Jennifer Hernandez 1 L. NEGLEY Humanities, 3A 3/14/2012 Secreted Little Cottonwood Canyon lies with the Wasatch Cache, National forest, and along with the eastern side of the Salt Lake Valley Roughly down 15 miles from Salt Lake City, Utah. The ground strew with boulders and detached masses, fallen from the walls of white rocks reaching towards the distant rig lines behind the thick green vegetation shape is like a “U” the magnificent trees species which thrives in the floodplain and riparian forest ecosystems. The trees are forest growing and relatively short lives and provide immense habitat values of live monzonite sources on wildlife. Many plants cannot cope with saturated soil and periodic flooding that occur on rivers flooding plains with secrets along lakeshores Cottonwood grow quickly and die relatively young needs to a forest include many lies throw large trees and snags which are important to variety of wildlife species the descent down Cottonwood creek is a human gout, impressive views of the surrounding me with approximately that changes every countryside of the thorn butte make it beautiful. Tributaries and high-elevation basing was fill with hundreds of feet of glacial ice between 30,000 and 10,000 years age. Cottonwood Canyon glacier reached beyond the canyon and extended in to lake Bonneville, calving icebergs into the ice age. The canyon expends throw smiles down to lakes Valley glaciers in to high mountain tang flow down preexisting stream, and considerable allot of rock debris to modify the landscape. The rocks moving ice and making mass material and ice perform devious erosion that made the walls scoured vigorously and Jennifer Hernandez 1 L. NEGLEY Humanities, 3A 3/14/2012 smooth creating a deep and wider U shaped. The head of canyon where glacial ice originates, glaciers carve out amphitheater shape basins (cirques) partially bounded by high, steep walls typically, small lakes (tarns secret) from in this depression after the glaciers have retreated. Rock fragments embedded in the base of a glacier will carve multiple, parallel linear grooves into underlying bedrocks (glacial striations) and clearly show the directions of glacier flow showing my way down the rocks, including house- size boulders that are carried by glacial ice from source. The Cottonwood canyon glacier reached only about 15 miles down the canyon where it abruptly the lower 9 miles of the canyon are marrow and very twisty which is a characteristic result of stream erosion. Evidence that glaciers occupied the canyon from this point on up the canyon the main glacier range in depth from so to 800 feet the Little Cottonwood Canyon glaciers was the boniest 12 miles glacier in the Wasatch range, extending beyond he canyon mouth and entering lake Bonneville glacier ranged in various land cover features including coniferous. Grass and shrub, outcrop, water, and snow. Deed wall surround the lakes so the water in my life let me affected the boundary. Rocks divided into a secreted narrow ridge surface moving around the linear making a mass throw my life and value it with debris and linear ways to parallel, multiple problems moving around legatees holding sculpted and a bond to expresses my mass to fallen from the walls that hold me and elevation coming throw my vines expending beyond my needs. Throw year my family realizes that bounder had surround me with there lakes beyond what I thought Jennifer Hernandez 1 L. NEGLEY Humanities, 3A 3/14/2012 Quartz Monzonite large snags with impressive views cropping with water deeps out the trans. All the time I go to Cottonwood Canyon it remind me of my childhood in when I used to spend time with my father and the different way he will show me he love mu and he there for me but now it’s just memory’s blow in the air made from rock divided by narrow ridge showing tributaries high-elevation base were I used to be with my farther in the pasts and how caring and loving he was with his family deep down we miss him but time can only tell now at family divided like a boulders and the walls of rocks and narrowed soil and grow quickly and die relatively young.