Appendix V

Appendix V
Schedule of Reviews
Schedule of Reviews
(* denotes interdepartmental majors)
2011-2012 Unit Reviews
Department of Clinical Studies
Clinical Studies, GDip, MSc
Veterinary Science, DVSc
Department of Pathobiology
Pathobiology, GDip, MSc, PhD
Veterinary Science, DVSc
Department of History
History, BA
History, MSc, PhD (Joint Graduate Program - will be reviewed separately in 2013-14)
School of Engineering
Biological Engineering, BEng
Biomedical Engineering, BEng
Computer Engineering, BEng
Engineering Systems and Computing, BEng
Environmental Engineering, BEng
Mechanical Engineering, BEng
Water Resources Engineering, BEng
Engineering, MEng, MASc, PhD
Engineering Design of Sustainable Water Resource Management, GDip
Modelling Applications in Water Resources Engineering, GDip
2011-2012 Program Reviews
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Degree
Agricultural Science*, BSc(AGR)
(moved to 2015-2016 due to major program changes made in 2010)
2012-2013 Unit Reviews
Department of Human Health and Nutritional Sciences
Bio-Medical Science*, BSc
Human Kinetics, BSc
Nutritional and Neutraceutical Sciences, BSc
Human Health & Nutritional Sciences, MSc, PhD
Department of Philosophy
Philosophy, BA
Philosophy, MA, PhD
Department of Physics
Biophysics, BSc
Nanoscience*, BSc
Physics, BSc
Theoretical Physics, BSc
Physics, MSc, PhD (Joint Graduate Program - will be reviewed separately)
Department of Political Science
Criminal Justice and Public Policy*, BA
Political Science, BA
Public Management, BComm
Criminology & Criminal Justice Policy, MA
Political Science, MA, PhD
Department of Sociology & Anthropology
Anthropology, BA
Criminal Justice and Public Policy*, BA
Sociology, BA
Public Issues Anthropology, MA (Joint Graduate Program - will be reviewed separately)
Sociology, MA, PhD
2012-2013 Program Reviews
Bachelor of Arts & Sciences
Bachelor of Bio-Resource Management
Environmental Management*, BBRM
Equine Management*, BBRM
(moved to 2013-2014 due to major program changes made in 2010)
2013-2014 Unit Reviews
Department of Business
Accounting, BComm
Human Resources Management, BComm
Leadership, MA
Department of Economics
Economics, BA
Management Economics, BA
Management Economics and Finance, BComm
Mathematical Economics, BA
Economics, MA, PhD
School of Computer Science
Computer Science, BComp
Computing, General, BComp
Information Systems and Human Behaviour*, BA
Software Engineering, BComp
Bioinformatics, GDip, MBionf, MSc
Computer Science, MSc, PhD
School of Fine Art and Music
Art History, BA
Music, BA
Studio Art, BA
Art & Visual Culture, MA
Studio Art, MFA
Department of Geography
Environmental Geography, BSc(Env)
Environmental Geoscience & Geomatics, BSc
Geography, BA
Geography, MA, MSc, PhD
Department of History
History, MSc, PhD (Joint Graduate Program - with Laurier and Waterloo)
2013-2014 Program Reviews
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences
(moved to 2016-2017 due to major program changes made in 2010)
Bachelor of Bio-Resource Management
Environmental Management*, BBRM
Equine Management*, BBRM
2014-2015 Unit Reviews
Department of Biomedical Sciences
Bio-Medical Science*, BSc
Biomedical Sciences, MSc, PhD
Veterinary Science, DVSC
Neuroscience*, MA, MSc, PhD
Department of Family Relations & Applied Nutrition
Adult Development, Families and Well-Being, BASc
Applied Human Nutrition, BASc
Child, Youth, and Family, BASc
Applied Nutrition, MAN
Family Relations & Applied Nutrition, MSc, PhD
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Applied Mathematics and Statistics, BA, BSc
Mathematics BA, BSc
Statistics BA, BSc
