning Matters since the last Meeting Councillors noted the following two issues:(a) Local Neighbourhood Plan – The Clerk reported that he had contacted the Clerk and the relevant Town Councillor at Horncastle Town Council as well as the Clerk at East & West Barkwith Parish Council. He was waiting on their responses to a possible meeting. District Councillor Nick Guyatt suggested including Hatton in the consultation process. (b) Fracking – The Clerk reported that there has been some press coverage of the possibility of hydraulic fracking around Wragby and that, although licences have been awarded across England, no planning applications relating to such developments have been submitted to the County Council. Finance 15. To receive an update re: the Council’s Accounts for the financial year 2015/16 Councillors noted that the latest Budget Monitoring & Bank Reconciliation Statement had been previously circulated and that the Cash Book reconciles to the Bank Accounts as at 22nd September. The Clerk highlighted:(a) (b) (c) When comparing the actual spend to the profiled budget, he believed that all of the variances are acceptable He was mindful that the actual spend on Employee Costs will exceed the Budget due to the decision re: his salary at the July Council Meeting The Council has have now received the second and last instalment of this year’s Precept & Grant from East Lindsey DC 49 50 (d) (e) The VAT that the Council has made so far this financial year (£1,527.92) is the subject of a claim to HMRC for repayment Finally, as a result of including two late invoices in last month’s Payments Schedule after he had checked that there were sufficient funds in the Treasurers Account, one of cheques was “Referred to Drawer Please Represent” as it would have taken the Account overdrawn by £66.39 and the Council does not have an approved overdraft. On receipt of the letter from Lloyds Bank, he transferred the necessary funds to meet the cheque and this month’s Payment Schedule. In their letter Lloyds indicated that they will also make a charge of £35.00 to cover their extra administration costs – he has already spoken to Lloyds in an attempt to waive these costs but they are not able to consider his request as he is not yet an authorised signatory but they will consider his request when he is. The Clerk reported that he had already advised the Chairman that, if Lloyds do not waive these costs, he will reimburse the Council for his oversight. (f) The Bank Mandate – the Clerk reported that the request to delete 8 signatories and to add 3 signatories remains “work in progress” – Councillors expressed their irritation with this issue and requested that the Clerk contact other Banks with a view to transferring accounts. ACTION – The Clerk to contact other Banks to permit the Council considering transferring the accounts. 16. To consider and approve the Schedule of Payments for October 2015 The following six payments totalling £2,027.72 were agreed:Tudor Grounds Maintenance – Grass Cutting (Sept 2015) Wragby Town Hall Management Committee (Hall Hire 3rd Aug 2015) Post Office Ltd – PAYE (Sept 2015) Steve Wallace – Clerk’s Net Salary (Sept 2015) Wragby Town Hall Management Committee (Hall Hire Sept – Dec 2015) 1,435.94 15.00 103.20 413.58 60.00 Proposed – Cllr Buxton-Rockley, Seconded – Cllr Franklin, Resolved – Unanimous 17. To consider the process for compiling the 2016/17 Budget Cllr Thacker suggested that there is a valuable opportunity for all Councillors to have an involvement in compiling the budget for the next financial year and asked the Clerk to organise a meeting before the next Council Meeting. ACTION – The Clerk to organise a Budget Meeting before the November Council Meeting 50 51 Governance 18. To receive an update re: the Parish Council’s Training & Development Requirements Councillors noted that Cllrs Applewhite, Carnell and Franklin may be able to attend a Councillors’ Training Day before the end of the calendar year and that Cllr Thacker and the Clerk would be attending the Chairmen and Clerks’ Event in November. 19. To receive an update re: the Council’s Standing Orders & Financial Regulations Councillors noted that Draft Standing Orders would be presented to the next Meeting. 20. Consider items for next Meeting Councillors noted that there would be updates on the Bank, the Budget, Community Speed Watch, Grass Cutting, Highways, Litter and Dog Waste Bins and the Local Neighbourhood Plan. 21. Date of next Meeting – Monday 2nd November 2015 22. Close of meeting The meeting closed at 8.45pm Signature of the Chairman: …………………………………………….…… Date:……………………………………… 51