125 PECAN GROVE DRIVE ABERDEEN, NC 28315 Tel: 910-944-3452 moorephilorch@aol.com mporchestra.com Your hometown community orchestra helping develop students for the world’s stages Scholarship Application To be considered for a scholarship, please provide all of the following: 1. Complete application with attachments submitted to the Moore Philharmonic Orchestra by: THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 2015 AT 6:30 P.M. 2. Typed, 1-page statement, written by the applicant, addressing the following: a) Reason for scholarship application; b) Applicant’s active interest in the arts; c) Applicant’s educational goals. 3. Copy of applicant’s most recent official report card or transcript. 4. Two (2) sealed letters of reference with application; 1 academic, 1 music related [non-relatives] 5. All applicants should prepare to audition on April 16, 2015 at Sandhills Community College if deemed necessary by the Executive Board. Applicant will be notified of times. 6. The Executive Board has final decision in distributed awards. Please fill out the form completely and print. 1. Name _________________________________________________________SS#______________________ Last First M.I. (Required to receive funds) 2. Mailing Address_________________________________________________________________________ City State Zip 3. Phone ________________________________ Email _____________________________________________ 4. � Male � Female Age_______ Grade_______ School___________________________________________ 5. Instrument _______________________________ Years of Study _____ _____________________________ 6. Private teacher ______________________________Phone____________E-mail_______________________ 7. Funds are sought for: � Music Camp [Applied: � Yes � No Accepted: � Yes � No/Pending] �Private lessons � Other: 8. Exact amount of scholarship money requested: $__________________ 9. List any extracurricular activities, honors and awards to be considered: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 10. Provide any additional information that will help the panel in reviewing your scholarship needs: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 125 PECAN GROVE DRIVE ABERDEEN, NC 28315 Tel: 910-944-3452 moorephilorch@aol.com mporchestra.com Your hometown community orchestra helping develop students for the world’s stages Academic Recommendation Form The student named below is applying for the Moore Philharmonic Orchestra Music Scholarship. Your recommendation is very important in evaluating how the applicant’s qualifications meet the goal of the program: To assist music students with a demonstrated talent and career interest in the arts improve and expand their skills through lesson, music camps, or other activities. After you complete the recommendation form, please enclose it in a sealed envelope with your signature over the flap and return to the applicant before the scholarship deadline: Thursday, March 29, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. If you have any questions, please call Eric Kopecky at 910-944-3452. This section to be completed by the APPLICANT: Name of APPLICANT: ______________________________________________________________________ Reason for applying for scholarship: ____________________________________________________________ This section to be completed by the writer of the REFERENCE: Name:______________________________ __________________________Phone ______________________ Address:___________________________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip How long have you known the applicant? ______________ In what capacity are you familiar with the applicant’s artistic background?___________________________________ _______________________________________ Please use this form to comment on any aspects of the applicant’s artistic background, experiences, community involvement, etc., that you feel will help the scholarship panel evaluate the applicant. You may also use a separate sheet of paper if you need additional space. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Reference Signature _______________________________________________ Date ______________ 125 PECAN GROVE DRIVE ABERDEEN, NC 28315 Tel: 910-944-3452 moorephilorch@aol.com mporchestra.com Your hometown community orchestra helping develop students for the world’s stages WWW.MPORCHESTRA.COM Music Related Recommendation Form The student named below is applying for the Moore Philharmonic Orchestra Music Scholarship. Your recommendation is very important in evaluating how the applicant’s qualifications meet the goal of the program: To assist music students with a demonstrated talent and career interest in the arts improve and expand their skills through lesson, music camps, or other activities. After you complete the recommendation form, please enclose it in a sealed envelope with your signature over the flap and return to the applicant before the scholarship deadline: Thursday, March 19, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. If you have any questions, please call Eric Kopecky at 910-944-3452. This section to be completed by the APPLICANT: Name of APPLICANT: ______________________________________________________________________ Reason for applying for scholarship: ____________________________________________________________ This section to be completed by the writer of the REFERENCE: Name:______________________________ __________________________Phone ______________________ Address:___________________________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip How long have you known the applicant? ______________ In what capacity are you familiar with the applicant’s artistic background?___________________________________ _______________________________________ Please use this form to comment on any aspects of the applicant’s artistic background, experiences, community involvement, etc., that you feel will help the scholarship panel evaluate the applicant. You may also use a separate sheet of paper if you need additional space. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Reference Signature _______________________________________________ Date ______________