Rescue greyhound saves life of a very special red setter Launched

Rescue greyhound saves life of a very special red setter
Launched in 2007, Pet Blood Bank UK (PBB) is the first and only charity of its kind in the UK that
provides a canine blood bank service for all veterinary practitioners nationwide to help treat sick and
injured dogs. Now into its 7th year the charity is helping save 1000’s of dogs lives every year. Last
year alone over 1,500 units of blood products was supplied to Vets all over the UK.
None of this would be possible if it wasn’t for the support of dog owners all over the UK, who bring
their dogs along to donation sessions to give a pint of blood. Every unit can help save up to four
other dog’s lives. With more than 1000 dogs requiring a transfusion in 2012, the vital work which
PBB does has never been more apparent than in the case of a poorly 5 year old Irish Red setter
called Bonney. Bonney’s life was saved by a PBB donor greyhound called Nancy.
Bonney’s vet Jenny Smith from Pool House Vets, Litchfield explains - Bonney Cutler, a 5 year old Irish
setter and just one of the nicest dogs I've ever had to treat. She had a rare form of immune-mediated
haemolytic anaemia (IMHA) which caused her to destroy her own red blood cells (RBCs) in their very early
stages of production whilst still in the bone marrow. Bonney was severely anaemic which made her very unwell
and she needed a red blood cell transfusion in order to have any chance of survival while the drugs to treat her
illness started to work. Bonney was so close to being euthanized due to her continued deterioration but the
transfusion and treatment have now worked to get her on the road to recovery. Her owner is so thrilled that
Bonney is on the mend.
Bonney’s owner Linda Cutler adds: - “In April, after being sick after feeding for a few days, it became clear
that Bonney, was not well and we took her to our local vet who then suggested we take her straight to the vet
hospital in Lichfield. She was diagnosed with severe anaemia. A blood transfusion was the best treatment
option for Bonney to survive. She returned home with a lot of medication and although it was touch and go for
a while, Bonney is almost back to her fun filled self and playing with her favourite cuddly toys, of which she has
I can’t thank Jenny Smith at Pool House Vets and Pet Blood Bank UK enough for their help and treatment of
Bonney. After losing my husband 2 years ago, losing Bonney now would have been even more devastating. I
had never heard of Pet Blood Bank UK or ever thought about any of my dogs needing a transfusion. Pet Blood
Bank UK is just brilliant. I’d like to thank everyone who takes their dog to donate and encourage others to do
so, as the fact that Bonney is here today is a miracle. She is a very special dog.
Nancy’s owner Leanne Hall explains - “I was introduced to Pet Blood Bank UK by a friend who is a vet
nurse. I didn’t hesitate to register Nancy, my 7 year old Greyhound. Nancy came from Leeds Dogs Trust just
after Christmas 2011. She was found by the dog warden near a road with skin injuries on her legs/chest and
was taken into dogs trust, she made a full recovery and still has a few scars now. Nancy’s favourite things to do
are to eat and sleep! She has donated 3 times and is always relaxed whilst doing so. She loves the attention
and the goody bag she gets after donating. Nancy had been unwell recently and although she has recovered
and did not require treatment such as a transfusion, it brings home the importance of what Pet Blood Bank UK
does. I was really pleased to hear about Bonney. It's nice to know how Nancy's donation has helped.”
Katrina Wilkinson from PBB adds: “With so many seriously ill and injured dogs like Bonney needing
veterinary care, the demand for blood products continues to grow therefore we still need more
owners to register their dogs as donors to ensure we can continue to supply blood to vets to help
the many sick and injured dogs that need a transfusion, to give them the best possible chance of a
full recovery.”
Donor sessions are held three times a week in various locations throughout the UK. Donor dogs get a
full health check before donating. The actual donation takes up to 10 minutes and the donor is
encouraged to lie down and relax with their owner by their side. Afterwards donors are given a well
deserved drink and bite to eat, the equivalent of our tea and biscuits! Before donors leave, they are
all given an ‘I’m a life saver’ bandanna, goody bag and toy.
A dog could become a donor, providing it meets certain criteria.
A donor dog should:
be aged between one and eight years old
weigh more than 25kg
have a good temperament
never have travelled abroad
be up to date on all vaccinations
be fit and healthy
not be on any medication
Owners can find out more and register their dog for a future donor session on the PBB UK website