Applied Statistics, GDip
Biophysics*, MSc, PhD
Mathematics & Statistics, MSc, PhD
School of Languages and Literatures
Classical Studies, BA
European Studies*, BA
French Studies, BA
Hispanic Studies, BA
European Studies, MA
French Studies, MA
Latin American & Caribbean Studies, MA
School of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Hotel and Food Administration, BComm
Tourism Management, BComm
2014-2015 Program Reviews
Bachelor of Science, Degree
Biological Science*, BSc
General Program*, BSc
Physical Science*, BSc
Bachelor of Applied Science
2015-2016 Unit Reviews
Department of Animal and Poultry Science
Animal Biology, BSc
Animal Science BSc (Agr)
Animal & Poultry Science, MSc, PhD
School of Environmental Design and Rural Development
Landscape Architecture, BLA
Landscape Architecture, MLA
Capacity Development & Extension*, MSc
International Development Studies*, MA, MSc, PhD
Rural Planning & Development, MPlan, MSc(Planning)
Rural Studies, PhD
Department of Plant Agriculture
Crop, Horticulture and Turfgrass Sciences, BSc(Agr)
Organic Agriculture*, BSc(Agr)
Plant Science*, BSc
Plant Agriculture, MSc, PhD
Department of Psychology
Psychology, BA
Psychology: Brain & Cognition, BSc
Psychology, MA, MSc, PhD
2015-2016 Program Reviews
Bachelor of Arts Degree
Environmental Governance*, BA
General Program*, BA
Individual Studies*, BA
International Development*, BA
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Degree
Agricultural Science*, BSc(AGR)
2016-2017 Unit Reviews
Department of Chemistry
Biological and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, BSc
Chemical Physics*, BSc
Chemistry, BSc
Toxicology*, BSc
Chemistry, MSc, PhD (Joint Graduate Program - will be reviewed separately)
School of Environmental Sciences
Earth and Atmospheric Science, BSc(Env)
Environmental Biology, BSc, BSc(Env)
Natural Resources Management, BSc(Env)
Environmental Biology, MSc, PhD
Land Resource Science, MSc, PhD
Toxicology*, MSc, PhD
Department of Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics
Food & Agricultural Business, BComm
Food, Agriculture & Resource Economics, BA
Food, Agriculture & Resource Economics, MSc, PhD
Department of Food Science
Food Science, BSc
Food Safety and Quality Assurance, MSc
Food Science, MSc, PhD
School of English and Theatre Studies
English, BA
Theatre Studies, BA
Creative Writing, MFA
English, MA
Literary Studies/Theatre Studies in English, PhD
2016-2017 Program Reviews
Bachelor of Computing Degree
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences
2017-2018 Unit Reviews
Department of Integrative Biology
Ecology,* BSc, BSc(Env)
Marine and Freshwater Biology, BSc
Wild Life Biology, BSc
Zoology, BSc
Aquaculture*, MSc(Aquaculture)
Integrative Biology, MSc, PhD
Department of Molecular & Cellular Biology
Biochemistry, BSc
Microbiology, BSc
Molecular Biology and Genetics, BSc
Molecular & Cellular Biology, MSc, PhD
Department of Marketing and Consumer Studies
Marketing Management, BComm
Real Estate and Housing, BComm
Management, PhD
Market Research, GDip
Marketing & Consumer Studies, MSc
Department of Population Medicine
Public Health*, MPH
Population Medicine, MSc, PhD
Veterinary Science, DVSc
Applied Arts, General, BAA
Applied Arts in Media Studies, BAMS
Applied Science in Early Childhood, BASc
Applied Science in Family and Community Social Services, BASc
Applied Science in Justice Studies, BASc
Applied Science in Kinesiology, BASc*
Applied Science in Psychology, BASc
Business Administration, BBA
2017-2018 Program Reviews
Bachelor of Commerce Degree
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Program