JMJ Walk Your Watershed Assessment Activity, due 6/9/15, will count as a test grade 1. Take a walk around your neighborhood starting with your home. Pay attention to the way the land slopes. Describe how the water drains from your home into your neighborhood. See how your home affects your neighbors and how your neighbors affect you. 2. Go a little further away from home, see how many and what kinds of storm drainage systems you can identify. 3. Continue out a few streets or go to a favorite park or wild area near your home. What do you notice about the condition of the watershed there? 4. Use the attached tally sheet and questions to evaluate the health of your neighborhood watershed. 5. List the types of storm drainage systems in your neighborhood or make a photographic record, identify the different types in a PowerPoint or on a poster (part 2 above). 6. Describe the general condition of the watershed close to home (part 1 above) and in your general neighborhood/park/wild area (part 3 above). Use words but you may accompany them with pictures or sketches. 7. Present your findings – Turn in the completed tally sheet AND 1) Write and type a page or two and upload it to GoogleClassroom OR 2) Make a PowerPoint and upload it to GoogleClassrom OR 3) Make a small poster describing your discoveries. Rubric 4 Complete 3 Tally Sheet - answers Detailed, thoughtful answers Minimal but thoughtful answers Record of Storm Drainage Systems in area Detailed, thoughtful descriptions Minimal but thoughtful descriptions Adequate descriptions Description of the general condition of the watershed and your home’s effect on the watershed and the effect of your neighbors on your home Written report/PowerPoint/Poster Detailed, thoughtful descriptions Minimal but thoughtful descriptions Adequate descriptions Neatness Excellent Well done presentation, interesting 1 or 2 mistakes Very Good Adequate presentation, Grammar, spelling Detailed, superior presentation No mistakes Tally Sheet - tally Total: _____________/28, __________________% 2 Partially done Adequate answers 3 to 5 mistakes Good 1 0 Not done One word answers or incomplete sentences One word descriptions or incomplete sentences One word descriptions or incomplete sentences Minimal presentation No answers 5 to 10 mistakes Could be neater More than 10 mistakes Could really be neater No descriptions No descriptions No presentation Walk Your Watershed Take a walk and discover more about the watershed you live in. Take about a half-hour walk around your neighborhood and tally the number of times you see items listed in the chart below. Then total your tally marks and answer the questions at the bottom of the page. Pollutant Tally (how many times see) Total Pieces of litter Bare soil Items stuck in storm sewers Erosion (loose mulch, sand, dirt on sidewalk, street, driveway, etc.) Evidence of flooding from past rains Muddy creek or stream Spots where oil has leaked from a vehicle Grass clippings Pet waste Piles of leaves 1. What pollutant is there the most of in your part of the watershed? ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. How do you think that kind of pollution could be prevented? ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. Where does it look like water drains after it leaves your property? ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. What are some things that moving water might take with it when it rains? ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. What surprises you most about your part of the watershed? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________