Las Reglas de Pronunciación Rules of Pronunciation 1. THE EXCEPTION TO THE RULE: IF THE WORD HAS A “WRITTEN” ACCENT MARK IN A SYLLABLE, then THAT IS WHERE THE STRESS IS. Ejemplo #1: lá piz = LAH-peece (plural: lápices = LAH-peeh-sehs) Ejemplo #2: ma te má ti cas = Ejemplo #3: bio lo gí a = mah-teh-MAH-teeh-cahs byoh-loh-HEEH-ah 2. THE MAIN RULE -- The rule that’s in play MOST of the time BECAUSE most words don’t have ACCENT MARKS: If a word DOES NOT CONTAIN a written accent, then the stress can ONLY fall on one of two places in the word. EITHER THE... a. LAST SYLLABLE = if the word ends in a consonant other than 'n' or 's' (usually will be one of the following: c, d, j, l, r, z) Ejemplo #1: car na val = cahr-nah-VAHL Ejemplo #2: tra ba jar = trah-bah-HAHR Ejemplo #3: re loj = reh – LOH (breathy end to this syllable) b. NEXT – TO – LAST SYLLABLE = if the word ends in a vowel, n, or s (meaning, if the word ends in a, e, i, o, u, n, OR s) Ejemplo #1: me sa = MEH – sah Ejemplo #2: cal cu la do ra = cahl – cooh – lah – DOH – rah Ejemplo #3: mon ta ña = mohn – TAH – nyah